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The influence of weather and cropping practices on the population dynamics of the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus, a vector of wheat dwarf virus, is examined. The occurrence of the two annual generations was monitored by water traps in winter wheat fields in Central Sweden from autumn 1997 to autumn 2000. Surveys were also carried out in unploughed fallows, leys and permanent pastures. The results indicate that cold weather in early summer affected nymphal development negatively, and that the negative effect on population size may persist into the following year. On the other hand, warm weather in the autumn may result in a large overwintering population. Very few P. alienus were caught during weeks with average maximum temperatures <10°C, and in warmer weather catches increased with temperature. Consequently, late sowing of winter wheat decreases oviposition opportunities and the risk of virus spread because leafhopper activity ceases as temperatures decrease in the autumn. Adults of the spring generation were most abundant in fallows. However, phenological data indicated that the progeny were unlikely to reach the adult stage because fallows were usually terminated before nymphal development was complete.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is an important parasitic weed that severely reduces yields of sorghum in sub‐Saharan Africa. Pot experiments with the sensitive sorghum cultivar CK60‐B and the tolerant Tiémarifing were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to investigate the role of infection time on the interaction between sorghum and Striga hermonthica. Timing of Striga inoculation was used to establish delays of one and two weeks in first attachment of the parasite. In 1999, early Striga inoculation resulted in a relatively early first Striga attachment on CK60‐B. Although first infection of Tiémarifing occurred one week later, an identical final number of emerged Striga plants was observed. Plants of CK60‐B were more severely affected and supported a higher total Striga biomass. Only with this cultivar the interaction between host and parasite was significantly affected by delayed infection. Parasite biomass was most sensitive and already significantly reduced following a 1‐week delay in infection time. With a further 1‐week delay, an additional reduction in parasite biomass was accompanied by a strong and significant increase in total and panicle dry weight of the host plant. In 2000, first infection of CK60‐B was relatively late and occurred simultaneously with first infection of Tiémarifing and no significant effect of delayed infection on Striga biomass or host‐plant performance was observed. The results indicate that the influence of delayed infection strongly depends on actual infection time and confirm that earlier observed differences in time of first infection between the two cultivars do contribute to the more tolerant response of Tiémarifing to Striga infection.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a destructive parasite of cereal crops in the semi‐arid tropical zone. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted at Kamboinsé, Burkina Faso, to investigate the effect of inoculum substrate and location of Striga seeds on the ability of 14 indigenous Fusarium isolates to control the parasite. In Expt 1, Fusarium isolates reduced emerged Striga number, Striga vigour and dry biomass. As a result, sorghum dry biomass and grain yield were enhanced. Inoculum substrate did not influence the ability of Fusarium isolates to control Striga. In Expt 2, Fusarium isolates, substrate and their interaction significantly influenced germination of Striga seeds at both 35 and 50 days after sowing. Isolates grown on compost were more effective at reducing germination of Striga seeds than those grown on chopped sorghum straw. The per cent germination of seeds 50 days after sowing, buried at 5 cm depth, was significantly lower than that of seeds buried at 10 cm. At 10 cm depth, Fusarium isolates still reduced Striga seed germination with respect to the control; horizontal planting distance, 5 or 10 cm from sorghum hills, had no effect.  相似文献   

Infection of young roots of maize (Zea mays L.) by the parasitic plant Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. was examined. Attachment to and penetration of roots occurred within 1–2 days after inoculation. Subsequent growth through the cortex to the host stele and proliferation of parasite xylem tissue was commonly completed by 3–4 days after inoculation. Histochemical staining showed that young maize roots do not contain major wall-thickening components. However, an increase in cell wall fluorescence and endodermal cell wall thickness was often seen at the site of infection and in the surrounding maize root tissue at 3 days after inoculation. This host response was variable and did not prevent rapid and successful penetration by the parasite. In contrast, uninfected roots of Pennisetum setosum (Sw.) L. Rich., a species resistant to S. hermonthica, had substantial thickening of the inner endodermal cell walls and exhibited further cell wall thickening at the stele upon infection. Examination of infections on both hosts demonstrated the presence of autofluorescent material at the host-parasite interface. This material was thicker and more extensive at the P. setosum-S. hermonthica interface than at the maize-S. hermonthica interface, and contained polyphenols and lignin. Examination of the host-parasite xylem connections in maize revealed substantial invasion of the host stele by both parenchyma and tracheary elements. In a few cases of P. setosum infection, parasite cells entered the stele; however, this did not lead to successful establishment of the parasite.  相似文献   

Prevention of seed input to the seedbank of Striga hermonthica‐infested fields is an important objective of Striga management. In three consecutive years of field experimentation in Mali, Striga reproduction was studied for 10 sorghum genotypes at infestation levels ranging from 30 000 to 200 000 seeds m?2. Host resistance was identified as an important determinant of Striga reproduction, with the most resistant genotypes (N13, IS9830 and SRN39) reducing Striga reproduction by 70–93% compared with the most susceptible genotype (CK60‐B). Seedbank density had a significant effect on Striga seed production. Higher seedbank density resulted in more Striga plants, which led to increased intra‐specific competition and consequently a reduced level of reproduction per plant. For the most susceptible sorghum genotypes, density dependence also occurred in the earlier belowground stages. Striga reproduction continued beyond harvest. At the high infestation level just 8% of the total reproduction was realised after harvest, whereas at the low infestation level 39% was attained after harvest. Even though host‐plant genotype plays a significant role in Striga reproduction, calculations indicated that only at very low infestation levels the use of the most resistant genotype was able to lower the Striga seedbank.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a major biotic constraint to sorghum production in Nigeria, sometimes causing total yield loss. Recommendations for Striga management often include the use of cultural and agronomic practices, herbicides and host plant resistance when available. The use of biological control has not been commercialized. Fusarium oxysporum (isolate PSM 197)‐based mycoherbicide was used in combination with selected sorghums (the Striga‐resistant cultivar Samsorg 40, and the Striga tolerant landrace Yar'ruruka) as an Integrated Striga Management strategy (ISM) in on‐farm trials in the Sudano‐Sahelian savanna of Nigeria. Crop stands were significantly (P = 0.05) higher in ISM compared with non‐ISM plots on which the mycoherbicide was not applied. Similarly, ISM plots had significantly (P = 0.05) lower Striga counts than non‐ISM plots. Striga emergence was reduced by ISM by around 95%. Sorghum yields were 49.6% higher where integrated management was used. Cost benefit analysis of the ISM package shows that use of the mycoherbicide increased the profitability of sorghum production on Striga‐infested soils. Farmers’ preferences monitored during and after the trials highlighted the need for careful selection and integration of control components into an ISM package.  相似文献   

为了将有限的自然降水最大限度地蓄积、保存于土壤之中,并尽可能地提高其利用效率,连续多年采用田间试验与大面积示范相结合的方法,集成创新研究的"旱地春玉米倒秆免耕两元带状覆盖膜侧种植技术",融"冬闲期倒秆覆盖免耕"与"生育期两元带状覆盖膜侧种植"两项技术的优点于一体,能综合调节旱作农田的水、肥、气、热条件,最大限度地利用自然降水,因而旱地春玉米生长稳健茁壮,增产增收效果显著,水分利用率也达最高。同时,该技术并具有增加土壤有机质,提高土壤潜在肥力和控制水土流失,减轻沙尘飞扬,改善生态环境,促进农业可持续发展的效果。  相似文献   

Isolates of Colletotrichum sublineolum were collected from different sorghum‐producing regions of Ethiopia and divided into five groups based on their geographic origin. The growth rate of 50 isolates showed considerable variation: 1·7–5·8 mm day?1, mean 3·3 mm day?1. However, the isolates displayed little variation in colony colour and colony margin, except for isolates from the north, which were different from the others. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of 102 isolates revealed much greater variations among the different groups. Dice similarity coefficients ranged from 0·32 to 0·96 (mean 0·78). Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed a differentiation of the isolates according to their geographic origin, and both methods clearly indicated a genetic separation between the southern, the eastern and the other isolates. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) indicated a high level of genetic variation both among (42%) and within (58%) the C. sublineolum sampling sites in Ethiopia. The amova also indicated a high level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0·42) and limited gene flow (Nm = 0·343). The results of this study confirmed the presence of a highly diverse pathogen, which is in agreement with the existence of diverse host genotypes and widely ranging environmental conditions in sorghum‐producing regions of the country. Such diversity should be taken into account in future breeding programmes to achieve an effective and sustainable disease management strategy.  相似文献   


Incidence and geographical distribution of downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi) on maize (Zea mays) were determined in a systematic survey of 181 maize fields in the major maize‐growing regions and ecological zones of Nigeria. Downy mildew was observed in the forest and Guinea savanna ecologies, but no disease was detected in other ecologies. Highest levels of disease incidence (63%) were observed in the forest zone, and progressively less disease incidence was found at the southern and northern Guinea savanna zones. Spatial pattern analysis indicated an aggregation and randomness of infected plants in the northern Guinea savanna and the forest zone, respectively. Disease incidence was positively correlated with the presence of downy mildew infected sorghum plants and relative amount of sporulation on infected sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) but negatively correlated with plant age and cropping pattern. Relative sporulation on maize plants was negatively correlated with age of maize plants. Higher levels of disease incidence were observed when the previous crop was either maize or sorghum than when previous crops were cassava, okra, tomatoes, or rice.  相似文献   

Strigolactones, plant‐secreted underground signalling molecules, play an important role in agricultural ecosystems, because they mediate the interaction of crops with symbiotic AM fungi and parasitic weeds like Striga hermonthica. Cereal host plants secret these signalling molecules particularly under nutrient‐deficient conditions and especially when phosphate (P) is limiting. The objective of the present study was to see the potential of P seed priming for Shermonthica management in cereals in relation to strigolactone production. It has been demonstrated that P fertiliser application down‐regulates the production of these signalling molecules in the rhizosphere, which results in lower Shermonthica infection of cereals. The laboratory study showed maximum production of strigolactones from dry and water‐soaked seeds, while seed soaking in P solution reduced their production. Similarly, maximum Shermonthica infection was observed under control treatments with dry sowing or water soaking, while P seed soaking decreased Shermonthica germination, emergence and dry biomass in all cereal crops. Our study shows that P seed priming resulted in lower exudation of strigolactones, which induced less Shermonthica seeds germination and hence may lead to lower Shermonthica infection. P‐based seed priming could prove to be an effective and affordable strategy to reduce Shermonthica infection in cereals. Further research for practical field application is needed.  相似文献   

A commercially developed cytokinin and seaweed extract formulation “Dravya” was used at 0.3% concentration for soaking of sorghum seeds for 12 h to test its effect on germination, vigour index, chlorophyll content and defense enzyme activity against seed mycoflora of sorghum. Among the treatments, Dravya (0.3%) with Dithane M-45 (0.1%) and GLSTIN (0.1%) or separately or in combination resulted is maximum percentage of seed germination, seedling vigour and reduced the incidence of seed mycoflora besides defense enzymes enhancement was noticed. In this study, Dravya was used for seed soaking, foliar spray, separately as well as in combination with GLSTIN and Mancozeb M-45 to test its efficacy in the enhancement of seedling vigour, chlorophyll content and defence enzyme activities. Hence, it is inferred that Dravya is a good growth promoter and improves natural resistance to disease in sorghum.  相似文献   

河北省玉米田杂草组成及群落特征   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
采用倒置“W”取样法对河北省玉米田杂草进行了调查,以明确田间杂草的种类组成及群落结构.结果表明,河北省玉米田杂草有136种(含变种),隶属于34科、97属,其中优势杂草有马唐、反枝苋、稗、马齿苋、藜、狗尾草、铁苋菜、刺儿菜、田旋花等9种,区域性优势杂草有10种,常见杂草有21种,一般杂草有96种.发生优势度较大的杂草为马唐、反枝苋、稗、马齿苋、藜、狗尾草等,是构成各地区田间杂草群落的优势种.张家口地区主要形成反枝苋+狗尾草+灰绿藜+藜为主的杂草群落,承德地区为马唐+稗+反枝苋+藜,唐山-秦皇岛地区为马唐+马齿苋+鸭跖草+稗+反枝苋,石家庄地区为马唐+牛筋草+铁苋菜+马齿苋.张家口和承德地区玉米田杂草群落的物种丰富度、多样性及均匀度较其它地区高,而优势度较低.从群落相似性来看,石家庄与唐山-秦皇岛地区群落结构最为相似.地理环境、气候条件及控草措施的不同,可能是导致玉米田杂草发生及群落组成产生差异的原因.  相似文献   

为确定甘肃中部干旱区玉米种植的最佳密度和施氮量,采用田间试验方法,选用适宜性玉米新品种福地201和高玉811为试验材料,研究了不同密度与不同施氮量对其产量及产量构成性状的影响,分析其产量表现及综合性状以确定最佳增产配方,为提高甘肃中部旱作农业区全膜双垄沟播玉米增产潜力提供理论支持。结果表明:(1)在全膜双垄沟播栽培技术条件下,通过分析密度和施氮量对玉米产量相关因素关系的影响得出,高产稳产最佳种植密度为7.2万株·hm~(-2),施氮量675 kg·hm~(-2),果穗干物质产量达13 792.35 kg·hm~(-2);(2)产量随施氮量增加明显,茎粗则随追氮肥量增加先缓增后明显下降;(3)密度增加,产量下降不明显,但茎粗减小极显著,抗倒性降低,稳产性减弱,低密度增施氮肥,增产效果明显;(4)不同密度与施氮量处理下各性状与产量相关系数达到0.7977,通过0.001信度检验,达到极显著相关水平。  相似文献   

以玉米杂交种吉祥1号为材料,在甘肃武威凉州区连续两年研究了灌水时期和灌水量对制种产量和水分利用的影响。结果表明:在2012年和2013年玉米生育期降水128.2 mm和98.1 mm条件下,灌水量由480 mm下降到210 mm减少56.2%,两年平均种子产量降低41.6%,每增加1 mm灌水种子产量增加14.05 kg·hm-2,同480 mm高水分处理相比,360、330 mm的中等水分处理减产0.47%~8.26%、8.66%~24.90%。不同时期的灌水效应差异很大,母本吐丝期、大喇叭口期、灌浆中后期少灌水的减产效应大小为:三个时期减少灌水>两个时期减少灌水>一个时期减少灌水,一次60 mm灌水在母本吐丝期要比大喇叭口期、灌浆中期减产6.5%、7.2%,一次30 mm灌水相应减产11.2%、8.5%。无论试验年份如何,玉米水分利用效率(WUE)随灌水量、耗水量增加而提高,但较高WUE并未在高水分产量最高的处理,而在中等水分处理。不同灌水量和灌水时期 WUE和灌水效率(IWUE)变化与产量变化相一致,灌水减少若发生在母本吐丝期均降低了 WUE和IWUE,发生在灌浆中期、大喇叭口期却相反。综合考虑产量和水分效率,生育期灌水量减少25%~30%并不降低制种玉米种子产量,母本吐丝期对灌水最敏感,节水应在母本吐丝以前或灌浆中后期进行,以达到节水增产目标。  相似文献   

于2019年和2020年采用二因素裂区试验设计,主区为不同耐密性高产品种:郑单958(紧凑型)和正大12(半紧凑型);副区为减源强度:在花前一周从上至下分别移除植株1片叶(D1)、2片叶(D2)、3片叶(D3)和4片叶(D4),以不做任何处理为对照(CK)。对乳熟期和蜡熟期的玉米植株形态、基部第3节间的穿刺强度、折断力及籽粒产量构成因素等指标进行分析,探究密植玉米植株抗倒伏性能及籽粒产量对叶源减少的响应。结果表明:乳熟期,D1、D2处理的株高、穗位高和穗位系数较CK分别显著降低1.03%、3.03%,2.29%、6.17%和1.32%、4.17%,茎粗和单位茎长干物质量较CK分别增加4.15%、33.94%和1.91%、5.72%。蜡熟期,D2处理时郑单958的穿刺强度和折断力较CK分别提高了26.51%和32.44%,正大12的穿刺强度和折断力较CK分别提高了55.28%和21.53%。灌浆期,郑单958和正大12的D2处理可溶性糖含量较CK分别增加2.91%和10.83%,木质素含量分别增加2.74%和6.90%,D3、D4处理的纤维素含量较CK分别降低1.17%和0.47%、11.57%和13.72%。D2处理的总倒伏率显著降低且产量最高,郑单958达11 203.90 kg·hm-2,正大12达11 742.34 kg·hm-2。可见,适度去除顶部1~2片叶可优化夏玉米株型,通过影响茎粗使节间、单位节间干物质量得到更好地分配,从而提升抗倒伏性能,改善干物质向籽粒的分配进程,最终实现产量提高。  相似文献   

为筛选适合河西灌区的机械粒收玉米品种,于2014、2015和2017年在凉州区和肃州区开展了6组适合机械粒收品种的筛选试验,共获得了72个品种122个品次的调查数据,分析结果表明:不同品种适宜机械粒收的特性存在较大差异:以籽粒含水率与单产2个因素按双向平均作图法进行分析,获得籽粒含水率低于平均值、单产高于平均值的品种(次)33个,占比27.0%;其中在2个点次以上表现出稳定性较好的品种有7个,包括迪卡517、登海618、先玉335、迪卡519、农华101、农华106和联创808;进一步以籽粒含水率与破碎率2个因素按双向平均作图法分析,筛选出破碎率低于平均值且籽粒含水率低于平均值的品种(次)有 11个,包括破碎率低于5%的德单1002、中种8号、迪卡519和迪卡517(肃州区);破碎率在5%~8%之间的迪卡517(凉州区)、登海618、真金318、真金308、丹8201、M753和正德305。综合评价,推荐籽粒含水率低、耐破碎性能好和单产水平高的迪卡517、迪卡519和登海618为河西灌区适宜机械粒收品种。  相似文献   

培肥模式对旱作全膜双垄沟播玉米生长及土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对旱作全膜双垄沟播玉米培肥模式单一及碳排放理论薄弱的问题,依托大田试验研究了不施氮肥对照(CK)和等氮(纯N 200 kg·hm-2)条件下3个不同氮源(单施化肥,N;商品有机肥配施化肥, NM;单施有机肥, M)对玉米生长、产量、土壤呼吸速率及碳排放量的影响。结果表明:土壤呼吸速率随玉米生育时期的推进呈先增大后减小的趋势,开花期是土壤呼吸的峰值期,土壤呼吸速率达5.38μmol·m-2·s-1;土壤碳排放总量与玉米干物质积累、生长速率、叶面积指数及净同化率均呈极显著正相关关系;玉米产量、碳排放量和碳排放效率在商品有机肥配施化肥和单施化肥处理间无显著差异,分别较对照增加了121.2%、41.9%、54.5%和151.4%、31.9%、92.9%。说明商品有机肥配施化肥在增加了碳排量的同时增加了玉米的产量,进而提高了碳排放效率。  相似文献   

旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米生长发育动态及产量形成规律研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过田间试验研究了半干旱区旱地全膜双垄沟播栽培技术对玉米生长发育的影响。结果表明,全膜双垄沟播技术能够加快玉米生长发育进程,不同程度地增加了玉米株高、叶片数、叶面积指数(LAI)、光合势和单株干物质积累量等,且玉米生长发育阶段越是干旱,增加优势越明显,能明显减除玉米"卡脖旱"现象;全膜双垄沟处理较常规半膜平作处理增产26.76%,休闲期免耕覆盖处理比免耕立茬增产10.77%,比免耕增产19.75%;增产主要表现在生育后期(吐丝后)提高双穗率,即促进雌穗分化发育和提高结实率,及玉米后期粒重的增加。  相似文献   

密肥互作对全膜双垄沟播玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步完善全膜双垄沟播玉米栽培技术体系,采用大田随机区组试验法,研究了不同密度和施肥水平对全膜双垄沟播玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:6.75×104株·hm-2种植密度下玉米产量和水分利用效率显著高于4.50×104株·hm-2密度处理。不同施肥处理条件下,玉米穗 行数和产量均以施纯氮180 kg·hm-2,施过磷酸钙144 kg·hm-2处理最高;玉米百粒重和 水分利用效率均以施纯氮210 kg·hm-2,施过磷酸钙168 kg·hm-2最高;6.75×104株·hm-2密度下施纯氮210 kg·hm-2,施过磷酸钙168 kg·hm-2处理互作效应显著,玉米百粒重、产量和水分利用效率均高于其他处理。说明6.75×104株·hm-2密度下施纯氮210 kg·hm-2,施过磷酸钙168 kg·hm-2是当地全膜双垄沟播玉米生产中比较理想的种植密度和施肥水平。  相似文献   

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