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Integrated pest management (IPM) has a long history in fruit production and has become even more important with the implementation of the EU directive 2009/128/EC making IPM mandatory. In this study, we surveyed 30 apple orchards in Norway for 3 years (2016–2018) monitoring pest- and beneficial arthropods as well as evaluating fruit damage. We obtained growers’ diaries of pest management and used these data to study positive and negative correlations of pesticides with the different arthropod groups and damage due to pests.


IPM level had no significant effects on damage of harvested apples by arthropod pests. Furthermore, damage by arthropods was mainly caused by lepidopteran larvae, tortricids being especially important. The number of insecticide applications varied between 0 and 3 per year (mean 0.8), while acaricide applications varied between 0 and 1 per year (mean 0.06). Applications were often based on forecasts of important pest species such as the apple fruit moth (Argyresthia conjugella). Narrow-spectrum insecticides were commonly used against aphids and lepidopteran larvae, although broad-spectrum neonicotinoid (thiacloprid) insecticides were also applied. Anthocorid bugs and phytoseiid mites were the most abundant natural enemies in the studied orchards. However, we found large differences in abundance of various “beneficials” (e.g., lacewings, anthocorids, parasitic wasps) between eastern and western Norway. A low level of IPM negatively affected the abundance of spiders.


Lepidoptera was found to be the most important pest group in apple orchards. Insecticide use was overall low, but number of spray applications and use of broad-spectrum insecticides varied between growers and regions. IPM level did not predict the level of fruit damage by insects nor the abundance of important pests or most beneficial groups in an apple orchard. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug has recently become a widespread pest in Croatian apple orchards. It causes severe damage in the blooming period due to the fact that infested fruit fall off.This article shows results collected over three years of field research on trap catches of sawflies, the period of laying eggs, the appearance of larvae and detection of damage. In the climate of northwestern Croatia, adult sawfly appear in April during the blooming period of the early apple variety of Idared.  相似文献   

The apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug has recently become a widespread pest in Croatian apple orchards. It causes severe damage in the blooming period due to the fact that infested fruit fall off.This article shows results collected over three years of field research on trap catches of sawflies, the period of laying eggs, the appearance of larvae and detection of damage. In the climate of northwestern Croatia, adult sawfly appear in April during the blooming period of the early apple variety of Idared.By monitoring temperatures from January 1, adults were detected when the thermal constant reached 210 day-degrees. Our observations showed that the larvae emerged when the sum of thermal constants reached ca. 110 day-degrees.The investigation of effective control strategies with insecticides showed high efficacy of thiametoxam (Actara), imidacloprid (Confidor), thiacloprid (Calypso) and betacyfluthrin + oxydemeton-methyl (Enduro) and lower efficacy of phosalone (Zolone), chlorpyrifos-methyl (Reldan), and lambda cyhalothrin (Karate).  相似文献   


Zaprionus indianus Gupta (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a successful invasive drosophilid that is currently impacting fig production in Mexico and Brazil. Very few studies have examined the improvement of trapping strategies for this pest. Here, we compared visual responses of Z. indianus to different colors and olfactory cues. Orange and brown colored traps were among the most attractive in choice and no-choice tests, with violet and white being the least attractive colors. Orange traps with brown circles around the access holes were more attractive than uniformly orange traps. Apple cider vinegar was significantly more attractive to adults than sugar cane vinegar or grape juice but was not significantly more attractive than white wine and red wine vinegars. Captures of Z. indianus in apple cider vinegar-baited traps were not improved by the addition of grape, pineapple or apple juices, or when compared against a sucrose solution or grape juice fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or grape juice fermented with Candida tropicalis. Pairwise comparisons of Z. indianus attraction to S. cerevisiae and C. tropicalis indicated a high dependence on the growth media used. Orange traps with brown circles baited with apple cider vinegar may prove useful for monitoring this pest under field conditions.  相似文献   

Ascospores of Mycosphaerella pomi, the pathogen of Brooks fruit spot of apple, were produced in pseudothecia on previously infected and overwintered apple leaves from late April through early August in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. In June 2003, the ascospores were germinating and producing Cylindrosporium-type conidia on apple fruit and leaf surfaces in an orchard. After ascospores were sprayed on apple leaves, Cylindrosporium-type conidia developed on the leaf surfaces. Such Cylindrosporium-type conidia caused typical symptoms of Brooks fruit spot on apple trees after inoculations. These results suggested that the Cylindrosporium-type conidia also serve as an infection source, in addition to the ascospores, for Brooks fruit spot in apple orchards.  相似文献   


Current control of scab and mildew of apple in the UK requires the routine application of fungicides at 7 - 14-day intervals to achieve the blemish-free fruit required by the market. Such practices are generally effective, but with increased public concern about pesticides and rising costs to the grower, they are now less acceptable. The use of disease-warning systems offers scope for optimizing fungicide use by better timing of sprays. Adem? is a PC-based system that warns of the risk of scab, mildew, Nectria fruit rot and canker and fireblight. In a 'key stage' strategy, warnings by Adem? for scab and mildew integrated with practical pest and disease control resulted in similar or better control than a routine programme, with the additional benefit of reduced fungicide inputs and costs even in seasons exceptionally favourable for these diseases. Maximum savings in fungicide use were made by applying sprays curatively in response to scab warnings. However, this approach resulted in increased disease incidence to the crop and scab infection of fruit even in seasons unfavourable for scab attack.  相似文献   

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been widely implemented in apple orchards in various regions of Turkey. Between 1995 and 1999, in Central Anatolia and the Aegean Region, apple scab (Venturia inequalis) and codling moth (Cydia pomonella) were key pests, and implementation of pest control was based on forecasting and warning systems. During the project, orchards in which IPM was implemented and in which farmers applied conventional practices were compared. In nine provinces in which IPM projects were carried out in 1999, the damage due to codling moth was 0–1.3% in IPM orchards while it was 0.4–21.8% in nearby non‐IPM orchards. It is clear that damage did not reach the acceptable threshold level of 2% in any of the IPM orchards, while damage was much higher than the threshold in conventionally‐farmed orchards. The number of fungicide applications against apple scab decreased to 5–6 applications from 10–15 applications in the Eğirdir district of the Isparta Province in 1996 as a result of IPM implementation. No insecticides were applied against codling moth in IPM orchards in the Nigde Province in 1998 and 1999 because population levels of the pest were low and under the economic threshold. Apple producers received training and 1200 producers from Central Anatolia became experts in IPM for their own orchards, learning to make appropriate decisions about pest control. The Apple IPM Guideline was prepared and disseminated. In Turkey modern equipment for forecasting and warning systems was employed and, in the last decade, forecasting and warning networks have been improved. Computer‐based systems have increased the speed and accuracy of forecasting as well as decreasing its costs. A computerized national forecasting network in apple orchards now transmits data from the field to system headquarters automatically. The national forecasting network has been expanded and covered 12 208 800 apple trees in 34 provinces in 2006, using 115 electronic forecasting and warning stations.  相似文献   

Since its recent introduction into the Mediterranean area, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) has become widespread and an important pest throughout the region, including in Tuscany, where it was first recorded in 2009. Although several studies have been conducted within controlled environments on the ecology and management of T. absoluta, limited information is currently available on the importance of this pest in open‐field cultivations, which may lead to ineffective management strategies. This study was carried out to monitor fluctuations in adult populations of T. absoluta in organic and conventional cultivations of processing tomatoes using pheromone lures, and to collect inter‐annual data on direct yield loss and fruit damage from larval feeding in two separate trials in Grosseto (Tuscany). The first trial included eight conventionally managed fields; the second trial was carried out in four organically managed fields. Results show relatively higher crop damage for tomatoes transplanted later in the season and harvested towards the end of August to early September, and limited fruit damage from this pest during the second year of the study for both conventional and organically managed fields. Finally, biological and chemical pest management strategies for the control of T. absoluta adopted by farmers within the region are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   


The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, (Medfly) is considered a key pest of citrus fruit in many countries. Integrated pest management (IPM) approaches are frequently highly dependent on the use of insecticides. Oxitec’s self-limiting (prevents the insects’ offspring from surviving to adulthood) Medfly technology (OX3864A) offers an approach to manage Medfly outbreaks and may offer improved sustainability and economics for area-wide programmes. Netted cages were used to evaluate OX3864A deployed for the first time outdoors as a preventative treatment to suppress wild Medfly. Comparative assessments examined sexual competitiveness, the relative performance of OX3864A releases at both adult and pupal life-stages, and the ability of OX3864A to protect against fruit damage. OX3864A males are as competitive as wild males. Deployment of both adult and pupal life-stages of OX3864A effectively reduce Medfly abundance, resulting in elimination of the target pest populations. OX3864A deployment as adults also demonstrated the beneficial attribute of protecting fruit quality to preserve marketable yield. Data for adult and pupal deployment strategies are encouraging for self-limiting technologies targeting Medfly populations and support a broader evaluation of OX3864A Medfly or further improved self-liming Oxitec strains of Medfly in open settings.  相似文献   

桃小食心虫对苹果的为害及其防治指标的制订   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The peach twig borer Anarsia lineatella is the most common pest threat of peaches worldwide. This work studies for the first time, the fruit damage patterns inside organic peach orchards using geostatistical methods. A linear semivariogram model provides the best fit among candidates’ linear and non-linear models based on the RSS and r2. Moreover, the shape of the linear model approaches the pure nugget effect model, with a very low correlation between samples regardless of the distance of separation. This suggests either that the caused damage is to a high degree randomly or uniformly distributed, or, that autocorrelation may be present in distance lower than the measured distance of the study orchards. The linear model has been used for Kriging interpolation to simulate the spatial distribution of fruit damage and to indicate hot spots of high pest activity. According to the linear interpolation model, the simulated percentage of damage ranged from 12% to 28% during an observation period of three years. Moreover, slight border effects were observed during the first two years of observation suggesting possible entry of individuals from nearby orchards.  相似文献   

The field vole, Microtus agrestis (L.), is a major pest in horticulture and forestry in all Scandinavian countries, and an important forestry pest in certain regions in central Europe. The most common type of damage is girdling trunks of cultivated trees, usually under the snow cover. In horticulture, the apple tree is the commonest subject of injury, while, in forestry, several deciduous and conifer species are attacked. In Finland and Norway, the garden industry has suffered most, while, in Sweden, the problems are predominantly in forestry. In central Europe, M. agrestis is a forestry pest only. Summation of all losses due to the field vole since World War II amounted to somewhere between 50 and 100 million US Populations of M. agrestis normally undergo cyclic fluctuations. However, comparison of the periodicity of outbreaks in different areas reveals variations, 3 to 4-year intervals dominating in the Scandinavian countries, while the interval in central Europe is generally somewhat shorter. No overall synchrony exists over the geographical range of the species. Present knowledge concerning the demography and habitat dynamics of M. agrestis is briefly reviewed. Current possibilities for preventing damage by M. agrestis are much dependent on the individual value of the potential subjects of injury. High value stands, like apple gardens or seed orchards of forest trees, can be protected by means of mechanical guards. However, current means of combating damage in forest plantations are badly limited. Surface spraying with toxaphene and poison baits is practised in central Europe, while, in the Scandinavian countries (except Denmark), no chemical means are used today. Development of new compounds to be used as surface sprays, or specific baits for M. agrestis, is urgently needed. Research on bio-control methods should also be intensified.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) or spotted wing Drosophila is a worldwide invasive pest of soft- and stone-fruit production. Female D. suzukii lay their eggs in ripening fruit and the hatched larvae damage fruit from the inside, rendering it unmarketable and causing significant economic loss. Current methods to reduce D. suzukii population in the field primarily rely on chemical insecticides which are not a sustainable long-term solution and increase the risk of resistance developing. Several studies demonstrate that when D. suzukii encounter or coexist with other Drosophila on a food source, this is usually a disadvantage to D. suzukii, leading to reduced oviposition and increased larval mortality. These effects have potential to be exploited from a pest management perspective. In this review we summarise recent research articles focusing on the interspecific interactions between D. suzukii and other Drosophila species aimed at understanding how this drives D. suzukii behaviour. Potential semiochemical and microbiome impacts are postulated as determinants of D. suzukii behaviour. Development of control practices focusing on reducing D. suzukii populations and deterring them from laying eggs by utilising factors that drive their behaviour are discussed. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The dimpling bug, Campylomma austrina Malipatil, has been recognised since 2002 as a serious mango pest in the Northern Territory, Australia. To fully understand the damage the bug causes and its relationship with ants, field experiments were conducted in five mango orchards in the Darwin area from 2001 to 2003 along with laboratory rearing trials. The latter revealed that the dimpling bug sucked sap mainly from the ovary of the flowers. As the ovary ripened, each puncture resulted in a black pimple on the skin of the marble-sized fruit (<5 mm in diameter). All of the most heavily damaged marble-sized fruits (>10 pimples/fruitlet) dropped from the trees. A field survey and field experiments showed that marble-sized fruit damage levels on trees bearing abundant weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, were similar to those protected by chemical insecticides, however both suffered less damage than trees bearing fewer or no weaver ants or black ants, Iridomyrmex sp. We propose that the weaver ant is an efficient bio-control agent of the dimpling bug, and to limit the bug damage, high levels of weaver ant populations are required in mango orchards.  相似文献   


A survey of 150 rice farmers in three municipalities of the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines, carried out in June 1998, aimed to assess the farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices of rice crop and pest management. The survey revealed that: 54% of the farmers fall within a narrow age range (31-50 years), the majority having 11-30 years of rice farming experience; they are of average literacy; and they have large households. Non-farm activity such as woodcarving was the most common source of additional income. The majority of farmers planted a single crop of rice per year and followed traditional cultivation practices. Major rice crop production constraints were drought due to the El Nino phenomenon and insufficient irrigation infrastructure. Zinc deficiency was widespread. Major, non-insect pests known to farmers were earthworms, rats, golden apple snails, and house sparrows. These pests damage either the rice plant or the terrace wall. Earthworm damage to the terrace wall is most obvious. Farmers had very little exposure to integrated pest management and new rice technologies.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is an invasive pest of tomato native to South America, where it is responsible for extensive damage. It rapidly spread into several European countries, becoming a key pest. Knowledge of its main biological traits can be used to develop effective plant protection management strategies. It is a multivoltine species with a homodynamous behaviour, and the length of its life cycle depends on environmental conditions, particularly temperature. The larvae feed and develop inside tomato leaves, stems and fruits throughout the entire growing cycle. The adults have crepuscular habits, and in Mediterranean conditions they can be easily detected throughout the year. Damage is directly related to the reduction of plants' photosynthetic capacity and of production levels in both protected and open‐field tomato crops; indirect damage can be also caused by secondary infections, with pathogens developing on the infested plant and fruit tissues.  相似文献   

During European canker monitoring in an apple experimental orchard, 14 mummified fruit (two and three trees with 10 and four positive records in 2018 and 2019, respectively) showed perithecia. Perithecium production on apple fruit, confirmation of pathogenicity of Neonectria ditissima isolated from mummified fruit, and ascospore release from fruit tissues has rarely been reported, and their role in the epidemiology of European canker has been largely overlooked. Thus, the objectives of our study were to (a) prove the presence of both conidia and ascospores of N. ditissima in mummified fruit in an experimental field, confirming pathogenesis in different apple cultivars, and (b) monitor production of the two types of inoculum in infected apple fruit over time. Canker incidence in this orchard was 47% of trees with symptoms in 2018 and 48% in 2019. Molecular and morphological tests confirmed that the fungus detected in the mummified apple fruit was N. ditissima. Apple fruit with sporodochia and perithecia washed immediately after collection from the orchard showed conidia but no ascospores of N. ditissima. However, after 4 days’ incubation, perithecia on mummified fruit showed many ascospore cirri. Koch's postulates were fulfilled on apple plants and mature fruit. Fruit inoculated with N. ditissima released spores for over a year under Brazilian field conditions. The release of both spore types peaked in May (Brazilian leaf fall) and October (spring); release of conidia also peaked in February (early harvest). These results support our hypothesis that fruit can serve as primary inoculum for European canker in Brazilian apple orchards.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pheromones of two native leafrollers of economic importance to the New Zealand horticulture industry, Planotortrix octo [(Z)‐8‐tetradecenyl acetate and tetradecyl acetate] and Ctenopseustis obliquana [(Z)‐5‐tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)‐8‐tetradecenyl acetate], were reinvestigated and combined with pheromone of Epiphyas postvittana [light‐brown apple moth, (E)‐11‐tetradecenyl actetate and (E, E)‐9,11‐tetradecen‐1‐yl acetate] to develop a single dispenser for mating disruption of three pest species for integrated pest management. RESULTS: Additional compounds identified from pheromone gland extracts were characterised as repellents for P. octo. However, for C. obliquana from Central Otago, a change in ratio of (Z)‐5‐tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)‐8‐tetradecenyl acetate and the addition of three compounds found in the gland (dodecyl acetate, tetradecyl acetate and hexadecanal) led to a significant improvement in catch over previous lures. Males from Central Otago showed antennal electrophysiological responses to hexadecanal, unlike C. obliquana from Auckland, which did not. Three multiple‐species disruption blends were devised in a single dispenser to target E. postvittana, P. octo and C. obliquana. Disruption of traps was recorded in single‐tree replicates with all three blends, but the five‐component blend was overall most effective at disruption and was deployed area wide in commercial orchard plots. CONCLUSIONS: Deployment of single dispensers into commercial stone fruit orchards led to disruption of trapping for the three species and measurable reductions in insecticide use in cherries, peaches and nectarines without increased fruit damage (assessed in apricots). Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, was found along the west coast of the United States, beginning in 2008 and 2009, infesting a wide variety of small and stone fruit crops. This pest is a serious economic threat, as noted in its native range (Asia), because it lays eggs within ripening fruit before harvest, leading to crop loss. The aim of this paper is to describe the process in order to create collaboration, communication routes and evaluation methods in response to a new invasive pest. RESULTS: Funding was secured and a program (SWD*IPM) was quickly developed to address social, economic and biological components. Communication routes were outlined, and a stakeholder advisory panel was established to guide program objectives. A central website was created to host up‐to‐date information. An online monitoring and mapping program for D. suzukii in Oregon fruit‐growing regions illustrated the range, distribution and seasonal abundance of the pest. In addition, a program for backyard fruit growers was initiated to examine citizen scientists' roles in managing D. suzukii infestations in the urban setting. A monitoring kit, laminated educational cards, dry fly mounts and quick‐time videos were some of the tools used to educate growers. First‐year challenges for dealing with a new pest are discussed. CONCLUSION: The discovery and subsequent response to an exotic pest is information intensive and requires a well‐planned, coordinated Extension and evaluation effort. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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