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本文以研究生理拔节至成熟期间主要温、光、水等气象因素,在多播期情况下对各类群小麦穗粒数、穗粒重及千粒重的变化影响,探索其变化规律,为我区小麦高产避免不良气候影响,扬长避短,提供适宜播期及品种. 1 生态条件及试验方法试验在铜仁谢桥坝上进行。试验地海拔254米,年均温16.7℃,年降雨量1271.6毫米,以4、5、6月雨量偏多。年日照时数1180.8小时。温光水等气候条件均能满足小麦正常播  相似文献   

小麦穗粒数形成的基因型差异及增粒途径分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
以27个穗粒性状不同的小麦品种为材料,对小麦穗粒数形成过程中的各构成因素进行了相关、通径和聚类分析。结果表明:不同穗粒性状基因型在分化小穗数、结实小穗数、分化小花数和可孕小花数上均有明显差异。特大穗型小麦的小花分化速率最快,分化持续时间最短。穗粒数对小麦产量提高的贡献最大,穗粒数与千粒重之间不存在负相  相似文献   

不同年份对小麦穗数穗粒数的影响及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多年的小区高产栽培试验和高产攻关,对小麦的穗数、穗粒数进行了研究。结果表明,在相似栽培条件下,有的年份间穗教相差较多,有的年份间穗粒教相差较多。年后幼苗阶段积温,是决定穗数多少的主要因子;小麦返青后5d平均滑动气温首次≥4℃至拔节前的天数,是决定穗粒数多少的主要因素。但只要采取相应的技术措施,不论什么年份,均可获得足够的穗数和较多穗粒数。  相似文献   

本文选用高产小麦新品种山农15号和济麦22号,在田间高产条件下,研究了不同密度对小麦穗部性状的影响。结果表明,亩基本苗在8万~12万株范围内,随着密度增加,两品种小麦穗数增加,穗粒数、结实小穗数降低,不孕小穗率提高;济麦22号穗粒数降低幅度小于山农15号。山农15号亩基本苗12万株的密度处理的穗干物质积累率,在开花16天后显著低于其他处理;济麦22号各处理间差异不显著,说明两品种对密度的反应不同,济麦22号耐密性较好,密度过大显著降低山农15号的穗粒数和穗干物质量。在本实验条件下,两品种均以亩基本苗10万株的密度处理籽粒产量最高。  相似文献   

细胞分裂素氧化酶基因与禾本科作物的穗粒数密切相关.本文根据已报道的小麦细胞分裂素氧化酶(cytokinin oxidase,CKX)基因EST序列在GenBank中搜索更新的EST序列,组装后设计特异引物在豫麦8679/红芒春31重组自交系群体(recombined inbreed lines,RILs)中鉴定与小麦穗粒数相关的CKX基因.结果表明,Tackx3基因在RILs群体中表现较好的多态性,并与小麦穗粒数相关.具有"A"型Tackx3等位基因的家系其穗粒数大都分布在较低的范围内(穗粒数15~60),平均值为55:而具有"B"型Tackx3等位基因的家系其穗粒数大都分布在较高的范围内(61~95),平均值为65,穗粒数均值T测验达极显著水平,说明Tackx3基因等位变异与小麦穗粒数形成关系密切.  相似文献   

北方粳稻不同品种产量及其与穗部性状相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究北方超级稻沈农265和沈农6014的产量及其与穗部性状相关性的结果表明,沈农265和沈农6014产量水平较高.其中沈农265比对照品种辽粳294和辽粳371分别增产7.96%和14.16%,与二者的产量差异均达到了显著水平;沈农6014比对照品种辽粳294和辽粳371分别增产9.50%和15.80%,与它们的产量差异也达到了显著水平.虽然沈农265和沈农6014的千粒重和穗数较低,但可以通过保证较高的每穗粒数来获得高产.结实率与一次枝梗数、一次枝梗粒数、一次枝梗结实率、一次枝梗着粒密度、二次枝梗结实率、二次枝梗着粒密度呈显著或极显著的正相关.产量与着粒密度呈显著的正相关,而结实率与着粒密度的相关性不显著,表明遗传改良已经克服了着粒密度对结实性的不利影响,提高千粒重是超高产品种进一步高产的重要途径.  相似文献   

在小麦开花前16-8d和开花前8d至开花期进行遮光处理分别使穗粒数减少了37%和23%。在处理期间,遮光穗的还原糖和果聚糖浓度氏于对照穗,而蔗糖浓度与对照差异较小,遮光处理降低了穗中蔗糖-蔗糖果糖基转移酶和可溶性酸性转化酶的活性。  相似文献   

云南旱地小麦不同穗型品种减源缩库与穗部性状的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过剪叶、剪穗处理探讨云南三种穗型的旱地小麦品种的源库关系,结果认为:平地小麦在齐穗后不同剪叶、剪穗处理,其穗部性状变化明显。大穗型品种云麦39不同的剪叶处理其每穗重量和单粒重下降幅度较大,而小穗型品种云麦42和中穗型品种97591与云麦39相比每穗重量和单粒重下降幅度较小;不同剪叶处理的每穗饱粒重也下降,下降的程度依次是云麦39>97591>云麦42。大穗型品种的每穗饱粒数下降明显,而小穗型和中穗型品种的下降较少。对于不同的剪穗处理,大穗型品种的单粒重增加幅度较大,而小穗型品种增加幅度较小,中穗型品种的甚至减少。对于不同穗型品种的穗部性状源库结构调整的反应不同表明:其灌浆过程或光合器官间的相互补偿能力不同,这种不同使不同穗型品种对各种环境的适应性有差异,栽培管理应该有所区别。  相似文献   

本文应用灰色关联度分析方法,对从国外引进的16个硬粒小麦品种(系)的10个性状进行了综合分析与评价,结果表明穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重对产量的影响较大。引进品种(系)中27TH—38关联度最大,综合性状最好。  相似文献   

小麦籽粒产量及穗部相关性状的QTL定位   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
由小麦品种花培3号和豫麦57杂交获得DH群体168个株系,种植于3个环境中,利用305个SSR标记对籽粒产量和穗部相关性状(穗长、穗粒数、总小穗数、可育小穗数、小穗着生密度、千粒重和粒径)进行了QTL定位。利用基于混合线性模型的QTLNetwork 2.0软件,共检测到27个加性效应和13对上位效应位点,其中 8个加性效应位点具有环境互作效应。相关性高的性状间有一些共同的QTL位点,表现出一因多效或紧密连锁效应。5D染色体区段Xwmc215–Xgdm63,检测到控制籽粒产量、穗粒数、总小穗数、可育小穗数和小穗着生密度5个性状的QTL位点,各位点的遗传贡献率较大且遗传效应方向相同,增效等位基因均来源于豫麦57,适用于分子标记辅助育种和聚合育种。控制千粒重与穗粒数的QTL位于染色体不同区段,有利于实现穗粒数与粒重的遗传重组。  相似文献   

小麦子粒构型性状与粒重的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小麦6044和01-35及由这两个材料构建的187个重组自交系群体的子粒构型性状(粒长、粒宽、粒厚、粒形等)和产量相关性状千粒重进行了相关性分析。结果表明,千粒重与粒长、粒宽、粒厚都有较高的相关性,其中与粒厚相关性最高(相关系数r=0.854**),表明粒厚对粒重的影响最大,粒宽与粒长次之。子粒构型性状之间也有一定的相关性,其中粒宽与粒厚的相关性最大(r=0.775**),其次为粒长/粒宽与粒长/粒厚(r=0.754**),而粒厚与粒长/粒厚表现为极显著负相关(r=-0.612**),说明粒形主要受粒长和粒厚的影响。  相似文献   

Summary Environmental correlation coefficients were computed among all pairs of five traits, namely grain yield, heading date, number of tillers per m2, plant height and 1000-grain weight (grain size) using 30 Triticum durum and 30 Triticum aestivum varieties grown in 18 environments. Grain yield was significantly correlated with the other four traits in almost all of the varieties. The mean correlation coefficient over all varieties ranged from 0.58 to –0.83 for durum wheat and 0.66 to 0.88 for aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficients between heading date and the other traits were also significant, ranging from –0.45 to –0.79 in durum wheat and –0.61 to –0.85 in aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficient between number of tillers with plant height and 1000-grain weight were the smallest, 0.19–0.32 in durum wheat and 0.39–0.60 in aestivum wheat. It was concluded that agronomic practices favouring early and good stand establishment in the dry regions will favour the yield components and important adaptive traits, which contribute towards larger yields. Significant differences were found among genotypes in the environmental correlation coefficients and the associated changes in one trait as a result of changes in other traits.  相似文献   

冬小麦品种数量性状的典型相关分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王瑞清  闫志顺  刘英 《种子》2004,23(11):56-58
对41份冬小麦品种产量构成因素、植株性状、穗部性状的典型相关分析表明:产量构成因素与穗部性状间、产量构成因素与植株性状间、穗部性状与植株性状间均呈显著相关,说明通过穗部性状、植株性状间接选择产量性状是可能的.  相似文献   

Grain yield is one of the most important goals in wheat breeding, and agronomic or yield-related traits can directly reflect the characteristics of varieties. In order to determine the evolution of genetic diversity in agronomic traits of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties and their adaptabilities to different ecological environments, 134 winter wheat landraces and 54 moderns bred varieties from Xinjiang were selected for agronomic trait investigation. They were planted in three different ecological environments (Urumqi and Yining in Xinjiang province, and Tai’an in Shandong province) for two consecutive growth seasons, and nine agronomic and yield-related traits were surveyed and analyzed. The estimated broad sense heritability of nine agronomic and yield traits was in descending order: plant height > grain width > grain length/width ratio > spike length > spikelet number > thousand- kernel weight > grain number per spike > grain length > fertile spikelet number. Correlation analyses of nine agronomic and yield traits showed that these traits were correlated with each other. It was found that the plant height, spike length and grain length/width ratio of landraces were higher than that in modern bred varieties, but the grain number per spike, thousand kernel weight, grain length and grain width in landraces were less than that in modern bred varieties. However, the correlation coefficient of these nine traits was higher in modern bred varieties than that in landraces. These variations reflected the evolution of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties in agronomic traits in recent years. This study may provide important information for breeders to select the breeding parents in different winter wheat regions.  相似文献   

普通小麦品种(系)籽粒的铁含量分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了初步调查和评价我国普通小麦品种籽粒铁蛋白含量的分布状况,从我国品种中筛选铁含量高的基因型,为下一步高铁小麦品种的培育奠定基础,本研究随机选取了83个不同的小麦栽培品种(系),利用原子吸收分光光度法测量小麦籽粒中的铁含量。结果表明,这些品种的小麦籽粒铁含量变化范围较广,从5.64mg?kg-1到59.5mg?kg-1,平均值为30.13mg?kg-1,变异系数14.56,变异幅度比较大;籽粒铁含量为10~50mg?kg-1的品种占85.55%,而籽粒铁含量高于50mg/kg的仅占10.84%,在品种间呈现中间多、两头少的分布趋势;四月糙、金裹银、灰三糙等3个农家品种的铁含量超过了50mg?kg-1,说明在农家品种中存在着高铁含量的种质资源。农大3753等四个“有色”品种铁含量在40mg?kg-1左右,属于中高水平。  相似文献   

To understand the genetic gains of grain yield in the Southern China Winter Wheat Region (SCWWR), two yield potential trials, i.e., YPT 1 including 11 leading cultivars from the Middle and Low Yangtze Valley (Zone III) and YPT 2 including 15 leading cultivars from the Southwestern China Region (Zone IV) from 1949 to 2000, were conduced during the 2001–2003 cropping seasons. A completely randomized block design of three replicates was employed with controlled field environments. Molecular markers were used to detect the presence of dwarfing genes and the 1B/1R translocation. Results showed that average annual genetic gain was 0.31% (P < 0.05) or 13.96 kg/ha/year and 0.74% (P < 0.01) or 40.80 kg/ha/year in Zones III and IV, respectively. In YPT 1, changes of all other traits were not significant, but plant height was significantly reduced. In YPT 2, the genetic improvement of grain yield was primarily attributed to the increased thousand kernel weight (TKW) (0.65%, P < 0.01) and kernel weight/spike (0.87%, P < 0.01), reduced plant height and increased harvest index (HI). The dwarfing gene Rht 8 was most frequently present (46.1%), Rht-B1b was observed in three genotypes in Zone III, and Rht-D1b was present in only one genotype in Zone IV. The 1B/1R translocation was present in four genotypes. Utilization of Italian germplasm and development of landmark cultivar Fan 7 were the key factors for grain yield improvement in SCWWR. The future challenge of wheat breeding in this region is to continue improving grain yield and disease resistance, and to develop cultivars suitable for the reduced tillage of wheat/rice double cropping. Utilization of Mexican germplasm could provide opportunities for future yield improvement.  相似文献   

NAC转录因子是植物特有的一类转录因子,在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫应答反应中发挥着重要作用。前期研究表明, TaNAC67参与对多种逆境胁迫的应答,过量表达能增强拟南芥的抗逆性。为进一步揭示其在调控小麦主要农艺性状发育方面的作用,本研究以36份普通小麦组成的高多态性群体为材料,测序分析了TaNAC67-6A、TaNAC67-6B、TaNAC67-6D序列多态性,发现TaNAC67-6A启动子区–1516 nt有1个A/G转换SNP,在–873~–748 nt处有1个126 bp的InDel; TaNAC67-6B启动子区–2014和–1916 nt处各有1个C/T转换SNP; TaNAC67-6D启动子区–1795 nt有1个T/G颠换SNP,编码区357 nt处有1个C/T转换SNP。根据多态性分别开发了功能分子标记,扫描由282份普通小麦构成的自然群体,并将基因型和表型性状检测结果进行关联分析,TaNAC67-6A、TaNAC67-6B的标记与表型性状无显著关联,而TaNAC67-6D的2个标记SNP-D-1和SNP-D-2分别与小麦穗长和每穗小穗数显著相关。单倍型分析发现,自然群体中存在3种主要单倍型,其中Hap-6D-3是增加穗长和每穗小穗数的最优单倍型,在我国小麦育种历史中受到了正向选择。转基因水稻表型分析发现,TaNAC67过表达能显著增加水稻主穗穗长、穗分枝和穗粒数,验证了小麦关联分析结果。因此,TaNAC67-6D可用于改良农作物穗部性状,其分子标记可用于小麦分子标记辅助选择育种。  相似文献   

To map quantitative trait loci (QTL) and heterotic loci (HL) related to grain number per spike (GNS), 168 double haploid (DH) populations derived from Huapei?3?×?Yumai?57 and an immortalized F 2 population (IF 2) generated by randomly permutated intermating of these DH populations were investigated. Using inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM), a total of nine and eight significant QTLs for GNS were detected in three different environments in DH and IF 2 populations, respectively. QTLs on chromosomes?1A, 2B, 3B, and 6A were observed between two populations. Five QTLs were detected on chromosome?1A. Of these QTLs, QGns1A-1 was a major QTL explaining 31.25?% of phenotypic variation. QGns2B-2 detected on chromosome?2B had the most significant additive effects, explaining 46.75?% of phenotypic variation with the favorable allele contributed by Yumai?57 corresponding to an increase of 5.69?kernels. Mid-parent heterosis of each cross in the IF 2 population was used to map heterotic quantitative trait loci. A total of 17 HLs were detected. QTLs and HLs on chromosomes?2B and 6A were observed in the IF 2 population. Three HLs, QHgns1B-2, QHgns2B, and QHgns6A-1, were detected in two environments and expressed stably. These results showed that some intervals on chromosomes?1B, 2B, and 6A play an important role in GNS heterosis in wheat, improving understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

利用4个四川省主推小麦品种连续2年2地在不同施氮时期、施氮量、播期、施磷量条件下,测定小麦籽粒中生物活性物质植酸、γ–氨基丁酸、总酚含量的变化,期望找到提高小麦生物活性物质的含量合理的栽培措施。结果表明,影响小麦生物活性物质含量的主要因素是品种,施氮量、施氮时期、播期、施磷量等栽培措施只部分影响或不影响生物活性物质的含量。另外施氮量和施磷量的互作效应也会对生物活性物质含量产生显著影响。绵麦51的γ-氨基丁酸和总酚含量高于其他品种,抗营养物质植酸含量低于其他品种。在四川地区选用品种绵麦51,将150 kg hm~(–2)纯氮氮肥、75 kg hm~(–2) P_2O_5的磷肥全作底肥一次施用,于10月29日播种可获得生物活性物质含量最佳的小麦籽粒。  相似文献   

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