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为了解亚致死剂量四聚乙醛对福寿螺的主要靶标酶和解毒酶活性的影响,研究了0.50mg/L的四聚乙醛处理不同时间后福寿螺不同组织中乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)和多功能氧化酶(MFO)的活力变化。结果显示,四聚乙醛对福寿螺具有良好的杀灭效果,96hLC50为3.856mg/L,安全浓度为0.039mg/L;在用0.50mg/L的四聚乙醛处理的24h内,福寿螺鳃和腹足内AchE酶活力分别升高到未处理时的1.565和1.481倍而后下降,肝和肠组织内AchE酶活力分别下降为未处理时的0.132、0.282倍而后升高;不同组织中GSTs酶活力均呈现为"降低—升高—降低"的趋势;不同组织内MFO酶活力均为先下降后上升的趋势。研究表明0.50mg/L的四聚乙醛能诱导AchE、MFO和GST活性不同程度的增加,解毒酶MFO和GSTs可能在四聚乙醛的代谢中起着一定作用。  相似文献   

褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stål是亚洲国家水稻产区的主要害虫,其腹部脂肪体内存在大量类酵母共生菌(Yeast-like symbiotes,YLS)。YLS对褐飞虱的生长发育和繁殖起着至关重要的作用。以YLS为靶标,通过抑制褐飞虱体内YLS从而控制褐飞虱的发生必将是今后有效防治褐飞虱的新途径。前期研究表明,与单一的化学杀虫剂相比,杀虫剂和杀菌剂的混配制剂因能有效抑制褐飞虱体内YLS的数量从而导致褐飞虱更高的死亡率。本研究利用生命表和Morris-Watt数学模型分析了27%丰加霉素&四霉素P&四烯菌素B&四霉素A和75%肟菌酯&戊唑醇分别与吡虫啉的混合配剂对褐飞虱种群增长影响。结果表明,2种混合配剂处理后褐飞虱体内YLS的数量均明显下降,且褐飞虱种群增长指数显著低于吡虫啉处理组,混合配剂对褐飞虱的抑制作用主要表现在卵孵化期和成虫产卵期。本研究结果为褐飞虱防治提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pest resurgence following a pesticide application may occur owing to a stimulatory (hormetic) response to sublethal insecticide concentrations. The objective of the present study was to examine the potential for a greenhouse‐derived red clone of Myzus persicae to exhibit resurgence owing to a hormetic response following a systemic imidacloprid treatment in a bell pepper greenhouse. RESULTS: No differences in mortality and fecundity were observed among apterous adults exposed to sublethal imidacloprid concentrations on excised pepper leaves fed aqueous solutions of imidacloprid. Survival of first‐generation progeny was negatively affected by imidacloprid exposure, yet surviving progeny exhibited no differences in development rates or fecundity from progeny of adults unexposed to imidacloprid. Aphid mortality declined most rapidly in clip cages on pepper leaves at the top of the pepper canopy as compared with leaves present at the middle or bottom of the pepper canopy. CONCLUSION: Imidacloprid decays rapidly in mature pepper plants, resulting in sublethal concentrations in the upper canopy in as little as 4 weeks. Sublethal insecticide concentrations have been implicated in the resurgence of pest populations; however, exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid are unlikely to result in pesticide‐induced resurgence of the M. persicae aphid clone examined in this study. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Indoxacarb is a new oxadiazine insecticide that has shown outstanding field insecticidal activity. The toxicity of a 145 g litre-1 indoxacarb SC formulation (Steward) was studied on the tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris and the big-eyed bug Geocoris punctipes. Both insect species responded very similarly to indoxacarb in topical, tarsal contact and plant feeding toxicity studies. The topical LD50 of the formulation was c 35 ng AI per insect for both species. Prolonged tarsal contact with dry indoxacarb residues did not result in mortality for either insect species. However, both species were susceptible to feeding through dried residues of indoxacarb after spraying on young cotton plants. Feeding on water-washed plants resulted in lower mortality than that observed with unwashed plants, and toxicity declined even more dramatically after a, detergent rinse, indicating that much of the indoxacarb probably resides on the cotton leaf surface or in the waxy cuticle. These results were corroborated by HPLC-mass spectrometry measurements of indoxacarb residues on the plants. Greater mortality for both species was observed in a higher relative humidity environment. Higher levels of accumulated indoxacarb and its active metabolite were detected in dead G punctipes than in L lineolaris after feeding on sprayed, unwashed plants. When female G punctipes ate indoxacarb-treated Heliothis zea eggs, there was significant toxicity. However, only c 15% of the females consumed indoxacarb-treated eggs, and the rest of the females showed a significant diminution of feeding in response to the insecticide. Cotton field studies have shown that indoxacarb treatments at labelled rates lead to a dramatic decline in L lineolaris, with negligible declines in beneficial populations. A major route of intoxication of L lineolaris in indoxacarb-treated cotton fields thus appears to be via oral, and not cuticular, uptake of residues from treated cotton plants. The mechanisms for selectivity/safety for G punctipes are currently under investigation and may be a combination of differential feeding behavior and diminution of feeding by females exposed to indoxacarb-treated eggs.  相似文献   

Alınç  Tuğcan  Atakan  Ekrem  Pehlivan  Serkan 《Phytoparasitica》2021,49(4):579-587
Phytoparasitica - Overwintering biology of Orius vicinus (Ribaut) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) was investigated between November 2017 and April 2018 in the Balcalı location of Adana Province,...  相似文献   

以甲维盐亚致死剂量LC25连续筛选棉铃虫10代获得一个亚致死种群(Sub10),用Sub10和同源对照种群(CP)研究甲维盐对棉铃虫的亚致死效应。亚致死剂量(LC25)处理CP和Sub10 3龄初幼虫,CP幼虫的生长抑制率为61.24%,显著大于Sub10的36.23%。亚致死剂量处理种群与空白对照相比,以及Sub10与CP相比,前者均表现为生长发育延缓,蛹期延长,但蛹重、产卵量和卵孵化率无显著差异。亚致死剂量处理后,CP的净生殖率(R0)、内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)分别由385.60、0.21、1.23降低至91.86、0.15、1.16,平均世代时间(T)和种群倍增时间(Dt)分别由28.24天和3.29天延长至29.93天和4.64天;而Sub10仅rm显著降低、T显著延长。说明甲维盐亚致死剂量对棉铃虫生长、繁殖有不利影响。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.), is one of the most destructive polyphagous pests worldwide. The susceptibility of S. litura larvae reared on tobacco, Chinese cabbage, cowpea and sweet potato to phoxim, chlorfenapyr, methomyl, fenvalerate and emamectin benzoate under laboratory conditions was determined. RESULTS: Spodoptera litura larvae reared on tobacco were most tolerant to all insecticides, whereas those that fed on sweet potato were most susceptible. When larvae were reared on each host plant for three generations, the susceptibilities to phoxim of larvae that fed on Chinese cabbage and cowpea were similar, whereas the susceptibility of larvae that fed on sweet potato decreased by the third generation, and on tobacco the susceptibility decreased in each consecutive generation. When nicotine was added to their diet for three consecutive generations, the tolerance of larvae to phoxim increased twofold, and to emamectin benzoate 3.1‐fold, but the tolerance of larvae to fenvalerate and chlorfenapyr did not change. The acetylcholinesterase activities of the larvae that fed on sweet potato and cowpea were greater than the activities of those that fed on Chinese cabbage and tobacco. In contrast, the carboxylesterase activities of the larvae that fed on tobacco and Chinese cabbage were greater than the activities of those that fed on sweet potato and cowpea. The glutathione S‐transferase activities of larvae were highest when they fed on tobacco, followed by Chinese cabbage and cowpea, and the lowest activities were observed when larvae fed on sweet potato. CONCLUSION: Feeding on tobacco or with nicotine added to the diet, the larvae became more tolerant to insecticides, especially to phoxim and emamectin benzoate. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为研究高效氯氰菊酯亚致死浓度对桃小食心虫Carposina sasakii Matsumura雌、雄蛾体内解毒酶活性的影响,采用药膜法,以LC10、LC20和LC40浓度的高效氯氰菊酯处理桃小食心虫成虫24 h,分别测定药剂压力解除后0、6、12和24 h桃小食心虫雌、雄蛾体内细胞色素P450单加氧酶7-乙氧基香豆素-O-脱乙基酶(ECOD)、羧酸酯酶(CarE)和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)的活性,并分析其动态变化。结果表明:与对照相比,高效氯氰菊酯LC10浓度处理能抑制桃小食心虫成虫的ECOD比活力,且随处理浓度增加,高效氯氰菊酯对ECOD活性的诱导作用逐渐体现,LC40浓度处理组ECOD活性显著高于对照;此外,LC20和LC40浓度处理组可诱导桃小食心虫雄蛾CarE和GSTs比活力的增加,但对于雌蛾则结果相反。当药剂压力解除后,随着处理时间的延长,成虫体内ECOD、CarE和GSTs活性总体表现为先增加后降低,而药剂浓度越高对其解毒酶的诱导或抑制作用越显著,且存在一定性别差异。研究显示,从短期响应来看,桃小食心虫雌、雄蛾体内的3种解毒酶在高效氯氰菊酯亚致死浓度胁迫后均表现较为活跃,酶活性呈现出先增加后降低的动态变化。由于雌、雄蛾个体的生理机能以及对药剂敏感性的差异,这种生理响应机制存在一定的剂量和性别差异。  相似文献   

Existence of diazinon, an organophosphorous pesticide, in river waters of Iran near rice paddy fields has been reported by some authors. The present research aimed to determine the acute toxicity and evaluate the effect of sub-lethal concentrations of diazinon on some biochemical parameters of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss after 7, 14 and 28 days. No significant differences were observed in the plasma levels of creatinine among the treatment groups at different sampling intervals. Acetylcholinesterase activity and the levels of total protein, albumin as well as globulin in plasma were significantly reduced at both concentrations tested (p < 0.05). Lactate dehydrogenase activity was only decreased on 7th day in 0.1 mg/L diazinon treatment (p < 0.05). Creatine kinase activity was significantly lower in 0.1 mg/L diazinon group at 14th and 28th sampling periods, whereas its activity significantly increased in fishes exposed to 0.2 mf/L diazinon only on 7th day (p < 0.05). Aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase activities and glucose levels in diazinon treated groups were significantly higher than the controlled group at experimental periods (p < 0.05). In conclusion, long-term exposure to diazinon at sub-lethal concentrations induced biochemical alterations in rainbow trout, and offers a simply tool to evaluate toxicity-derived alterations.  相似文献   

We present data on the effects of various concentrations of the organophosphorus insecticide, fenitrothion, on development, reproduction and eggshell structure of Spodoptera exigua. The insecticide did not change the male/female ratio in tested populations. The pesticide-exposed larvae were significantly smaller than the controls and their pupation was delayed. These changes were not proportionally concentration-dependent. After imaginal molting experimental females laid significantly fewer eggs than controls. This effect was the same whether one or both members of a mating pair were exposed to fenitrothion during the larval stage. In the egg stage the insecticide caused serious malformations of the eggshell. The exposure caused other types of clearly abnormal development of eggs: two micropylar regions were noticed. Hence, even a low concentration of fenitrothion in the diet can lead to serious disturbances in reproduction and thus possibly at the population level.  相似文献   

大豆蚜虫是危害大豆的重要害虫,马拉硫磷作为有效防治大豆蚜虫的杀虫剂之一,不仅可以在致死浓度下直接杀死大豆蚜虫,其在亚致死浓度下还会引起大豆蚜虫生理和行为的改变。分析了马拉硫磷3个亚致死浓度(0.05、0.10和0.20 mg/L)对大豆蚜虫生理特征和生命表参数的影响。结果表明:马拉硫磷在0.20 mg/L下处理大豆蚜虫后,其若蚜的发育历期(7.48 d±0.18 d)比对照的(5.78 d±0.30 d)显著延长;同时成蚜的生殖期、寿命和全世代周期也分别比对照的缩短了4、6和4 d。在0.10 mg/L处理下,马拉硫磷可刺激大豆蚜虫生殖功能,单头产蚜总量比对照组提高24%;但当浓度增加到0.20 mg/L时,单头产蚜总量却比对照组降低37%。生命表参数结果显示:0.20 mg/L的马拉硫磷可显著降低大豆蚜虫的净增值率(R0)、内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ),但显著增加种群倍增时间(Dt);0.10 mg/L的处理情况则相反;0.05 mg/L处理的各项指标与对照间无显著差异。  相似文献   

温度对悬铃木方翅网蝽生长发育、存活和繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在室内研究不同温度下悬铃木方翅网蝽各虫态的发育历期、存活率及雌成虫的产卵量,组建不同温度下的实验种群生命表。结果显示,在15~33 ℃范围内,随温度升高悬铃木方翅网蝽的发育速率加快,并符合Logistic模型。悬铃木方翅网蝽卵、1龄、2龄、3龄、4龄、5龄若虫、产卵前期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为10.42、9.49、7.89、10.12、8.82、7.80、9.69和10.42 ℃,有效积温分别为153.9、38.8、41.4、31.8、42.0、69.5、101.9和479.3日·度。悬铃木方翅网蝽世代存活率和单雌产卵量在测定温度范围内均表现为先升高后降低的抛物线关系,在25 ℃时最高,分别为57.81%和87.71粒/雌。成虫寿命和雌成虫产卵期均随温度的升高而缩短。25 ℃时,种群内禀增长率和种群趋势指数最大,分别为0.0388和22.46。25~30 ℃是该虫生长发育的最适温区。  相似文献   

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