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Quantitative and semiquantitative cultural techniques were used to study skin and mucosal carriage of Malassezia pachydermatis in 20 healthy mixed-breed dogs, 13 healthy Basset Hounds and 33 seborrhoeic Basset Hounds. The frequencies of isolation and population sizes from the axilla, nose, mouth and vulva were significantly greater ( P  < 0.01) in both groups of Basset Hounds when compared with the healthy mixed-breed dogs. Population sizes in the seborrhoeic Basset Hounds exceeded those of the healthy bassets at the nose ( P  < 0.05), vulva ( P  < 0.01) and axilla ( P  < 0.001). However, the frequencies of isolation and population sizes of the yeast from the anus were comparable in the three groups of dogs. The relatively high skin and mucosal populations in healthy Basset Hounds may explain, in part, the predisposition to ' Malassezia dermatitis' in this breed. However, the factors which enable the yeast to establish such high populations in Basset Hounds remain unclear.  相似文献   

Platelet Function Defect in a 5-Day-Old Simmental Calf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5-day-old Simmental Heifer was evaluated for excessive bleeding from the skin following horse fly bites. A coagulation profile and platelet numbers were normal. In vitro platelet function, measured by whole blood aggregometry, was found to be abnormal when compared with age-matched controls. Therefore, this defect in hemostasis was attributed to a qualitative defect in platelet function.  相似文献   

A recently identified intrinsic platelet function defect in 2 Spitz dogs is described. Both affected dogs had a history of chronic intermittent bleeding primarily from the nasal, oral, and gastrointestinal mucosa. Platelet aggregation in response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen, and platelet activating factor (PAF) was absent; however, platelet shape change did occur. Platelets aggregated in response to gamma thrombin, although a delayed onset and a reduced velocity of aggregation were present. Platelet 14C-serotonin release was diminished in response to collagen and PAF. Glycoprotein Illa was detected on the surface of platelets by flow cytometry. Platelets were morphologically normal under light and electron microscopy. Two male Spitz dogs, related to one of the affected dogs, did not have a bleeding diathesis. Collagen-induced platelet aggregation, however, was diminished in these 2 dogs. This platelet defect most closely resembles the defect described in Basset hounds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of oral ketoconazole and terbinafine for reducing population sizes of Malassezia yeasts on canine skin. Twenty-one Basset Hounds were randomised in three groups of seven according to Malassezia populations. Dogs in the first group were treated by oral administration of ketoconazole (Ketofungol) 200 mg, Janssen-Cilag) at 10 mg x kg-1, every 24 h with food, for 3 weeks. Dogs in the second group were treated by oral administration of terbinafine (Lamisil) 250 mg, Novartis) at 30 mg x kg-1, every 24 h with food, for 3 weeks. The seven remaining dogs were used as controls. Malassezia population sizes were assessed by use of contact plates on four cutaneous sites at days 7, 14 and 21. Both ketoconazole and terbinafine were effective in reducing the baseline levels of Malassezia organisms with no significant difference between the two drugs. In further studies, oral terbinafine should be evaluated for the management of canine cases of Malassezia dermatitis.  相似文献   

Cytological examination using the tape-strip technique and fungal culture using contact plates with modified Dixon's medium were compared to evaluate the carriage of Malassezia yeasts on four cutaneous sites (left pinna, umbilical region, axilla and perianal area) in adult Basset Hounds. Twenty animals were included in the study. High numbers of Malassezia were isolated from at least one area in 100% of the animals. The frequencies of isolation and population sizes differed significantly according to anatomical location. They were greater on the pinna, followed by the umbilical area, axilla and perianal area. Fungal culture was more sensitive than cytology for the isolation of Malassezia yeasts. Frequencies of isolation were greater using this method, but population sizes were constantly smaller than with cytology.  相似文献   

Résumé— Une dermite s'est développé subitement dans un chenil de 30 chiens courants chez 12 d'entre eux. A la fois des males et des femelles étaient atteints et les lésions étaient limitées aux régions non pigmentées, principalement la face, les membres et la région inguinale. Initiallement les lésions étaient un érythème, un ?déme et une exsudation. Des croutes brunes se sont ensuite formées, et chez la plupart des animaux trés atteints, la peau a laissé la place à un escarre brun agglutiné dans les poils. Un pus malodorant était accumulé sous l'escarre. Les chiens moyennement atteints ont guerie sans traitement et les plus atteints ont guerie après exérèse des escarres et antibiothérapie. Aucun des chiens n'est mort et la plupart ont retrouvé une peau normale au bout de 3 mois. Cliniquement et histologiquement, ces lésions étaient compatibles avec une photosensibilisation, mais il a été impossible de retrouver l'agent causal. [Fairley, R. A., MacKenzie, I. S. Photosensitivity in a kennel of harrier hounds (Photosensibilisation dans un chenil de chiens courants). Resumen— Una condición de la piel se desarrolló de repente en 12 de 30 perros harrier. Afectó a machos y hembras y las lesiones se limitaban a areas de piel sin pigmento, principalmente la cara, patas e ingle. Inicialmente, la piel afectada estaba eritematosa, edematosa y húmeda. Entonces se formaban costras marrones y, en los perros más gravemente afectados, la piel se desprendia dejando una costra marrón seca enredada en el pelo. Debajo de la costra se acumulaba un exudado purulento maloliente. Los perros levemente afectados mejoraron sin tratamiento y los más gravemente afectados lo hicieron despues de tratamiento antibiotico y extirpación de la costra y el pus acumulado. Ninguno de los perros murió y la piel de la mayoria de ellos era normal en 3 meses. Clinica e histologicamente, las lesiones eran compatibles con una condición de fotosensibilidad de la piel, pero las investigaciones no lograron encontrar ningún agenté fotodinámico responsable. [Fairley, R. A., Mackenzie, I. S. Photosensitivity in a kennel of harrier hounds (Fotosensibilidad en una perrera de perros harrier). Abstract— A skin condition developed suddenly in 12 out of 30 harrier hounds. Both males and females were affected and lesions were confined to areas of unpigmented skin, mainly on the face, legs and groin. Initially the affected skin was erythematous, edematous and moist. Brown crusts then formed, and in the most severely affected dogs the skin sloughed leaving a dry brown eschar matted in the hair. A foul-smelling purulent exudate accumulated under the eschar. The mildly affected dogs improved without treatment and the most severely affected dogs improved following antibiotic treatment and the removal of the eschar and the accumulated pus. None of the dogs died and the skin of most dogs was normal within 3 months. Clinically and histologically, the lesions were compatible with a photosensitive skin condition, but investigations failed to find any responsible photodynamic agent.  相似文献   

A purebred four-year-old male Basset hound was presented to the Auburn University Small Animal Clinic in a paraparetic condition. Ante-mortem examination and testing did not provide a definitive diagnosis. A diagnosis of globoid cell leucodystrophy was made pathologically.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old Basset hound developed a progressive central nervous system disease culminating in epileptic seizures. Histologically, Lafora bodies were found in neurones of the middle and deeper cerebral cortex and midbrain, in Purkinje cells and their processes, and in glial cells of the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Many were also observed free in the neuropil. The ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of the bodies were similar to those described in previous human and canine cases of Lafora's disease.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old Basset hound developed a progressive central nervous system disease culminating in epileptic seizures. Histologically, Lafora bodies were found in neurones of the middle and deeper cerebral cortex and midbrain, in Purkinje cells and their processes, and in glial cells of the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Many were also observed free in the neuropil. The ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of the bodies were similar to those described in previous human and canine cases of Lafora's disease.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of the dog breed Hanoverian Hound was analysed using a set of 16 microsatellites. The sample of 92 dogs was representative for the total current population [n = 334, inbreeding coefficient 9.2%, relationship coefficient 11.2%] with respect to the level and distribution of the inbreeding and relationship coefficients. All microsatellites used were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. The average number of alleles was 6.4. The average observed heterozygosity (HO) was slightly higher than the expected heterozygosity (HE). Dinucleotide microsatellites exhibited lower polymorphism information content (PIC) than tetranucleotide microsatellites (0.52 versus 0.66). The average PIC was 0.61. The individual inbreeding coefficient was negatively related to the average HO of all microsatellites, whereas the proportion of genes from introducing of Hanoverian Hounds from abroad showed no relationships to HO. We found that the genetic variability in the Hanoverian Hounds analysed here was unexpectedly higher than that previously published for dog breeds of similar population size. Even in dog breeds of larger population size heterogyzosity was seldom higher than that observed here. The rather high genetic variability as quantified by polymorphic microsatellites in Hanoverian Hounds may be due to a large genetic variation in the founder animals of this breed and to the fact that this genetic diversity could be maintained despite genetic bottlenecks experienced by this breed in the 1920s and 1950s and despite the presence of high inbreeding and relationship coefficients for more than 50 years.  相似文献   

Ninety-four Basset Hounds were examined for the clinical features, the radiographical changes and the nutritional and hereditary possibilities connected with the development of decreased longitudinal growth of the ulnar bone. In six puppies the possibility was examined of the development of the disease being due to overloading of the foreleg. Ten of the dogs were examined for gross pathology and 4 by histology post mortem.Clinical symptoms and radiographical changes were not seen until the age of 31/2 months. In all cases there were broadening of the joint space in the elbow joint and degeneration of the articular cartilage at the semilunar notch. An abnormally broad and irregular growth plate was seen in the affected young dogs, and histology revealed obvious abnormalities in the growth plate located in the zone of resting cartilage indicating degenerative disturbances in the cartilage. There were no signs of rickets, and it was not possible to demonstrate that the disease was caused by misleading.It is concluded that the disease corresponds to similar anomalies found in the other chondrodystrophic breeds of dogs, and it is suggested that the decreased growth of the ulnar bone may be hereditary.  相似文献   

A 14-month-old Basset Hound developed hydrocoele of the left half of the scrotum associated with unilateral indirect inguinal hernia. The hernia was repaired without orchidectomy being performed.  相似文献   

Inherited goitre in a flock of sheep possessing a proportion of Polled Dorset blood is reported and discussed. The cases en-countered were not induced by a simple deficiency of iodine, or the presence of goitrogenic substances in their feed. Further work is recommended on the nature of the defect and its method of inheritance.  相似文献   

Background: There is currently no simple analytical tool for the evaluation of hypercoagulability in cats. The Platelet Function Analyzer‐100® (PFA‐100; Dade Behring Inc., Deerfield, IL, USA) is a bench‐top machine that evaluates platelet function by measuring closure time (CT) in citrated whole blood under high shear conditions. We hypothesized that cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) have up‐regulated platelet function, which shortens their CT and increases their risk for thromboembolic events. Objectives: The goals of this study were to: (1) establish a feline reference interval for CT using the PFA‐100, (2) measure CT in blood from cats with HCM, and (3) determine if there is a measurable difference between the CT of healthy cats compared with cats with HCM. Methods: Citrated blood samples from 42 clinically healthy cats and 30 cats with HCM were analyzed according to manufacturer's specifications. CT was measured in triplicate and the mean value was used for analysis. Transformed data were compared between clinically healthy cats and cats with HCM using a Student's t‐test, and among cats with mild, moderate, or severe HCM using ANOVA. Results: The median CT of clinically healthy cats was 64 seconds (range 43–176 seconds). The median CT of cats with HCM was 74 seconds (range 48–197 seconds). There was no significant difference in CT between cats with HCM and clinically healthy cats. There also were no significant differences in cats with mild, moderate, or severe HCM. Conclusions: A feline reference interval for PFA‐100 CT will be useful in future studies of platelet function in cats. Cats with HCM do not have shorter CTs when compared with clinically healthy cats.  相似文献   

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