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We prepared carpet cleaners containing three wood oils extracted from Thujopsis dolabrata Sieb. et Zucc. var. hondai Makino, Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl., and Chamaecyparis taiwanensis Masamune et Suzuki and studied their effects on mites and perfumerists' impressions. The oil concentrations were set at 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8%, and 1.6%. The effects on Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Trouessart were investigated. The sensory evaluations were conducted by seven male perfumerists using the SD method and they were asked to describe freely their impressions of the scents. These results showed that: (1) all three types of wood oil had a significant effect on making D. pteronyssinus inactive at 0.1% concentration; and (2) the wood oil of T. dolabrata evoked refreshing, natural, rich, and intellectual feelings; C. obtusa oil evoked vivacious, rich, and intellectual feelings; and C. taiwanensis evoked refreshing, natural, rich, rough, masculine feelings. According to the test subjects, T. dolabrata evoked woody and earthy impressions; C. obtusa evoked woody, citrus, and pine-resin impressions; and C. taiwanensis evoked woody, citrus, and medical impressions. Many issues remain to be investigated, but the inclusion of wood oil in carpet cleaners offered both good mite control and a pleasant aroma to humans. This study suggests a new potential for using these wood oils.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Anzahl von Forstinsekten verursacht stärkere Schäden vorwiegend in Beständen von bestimmtem Charakter. Veränderungen der Standortverhältnisse beeinflussen die Schädlinge auf verschiedene Weise und können über andere Glieder der Lebensgemeinschaft wirksam werden. Es wird eine Übersicht über die denkbaren Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Zustand der Wirtspflanze und dem Auftreten einer Insektenart gegeben. Der für den Befall eines Sehädlings optimale Zustand der Wirtspflanze ist für standort-oder bestandesbedingtes Schädlingsauftreten von besonderer Bedeutung. Als Beispiel wirdEvetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff. angeführt.
Summary A number of insect pests frequently cause severe damages in forest stands of certain types. Changes in quality of the site influence forest insects in different ways and may act through other members of the community. A review is given of the possible relations between the condition of the host plant and the occurrence of a phytophagous insect. The site- or stand-dependent occurrence of an insect species, e. g.Evetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff., is connected with the optimum condition of the host tree with respect to attack.

Résumé Nombre d'insectes forestiers causent de grands dommages surtout dans les peuplements d'un certain type. Les changements de qualités des habitats influencent les insectes nuisibles de diverses manières et peuvent agir sur eux par l'ntermediaire d'autres membres de la biocénose. Un aperçu est donné des relations possibles entre la condition de l'hôte et l'apparition d'une espè d'insectes. La condition optimale de l'hê pour l'attaque d'un insecte nuisible est d'une importance particulière pour l'apparition d'insectes conditionnée par l'habitat et ie peuplement, par exemple chezEvetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff.

. . . , , , . ,Evetria (Rhyacionia) resinella Den. & Schiff.

Zusammenfassung In dem für die Besonderheiten der Kiefernrindenwanze konstruierten Olfaktometer, wurden die Chemotaxie des Schädlings auf die Terpenoide aus ätherischen Ölen der Gemeinen Kiefer untersucht. Es wurden dabei Terpenoide mit vorwiegend anlockender und abschreckender Wirkung isoliert. Einige Terpenoide (-Pinen und Limonen) verwandeln bei einer Änderung ihrer Konzentration ihre anlockenden Eigenschaften in abschreckende. Bei der Verdampfung von der Oberfläche der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer bilden die Terpenoide eine Schutzwolke — ein äußeres Schutzsystem (R-System). Bei Überwiegen der anlockenden Stoffe wird in den Dä mpfen der wirksamen Stoffe das System lockend (A-System). Es wurde ein Modell des äußeren Systems aufgebaut und ihre ungefähre mathematische Erklärung gebracht, die erlaubt, die Anlockung der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer für die Rindenwanze nach den Ergebnissen der chromatographischen Analyse der atherischen Öle zu ermitteln. Das äußere Schutzsystem der Kiefer ist eines von den Systemkomplexen, welches als Schutzfunktion die Widerstandfähigkeit der Kiefer gegen Schadinsekten erfüllt und gewährleistet.
, , .- , . /-, / . , , , /R- /, /A-/. , . .

Summary Larvae ofErnobius spp. and adults ofBrachyderes incanus were serious pests of shoots ofPinus silvestris andP. contorta at several localities of Rhine valley and near Meppen/Ems.In the same areas aphids(Lachninae) and their predators were very abundant.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. became very harmful on young pines in experiment field cages where predators had been excluded.Pineus sp. was frequent in the field cages and in young pine plantations near Meppen.
Résumé En divers endroits de la vallée du Rhin et près de Meppen/Emsland, des larves d'Ernobius spp. et des adultes deBrachydeles incanus furent observés comme étant de sérieux pour les jeunes pousses dePinus silvestris et deP. contorta.Dans les mêmes régions des pucerons(Lachninae) et leurs prédateurs étaient très abondants.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. divint très nuisible aux jeunes pins placés dans des cages expérimentales où les prédateurs avaient été enfermés.Pineus sp. é tait aussi abondant dans cages expérimentales et dans les plantations de jeunes pins près de Meppen.

Meppen/Emsland Eronobius spp. Brachyderes incanus, Pinus silvestris P. contorta. (Lachninae) Protolachnus agilis Kltb. , - .Pineus sp. - Meppen.

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Intensität der Harzausscheidung ist kein sicheres Kriterium bei der vergleichenden Diagnose der Widerstandsfähigkeit verschiedener Kiefern-Arten gegen Schadinsekten. In dem Widerstandsmechanismus der Kiefer spielt nicht die Quantität des Harzes, sondern die Qualität eine Rolle und unbedingt seine biologische Aktivität.2. Kiefeinharz ist ein natürliches Schutzmittel des Baumes gegen. Insektenschäden. Verschiedene Kiefern-Arten enthalten Harz von qualitativ verschiedener biologischer Aktivität für Insekten. Das bezieht sich auch auf das Harz ein- und derselben Kiefernart bei unterschiedlichem physiologischen Zustand. Das Harz der geschwächten Kiefernbäume verliert seine Schutzeigenschaften und sein Geruch wirkt auf Insekten als ein Zeichen der Eignung des Baumes für ihre Ernährung und Entwicklung.3. Die biologische Aktivität des Harzes ist durch die in ihm vorhandenen ätherischen Öle, die auis Terpenoiden bestehen, bestimmt. Die Terpenoide besitzen für die Insekten verschiedene biologische Aktivitä t, welche von ihrer Menge, ihren Eigenschaften, den Beziehungen der Komponenten untereinander und optischen Isomeren abhängen, die insgesamt ihre Qualität als natürliche Schutzstoffe des Nadelbaumes bestimmen und den Widerstand gegen Insektenschäden in bestimmtem Maße bewirken.
1. . , , .2. . . , . , .3. , . , , , , , .

Summary For protection of agricultural crops, archards, forests and stored products a system of institutes for vegetative protection have been gradually built in Bulgaria within the last fifteen years. Now a leading part in the study of pests and diseases of plants are taking the Academy of Rural Economy Sciences and the Institutes for Plant Protection, for Forest Protection, the Zoological Institute by the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Higher Rural Economy Institute and the Higher Forest Institute. Specialists of all ranks are working at these institutes: academicians, member correspondents, professors, senior and junior scientific collaborators and a great number of experts and assistants. Parallel with the studies of specific composition of pestilent insects, their biology is being explored and experiments are being made with insecticides. An inquiry is also being undertaken for utilization biologic combat against noxious insects. In aid of scientific institutes a dense network of services for heading the research work and combat on the terrain has been organized.
Résumé Pour la défense des cultures agricoles, des vergers, des forêts et des produits récoltés, un système d'instituts pour la défense végétale a été successivement dé veloppé en Bulgarie pendant les dernières quinze années. Actuellement l'Academie des sciences de l'economie rurale et les Instituts pour la défense végétale ont le rôle dirigeant dans les recherches de la nocivité et des maladies sur les plantes. Dans ces instituts travaillent des spécialistes de toutes les catégories scientifiques: des académiciens, des membres-correspondants, des professeurs, des travailleurs scientifiques supérieurs et plus jeunes, avec un grand nombre d'aides-spécialistes. Parallèllement à l'étude de composition specifique des insectes nuisibles on étudie sa biologie, de même on fait des expériences avec des insecticides. Aussi on cherche à utiliser la lutte biologique contre les insectes nuisibles. Pour faciliter les instituts scientifiques dans cette lutte et leur recherche sur le terrain, un immense service est organisé dans tous les plus grands emplacements peuplés du pays.

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Zusammenfassung Reflexionen zu dem offenen Problem, inwieweit Imagines necrophager Dipteren, — deren Maden im Zentralnervensystem von an Tollwut(Lyssa) verendeten Wirbeltieren zur Entwicklung gelangten —, logischerweise als eventuelle direkte (durch Kontakt-Infektion) oder indirekte (z. B. als Beute von Fledermäusen) Vektoren dieser Virose verdächtigt werden könnten —?
Summary Reflections belonging the open problem, how far imagines of necrophagous dipters, — if theirs maggots developed in the nervecentre-system of such vertebrats, which succumbed by lyssa —, logically are suspected, perhaps to be vectors of this virose, either directly (by contact-infection) or indirectly (for example to be prey to the bats) —?

Résumé Rèflexions à ce propos de discuter le problème ouvert, jusqu'à quel point les individues volants des diptères necrophages, — dont mites se developpaient au milieu du système nerveux central de vertébrés, succombés par lyssa —, sont soupçonnés logiquement d'être peut-être des vectors de cette virose, ou directement (par mettre en contact infectieux) ou indirectement (par exemple d'être butin des chirotères) —?

, , (Imagines), —, , (Lyssa) — ( ) ( ) .

There is growing interest in research to develop potential agroforestry models for temperate climates. In Washington State, recent studies and anecdotal information suggest that agroforestry is already employed by land managers, and if so, this experience should inform future research efforts. Because this population is not well defined, a mail survey was designed to: 1) Assess Washington land manager awareness of agroforestry, 2) assess perceptions of agroforestry as a land management tool, 3) assess the perceived potential opportunities or obstacles for land managers to practice agroforestry, and 4) identify landowner groups believed to be practicing agroforestry in Washington State.Three groups of land managers were surveyed: employees of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service (WSUCE) and OTHER, consisting of university faculty, private land managers, State and Federal land managers and owners of small natural resource businesses.Agroforestry was not a new concept for most (94%) respondents, further 55% of those familiar with agroforestry were practicing agroforestry or providing advice to landowners who were practicing agroforestry. Use in (government mandated) soil conservation plans on farmland (100% of all respondents) was the most frequently cited potential application for agroforestry in the state followed by range and pasture land and managing non-commercial forest land (both 84%), use on commercial forest plantation (83%) and fruit and nut orchards (61%).Diversifies land use (25%), enhanced productivity (18%), aesthetics (13%) and income diversity (13%) were the four most frequently cited potential advantages to practicing agroforestry. Lack of information (28%), lack of technical assistance (18%), establishment costs (14%) and not an established practice (14%) were the most frequently identified potential obstacles to practicing agroforestry. Respondents suggested there is great potential for application of agroforestry throughout the state, and non-industrial private forest land owners were selected for future study of this potential.  相似文献   

Previous papers have quantitatively indicated that the total movement of cement bonded particleboard (CBPB) is equal to the sum of the movement of its components. This paper examined the efficacy of the law of mixtures when applied to the movement of a wood-cement composite under internal swelling or shrinkage stresses. Abundant data generated in companion papers were first manipulated to develop the universal formulae for predicting the movement of components. In conjunction with previous numerical results from image analysis of the structure of CBPB, and the orientated elasticity and stress algorithms, the models for theoretically predicting mass and dimensional changes of CBPB were derived. Validation studies were conducted and these demonstrated an excellent agreement of the theoretical predictions with experimental data for both mass and dimensional changes of CBPB due to internal swelling or shrinkage stresses during adsorption and desorption. The success also implied that CBPB can be treated as a composite and its properties can be well derived by the law of mixtures even though CBPB is an unusual type of composite having a very high volume fraction of wood chips, but a very high mass fraction of cement paste.Notation ERT Mean transverse modulus of elasticity of wood - EL Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood - Ep Modulus of elasticity of cement paste - Ewa Modulus of elasticity of embedded wood chips at angle - E Modulus of elasticity of wood chips at direction - E Modulus of elasticity of wood chips at direction - GLRT Mean transverse shear modulus of wood - L(T)cp Length/width (thickness) change of CBPB at angle - L(T)p Length (thickness) change of cement paste - mpf Mass fraction of cement paste in unit mass of CBPB - mwf Mass fraction of wood chips in unit mass of CBPB - Mcpj Mass change of CBPB at the various conditions tested - Mpj Mass change of cement paste at corresponding conditions - Mwj Mass change of wood chips at corresponding conditions - M(L; T)w/P Mass, length or thickness changes of wood chips or cement paste at various conditions - t Duration of exposure - LRT Mean transverse Poissons ratio of wood - Vpf Volume fraction of cement paste in unit mass of CBPB - Vwf Volume fraction of wood chip in unit mass of CBPB - cp Density of CBPB - k Density of wood chip or cement paste - cp Overall stresses of CBPB at angle - L Stress in the longitudinal direction of wood - RT Mean stress in the transverse direction of wood - p Stress of cement paste - w Stress of the wood chips at angle - Stress of the wood chips at direction - Stress of the chip at direction - cp Strain in CBPB - p Strain of cement paste - WL Strain in the length of wood chips - WT Strain in the thickness of wood chips - w Strain in wood chips - Angle between the longitudinal direction of wood chips and surfaces or edges of CBPB - Angle between wood chips and edges (length direction) of CBPB - Angle between wood chip and vertical coordinate - A, B, C Coefficients related to the feature of materials and exposure conditions The senior author wishes to thank Professor W.B. Banks of University of Wales, Bangor for his constructive discussions and assistance and the British Council for partly financial support.  相似文献   

Summary The diffusion equation (sometimes referred to as Fick's second law) is derived in terms of water movement under the action of capillary forces. The mass diffusivity is thereby expressed in terms of the capillary diffusion coefficient. A numerical calculation is given for yellow poplar.Notations C diffusion coefficient for water in wood with capillary pressure as the driving force, kg/msPa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with moisture content as the driving force, kg/ms - F mass flux, kg/m2s - pc capillary pressure, Pa - pcf capillary pressure extrapolated linearly to fibre saturation, Pa - T absolute temperature, K - t time, s - x distance ordinale in the direction of flow, m - mass diffusivity, m2/s - density of liquid water, kg/m3 - g basic density (dry mass/green volume), kg/m3 - w density of wood substance, kg/m3 - moisture content of wood - cls moisture content at continuous liquid saturation - cs moisture content at complete saturation - f moisture content at fibre saturation  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden in Kiefernkulturen Untersuchungen über die Tagesdynamik des Harzdruckes und der Intensität der Harzabsonderung geführt und die Ergebnisse in Beziehung zum Befallsgrad des KiefernknospentriebwicklersRhyacionia buoliana Schiff. gesetzt.Im Verlauf eines Tages variierte der Harzdruck wenig, die Intensität der Harzabsonderung dagegen stark. Die höchste Harzfluß-Intensität fällt in den Zeitraum zwischen 13 und 16 Uhr. Die Flugzeit des Wicklers, nach 18 Uhr, liegt somit außerhalb der Zeit des stärksten Harzflusses.Weder der Index der Harzfluß-Intensität noch jener des Harzdruckes zeigten eine Beziehung zur Stärke des Wicklerbefalls. Sie sind daher als Kriterien der Widerstandsfähigkeit einer Kulturkiefer gegenRh. buoliana, zumindest unter den Verhältnissen der Süd-Ukraine, nicht verwendbar.
Summary Studies on the diurnal rhythm of resin pressure and resin secretion in connection with the degree of pine-infestation byRhyacionia buoliana Schiff.In the course of one day pines in the age of 15 years showed only a small variation in resin pressure but a great one in secretion of resin. The maximal intensity of secretion was observed early in the afternoon. The moths ofRh. buoliana are flying after this time when the secretion of resin is low.There was no connection between resin pressure and secretion of resin on the one hand and the degree of pine-infestation byRh. buoliana on the other. The two factors are not suitable for indicating the degree of pine-infestation by this tortricid.

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The deformation behavior of low molecular weight phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated wood under compression in the radial direction was investigated for obtaining high-strength wood at low pressing pressures. Flat-sawn grain Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) blocks with a density of 0.34g/cm3 were treated with aqueous solution of 20% low molecular weight PF resin resulting in weight gain of 60.8%. Oven-dried specimens were compressed using hot plates fixed to a testing machine. The temperature was 150°C and the pressing speed was 5mm/min. The impregnation of PF resin caused significant softening of the cell walls resulting in collapse at low pressures. The cell wall collapse was strain-dependent and occurred at a strain of 0.05–0.06mm/mm regardless of whether the wood was treated with PF resin. Thus, pressure holding causing creep deformation of the cell walls was also effective in initiating cell wall collapse at low pressure. Utilizing a combination of low molecular weight PF resin impregnation and pressure holding at 2MPa resulted in a density increase of PF resin-treated wood from 0.45 to 1.1g/cm3. At the same time, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increased from 10GPa to 22GPa and 80MPa to 250MPa, respectively. It can be concluded that effective utilization of the collapse region of the cell wall is a desirable method for obtaining high-strength PF resin-impregnated wood at low pressing pressures.  相似文献   

Summary It is stated that in the spreading of epizooties among small wild animals, a factor of biocoenosis played a main role, first of all some phenomena among small rodents, the field mice. In the spreading of rabies infection, a role is ascribed to an insect, theNecrophorus vespillo.The author suggests a research work to be done in that respect, and perhaps in the regions where rabies was never registered and are still free of rabies, as to establish what in a such biocoenosis is lacking that could be a factor of rabies epizooty.
Résumé A l'extension de grandes épizooties chez les animoux féroces, on considère que le grand rôle joue le facteur de biocenose, tout d'abord certains phénomènes entre les menus rongeurs, souris de champs. On attribute surtout le rôle de l'extension de l'épizootie de rage à l'insectNecrophorus vespillo. On recommende de faire des recherches dans ce but avec les autres branches de sciences naturelles et peut-être dans ces regions du monde où il n'y en avait pas et il n'y a pas aujourd'hui de rage, pour établir ce qu'il manque dans une telle biocenose et que peut être pourrait on prendre en considération comme le facteur des épisooties de rage.

, — . Necrophorus vespillo L. . , .

Zusammenfassung a) Geselich vorgeschrieben ist bisher nur die Stallabdasslung vor Weide- und Alpauftrieb. Sie kann im Rahmen eines Gesamt-Bekämptungsplanes jedoch nur als Teil einer Gesamtanfgabe gewertet werden.b) Die Ausrottung der Rinderdasselfliegen kann nur durch zusäliche und planmäßige Sommerabdasslung auf Weide und Alpe erreicht werden.c) Die prophylaktische Anwendung von Sprühemulsionen auf kontaktinsektizider Basis gestattet, den zukü nftigen Befall stark herabzuseen oder schlagartig zu verhüten.d) Neben dem individuellen Schaden kann somit der Herden- und Häuteschaden merklich herabgeset oder gänzlich vermieden werden.e) Der methodische Wert der Einzelbeulenbehandlung gewinnt durch Prophylaxis weiter an Wert. Dadurch steigt der Erfolg planmäßiger Abdasslungen mit dieser Methode. Im Verein mit der Prophylaxis erscheint es möglich, die Gesamtbekämpfungszeit der Rinderdasselfliegen innerhalb eines Gebietes bis zur gänzlichen Ausrottung stark abzukürzen.f) Die Weidebeständigkeit der Rinderdasselffiegein bedarf nah neuen bioklimatologischen Beobachtungen einer Nachprüfung.g) Günstig beurteilte Folgen der prophylaktischen Besprühungen geälpter Tiere auf deren Fleisch- und Entwicklungszustand durch gleichzeitige Fernhaltung bzw. Bekämpfung der Weidefliegen nnd Bremsen (8) bedarf weiterer Untersnchungen.h) p. o.-Versuche können noch nicht als abgeschlossen gelten.  相似文献   

Summary The validity of the following equation of water adsorption into wood substance which was derived in the previous report, is examined: d(W)/dt = k0(1 – exp(-k1/t))W(l – W), which can approximately be written as: d(W)/d(logt) = rW(l – W), where W is moisture content; t is time (t > 0); k0, k1 and r are constants. After measuring dimensional change with change in time under various relative humidities, the change of moisture content was indirectly calculated from the proportional relationship between dimensional change and moisture content. It was found that the theoretical equation satisfactorily agreed with the experimental results. These results lead to the conclusion that the equation was valid. Furthermore, the properties of the equation, whose constants are determined from experimental results, is discussed. The rate of water adsorption of wood shows interesting and systematical properties, especially near relative humidities corresponding to the fiber-saturation point.  相似文献   

Summary When beechwood is brought into contact with anhydrous ammonia, it swells like in contact with water. Upon removal of the ammonia from the wood, shrinkage is twice as high as before the treatment. Subsequent watering and drying still increase the linear shrinkage of beechwood. In order to find out in which dimensional range there is a reduction of volume in the wood, swelling and shrinkage tests as well as microscopic observations, mercury porosimetry measurements, and density measurements were carried out. The experiments showed that the collapse of the beechwood samples after ammonia treatment is caused by a reduction of the volume of the cell lumina and the perforations of the cell wall. With increasing duration of treatment, first the cell lumina, then the small and smallest pores of the cell walls are partly closed or even eliminated. However, this collapse does not extend to the molecular range. Density measurements even indicate a loosening of the substance during the first hour of ammonia treatment. With increasing duration of treatment, however, this loosening of the substance disappears again.The changes in the wood caused by ammonia treatment are so substantial that-analogous to ammonia cellulose-the term ammonia wood may be applied.This investigation was sponsored by the Zentenarfonds of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The support of this research work is gratefully acknowledged. This article represents a part of the habilitation thesis submitted by the author to the Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology with the title Physikalische und physikalisch-chemische Änderungen im Holz während und nach NH3-Behandlung.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in an alley cropping system in the Eastern Maize Belt of the United States with the objective of quantifying the competition for water between trees (black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) and red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). Spatial and temporal variation in soil moisture, tree and maize rooting patterns, tree and maize water uptake, and maize leaf area expansion were determined in three treatments; barrier (polyethylene root barriers separating maize and tree roots), trench (trenching without a polyethylene barrier), and no barrier (control). Significant temporal variation in soil moisture was observed in both black walnut and red oak alley cropping systems. The barrier and trench treatments resulted in higher soil moisture in the maize alley and lower soil moisture in the tree row than the no barrier treatment. Uptake of water by maize was higher in the barrier than the no barrier treatment. However, tree water uptake was higher in the no barrier treatment than in the barrier treatment because tree roots utilized water from the maize alley. Maize leaf area was negatively impacted by water stress in the no barrier treatment. Quantification of rooting patterns revealed that maize and tree roots were concentrated in the top 30 cm soil layer where water fluctuations were greatest. The barrier and trench treatments successfully eliminated the belowground root competition between trees and maize and resulted in greater leaf area and higher grain yields than the no barrier treatment. Thus, competition for water rather than competition for light seems to be critical in defining the productivity and sustainability of this alley cropping system.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Samenuntersuchungen an 12 Eichenarten und -formen, 20 Birkenarten und 14 Ahornarten zeigten, daß die Samen der Eichen und Ahorne, nordamerikanischer Birken und Ahorne nordasiatischer Abstammung in der Ukraine praktisch von Schädinsekten nicht beschädigt werden, während der Samenertrag der heimischen durch Schadinsekten stark herabgemindert wird.Die Widerstandsstärke der Samen gegen Schädlinge ändert sich. nicht nur bei den verschiedenen Arten, sondern auch innerhalb der Bäume einer Art je nach ihrem physiologischen Zustand. Die Widerstandsfaktoren der Samen gegen Schädinsekten sind entweder anatomisch-morphologische Besonderheiten (Schalenstärke), oder das Vorhandensein von Schutzstoffen in den Samen oder beide zusammen. Besonders deutlich sind diese Faktoren in den Eicheln von Bäumen der nordamerikanischen Abstammung gegen Eichelrüssler ausgeprägt. Chromatographische Analyse der Auszüge aus den widerstandsfähigen Samen der Schmidt'schen Birke und des Eschenahorns zeigten, daß für die Rolle der Schutzstoffe die Phenolstoffe verantwortlich sind von denen z. B. die Chlorogensäure ermittelt wurde.
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The purpose of this study is to determine the important acoustic properties of wood for making Ranad bars and the resonator box. The woods used in this study were separated into two groups. The first group is the type of wood that has been used to make Ranad for centuries: Ching-Chan (Dalbergia oliveri Gamble) and Ma-Had (Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.) for making the bars, and Ka-Nun (Artocarpus neterophylla Lamk.) out of which the resonator box is made. The second group comprises woods that are abundant in Thailand and are genetically related to the first group. The physical and mechanical properties of the woods in both groups were measured including the specific dynamic Youngs modulus (E/), density (), hardness (H), acoustic conversion efficiency (ACE), and sound refraction coefficients (||). The results revealed that high and consistent || were crucial factors of the Ranad bar properties in addition to E/, , and H. The results from measurements made on the resonator box wood revealed that high E/, ACE, and high and consistent || were its crucial properties.  相似文献   

The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of six wood species under desorption conditions of 20°C and 100% 0% relative humidity (RH), and the rate of adsorption at various depths of three wood species blocks under 98% RH at 22.5°C were studied. There were no significant differences among the EMC values for these six wood species over the RH range 40% 0%, but there were highly significant differences over the RH range 100% 50% at constant 20°C. The amount of moisture absorbed in the wood decreased curvilinearly with the increase of depth in the specimens as sorption time increased, and their relation could be represented by a semilogarithmic equation. Time-dependent adsorption behavior at various depths of the wood specimens could be represented by an exponential equation as a function of the product of the difference between moisture contents at equilibrium and initial conditions and the term (1 – e–t/). The value of of various wood species was found to increase linearly with the increased depth of the specimen and showed the following trend: hard maple (Acer sp.) > China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) > Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don).Part of this report was presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kochi, April 1997.  相似文献   

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