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丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa作为烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum的重要寄生性天敌,目前已实现了规模化繁育,广泛应用于设施蔬菜粉虱类害虫的防控。该寄生蜂在大面积释放前往往要进行数量储备,因此低温贮藏是实现其规模化生产和应用的重要环节。本文在明确丽蚜小蜂蛹期最适贮藏发育阶段的基础上,研究了不同低温贮藏方式对丽蚜小蜂生长发育和适合度的影响,并在温室条件下明确了低温贮藏对其扩散和寄生的影响。结果表明,丽蚜小蜂的蛹在4℃和8℃下低温贮藏仍可继续发育,解剖低温贮藏后未羽化的丽蚜小蜂发现其死亡主要发生在蛹的发育初期和后期,蛹的发育中期死亡比例最低;贮藏前经历适度的低温诱导(12℃/7 d)可以显著提高丽蚜小蜂的羽化率、寄生量和成虫寿命(P<0.05);温室条件下未经低温贮藏的丽蚜小蜂主要在1~4 m范围内扩散,而低温贮藏后羽化的丽蚜小蜂主要在1~2 m范围内扩散;适度的低温诱导(12℃/7 d)同样可以明显提高丽蚜小蜂在温室条件下的寄生率(P<0.05)。研究结果对于更好地发挥丽蚜小蜂在生物防治中的控害作用具有重要的应用意义。  相似文献   

Whitefly infestations and parasitism were monitored year-round in overlapping cotton crops sown on three dates in Burkina Faso. The relative abundance of B. tabaci (Gennadius) and its parasitoids, Eretmocerus spp. and Encarsia spp., was recorded in control and insecticide-sprayed plots. Low B. tabaci populations developed during the first half of the rainy season. Pest populations increased when rainfall was ending, and the levels reached were higher in insecticide-treated plots (48 nymphs/leaf) than in control plots (25 nymphs/leaf). Parasitism reached 88.7% in control plots, and 53.7% in insecticide-treated plots. Eretmocerus spp. nymphs were more abundant than Encarsia spp. in both treated and control plots. A positive and significant curvilinear relationship was observed where % parasitism, on a linear scale, rose to a plateau with logarithmic increase in host density. In general % parasitism was correlated with the abundance of pest populations except in March and April where parasitism increased while B. tabaci populations decreased. In a separate experiment, adult Eretmocerus spp. were released into caged cotton plants to study the impact of augmentative releases of the parasites on the population dynamics of the pest. Pest densities increased from 1.47 nymphs/leaf to 39.4 nymphs/leaf in the control, but were reduced to 0.8 and 0.6 nymphs/leaf in the cages where, respectively, 4 and 8 parasitoids were released per plant. It appears that parasitism is an important factor reducing B. tabaci populations during and after the cotton-growing season, and that Eretmocerus spp. are promising biological control candidates against the pest in cotton.  相似文献   

A list of aphid parasitoids found in a survey conducted between 1999 and 2001 in Kahramanmaras Province of Turkey is presented. Nineteen taxa of aphid parasitoids were found on 30 hosts.Pauesia picta (Haliday) is reported for the first time from Turkey. Two check-lists are presented, by host aphids and by plant species. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting April 30, 2004.  相似文献   

室内条件下,观察了友恩蚜小蜂Encarsia amicula对松突圆蚧Hemiberlesia pitysophila的寄生行为,研究了该寄生蜂对不同发育阶段的松突圆蚧、不同发育时期雌成蚧的寄生选择性。结果表明,友恩蚜小蜂对松突圆蚧的寄生过程可分为5个阶段:搜寻和识别寄主、产卵管鞘试探、产卵管刺探、产卵、产卵后梳理。对不同发育阶段的松突圆蚧,友恩蚜小蜂只寄生二龄若虫和雌成蚧,但更偏好寄生雌成蚧。对不同发育时期的雌成蚧,友恩蚜小蜂均可寄生,且更偏好寄生处于孕卵期、卵巢发育期、产卵初期和产卵盛期的雌成蚧。蜂蚧比1∶5、1∶10、1∶20时,寄生率分别达25.8%、21.8%、13.0%。说明较高的蜂蚧比,有利于显著提高雌蜂对松突圆蚧雌成蚧的寄生率。  相似文献   

Selvaraj  K.  Rameshkumar  A.  Sumalatha  B. V.  Swathi  H. D.  Sardar  S.  Kazmi  S. I. 《Phytoparasitica》2023,51(2):255-261

The Neotropical palm infesting whitefly, Aleurotrachelus atratus Hempel (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a highly invasive pest that was reported during 2019 on coconut in India. In a short span of time, it spread rapidly across states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh on coconut, oil palm and many other ornamental palm plants. During the recent survey, the immature stages of A. atratus were found parasitized by an aphelinid parasitoid, Encarsia cubensis Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). These parasitoids were identified by their morphological characteristics and also characterized by DNA barcoding of adult parasitoids using partial (658 bp) mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) gene (GenBank accession number ON881119). This is the first report on occurrence of Encarsia cubensis as primary parasitoids on A. atratus in India and its natural parasitism ranged from (46–68%) on coconut across the different locations in Karnataka. It is believed that the parasitoid likely entered India along with A. atratus in India and constitutes a potential biological agent against A. atratus. It is expected that the E. cubensis population will become fully established, increase, spread and exert a significant impact on A. atratus population in India. Therefore, efforts may be made by growers and other stakeholders to increase the rate of natural parasitism through inundative, conservation and classical biological control approaches to reduce the pest population, crop damage and yield loss.


Survey studies of Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) and its parasitoid Cales noacki Howard (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) were made in 4 provinces; namely Adana, Mersin, Hatay and Osmaniye, which are the main citrus growing areas of the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. Inoculative parasitoid releases were made in regions where no or low natural parasitism occurred after obtaining preliminary results on presence of the parasitoid. The population dynamics of A. floccosus and C. noacki were examined in Silifke (Mersin), Dörtyol (Hatay) and Yüreir (Adana), where the A. floccosus population was remarkably high at the beginning of the study in 1999. However, after parasitoid release, the pest population declined in all the sites and did not attain the same high levels again. Five predators, three parasitoids and one entomopathogen species were determined as natural enemies of A. floccosus. In addition, seven plant species, six of them belong to Rutaceae, were found as host plants for A. floccosus.  相似文献   

Survey studies of Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) and its parasitoid Cales noacki Howard (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) were made in 4 provinces; namely Adana, Mersin, Hatay and Osmaniye, which are the main citrus growing areas of the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. Inoculative parasitoid releases were made in regions where no or low natural parasitism occurred after obtaining preliminary results on presence of the parasitoid. The population dynamics of A. floccosus and C. noacki were examined in Silifke (Mersin), Dörtyol (Hatay) and Yüreir (Adana), where the A. floccosus population was remarkably high at the beginning of the study in 1999. However, after parasitoid release, the pest population declined in all the sites and did not attain the same high levels again. Five predators, three parasitoids and one entomopathogen species were determined as natural enemies of A. floccosus. In addition, seven plant species, six of them belong to Rutaceae, were found as host plants for A. floccosus.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in 14 cotton fields (3-10 ha) selected in seven localities (two fields per locality) in Burkina Faso, with the objectives of: (1) estimating Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) population abundance, (2) assessing the levels of parasitism by Encarsia spp and Eretmocerus spp (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and (3) estimating the susceptibilities of the pest and of an Eretmocerus sp to the insecticides currently sprayed on cotton. Yellow sticky cards and a leaf-turning technique were used to estimate adult B. tabaci population densities. Yellow sticky cards were also used to estimate the densities of adult Eretmocerus sp and the susceptibilities of B. tabaci to insecticides. Leaf disk techniques were used to estimate B. tabaci red eye nymph populations and parasitism by Encarsia spp and Eretmoceus spp was evaluated using stereo-microscopy. A leaf cage technique was used to estimate the susceptibilities of Eretmocerus sp to insecticides. A mean of 6.5-27.4 adult B. tabaci were trapped per yellow sticky card and 5.5 to > 34.9 were counted per leaf using the leaf turning technique. There were 0.14-13 Eretmocerus sp trapped per yellow sticky card. The levels of parasitism varied between 36 and 87% by the end of the season and parasitism by Eretmocerus sp predominated in most of the fields. The susceptibilities of B. tabaci and Eretmocerus sp varied from field to field and with the insecticide tested.  相似文献   

UDA-245 is a Chenopodium-based natural insecticide. Forty-eight hours after treatment with this compound, Orius insidiosus (Say) and Aphidius colemani Viereck showed slight contact toxicity at 5 g AI liter(-1). There was no residual toxicity to A colemani. These two beneficials are currently used in commercial flower and vegetable greenhouses for the management of thrips, spider mites, aphids and small caterpillars. In contrast, abamectin and insecticidal soap were toxic by contact to both species. UDA-245 did not reduce the number of eggs laid by treated O insidiosus. The eclosion of these eggs was also not adversely affected by UDA-245. The other two insecticides, abamectin and insecticidal soap had no effect on the emergence of A colemani from treated aphid mummies. However, abamectin decreased the percentage of aphid parasitism by A colemani following a residual treatment. The LC50 for UDA-245 for the two beneficials is slightly over twice the recommended field dose.  相似文献   

During 1972–1976 four species of African encyrtid wasps were introduced into Israel and released against the Mediterranean black scale,Saissetia oleae (Olivier), in citrus and olive groves.Metaphycus helvolus (Compere) andM. aff. stanleyi Compere were recovered in small numbers.M. bartletti Annecke and Mynhardt andM. lounsburyi (Howard), which were found in large numbers on citrus during the release season, seem to be promising for the biological control of the black scale.  相似文献   

A survey of aphids and their parasitoids in some localities of Algiers from February 2017 to June 2018 detected the presence of Aphelinus chaonia Walker, 1839 for the first time in Algeria. This parasitoid was found on five aphid species: Hyalopterus pruni, Aphis craccivora, Aphis fabae, Aphis spiraecola and Takecallis arundicolens. The latter was found on the leaves of Bambusa sp. and reported for the first time in Algeria and also Africa. Data on the diagnosis and the bioecology of Aphelinus chaonia are also given in this paper.  相似文献   


A programme for the biological control of the citrus leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) was carried out in Tunisia between 1996 and 1998. Two exotic parasitoids, Ageniaspis citricola (Logvinovskaya) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) and Semielacher petiolatus Girault (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), were introduced from Australia, mass-reared in a greenhouse on Citrus aurantium L. seedlings infested with P. citrella, and released in different orchards located in the major citrus-growing area of Tunisia. In 1996, A. citricola was recovered in 39.13% of release sites, reaching a maximum percentage of parasitism of 28%. In 1997, the parasitoid was recovered in a third of all release points, with an average percentage of parasitism of 5%. However, the wasp was unable to survive the winter 1998, and has become extinct. The non-establishment of A. citricola may have been due to the more arid climatic conditions present during the rainless summer and most of the autumn in Tunisia. By contrast, the establishment, dispersal, and reduction in citrus leafminer population observed with S. petiolatus between 1997 and 1998 shows this species to be well-adapted to the Tunisian climate. The average percentage parasitism of P. citrella by S. petiolatus increased from 6.6% in 1997 to 15% in 1998. Moreover, S. petiolatus was established in 76% of release points in 1997 and in 82% in 1998. It spread as much as 30 km from some release points, with no apparent decline in parasitism levels with distance. Semielacher petiolatus is considered to be an effective biological control of the leafminer in Tunisia. Its biological control action would supplement the action of the native parasitoids Pnigalio sp. and Cirrospilus pictus Nees (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae).  相似文献   


Research was carried out on the Niassa Plateau, northern Mozambique, with the aim of determining the phenology and importance of bean stem maggot (BSM) (Ophiomyia spp.: Diptera: Agromyzidae) on common beans. The objective of the study was to gather information in order to develop elements of an integrated control programme against BSM for use by farmers in the local cropping system, characterized by limited access to external inputs. Date of sowing trials were used in six consecutive rainy seasons to determine infestation rate of BSM during the main bean growing season and to determine damage due to the pest. These trials were also used to evaluate insecticide treatments against BSM and, at the same time, to undertake a survey of BSM parasitoids and the rates of parasitism from puparia collected at each sowing date. It was observed that infestation rates of BSM increased with delay in date of sowing in each of the two growing periods during the season and that percentage plant loss and yield decrease was correlated with number of BSM per plant. Insecticide seed treatmentwas effective in reducing infestation rates. BSM has two main parasitoids that probably play a role in limiting BSM population towards the end of the first growing period.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from southern Greece during 1996–2000 in order to investigate the presence of parasitoids onAphis gossypii Glover infesting several citrus species. The species of aphidiines found to have a significantly different preference forA. gossypii wereAphidius colemani Viereck,Aphidius matricariae Haliday,Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh),Ephedrus persicae Froggat,Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson),Binodoxys acalephae (Marshall) andBinodoxys angelicae (Haliday). In another sampling experiment, the relative abundance of aphidiine parasitoids on aphids infesting orange and tangerine trees was studied in southern Greece (Nea Kios) in 1996 and 1997.A. gossypii constituted the largest part of the aphid population and was the only species parasitized.B. angelicae andA. colemani were the most abundant parasitoid species. The parasitization rate differed among the parasitoid species.B. angelicae had the highest colonization rate in centrally located and large host (A. gossypii) groups, whereasA. colemani was found in more isolated and relatively small host groups. The percentage of parasitism byB. angelicae was high mainly in large host groups, whenB. angelicae was the only parasitoid present. However, in cases of coexistence ofB. angelicae withA. colemani with hyperparasitoids, in the same sampling unit, the percentage of parasitism was relatively low. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

南美斑潜蝇及其寄生蜂消长规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对云南省南美斑潜蝇及其主要寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂和潜蝇茧蜂的种群消长规律进行了研究。南美斑潜蝇在昆明关上菜区于 4、7、10月出现 3个高峰。潜蝇姬小蜂在春季蚕豆上种群数量较高 ,是控制南美斑潜蝇的主要蜂种。潜蝇茧蜂在秋季大棚内种群数量较高 ,是控制大棚南美斑潜蝇的主要蜂种。这两种寄生蜂对作物寄主有明显的选择性 ,潜蝇姬小蜂在春季的蚕豆、豌豆和芹菜上种群数量较高 ,潜蝇茧蜂在秋季的莴笋上种群数量较高  相似文献   


The toxicity of two juvenile hormone analogues, pyriproxyfen (Nemesis®) and fenoxycarb (Insegar®), and two contact insecticides, methomyl (Lannate) and methidathion (Ultracide), was evaluated against immature stages (LI, LII, LIII) of Ceroplastes destructor Newstead in the field. The effects of these chemicals and one moulting inhibitor, triflumuron (Alsystin®), and three insecticides: methyl-parathion (Penncap-M), profenofos (Selecron) and prothiofos (Tokuthion), on Aprostocetus (= Tetrastichus) ceroplastae (Girault) were assessed in the laboratory. Development of the first and second instar nymphs of C. destructor was completely arrested by the chemicals. Less than 1% of scales sprayed with pyriproxyfen at LII stage survived to adult female. Survival to the adult stage varied significantly between chemical treatments, and between chemicals and untreated controls for scales sprayed at the LIII stage. Female fecundity, fertility and body sizes of survivors of treatments applied at the LIII stage were not significantly affected by any of the chemicals. All the chemicals exhibited high toxicity to A. ceroplastae. Only triflumuron was slightly harmful, while methomyl was the most toxic (harmful), causing 100% mortality in the first 30 min after treatment. Although all the chemicals evaluated had effectively arrested the first and second instars of C. destructor, none of them exhibited sufficient selectivity to A. ceroplastae to warrant recommendation for integrated management of C. destructor in citrus orchards in South Africa, where A. ceroplastae plays an important role.  相似文献   

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