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泌乳期间的低采食量会导致母猪体储备的过度损失而显著降低体重和背膘储备 ,延长断奶到重新交配的时间 ,降低妊娠率和产仔数 ,缩短母猪的使用年限。母猪泌乳期间的饲喂水平也会影响仔猪的生产性能 ,母猪泌乳期间饲料消耗同产奶量直接相关 ,采食量增加 ,产奶量也会有较大提高 ,产奶量的高低会影响哺乳仔猪的生长速度。提高母猪泌乳期饲料采食量的方法之一是确保母猪妊娠期间不要过度饲喂。母猪泌乳期的饲料采食量和妊娠期的饲料采食量呈负相关 ,妊娠期的饲料采食量增加 ,泌乳期的饲料采食量则下降。因此 ,妊娠期的饲料采食量应减少 ,否则妊娠…  相似文献   

影响母猪泌乳期采食量的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从泌乳母猪采食量与生产性能的关系出发,阐述了提高母猪泌乳期采食量的重要性及影响采食量的主要因素。  相似文献   

综述影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素,提高哺乳母猪的采食量的途径及其今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

哺乳期母猪采食量会直接影响哺乳母猪的泌乳力,从而影响哺乳仔猪生长性能、断奶仔猪生产性能、母猪下次发情的时间及状态,保证哺乳母猪足够的营养摄入是养殖过程中重要的组成部分.影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素很多,如猪种、环境、温度、基础日粮组成、饲喂方式等.本文综述了提高哺乳母猪采食量的方法,为继续研究和在实际中提高哺乳母猪采食量提...  相似文献   

程伶 《当代畜禽养殖业》2003,(10):J010-J012
与人类一样,分娩对于母猪是一件大事,特别是在分娩之后,体况和食欲很容易出现异常,所以在管理上更应加倍小心。总之,分娩后的母猪因为要:①给哺乳仔猪授乳,②恢复因分娩造成的体力消耗,③修复带伤的子宫和卵巢,④维持自己的生命,以及⑤1~2产母猪还处于生长发育过程等种种  相似文献   

付建福  瞿明仁  张含 《猪业科学》2007,24(12):64-65
综述影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素,提高哺乳母猪的采食量的途径及其今后研究的方向.  相似文献   

哺乳母猪是一个猪场管理的核心 ,它的管理水平直接影响全场生产效益的高低。首先要考虑哺乳母猪营养需要的特点 ,母猪除维持机体正常代谢和增长体组织外 ,还要泌乳哺育仔猪 ,泌乳量和乳中的组成成分取决于饲料中营养成分的供给数量 ,而泌乳量和乳的质量又直接影响仔猪断奶体重和存活率。大量科学研究和实践表明 ,最大限度地提高泌乳期饲料采食量可以提高泌乳量和以后的繁殖性能。因此 ,多数营养学家和养猪生产者致力于开发提高母猪采食量的措施。本文将阐述饲料采食量对母猪及其繁殖性能的影响以及如何提高饲料采食量等问题。1 哺乳期母猪…  相似文献   

研究证明,泌乳母猪采食量随季节变化而改变。一年中以6,7,8,9月4个月份气温较高,采食量较低。哺乳母猪的生产性能受到很大影响,尤其是高产母猪。1采食量下降引发一系列不良后果1.1繁殖性能方面当哺乳母猪采食量不足时,母猪将动员自身的脂肪贮备以平衡每日生产所需能量的供应不足。如果环境温度比母猪的最适温度(18~20℃),每升高1℃,则平均减少采食量3.5%。这样会使其繁殖性能出现不同程度的恶化,表现为发情时间延长或不发情,下一胎产仔数少等。1.2生长潜力不能很好发挥研究表明,环境温度比最适温度(18~20℃)每升高1℃,泌乳量降低2.3%。出…  相似文献   

近数十年来,窝产仔数以及每头母猪的年产仔猪数一直都逐渐增加,生产率的这一提高也增加了母猪的产奶量。还有报告说,吮乳频率和产奶量随窝产仔数的增加而直线增加。  相似文献   

Forty‐five multiparous sows (Landrace × Yorkshire; parity: 3.58 ± 1.30) were used to determine the effects of three patterns of feed intake during early lactation on the performance of lactating sows. Experimental treatments were as follows: IFI‐1.4, the amount of feed increased by 1.4 kg per day for the first 5 days post‐farrowing, followed by ad libitum feeding until weaning; IFI‐1.0, the amount of feed increased by 1.0 kg per day for the first 7 days post‐farrowing, followed by ad libitum feeding until weaning; IFI‐0.7, the amount of feed increased by 0.7 kg per day for the first 10 days post‐farrowing, followed by ad libitum feeding until weaning. The number of live piglets at birth/litter in three dietary treatments was 11.50, 10.07, and 10.85, respectively. Sows in the IFI‐1.4 treatment had lower backfat loss during lactation, greater daily feed intake during days 1–6, 7–12, and 1–24 compared with those in the IFI‐0.7 treatment (< .05). The litter weaning weight, litter weight gain, and average litter daily gain in the IFI‐1.4 treatment were greater compared with those in the IFI‐0.7 treatment (< .05). In conclusion, the results indicated that the IFI‐1.4 feed intake pattern allowed lactating sows and their litters to obtain optimal performance.  相似文献   

The effects of the daily frequency of feed distribution (once, One; twice, Two; and four times, Four,) on the rate of feed consumption (RFC) and reproductive performance were investigated in Large White sows farrowing in the hot season from June to September (H sows) and in the rest of the year (R sows). The RFC was greater in feeding treatment Four than Two (P < 0.01) in H sows; however, bodyweight loss during lactation was not affected by the feeding treatment. No difference in effects of frequency of feed distribution for sows was observed on piglet growth. The survival rate of the piglets was not different between feeding treatments. The number of sows that came into estrus within 7 days post‐weaning was smaller in the feeding treatment Four than One (P < 0.05) in H sows and those of Four than One (P < 0.01) and Two (P < 0.05) in R sows. These results suggest that in sows during lactation increasing the daily frequency of feed distribution may have a negative effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   


The main goal of this simulator is to predict voluntary feed intake based on the effects of temperature and stocking density. The model indicates the limiting factors relative to diet (protein, energy or ash), housing environmental conditions and stocking density. The concepts of compensatory protein growth, correction of lipid growth, the desired feed intake to meet energy, protein and ash requirements, and influences of stocking density, genotype and sex are also introduced in this model. This study draws a flow chart and steps to predict feed intake of a growing pig to make it clear how the model works. The model simulates the outcomes of feed intake, energy and protein requirements for maintenance, the energy cost for cold thermogenesis, and protein and lipid retention on a daily basis until slaughter weight. This model was also validated by comparison with published experiments.  相似文献   

文章评估了哺乳期间母猪的饲喂频率(2或3次/d)对母猪体况、繁殖性能及仔猪生长性能的影响。试验选择68头母猪,随机分为8组(每组8~10头母猪),哺乳期间其中4组母猪每天饲喂2次,另外4组每天饲喂3次,母猪分为青年母猪(<2胎次)和老龄母猪(≥3胎次),试验结束后记录母猪体况评分、肩部组织病变、发情率、母猪生产及仔猪生长性能。结果显示:每天饲喂3次的母猪比饲喂2次的母猪采食量高(P<0.05),肩部组织病变低(P<0.05)。在每天饲喂3次的母猪中,青年母猪返情率为0%,老龄母猪返情率为29%,而在每天饲喂2次的母猪中,青年母猪发情率为20%,老龄母猪为5%。综上所述,在哺乳期,母猪每天饲喂3次较每天饲喂2次提高了采食量,对母猪体况评分和肩部组织病变有改善作用,同时也降低了年轻母猪的返情率。  相似文献   

现代泌乳母猪的特点使得其要求更精细而严格的饲养管理条件,以及各营养物质尤其是能量的适量满足。文中从母猪泌乳期能量需要及泌乳期能量对繁殖性能影响方面着手,提出从全繁殖周期考虑合理供给能量,针对现代育种目标而制定相应营养供给的策略。  相似文献   

Through genetic selection and improvement of environment, litter size of sows increases. Increased energy requirement during lactation, increases the risk of excessive mobilization from body stores, with detrimental effects on reproductive performance. Feed intake capacity tends to decrease due to selection towards leaner pigs with a lower feed conversion ratio. However, to facilitate sows to wean large litters extra feed intake, or even better, a higher feed efficiency during lactation would be favourable. The objective of the present study was to describe the dynamics of body composition of sows and piglets during lactation, and to relate these traits to a newly introduced trait called “lactation efficiency”. Energy metabolism of lactating sows was described, based on on-farm observations of weight and backfat of sows before parturition and at weaning, weight of piglets at birth and at weaning and feed intake of sows during lactation. “Lactation efficiency” was defined as energy efficiency of sows, and calculated for individual sows at two different farms. The average lactation efficiency was 68% and 65% for both farms; meaning that 68 and 65% of the metabolisable energy through feed intake or mobilization from body stores, above maintenance of the sow (input), was used for piglet growth and piglet maintenance (output). The association between lactation efficiency and other reproductive traits was studied by estimating the correlations within farms. Sows with a higher lactation efficiency showed lower feed intake (r = − 0.27 and r = − 0.35 for both farms respectively) and smaller fat losses (r = − 0.34 and r = − 0.29, respectively). The energy output of efficient sows was slightly higher (r = 0.23 and r = 0.30). The more efficient sows were the better mothers, as mortality of their piglets was lower (r = − 0.12 and r = − 0.16), piglet growth rate was higher (r = 0.16 and r = 0.23), and at weaning their litters were less variable (r = − 0.08; only available at one farm). Results were remarkably similar for the two farms, despite different feeding strategies. Extra input, by means of feed intake or mobilization from body stores generated extra output by means of litter weight at weaning. This experiment demonstrated that an accurate recording of energy metabolism and relevant reproduction traits with little intervention is possible on commercial farms.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究高温应激条件下,日粮添加香味剂对母猪泌乳和产仔性能及仔猪生长性能的影响。选择平均胎次为2.5、妊娠110 d的母猪300头,随机分为3组,每组100头猪。采用单因素试验设计,共3种日粮,处理1组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,处理2组在基础日粮中添加250 g/kg香味剂,处理3组在基础日粮中添加500 g/kg香味剂,试验由分娩当天开始,到断奶再发情结束。各组对母猪的采食量有显著影响,其中处理3组较处理1组和处理2组显著提高了母猪采食量(P <0.05),处理2组显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。与处理2组相比,处理3组使母猪的采食量提高了9.6%(P <0.05)。处理3组较处理2组及处理2组较处理1组显著提高了断奶后仔猪头数(P <0.05)。与处理2和处理1组相比,处理3组显著提高了泌乳期间仔猪的平均日增重(P <0.05),同时也显著提高了仔猪的断奶重(P <0.05)。处理1组呼吸频率最低(P <0.05),香味剂对直肠温度也有显著影响,处理2组和处理3组直肠温度显著高于处理1组(P <0.05)。综上所述,高温应激条件下,日粮添加香味剂可以提高母猪的采食量和泌乳性能,同时采食量的提高可以促进仔猪生长性能,降低热应激对母猪的负面影响。  相似文献   

Rates of gain and feed efficiency are important traits in most breeding programs for growing farm animals. The rate of gain (GAIN) is usually expressed over a certain age period and feed efficiency is often expressed as residual feed intake (RFI), defined as observed feed intake (FI) minus expected feed intake based on live weight (WGT) and GAIN. However, the basic traits recorded are always WGT and FI and other traits are derived from these basic records. The aim of this study was to develop a procedure for simultaneous analysis of the basic records and then derive linear traits related to feed efficiency without retorting to any approximation. A bivariate longitudinal random regression model was employed on 13,791 individual longitudinal records of WGT and FI from 2,827 bulls of six different beef breeds tested for their own performance in the period from 7 to 13 mo of age. Genetic and permanent environmental covariance functions for curves of WGT and FI were estimated using Gibbs sampling. Genetic and permanent covariance functions for curves of GAIN were estimated from the first derivative of the function for WGT and finally the covariance functions were extended to curves for RFI, based on the conditional distribution of FI given WGT and GAIN. Furthermore, the covariance functions were extended to include GAIN and RFI defined over different periods of the performance test. These periods included the whole test period as normally used when predicting breeding values for GAIN and RFI for beef bulls. Based on the presented method, breeding values and genetic parameters for derived traits such as GAIN and RFI defined longitudinally or integrated over (parts of) of the test period can be obtained from a joint analysis of the basic records. The resulting covariance functions for WGT, FI, GAIN, and RFI are usually singular but the method presented here does not suffer from the estimation problems associated with defining these traits individually before the genetic analysis. All the results are thus estimated simultaneously, and the set of parameters is consistent.  相似文献   

二花脸母猪泌乳期乳中乳铁蛋白分泌规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用我们已建立的酶联免疫吸附分析 (ELISA)方法 ,研究二花脸母猪泌乳期乳中乳铁蛋白 (Lactoferrin,Lf)的分泌规律。采集分娩后的4头二花脸母猪在泌乳起始 48h内的连续乳样 (每小时采样 1次 )进行测定。结果显示 :刚分娩时乳中Lf浓度最高 ,为 1 2 66 59μg/mL ;随后开始下降 ,前 2 0h内下降较快 ,2 0h之后下降变缓 ;至第 48h ,浓度降为第 1小时的 53 %。对处于泌乳期前 30d内的 4头二花脸母猪连续乳样 (每天采集 1次 )和 1 0 2头二花脸母猪散点乳样 (每天随机采样 )的测定结果表明两者Lf的分泌规律基本相似 :分娩第 1天 ,Lf浓度最高 ;1周内迅速下降 ,第 7天降至第 1天的 2 5 % ;1周后下降缓慢 ;2周后趋于平稳。  相似文献   

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