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Summary A controlled environment study was undertaken to clarify the factors responsible for poor seed set and to study seed development, ovule degeneration and seed abortion, both morphologically and cytologically, in three Japanese cultivars of white clover. Although the mean number of ovules per floret was 4.2–5.1, the average number of seeds per floret was found to be only 2.3–2.7. Microscopic examination of carpels from 0 to 28 days following floret maturity and pollination showed that 26–33% and 8–17% of the total seeds lost occurred within the first three days and the third through fifth day following pollination, respectively. Beyond this period occasional seed abortion was observed at all stages of seed development, but this represented a very small proportion (2–7%) of the total seeds lost.A stain clearing technique was used to examine the cytoplasmic state of the embryo sac in intact, unfertilized, mature ovules and embryos of the ovules at 3 and 5-day periods following pollination. It was found that 20–22% of unfertilized and matured ovules were sterile, suggesting that ovule degeneration before fertilization was the major cause for the high percentage of seeds lost within a 0 to 3-day period following pollination. Cytological observations revealed that abortion of developing seed was due to a sudden arrest in embryo growth and that the early development of the embryo of such aborting seed was normal. Either nutrient shortage or meiotic irregularities may be the cause for high ovule sterility or post-fertilization abortion of developing seeds.  相似文献   

Summary The almond of commerce (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) is self-incompatible (SI) and requires honey-bees to effect the transfer of pollen among cultivars that flower simultaneously. Four year old trees from the F2 generation of several peach x almond hybrids were studied to determine whether self-compatibility (SC) and the potentiality for natural, i.e., abiotic, self pollination (NSP) are genetically related or are inherited independently. Both SC and the high potentiality for NSP are characteristic of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) but not almond. Forty percent of SC genotypes exhibited adequate NSP (SC, +NSP) for good fertility i.e., without insect-mediated pollination. The remaining 60% of SC genotypes (SC,-NSP) exhibited an average 61% reduction in fruit set on limbs bagged to exclude honeybees during anthesis relative to fruit set on open pollinated limbs. Our data are consistent with the concept that fertility is dependent upon the load of compatible pollen deposited on the stigma. Fruit set reduction on bagged limbs, compared with bagged and self-pollinated limbs, was presumably due to a) lack of/insufficient pollination for fertilization and/or b) post-zygotic abortion of genetically inferior recombinants. Selection following manual self-pollination may result in SC genotypes with or without the capacity for NSP. In contrast, significant fruit set on limbs enclosed during pistil receptivity necessitates that the genotype selected express both SC and the potentiality for NSP.  相似文献   

Summary Parents and ten progeny from each of ten controlled crosses, and thirteen progeny from G65 x Ashworth were self and outcross pollinated to study the inheritance of self fertility and the associations between self fertility and zygotic inbreeding levels in highbush and half-high blueberry genotypes. Reductions in self fertility were apparently a response to increased inbreeding. Both percent fruit set and seeds per pollination were negatively associated with family zygotic inbreeding coefficients. Although inbreeding depression was responsible for much of the observed self fertility responses, an environmental component was apparent as well. A continuous distribution of self fertility levels among the G65 x Ashworth progeny provided little evidence for simple inheritance of this trait. Estimates of heritability were not significant and some evidence of specific combining ability was detected, indicating that parental self fertility was not predictive of the self fertility of the progeny in this study. Variation for self fertility including high levels in some individuals indicates a potential level of self fertility which could be incorporated into future selections and cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Five lines of field beans (Vicia faba L.) bred and selected for a high level of self-fertility have demonstrated heritable differences in distribution of seed yield on the reproductive nodes when grown under conditions of selfpollination. Fully self-fertile genotypes produce a large proportion of the seed yield on the lower nodes. The breeding and selection for both self-fertility and the distribution of seed yield is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) was studied on a wide range of crosses between various garden roses and two hardy breeding lines. Although there were fewer seeds per fruit, fruit set was higher in most crosses when GA3 was applied to the stigma at the rate of 250 ppm ten days after pollination. However, higher fruit set did not result in more seeds per pollination for many crosses and seemed to be related to the degree of male parentage. Both parents used had a major effect on pollination success. Recently developed Rosa cultivars have a narrow genetic base and the use of distantly related cultivars as parents would possibly give a high seed set and greater numbers of progeny.Contribution No. 335/90.08.01R, Experimental Farm, L'Assomption; Contribution No. Ro 44, Research Program Service, Ottawa.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of different pollination techniques, with and without emasculation and delayed pollination, were investigated to find the conditions for maximum seed set after self-pollination and intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Brassica oleracea var. acephala. The results indicated that the pollination conditions achieving maximum seed set vary with the type of pollination. After controlled self-pollination, the best seed set occurs in bud 3 to bud 10. For the intraspecific cross, the youngest flower and the oldest bud produced the largest number of developed ovules but bud pollination was productive to bud 8. The yields from these two pollination types were best when the female parent was not emasculated. In the interspecific cross with B. campestris cv. Marco the best results came from the youngest flowers and the oldest buds subjected to the standard practice of pollinating directly after emasculation. Possible reasons for these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Kwan Ho Lee  Hyoji Namai 《Euphytica》1993,72(1-2):15-22
Summary New types of diploids in Brassica crops were synthesized after three consecutive selfing of aneuploids derived from backcrossing of sesquidiploids (2n=29, AAC) with B. campestris (2n=20, AA). The cytogenetic and morphological characteristics of plants with 2n=22, 24 and 40 in the S3 generation were analyzed in order to establish the extent in which these addition and polyploid lines were stabilized. A high frequency of 11II (79.7%), 12II (84.6%) and 20II (100%), were observed at metaphase I of pollen mother cells in 2n=22, 24 and 40 plants, respectively. The chromosome configuration at methaphase II also indicates that a certain level of stability has been attained cytogenetically. Although pollen stainability was relatively high, the seed set percentage was still low. Variation in morphological characteristics indicate the incorporation of one or more chromosome pairs from the C genome of B. oleracea. Other diagnostic characters such as the formation of determinate inflorescence, branching from the base of the stem, and the shift from self-incompatibility to self-compatibility must have resulted from the interaction between A and C genomes. Thus plants with 2n=22, 24 and 40 have been stabilized to some extent and can be developed into new breeding lines of Brassica. It is suggested that limited pollination could be effective in increasing the seed fertility of these plants.  相似文献   

Summary Several crossing series including the hexaploid (2n=6x=42), South American speciesHordeum lechleri and diploid (2n=2x=14) cultivated barley (H. vulgare) were performed. Barley functioned better as the paternal than as the maternal parent in all cases. Viable offspring were only obtained from one hybrid combination when barley was used as the maternal parent. There was an environmental influence on the success of crosses. A high seed set was counteracted by a lower germination frequency. The outcome is that different crossing series give similar results. As a result of chromosome elimination and in a few cases duplication of especially the barley chromosomes, the chromosome numbers of the offspring (239 plants) varied from 2n=21 (trihaploids ofH. lechleri) to 2n=30. Fifty-five % of the plants were euploid with the number expected for a hybrid (2n=28). The frequency of hyperploids, euploids, hypoploids (2n=22–27) and trihaploids varied by year, locality, type (winter/spring) of barley,H. lechleri population, and crossing direction.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of temperature on fruit set, seed set and seed germination was studied in Sonia × Hadley Hybrid Tea-rose crosses. Sonia mother bushes were grown at constant temperatures (10, 14, 18, 22, 26°C) in the greenhouses of the phytotron until fruit ripening. Fruit set, fruit weight and number of seeds increased as temperature was higher. Optimum temperatures were found for days to fruit ripening (18°C), seed germination (22°C) and number of seedlings per pollinated flower (22°C). Fruit weight and number of seeds were positively correlated. For crossing and the subsequent growing of seed-bearing plants 22°C was the most favourable temperature. Effects of temperature on pollen tube growth, fertilization and seed germination are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Pollinating apple cultivars twice with compatible pollen at an interval of one or two days produced about twice as many seeds per pollinated flower as a single pollination. With the aid of scab- or mildew resistant marker pollen, it could be shown that the second pollen formed on average twice as many seeds as the first. The first pollen appears to pave the way-partly at its own cost-for the second and was therefore called pioneer pollen.  相似文献   

The applicability of ovule culture was examined in reciprocal crosses between the diploid species D. grandiflorum L. and the tetraploid cultivar D. hybridum ‘Galahad’. An interspecific hybrid plant of D. hybridum ‘Galahad’ × D. grandiflorum was obtained,and hybridity was confirmed by chromosome counting. The hybrid was different from the parents in flower color and size but intermediate between the parents in leaf shape. The hybrid showed low pollen fertility and failed to produce viable seeds by either self- or backcross-pollination using fertile pollen grains from its parents. The applicability and efficiency of the ovule culture technique for genetic improvement of the genus Delphinium through interspecific hybridization between different ploidies is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Egg plant is one of the most common vegetable crop grown in India and other parts of the world. The cultivated egg plant Solanum melongena is found to be susceptible to the shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis). Whereas the species Solanum macrocarpon is resistant. In order to incorporate the resistance of shoot and fruit borer to the cultivated egg plant, an interspecific hybridization between Solanum melongena and Solanum macrocarpon and reciprocals were carried out. The hybrids were found to be sterile, the investigations revealed that the failure of seed set in hybrids is due to the ovule abortion. In order to overcome the sterility, the colchicine has been applied to the interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary As triploids produce seedless fruits the best production is investigated. Comparative studies of embryogenesis, seed set, size, and germination were carried out following 4x×2x and 4x×4x crosses. On the average, both crosses yielded similar numbers and proportions of fully developed seeds per fruit. Seed development and germination took place precociously in 4x×2x seeds as compared to 4x×4x ones. The size of 4x×2x seeds was about 1/6 to 1/3 the size of 4x×4x seeds; thus, they were distinguishable from one another on the basis of size. Similarly, it was found that 3x and 4x seeds could be identified based on size following 4x×2x+4x crosses. It was concluded that 4x×2x crosses would be more successful than 2x×4x crosses for producing triploids.  相似文献   

Summary Retention of pollen grains following natural self-pollination was evaluated in 15 cultivars (cvs.) of almond, 4 peach and 2 nectarine cvs., and 37 interspecific peach × almond hybrids compared to 7 almond seedlings. The level of pollen retention was presumed to reflect and integrate the degree of homogamy, the amount of pollen produced by the flower, the extent of anther-stigma contact during anthesis, and the level of pollen germination. Pollen retention averaged 5 times greater in the peach and nectarine cvs. than in the almond cvs. The greater pollen retention, characteristic of the peach, was dominant in expression in the interspecific F1 hybrids over the lower levels of pollen retention, characteristic of the almond. Thus, gametophytic self-incompatibility is not the only trait supporting outcrossing in the almond. Our data are consistent with the concept of co-evolution of floral traits relating to different breeding strategies. The level of pollen retention could often be anticipated at anthesis on the basis of blossom phenotype. That is, stigma-anther contact was observed frequently in the blossoms of peach, nectarine, and the peach × almond F1 hybrids, but only infrequently in almond.  相似文献   

M. Kato  S. Tokumasu 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):761-767
Summary In Brassicoraphanus (amphidiploids between Brassica japonica Sieb. and Raphanus sativus L.), yellow-flowered plants that occurred among originally white-flowered plants showed an increased seed fertility. It is assumed that the gene Y (yellow-flower gene) from Brassica and the gene W (white-flower gene) from Raphanus are located at corresponding loci of only partially homologous chromosomes. W is dominant (epistatic) over Y. The normal white-flowered plants have the genotype YYWW. A YYYW-plant was found, which is assumed to have arisen through crossing-over following multivalent formation. In the progeny of this plant, yellow-flowered plants (YYYY) as well as white-flowered plants (YYWW, YYYW) appeared. The gene for flower colour is closely linked to a gene which controls the development of embryos (or endosperm). This gene promotes the development of embryos in homozygous condition. Therefore, the embryo having only the yellow-flower gene can develop more easily into viable seed than the embryo having the white-flower gene. It is also possible that the sterility of white-flowered plants is caused by a discordance between the cytoplasm of Brassica and W (or genes linked to W) of Raphanus.  相似文献   

Summary SI inbreds of P. hybrida and crosses between self-incompatible (SI) petunia plants were brought to flower under winter and summer glasshouse conditions. SI response, as measured by self seed, ranged from zero seed set under both conditions to low or zero seed set during the summer and high seed set during the winter. Some plants produced comparable seed yields during either pollination time. Increased expression of pseudo-self-compatibility (PSC) during the winter months was attributed to a breakdown of the Si system by the low light conditions of Minnesota winters (45°N). Genotypic differences within and between populations in the winter provided differences facilitating selection for increased SI. These differences were masked in some populations by the summer environmental conditions. The use of simulated or natural low light conditions as a technique for selecting for SI should increase selection efficiency.Scientific Journal Series Paper Number 10,499 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

S. Gowers 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):99-103
Summary The interactions of nine S-gene lines of Brassica napus were examined. Seven different S-genes were involved in the crosses, with three lines of different origin having the same S-gene. In general, the reactions on selfing the heterozygotes were as expected from the results of test crosses with the homozygous parent lines. All types of dominance relationships were found, including reversal of dominance in pollen and pistil. Weakening of activity of one or both genes was found in several cases. Background genotype was found have to some effect and reciprocal differences in reactions were also observed.  相似文献   

S. Gowers 《Euphytica》2000,113(3):207-210
Procedures for producing seed of hybrid swedes using self-incompatibility were examined. Single-cross, double-cross and modified double-cross hybrids were compared in isolation plots using natural pollinators and in polythene tunnels using blow-flies. With good coincidence of flowering and the same flower colour, nearly 100% hybrid seed was produced by natural pollinators with the single-crosses, the double-cross and one of the two modified double-cross hybrids; the other modified double-cross hybrid produced 87%hybrid seed. With poor coincidence of flowering and different flower colours the proportion of hybrids dropped to 61%. Using different flower colours and blow-flies as pollinators in polythene tunnels, higher levels of outcrossing were produced than in isolation plots with natural pollinators; the opposite result was obtained when the same flower colour was used. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Van Bogaert  G. 《Euphytica》1977,26(1):233-239
Summary Eighteen clones of white clover chosen at random were examined for their seed setting possibilities. Large differences in the size of the inflorescence and the rate of fertilization were found among the clones, so that breeding strains of white clover with better seed-setting seems possible. The number of ovules per floret seemed not very variable.  相似文献   

Summary Results of testcrosses and seed set data of the dihaploid breeding program at the Potato Research Institute in Gross Lüsewitz, Germany, indicate that the low level of female fertility could hinder success in crossing work. With the objective to reveal major components of female fertility, the behavior of 47 outstanding potato dihaploids (S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum, 2n=2x=24) was assessed in testcrosses over a period of 3 years. Analysis of variance was carried out for the traits: number of seed per berry (S/B), number of intact seed per berry (IS/B), and number of non-germinable seed per berry (NGS/B). Significant sources of variation included cross combinations, years, and cross combination-year interactions. More than 20 S/B were obtained in 25.4% of all cross combinations performed over 3 years using up to three pollinators. Berry set was not correlated to seed set, but was in general determined by the pollinator used. The number of seedless berries (SLB/F) was related to neither total berry set nor seed production. The trait S/B remained stable over different years, and thus it deemed to be most useful as a measure of the level of female fertility in practical breeding work. Selection for female fertility in early generations of a breeding program is recommended to avoid limitations in the production of variability via sexual recombination.  相似文献   

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