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张百忍,男,汉族,1963年生,陕西宝鸡人,研究生学历,高级农艺师,陕西省蚕桑学会理事,安康市蚕学会副理事长,全国劳动模范,国务院享受政府特殊津贴专家,陕西省“三五人才”,安康市第一届人大代表,现任石泉县蚕桑局局长、石泉天虹茧丝绸集团公司董事长兼总经理、石泉蚕种场场长。主  相似文献   

夏天养心安神之品有茯苓,麦冬,小枣,莲子,百合,竹叶,柏子仁等,这些都能起到养心安神的作用。在饮食方面,应多吃小米,玉米,豆类,鱼类,洋葱,土豆,冬瓜,苦瓜,芹菜,芦笋,南瓜,香蕉,苹果等,少吃动物内脏,鸡蛋黄,肥肉,鱼子,虾等,少吃过成的食物,如咸鱼,咸菜等。  相似文献   

养兔好,投资少,成本低,耗料少,技术简,易掌握。繁殖快,产仔多,增重快,出栏早,一年内,见三代。多养兔,增肥源,氮磷钾,肥效全,省劳力,占田少,老弱妇,都能管。兔产品,用处多,供食用,能做药,可纺织,能制革,供试验,效果好。小家兔,能致富,规模养,效益高,谁会养,谁先富,奔小康,养好兔。  相似文献   

一、紫黑花生(黑珍) 此品种由中国农科院油科作物所选育,经几年实验对照,紫黑花生遗传稳定,抗性适宜性强,投放市场种植,此品种引种我地表现中早熟性,半直立型,株高40~50cm,侧枝长50 cm,分蘖力强,有效分枝8~10个,叶色浓绿,连续开花,开花繁多,93%之果技能入土结果,结果率中等,双仁率72%以上,百果重185 g,出仁率70%左右,籽仁外皮紫黑色,椭圆形,生育期北方125~130 d,南方稍提前成熟,比对照9102高油双季晚收30 d,抗旱、抗病性较好,抗虫性一般.  相似文献   

黑粒花生是天津市武清区农业技术推广中心从湖北最新引进的黑花生品种,每667m2产量300kg.该品种株型直立、茎秆粗壮抗倒伏,单株分枝5~7个,主茎高40cm,叶色浓绿,荚果普通型,果壳较厚,百果重162g,黑粒花生粒鲜湿紫红,晒干乌黑,百仁重67g,出米率60%,双仁果居多,单株结果13~17个,春播生育期135d,夏播生育期115d.播种采用宽窄行和等行距播种均可,精细整地,施足基肥,以磷、氮肥为主,钾肥为辅.春播宜在4月下旬-5月上旬,夏播不宜迟于6月10日播种.适宜密度每667m2为8 000~9 000穴,每穴2株,齐苗后及时清棵除草,防治病虫害.该品种有如下特点:  相似文献   

(一)品种及育雏选择 要选同一时间出壳,眼大有神,体态强壮,行动灵活,羽毛光泽,腹部柔软,卵黄吸收良好,脐部愈合良好,脚蹼肥润,手摸挣扎有力,脚温暖,叫声响亮,泄殖腔收缩有力和湿润干净的雏鸭来养.  相似文献   

饲养母羊要想多胎高产,仔壮且成活率高,必须加强饲喂,科学配种,精心管理,预防疫病,确保母仔平安健康,增加养羊经济效益.  相似文献   

<正>嘉兴的蚕业生产,由北宋的一般发展,转变为南宋的较快发展,以致在南宋末年,嘉兴及其周边地区,出现了一个蚕业生产的高潮。南宋理宗时期,任用权奸,朝政腐败,国势益危,而蚕业生产却不断繁盛。此时,一位皇亲国戚、朝中高官濮一之,眼见王朝大势已去,自己前途寥寥,毅然弃官归田,来到今秀洲区洪合镇和桐乡市濮院镇一带,土名叫"北草荡"的地方,大刀阔斧地开垦大片  相似文献   

正江苏海州小孩办满月时,有一系列民俗。先祭祖谢恩,然后抱着小孩子,坐在门外,为小儿洗脸,披红罩衣,接受亲友贺礼,如佩项圈,戴保命锁,上鼻拘,上耳坠。据说上牛鼻拘后,不可随便取下,只能在新婚之夜由新娘取下,用红布包好,在枕下放三天,最后放在箱子内保存。也有的将其放在灶前的香炉灰内。鼻拘多以银条制成,也有用金制的,贫困之家用竹篾。如果是金银的则是凑百家之钱所购,满月前由一位热情亲友,  相似文献   

柽(cheng)柳在我国东北、华北、西北广为分布,为柽柳科柽柳属植物,落叶小乔木或成灌木状,高达6~7m,小枝细长,枝条红褐色,鳞叶长0.5~2mm,在小枝上排列紧密,冬季无芽小枝与鳞叶一起脱落,圆锥花序大,粉红色或紫红色,种子细小.树型美观、花期长,适用于园林绿化.  相似文献   

Radiographs of the stifles of 6 species of 34 large, non-domestic cats were reviewed foremost for the presence of meniscal ossicles and then for the presence of the other potential four sesamoids. The animals in the review included 12 lions, 7 tigers, 7 cougars, 3 leopards, 3 bobcats, and 2 jaguars. Fluoroscopy, arthrography, computed tomography, necropsy, and histology were also used to evaluate the stifles of one tiger after euthanasia. Ossicles were found in the region of the cranial horn of the medial meniscus in most of the lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars. These ossicles were found in half of the cougars but in none of the bobcats. Among the large, non-domestic cats, meniscal ossicles had been reported previously only in Bengal tigers. The lions, tigers, and leopards having meniscal ossicles appeared to have a lateral but often not a medial fabella of the gastrocnemius muscle, an observation previously unreported. Popliteal sesamoids and patellas were present in all the skeletally mature cats.  相似文献   

为探讨犬常见肿瘤的发病规律,试验收集哈尔滨地区2016-2017年宠物医院部分犬肿瘤病例71例,采用组织病理学方法对犬肿瘤进行病理学诊断,并对患病动物的品种、性别、年龄、发生部位和饮食情况与肿瘤发生关系进行统计分析。结果显示,71例确诊肿瘤病例中,恶性肿瘤28例,包括鳞状上皮细胞癌3例,基底细胞癌5例,乳腺癌14例,淋巴瘤2例,肾母细胞瘤、精原细胞癌、生殖细胞癌、侵袭性血管黏液瘤各1例;良性肿瘤43例,包括良性乳腺肿瘤15例,纤维瘤10例,平滑肌瘤5例,乳头状瘤和精原细胞瘤各3例,造釉细胞瘤、耵聍腺瘤、脂肪瘤、结节样增生、性索间质细胞瘤、颗粒细胞瘤、肛周腺瘤各1例。上述病例中,乳腺和皮肤是犬肿瘤的高发部位,分别占全部患犬的40.8%和34.0%;患病犬年龄1~16岁不等,平均发病年龄为9.1岁,7岁以后是肿瘤的高发期,中老年犬仍为主要发病群体,但低龄犬发病数量上升;各品种犬均可发生肿瘤,其中杂种犬发病率最高,其次是贵宾犬和京巴犬,且主要为乳腺肿瘤;饮食习惯主要以剩饭剩菜类和肉拌饭类为主,分别占患犬总数的39%和30%;部分肿瘤类型与犬的性别、是否绝育有关,如乳腺肿瘤多发生于未绝育的老年母犬。本研究结果为犬肿瘤的流行病学及诊断提供了参考依据,对犬肿瘤的预防和诊断有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

甘南玛曲高寒草甸草地沙化的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以甘南玛曲高寒草甸生态系统植物群落样地调查资料为基础,对不同沙化程度植物群落结构及物种多样性特征进行了研究分析。结果表明:随着草地沙化程度的加剧,植物群落多样性指数,均匀度指数及丰富度指数下降,优势度指数增加;禾草地上植物量减少,杂草、莎草地上植物量增加,其中,莎草增加最快。中度沙化阶段是植物群落丰富度、多样性、优势度、地上植物量和均匀度变化的一个转折点,演替早期群落多样性,均匀度及地上总植物量最高,在极度沙化阶段,地上总植物量最低,优势度指数最大。  相似文献   

本试验通过研究伊犁夏牧场不同年龄、不同性别绵羊羊毛与血液中铁、铜、锰、锌、硒5种微量元素的含量及变化规律,为夏季放牧绵羊科学补饲微量元素提供依据。选择在新疆伊犁夏牧场卡拉卓恩(南坡)和唐布拉草地(北坡)1 400~2 999 m垂直带放牧的中国美利奴羊(新疆型)羊毛和血液样品,测定其铁、铜、锰、锌和硒含量,并评估其微量元素的营养生态环境。结果表明,放牧绵羊羊毛铁、铜、锰、锌和硒含量分别为520.70、3.89、30.16、102.64 mg/kg和41.18 μg/kg,其中铜和硒分别低于正常值48.3%和79.7%,而铁高于正常值603.4%;血液中铁、铜、锰、锌和硒含量分别为357.05、4.18、0.25、3.08 mg/L和45.23 μg/L,其中铜、硒分别低于正常值29.9%和73.9%,而铁高于正常值95.5%。羊毛与血液中铁、铜、锰、锌、硒含量均随年龄而增加。不同性别绵羊间血液中锌、硒含量差异明显。  相似文献   

Mastitis (intramammary inflammation) caused by infectious pathogens is still considered a devastating condition of dairy animals affecting animal welfare as well as economically incurring huge losses to the dairy industry by means of decreased production performance and increased culling rates. Bovine mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary glands/udder of bovines, caused by bacterial pathogens, in most cases. Routine diagnosis is based on clinical and subclinical forms of the disease. This underlines the significance of early and rapid identification/detection of etiological agents at the farm level, for which several diagnostic techniques have been developed. Therapeutic regimens such as antibiotics, immunotherapy, bacteriocins, bacteriophages, antimicrobial peptides, probiotics, stem cell therapy, native secretory factors, nutritional, dry cow and lactation therapy, genetic selection, herbs, and nanoparticle technology-based therapy have been evaluated for their efficacy in the treatment of mastitis. Even though several strategies have been developed over the years for the purpose of managing both clinical and subclinical forms of mastitis, all of them lacked the efficacy to eliminate the associated etiological agent when used as a monotherapy. Further, research has to be directed towards the development of new therapeutic agents/techniques that can both replace conventional techniques and also solve the problem of emerging antibiotic resistance. The objective of the present review is to describe the etiological agents, pathogenesis, and diagnosis in brief along with an extensive discussion on the advances in the treatment and management of mastitis, which would help safeguard the health of dairy animals.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔洞口区侵蚀过程高山草甸土壤的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西藏那曲高山嵩草草甸,选择高原鼠兔活动区域不同高度土堆和不同深度侵蚀坑,分析表层土壤粒度和养分.结果表明,高原鼠兔掘洞形成洞口土堆,造成草甸土壤发生侵蚀,侵蚀程度随着侵蚀坑深度逐渐增加而减弱,在侵蚀坑深度达到20cm时侵蚀基本停止;在侵蚀过程中,细粒物质减少,砾石含量增加.在强烈侵蚀阶段初期,有机物分解条件改善,土堆表层土壤的有机质、全N、全P、水解N、速效K含量提高,但土壤养分物质在侵蚀作用下迅速流失,土壤有机质、全N、全P、水解N、速效P和速效K含量减少;在侵蚀减缓阶段,养分损失速度减缓,补偿作用逐渐增加;在侵蚀基本停止阶段,土壤表层有机质、全N、水解N和速效K含量明显增加.  相似文献   

瘤胃厌氧真菌这一特殊的菌群除在瘤胃中发挥重要作用外,其分泌的高活性纤维素酶的应用价值也备受关注,因传统培养的局限性,因此,利用分子生物技术开展的研究逐渐深入。作者主要从瘤胃厌氧真菌的特点和多样性出发,厌氧真菌对结构性碳水化合物、淀粉和蛋白质的降解及在瘤胃生态环境中的作用进行了分析,并对研究瘤胃厌氧真菌的分子生物学方法如内转录间隔区(ITS)、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)、实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR,RT-PCR)和宏基因组学(metagenomics)等进行了阐述,以期为瘤胃厌氧真菌的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Ectoparasites: future challenges in a changing world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ectoparasites are ubiquitous, often highly damaging and in most cases cannot be permanently eradicated; hence, they must usually be managed at a local scale with insecticides or endectocides. However, the growth in resistance, the slow rate of development of new actives, coupled with environmental and health concerns associated with the continued use of some of the existing neurotoxic insecticides, suggest that more sophisticated approaches to their management need to be identified. These approaches need to allow ectoparasite populations to be maintained at acceptable levels, while conserving the compounds that remain available. The development of integrated approaches, in which cascades of management tactics are deployed, with parasiticides available as one component to be used in requisite circumstances, may be the most appropriate route to achieving this aim. An essential element of such an approach is the clear articulation of the purpose of intervention and rational justification of the time-point and manner in which it is attempted. However, for this to be possible, considerably better information is required about the effects of ectoparasite abundance on animal welfare and productivity, in addition to the greater availability of effective alternative control tools. To this end, recent work undertaken at the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, into the use of biological control agents, off-host trapping and the selective treatment of more highly susceptible individuals or classes of host, is reviewed here.  相似文献   

传统的手术去势技术正受到动物福利和规模化标准化畜牧生产需求的挑战,作为手术去势的优势替代方法,免疫去势能够很好地阻滞睾丸发育,控制性行为,避免手术带来的痛苦。免疫去势是采用免疫学方法破坏下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的激素平衡,通过降低促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、黄体生成素(LH)和卵泡刺激素(FSH)的水平,进而使性腺激素水平降低,最终抑制性腺功能,达到去势的目的。免疫去势分为激素免疫去势和基因免疫去势,其靶标经历了下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴自下而上的筛选,依次为睾酮、LH、FSH、GnRH、吻素-1(KISS-1),其中位于下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴上游的GnRH激素、GnRH和KISS-1基因3种靶标去势效果较好。免疫去势效果及机制的相关研究表明,免疫去势具有改善生产性能、安全和可逆的特点,但其可逆性机制还不清楚。去势导致肾上腺发挥代偿作用,但目前免疫去势的肾上腺代偿研究鲜见报道。文章首先介绍了几种靶标的免疫去势机制,其次对免疫去势的特点和应用进行了讨论,旨在为推动免疫去势技术在动物生产繁殖领域的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This experiment objective was to study the Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se five kinds of trace element contents and change rule in the blood and wool of sheep pastured of different age and different gender, provide the basis for summer grazing sheep scientific supplementary feeding trace elements.At the altitudinal belt of 1 400 to 2 999 m of the summer pasture of the Karajon grassland (South slope) and Tangbula grassland (North slope) of Yili, Xinjiang, Chinese merino (Xinjiang type) sheep wool and sheep blood were collected, to determine their contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Se for evaluating the nutritional-ecologic environment of trace elements of summer pasture of Yili.The results showed that the contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Se in wool of grazing sheep wool were 520.70, 3.89, 30.16, 102.64 mg/kg and 41.18 μg/kg, respectively, in which the contents of the Cu and Se were lower than normal value by 48.3% and 79.9%, respectively, and that of Fe was higher by 603.4%.The contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Se in blood were 357.05, 4.18, 0.25, 3.08 mg/L and 45.23 μg/L, respectively, in which the contents of the Cu and Se were lower than normal value by 29.9% and 73.9%, respectively, and that of Fe was higher by 95.5%.The contents of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Se in the wool and blood were increased with the age.The blood contents of Zn and Se between male and female were extremely different.  相似文献   

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