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苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是我国重要的检疫害虫,已经在我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、黑龙江和吉林6个省区发现,对我国苹果产业构成了严重威胁。目前,我国苹果蠹蛾的主要防治方法仍旧是传统的化学防治。但考虑到安全性、环境影响和化学农药持久性等问题,人们开始重视采取害虫综合治理策略(IPM),其中生物防治占有非常重要的地位。本文综述了国内外苏云金芽胞杆菌、白僵菌、颗粒体病毒、昆虫病原线虫和寄生蜂在苹果蠹蛾防治中的研究和应用情况。同时,针对生防技术在果园农业生态系统IPM防治体系中所发挥的作用也进行了探讨,包括目前亟待解决的问题和应用前景,以期为我国苹果蠹蛾防控策略的研究和应用提供参考。 相似文献
H. RIEDL 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):241-252
With the renewed emphasis on integrated control in fruit growing, new monitoring and forecasting methods had to be developed to achieve efficient and economical but less disruptive codling moth control. Attractant traps for monitoring adults have long been in use; pheromone traps are a recent addition. They allow for easy monitoring of moth populations but interpreting the significance of catches remains difficult. Pheromone trap catches have been correlated with the seasonal phenology and with estimates of fruit injury. In the United States and Canada critical catch levels below which no treatments are advised have been determined. In addition, new forecasting methods are being developed which include simple physiological-time tables, phenological models and « strategic » population models. Computer-based information delivery systems allow access to these models from the field. It is too early to assess the total impact of these new monitoring and forecasting programs on control practices. Aux Etats-Unis, les systemes de lutte integree suscitent un inter& croissant. Dans les vergers, toute approche dans ce sens requiert un affinement des methodes de recensement des populations de carpocapse des pommes et des poires, de mbme qu'une amelioration des previsions. Depuis longtemps, plusieurs types de pieges attractifs ont ete utilises, mais les pieges a pheromones sont d'introduction recente. Ceux-ci permettent de reveler d'une facon remarquable I'activite des populations, alors que I'interpretation de la signification economique des captures demeure difficile. Aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, il a ete possible d'etablir une relation entre les captures realisees a I'aide de pheromones et les degsts observes sur fruits. Ceci a permis d'etablir des seuils critiques au-dessous desquels il n'est pas: recommande de recourir a une mesure de protection. Parallelement au developpement de tables de survie, de modeles phenologiques et stratkgiques, il a ete etabli un systeme d'information par ordinateurs. I1 est encore trop tat pour evaluer la valeur de ces nouveaux éléments. 相似文献
J.E. CRANHAM 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):105-107
In England, codling moth is univoltine in most years and two, or even one, spray application will usually maintain the pest at very low levels. In the hot summers of 1975- 1976, moth numbers and the potential for damage to the fruit increased markedly. Many factors influence the numbers of moths caught in pheromone traps, and the relationship between trap catches and subsequent fruit damage has been very variable between orchards and between seasons. Nevertheless, the traps are reliable indicators of where sprays can be safely omitted and, alternatively, where a full spray programme is required. The effect of applying no sprays when catches remain below a threshold of five moths per trap per week is being widely tested. The rate of development of the first flight period varies markedly between orchards in a locality. Problems in the use of trap records to determine spray timing in individual orchards will be discussed. En Angleterre, le carpocapse est le plus souvent univoltin et deux traitements, ou même un seul, suffisent à le maintenir a un niveau de population très bas. Durant les étés chauds de 1975 et 1976, le nombre de carpocapses a été beaucoup plus eleve, ce qui a considerablement augment les risques de dommages aux fruits. De nombreux facteurs determinent le taux de capture dans les pièges à phéromones, ce qui entraine un manque de relation entre les captures et les déglts effectifs d'un verger et d'une saison a I'autre. Néanmoins, le piégeage permet de definir les périodes pendant lesquelles les traitements sont déconseilles ou, au contraire, indispensables. La suppression de tout traitement pour le cas ou les captures ne depasseraient pas un seuil de cinq individus par piege et par semaine est envisageée. L'évolution du premier vol varie largement selon le verger. Ceci entraine des problemes d'extrapolation des résultats du piégeage pour la programmation des traitements. 相似文献
Damage caused by larvae of Prays oleae has great economic impact for the olive growers in many of the chief olive-growing areas of Cyprus. P. oleae has three generations per year affecting successively the flowers, the fruit and the leaves. The fruit generation is the most destructive, the larvae living inside the stone of the fruits and the attacked fruit falling prematurely from the tree either in late June of in late August. The trials reported in this paper were aiming to find the best time to spray for more effective control of the fruit generation. Olive trees were sprayed four times at weekly intervals using the insecticide formothion. The treatments which started on 25 May were completed by 16 June 1976. The best period was found to be that particular stage of fruit growth at which the fertilized fruit started to grow normally and they can easily be distinguished from the non-fertilized. Having found the best time to control the fruit generation in 1976, three insecticides were tested in 1978. These were cypermethrin, formothion and triazophos. 相似文献
蝴蝶兰有害生物防治及其检疫措施 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
蝴蝶兰为兰科(Ochidaceae)蝴蝶兰属(Phalaenopsis),英文名为 Moth Orchid(蛾兰),广义还包括其和朵丽兰杂交成功的朵丽蝶兰属(Doritaenopsis),分布于亚洲和大洋洲热带和亚热带地区,共有原种40多个,其中我国有5个.蝴蝶兰在台湾栽培已有50年历史,品种优良,主要出口日本、欧洲国家等,现在汕头栽培的品种大多数从台湾引进,设施栽培面积有4万多m2,年产成花50余万株,大部分内销,小部分销往美国、日本、香港等地,其中以中、大苗为主,既有裸根也有带介质. 相似文献
E. D. M. MACAULAY 《Plant pathology》1977,26(4):179-188
Cereal cyst nematode is a major pathogen in southern Australia costing $40 to $80 million in lost production each year. Our research has shown that three chemicals applied with the seed in the drill row, viz. Counter (terbufos) granules, Vydate (oxamyl) as a seed dressing and Nemadi (ethylene dibromide), reduced Heterodera avenae damage and gave yield increases which are economical in the Australian wheat farming system. A plant assay of soil has been developed to assess potential damage by H. avenae before employing chemical control. Wheat yields 2 years after growing H. avenae-resistant Festiguay wheat were 0.4 to 1 t/ha higher than after other cultivars. Rotations with legumes alternating with wheat reduced damage from H. avenae. Wheat sown without cultivation (minimum tillage) resulted in less root damage from H. avenae and higher yields than when sown into cultivated soil. 相似文献
G. Parmentier 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):275-280
Application of the integrated control philosophy presupposes that adequate background research has been done: qualitative surveys involving the exact identification of the pathogens which actually cause financial losses, quantitative surveys involving estimation of populations and the threshold of damage that makes chemical control economically desirable. These surveys should be used as a research tool to determine and understand the role of different factors in the size of pathogen populations. The application of integrated control to winter wheat in Belgium is described. 相似文献
George Ordish 《国际虫害防治杂志》2013,59(1):37-40
From field trials with artificial infestation of rice yellow stemborer Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (YSB) egg masses over the post-transplanted crop cycle and reports in the literature, it was concluded that rice passes through three stages of general morphological resistance interceded by two stages of susceptibility. Resistance occurs on very young rice, at mid-growth, and after panicle exsertion. The resistant period at mid-growth varied by plant maturity. On an early maturing rice variety (IR72), resistance occurred from panicle initiation (PI) to pre-booting, while on the medium maturing IR70, resistance was extended from the late vegetative stage to booting. High deadheart (severed tiller) densities occurred post transplanting because, being small, up to three tillers are damaged by a single larva. Whiteheads (severed panicles) were formed from infestations from booting onwards and were relatively higher than deadhearts on the early maturing variety but relatively less on the medium maturing variety. Zinc deficiency delayed maturity of IR72, and the period of naturally high resistance of seedlings was extended throughout most of the vegetative stage as well as after PI through pre-booting. Resistance at mid-growth and after panicle exsertion could be from: (1) lignin and cellulose deposits on the cell walls, (2) tight wrapping of the leaf sheath, and (3) deposition of silica. All three trials produced similar quadratic models of the yield response to crop age when infested. Deadheart damage was compensated to a large degree, but lowest yields occurred from whitehead damage when infested at or just after the pre-booting stage. 相似文献
W. KOCH 《EPPO Bulletin》1979,9(1):107-117
The integration of special measures into a system requires the evaluation of their absolute and relative importance. Processes have to be known and ways of their mathematical simulation are necessary. The very first steps have been done in this direction in weed science. One of the key factors for such simulations is the population dynamics of weeds and within this the dynamics of reproduction and survival is of special importance. Integrated control systems can be established. They could be much improved with a better understanding of the key factors and the interrelationships involved. 相似文献
苹果斑点落叶病 (AlternariamaliRoberbs) ,近年来 ,在我县发生呈明显的上升趋势 ,造成严重的早期落叶 ,富士苹果塑膜套袋果果面红、黑点严重 ,导致树势早衰 ,对花芽分化及果品的产量和质量影响甚大。常规化学防治效果较差 ,即使多氧霉素和扑海因也难以奏效 ,已成为生产中亟待解决的问题。在上级业务主管部门的支持下 ,我们于 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年 ,试图以防病从壮树和减少病原入手适期配合化学防治探索斑点落叶病综合防治途径 ,收到了良好的效果。现将试验结果总结报告如下 :1 试验园基本情况试验园设在临晋镇代村、试验园海拔高度 5 40m… 相似文献