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Summary. Paraquat-based treatments were evaluated for the control of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., a perennial grass with extensive rhizomes of great regenerative power. Single applications of 0–5 lb/ac paraquat gave good initial control, but regeneration was rapid. Increases up to 2–0 lb/ac had little effect on the duration of control, nor did the volume rate from 40 to 120 gal/ac. When an initial application of 05 lb/ac was followed by two further applications of 0–25 lb/ac, when the level of control had decreased to 50%, lasting control was obtained. Application of 6–8 lb/ac dalapon followed by 0–25 lb/ac paraquat also gave good control, comparable with that achieved by the conventional treatment of dalapon alone at 15–20 lb/ac. La lutte chimique contre Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. en Malaisie Résumé. Des traitements utilisant le paraquat ont étè essayés pour lutter contre Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., graminée pérenne avec des rhizomes importants qui manifestent un pouvoir de régénération élevé, Des applications uniques de paraquat à la dose 0,56 kg/ha ement un bon eifel initial mais la régéneration fut rapide. L'accroissement de la dose jusquà 2,2 kg/ha n'eut qu'une faible incidence sur la durée de l'action herbicide, l'augmentation du volume de traitement de 450 à 1350 1/ha ne provoqua pas non plus d'augmentation de I'efficacité. Une seule application de paraquat à 0,56 kg/ha, quand le niveau de I'efficacité eut décru jusquà 50%, suivie de deux applications supplémen-taires à 0,275 kg/ha, donna une efficacité plus durable. Des applications de dalapon de 6,7 à 9,0 kg/ha suivies de traitements au paraquat à 0,275 kg/ha donnèerent un résultat aussi bon que celui obtenu par les traitements habituels au dalapon seul, à la dose dc 16 à 22 kg/ha. Chemisehe Bekampfung von Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. in Malaysia Zusammenfassung. Es erfolgten Untersuchungen zur Bekämpfung von Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv., einem mehrjährigen Gras mit einem ausgedehnten Rhizomsystem und starker Regenerationskraft, mit Paraquat, Einmalige Applikation von 0,56 kg/ha Paraquat hatte zwar eine gute Anfangswirkung, doch erfolgte rasche Regeneration. Eine Erhöhung bis auf 2,2 kg/ha war ebenso wie eine Änderung der Spritzbrühmenge von ca 450–1350 I/ha von geringem Einfluss auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Bekämpfungs-massnahmen. Eine einmalige Anwendung von 0,56 kg/ha Paraquat gefolgt von zwei weiteren Applikationen von 0,28 kg/ha, wenn die Regeneration ungelahr 50% erreicht hatte, ergab nachhaltige Wirkung. Behandlungen mit 6,7-9 kg/ha Dalapon gefolgt von 0,28 kg/ha Paraquat hatten ebenfalis eine gute Wirkung, die mit der einer konven-tionellen Behandlung mit 16,8-22 kg/ha Dalapon vergleiehbar war.  相似文献   

Growth characteristics of johnsongrass [Sorghum halepence(L) Pers] grown in the field from rhizomes 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 cm long were studied in a sandy loam soil for 2 years. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of tillers per plant, and fresh weight of new rhizomes and shoots were significantly dependent on the length of the planted rhizome 20, 40, 60, or 80 days after planting. All growth characteristics increased significantly as the length of planted rhizome increased from 2.5 cm to 10 cm to 25 cm Growth characteristics of Johnsongrass plants grown on rhizomes of adjacent lengths (differing by 5 cm) generally were not significantly different. Longer rhizomes (15, 20, or 25 cm) initiated new rhizome growth much earlier (about 20–30 days) than shorter rhizomes (2.5, 5, or 10 cm) Although all rhizome lengths showed a parallel growth potential, the lunger rhizomes were capable of more and faster growth, especially early after planting. It is suggested that Johnsongrass plants associated with longer rhizomes in the field as a result of limited tillage, coupled with their faster growth rate, are expected to interfere with crop production earlier than plants on shorter rhizomes unless controlled.  相似文献   

Summary. Studies on the physiological effects of dalapon in Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. were carried out. Field and glasshouse experiments showed that dalapon is freely translocated in the aerial organs and from these to the rhizomes. No transformation of the herbicide was detected during 72 h following application. In rhizomes as well as in stolons, dalapon caused growth inhibition and necrosis of buds while root growth was apparently not affected. This differential susceptibility was confirmed by culturing node explants in nutrient solution containing dalapon. Although dalapon killed aerial organs, most rhizomes were capable of recovery even when a high dose was applied. These results are discussed. Effets physiologiqius du dalapon sur Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.  相似文献   

The dynamics of sprout emergence and rhizome populations of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. were followed in two field experiments. In addition, the herbicide dalapon was applied at various stages during rhizome development and the degree of control was evaluated. Rhizome biomass oscillated during the growth cycle, whereas the number of rhizome sprouts increased asymptotically until mid-summer. Observed values were compared against those predicted from a thermal calendar model. The dynamics of the rhizome population was predicted accurately in both experiments, but only in one of them was the prediction of the sprout emergence satisfactory. The degree of control differed markedly between herbicide applications at various intervals during population development. Best results were obtained from applications when rhizome biomass was at a minimum. The time of minimum biomass was predicted by a thermal calendar model. The advantages of using the thermal calendar model to determine the time of herbicide application, and the possible influence of the distribution of the rhizome population in the soil profile on the predictions of the model, are discussed.  相似文献   


The germination of alang-alang rhizome buds was found to be affected by the colour of the buds, the length of the rhizome sections, and the orientation of the sections in the cultural medium.

The position of the buds on the sections did not affect the germination of the buds, nor did the differences in diameter of the rhizomes.

Subsequent growth of the buds was positively affected by increasing the lengths of the sections.  相似文献   

Summary. Two techniques for the comparative evaluation for the control of couchgrass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) were tested in 1960, and it was concluded that the more practicable was the one in which known lengths (96 in.) of couchgrass rhizome fragments were planted in a plot of 10 × 2 ft. The rhizomes were allowed to grow and herbicides were applied when the shoots were 6–9 in. high. Two to 3 months later the rhizomes were carefully dug up, weighed, measured and dried. Dry weight of rhizomes was used as a measure of the quantity of couchgrass present. Four trials of spring applications, and two of autumn applications are reported.
Of the commercially available herbicides, amitrole-T, TCA and dalapon were effective in that order, and presented no insuperable problems of persistence in the soil. Fenac and atrazine showed little promise. Spring applications of herbicides were considerably more effective than autumn treatments.
Essai d'herbicides pour la lutte contre Agropyron repens  相似文献   

The rhizome biology of Pennisetum macrourum was studied in a series of field and glasshouse experiments. The total available carbohydrate content of rhizomes remained between 15 and 22% of dry weight throughout the year, with fluctuations, related to the seasonal growth pattern. The percentage regeneration or rhizome fragments of one, two and four nodes buried at 15 cm was 13, 33 and 57, respectively. Thirty percent of 4-node rhizome fragments regenerated from a depth of 25 cm. In 11 desiecation experiment, regeneration of 3-node rhizome fragments occurred until rhizome moisture content was reduced to 14%, The time taken to reach this moisture content varied from 4 to 10 days depending on the temperature. The significance of these results for the control of P. macrourum is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. Three box experiments examining the effects of shoot removal on rhizome carbohydrate reserves are reported.
During summer in England the optimum frequency of hand defoliation for maximum loss of carbohydrate was 10–14 days. As in previous experiments, high levels of soil nitrogen sometimes increased the rate of carbohydrate loss from 9-in. rhizome pieces. This result was obtained when nitrogen was supplied as a nitrate, an ammonium salt, or urea.
Repeated applications of 2 or 4 oz/ac paraquat over a period of about 60 days reduced carbohydrate reserves to about 50% of the level obtained with the same number of hand clippings. It is suggested that paraquat may have been translocated to the rhizomes, the carbohydrate content of which may have been reduced by an effect of the paraquat on the respiration rate.
When plants which had been subjected to different methods and frequencies of defoliation were uprooted and buried beneath 2 in. of soil, there was a connection between the rhizome carbohydrate content at the time of burial, the ability of the plants to regenerate, and the rate at which new carbohydrate reserves built up during the following two months.  相似文献   

Summary. Early development of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers, was studied on one-node rhizome fragments planted at successive dates over a year. Aerial growth followed the changes in external temperature; in the cool season tops grew very slowly but remained alive. New rhizomes were formed only at temperatures exceeding 15–20°C. Flowering occurred in the warm season from May onwards. No relationship was found between flowering and rhizome formation. The age of plants forming new rhizomes decreased from 5 months for the January planting to less than 2 months for the May-September plantings. Rhizome bud germination was maximal between 23 and 35°C, slow below 20°C and inhibited at 10°C. The weight ratio of tops to subterranean parts of established plants was near 1 in winter, declined in March-April and remained at 0·5–0·6 from May onwards. An established sward of C. dactylon was sampled from September to November of the following year. Dry weight was lowest from January to mid-April, rose in spring and decreased in late summer. Almost no rhizomes were found deeper than 45 cm. Underground parts from the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm horizons constituted 62, 26 and 12% of the total weight, respectively; rhizomes formed more than 90% of the total underground dry weight. In the warm season the dry weight of the subterranean organs amounted to 2, 0·7 and 0·4 kg/m3 of soil in the three horizons, respectively. Percent dry matter in tops and subterranean parts was about 35–45% in the winter and 50–65% in the warm season. Up to 2% reducing sugars was found in various parts of the plants. The water-soluble sugar content of rhizomes was high in November-December, decreased in late winter, rose again in spring, and decreased in late summer. Percent germination of rhizome buds fluctuated greatly during the year, but complete dormancy was never recorded. Newly-formed rhizomes showed a high germinative capacity. Similar germination percentages were found on fragments with one node and those with several nodes. Développement du Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.  相似文献   

Summary. Comparative experimental results with dalapon-sodium and paraquat for the control of barley grass ( Hordeum leporinum Link) in lucene and subterranean clover pasture are reported. Sprays were applied 3–4 days after a simulated grazing.
At all rates tested (1–4 lb/ac), dalapon provided satisfactory control of, but did not eradicate, barley grass. Subterranean clover productivity was reduced substantially whether application was in May or July; lucerne growth was retarded by 4 lb/ac applied in July.
Paraquat applied at 0.06–0.25 lb/ac in May gave similar but somewhat less effective control than did dalapon. Some re-establishment of barley grass occurred as a result of late germinations following the May applications. Paraquat applied in July at 0.06 lb/ac gave unsatisfactory results, but at 0.12 and 0.25 lb/ac the control was comparable with that given by dalapon. Subterranean clover was damaged slightly by the May treatments but recovered quickly, after initial scorching, following applications in July. Lucerne was neither damaged nor retarded by paraquat.
The addition ofa wetting agent increased the efficacy of paraquat in controlling certain more tolerant annual grasses, but not barley grass.
Désherbage sélectif des pâtures ft des luzernes: lutte contre l'orge des lièvres  相似文献   

Control of perennial weeds, such as Elymus repens, generally requires herbicides or intensive tillage. Alternative methods, such as mowing and competition from subsidiary crops, provide less efficient control. Fragmenting the rhizomes, with minimal soil disturbance and damage to the main crop, could potentially increase the efficacy and consistency of such control methods. This study's aim was to investigate whether fragmenting the rhizomes and mowing enhance the control of E. repens in a white clover sward. Six field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden, and Ås, Norway. The effect of cutting slits in the soil using a flat spade in a 10 × 10 cm or 20 × 20 cm grid and the effect of repeated mowing were investigated. Treatments were performed either during summer in a spring‐sown white clover sward (three experiments) or during autumn, post‐cereal harvest, in an under‐sown white clover sward (three experiments). When performed in autumn, rhizome fragmentation and mowing reduced E. repens shoot biomass, but not rhizome biomass or shoot number. In contrast, when performed in early summer, rhizome fragmentation also reduced the E. repens rhizome biomass by up to 60%, and repeated mowing reduced it by up to 95%. The combination of the two factors appeared to be additive. Seasonal differences in treatment effects may be due to rhizomes having fewer stored resources in spring than in early autumn. We conclude that rhizome fragmentation in a growing white clover sward could reduce the amount of E. repens rhizomes and that repeated mowing is an effective control method, but that great seasonal variation exists.  相似文献   

P. RIEPMA 《Weed Research》1965,5(2):151-157
Summary. The doses required to give 90% control of three weed species have been estimated at different intervals after spraying for four herbicides: amitrole-T, dalapon-sodium, disodium mcthylarsonate (DMA) and paraquat. Using the point quadrat method, both first and total contact data showed Ottochloa nodosa , to be more tolerant to the herbicides than Paspalum conjugatum , which in turn was more tolerant than Axonopus compressus. Ottachloa nodosa was most susceptible to paraquat up to 6 weeks after spraying, but thereafter dalapon was more effective than either paraquat, amitrolc-T or DMA. For Paspalum conjugatum first contact data showed that paraquat was more effective than amitrole-T, particularly in the first 10–11 weeks after spraying, and that both were more effective than DMA and dalapon; total contact data showed that paraquat and DMA were the most effective chemicals for up to 6 weeks after spraying but that thereafter amitrole-T gave best results. Paraquat was the most effective herbicide against Axonopus compressus , while dalapon was more effective than amitrole-T or DMA.  相似文献   

A cytokinin-like effect of chiral 2-α-methylbenzylamino-4-alkylamino-6-chloro-1,3,5-triazines was found using a rhizome-inducing assay with Cyperus serotinus Rottb. tubers. C. serotinus tubers germinated in distilled water yielded plantlets with roots and leaves. Secondary rhizomes were normally not observed within the regular 14-day incubation time in water culture, whereas after increasing incubation periods a very short rhizome appeared (controls). 6-Benzylaminopurine (BA) significantly stimulated rhizome induction, while other plant hormones were inactive. The (R)-isomers of the 1, 3, 5-triazine compounds also stimulated induction of the rhizomes, whereas the (S)-isomers did not. The described rhizome induction system seems to be suitable as a cytokinin bioassay. The (R)-1, 3, 5-triazine compounds showing rhizome-inducing activity (RI activity) inhibited root formation and plant growth at high concentrations with symptoms which were very similar to those of BA. Therefore, the (R)-isomers appear to act as cytokinins in the rhizome induction assay.  相似文献   

The effects of seven herbicides, alone or combined with a commercial compound fertiliser, on nitrogen and phosphorus transformations in soil, were investigated in the laboratory. No significant effect was observed without the fertiliser. When the fertiliser (N:P:K ratio 20:14:14) was applied (2 gkg?1 of soil), asulam markedly reduced nitrification, while increasing the mineralisation of nitrogen; chloridazon, glyphosate, isoproturon and paraquat all prevented the reduction in available phosphate that occurred in the control soil in the first 2 weeks. The rates of degradation of dalapon and isoproturon were greatly reduced in fertilised soil. The importance of these results is discussed in the context of the requirements of registration authorities.  相似文献   

Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted from 1995 through 1996 to evaluate application timing of asulam (methyl sulfanilylcarbamate) for torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) control in relation to plant age in sugarcane. Above‐ground shoots of torpedograss were completely controlled with asulam at 2–4 kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha?1 applied 60 or 80 days after planting (DAP) in artificially infested pots. But some newly developed rhizome buds survived after asulam application resulting in 1–25 and 76–100% or more regrowth in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied pots, respectively. Whereas the herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP completely controlled above‐ground shoots, applied 80 DAP at 2 kg a.i. ha?1 it did not completely control the weed in the artificially infested field. Regrowth levels were 1–25 and 76–100% or more in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied plots, respectively. Asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 applied 20, 40, 60 or 80 DAP in a naturally infested field completely controlled above‐ground shoots and regrowth levels were 76–100 or more, 51–75, 1–25 and 26–50% in these same DAP applied plots, respectively. The herbicide applied at 4 kg a.i. ha?1 caused chlorosis on younger sugarcane leaves (one‐leaf stage), but when applied at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1, no injury symptoms were shown. The herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP resulted in remarkably higher yield and shoot biomass of sugarcane than that applied 80 DAP. This study suggested that asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 should be applied 60 days after planting for the maximum control of torpedograss regrowth and better yield of sugarcane. This study also indicated that torpedograss cannot be completely controlled with a single application of asulam in a naturally infested field because of rhizome fragmentation by cross plowing and distribution of rhizomes into different soil layers that require different times to emerge. The shoots emerging after asulam application could not be controlled. Another study is required to determine the interval between sequential applications of asulam for better control of torpedograss in a naturally infested field.  相似文献   

Summary. Trials with dalapon, paraquat and fenuron in 1963 and 1964, and with bromacil and amitrole-T in 1964, were carried out on mature Spartina sward. Dalapon, paraquat and fenuron all gave complete kill on some plots in 1963. In 1964, paraquat gave variable results and lower percentage kills than in 1963, whereas dalapon and fenuron were more consistent. Fenuron allowed a greater degree of regeneration than dalapon and was uneconomic at the high dose (60 lb/ac) required for complete kill. Dalapon gave the best results and with 100 lb/ac there was 98–100% kill 2 years after treatment. At 50 lb/ac results were initially good, but there was more regeneration in the second season after spraying. Bromacil at 5 and 20 lb/ac and a mixture of 5 lb/ac bromacil and 4 lb/ac amitrole-T maintained more than 99% kill lor 2 years after application.
La lutte chimique contre les formes fertiles de Spartina townsendii (s.l.) sur la cóte du Cheshire dans l'esluaire de la Dee I. Essais au champ sur des pelouses de Spartina  相似文献   

A series of glasshouse experiments was conducted to evaluate the activity of fluazifop-butyl, butyl 2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy)phenoxy] propionate, against Elymus repens. Foliar applications of doses 0·25–1·0 kg ha?1 consistently gave better control than did soil applications. The most obvious phytotoxic symptoms were chlorosis and necrosis, beginning with the youngest leaves 5–6 days after spraying, which spread to all leaves within 2 weeks. Translocation was measured by defoliating plants at different times after spraying and assessing regrowth and by evaluating rhizome-bud viability. At low doses (0·125 and 0·25 kg ha?1) translocation to rhizomes occurred mainly between 6 and 48 h. When fluazifop-butyl was sprayed at a dose range of 0·125–1·0 kg ha?1, at least 90% of the rhizome buds had accumulated a lethal dose within 72 h of spraying. In another experiment, with a dose of 0·25 kg ha?1, 31, 72 and 92% of rhizome buds were found to be non-viable when sampled 2, 24 and 48 h respectively after spraying. At 1·0 kg ha?1 all the buds had accumulated sufficient herbicide to prevent sprouting 48 h after spraying.  相似文献   

Mechanical control of Tussilago farfara is carried out mainly by soil cultivation. The aim is to deplete the energy stored in the rhizomes. The treatment includes cutting the rhizomes, to stimulate increased shooting, followed by renewed soil cultivation to destroy the shoots and incorporate them into the soil. Factors generally regarded as important in the control of perennial weeds are extent of fragmentation and burial depth. In this study, the importance of these two factors on T. farfara emergence was studied in detail in two pot experiments. Rhizomes were cut into different lengths (5–25 cm) and buried at various depths (1–42 cm) in pots filled with peat soil or clay loam. Shoot germination, emergence and early plant performance were studied. Intensive fragmentation and deep burial (possible to achieve using conventional tillage) are not enough to completely hinder emergence of T. farfara; 6‐cm fragments emerged and developed normal leaves from 42 cm depth, regardless of soil type. However, there were higher total emergence and emergence rates in peat soil than in clay soil. Burial depth was correlated with time to emergence; burying rhizome fragments, not longer than 25 cm, to at least 20 cm depth gave a time to emergence of at least 20 days. The delay of weed emergence should allow good establishment of a crop and ensure a significant competitive effect against T. farfara.  相似文献   

The three rhizomatous perennials Elytrigia repens, Equisetum arvense and Tussilago farfara are all problematic in Scandinavian agriculture, due to their low susceptibility to soil cultivation. While repeated soil tillage is a fundamental part of the integrated control of these species, it is highly energy consuming and inefficient during periods when little sprout regrowth occurs. Substituting cultivation with mowing will reduce the environmental impact and labour costs, but its efficiency will still depend on the capacity of plants to sprout. Therefore, we studied the seasonal pattern in emergence and rhizome biomass allocation from July to April in six populations for each of the species. Plants were grown outdoors in pots buried in soil and exhumed at regular intervals in a two‐year experiment. In all three species, biomass allocation to rhizomes continued until late in the autumn. Emergence was severely impaired in E. arvense and T. farfara in September–October, while in E. repens, there was no such reduction in the number of emerged shoots. However, in the latter species, the shoot/rhizome ratio decreased and remained low until the plants had been exposed to a period of low temperatures. The increase in shoot/rhizome ratio for E. repens coincided with the resumed capacity to emerge for E. arvense and T. farfara. These results imply that there is no need to repeat a defoliation of E. arvense and T. farfara, if carried out in September–October. However, removal of the aerial plant parts early in the autumn is important to interrupt the upload of storage compounds to the rhizome systems of all species.  相似文献   

Clonal species may benefit from human disturbance because their vegetative fragments may be distributed via soil. Solidago canadensis is an invasive rhizomatous perennial frequently found in ruderal environments. When creating new infrastructure, digging and cutting are two main factors that may influence the spread of S. canadensis into new areas. To have a better understanding of the invasive potential of S. canadensis, we investigated whether S. canadensis was able to survive and grow from stem cuttings as well as from rhizomes. Rhizomes and cuttings were collected from three populations in Eastern Norway. The rhizomes and cuttings were planted in a pot experiment to assess their vegetative ability to propagate. Rhizome fragments (5 and 10 cm long) were buried at 0.5, 10 and 30 cm depths. The cuttings were planted as 15 cm stems, with the bottom 5 cm pushed into the soil. The results showed that rhizome length did not have an effect on survival. Although some sprouting occurred at all burial depths, increasing depth had a negative effect on rhizome survival. In general, development of the cuttings was good, but there were differences between population performance and survival. These results imply that care must be taken when (i) constructing new sites, because digging and transport of soil masses may spread S. canadensis into new areas by rhizomes or cuttings, and (ii) mowing road verges and other ruderal areas to prevent the spread of stem cuttings from one area to another.  相似文献   

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