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The aim was to study the quality and quantity of pasture selected by sheep on various planted pastures. A further aim was to assess NDF and IVDOM as easy measurable parameters for use in equations to predict intake. Pasture samples were collected using oesophageal‐fistulated sheep and from knowledge of the in vitro digestibility of these samples and the total faeces voided as measured with faeces bags, intake was calculated. Pastures observed included ryegrass, cocksfoot, C. dactylon, Smuts finger, triticale, E. curvula, Eragrostislucerne combination, lucerne and sainfoin. Nitrogen content of oesophageal samples varied between 2,3 and 5,1%, NDF between 33 and 65% and IVDOM between 50 and 80%. Intake of grass DOM varied from 24,4 to 43,3 g/kg W0,75/day for lambs and from 29,0 to 37,4 g/kg W0,75/day for mature wethers. DOM intake on the two legumes was generally poor and varied between 13,7 and 22,9 g/kg W0,75/day. Although some of the variation in voluntary intake is accounted for by the variation in NDF and IVDOM, these two parameters are of limited value as general predictors, but may be used in selection indices.  相似文献   

Conclusions from narrative qualitative reviews on differences in total tract digestibilities between goats and sheep did not account for variability among studies. Therefore meta‐analytic techniques were used to describe the magnitude of these differences with numerical values. A unitless effect size (Hedges’ g) was applied within studies to measure differences in digestibilities of dry matter (DM; 104 comparisons), organic matter (OM; 93 comparisons), crude protein (CP; 85 comparisons), neutral detergent fibre (NDF; 74 comparisons), acid detergent fibre (ADF; 59 comparisons), cellulose (24 comparisons), hemicellulose (18 comparisons) and gross energy (GE; 29 comparisons). The absence and inability to describe independent factors which contributed to variation among studies necessitated the use of frequentist random effects and hierarchical Bayesian models in the calculation of summary statistics across studies. Digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and hemicellulose were higher (p < 0.05) in goats than sheep when all‐forage diets were fed. When concentrates were included in the diets, there were no such differences. Differences between goats and sheep in DM intake were found to be non‐significant. Differences in nutrient digestibilities of forages as sole feed implies that species‐specific values have to be used in feed formulation and feeding strategies. However, caution is needed when extrapolating results from stall‐feeding, which is how digestibility data are usually measured, to grazing conditions.  相似文献   

Low selenium (Se) in soil and forage can adversely affect on the quality of animal-derived foods, and hence on human health. Lambs grazed on mixed pastures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were supplemented with five levels of Se [0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 µg/kg body weight (BW)]. The intake of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) varied with the level of Se supplementation, with a peak at 6 µg Se per kg BW (p ≤ 0.05). Gross energy (GE) intake, digestive energy (DE) intake and metabolic energy (ME) intake were higher at 6 µg Se per kg BW than at other Se levels (p < 0.01); in addition, methane energy (CH4-E) output was lower at 6 µg Se per kg BW. Supplementation with Se significantly increased nitrogen (N) intake, faecal N and urine N, for which the peak values were 20.2 g N/, 5.62 g N/day and 7.92 g N/day, respectively, at 6 µg Se per kg BW. Se intake, blood Se, faecal Se, urine Se and retained Se were negatively correlated with forage crude protein (CP) content (p < 0.001) but were positively correlated with the content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (p < 0.001) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) (p < 0.001). Thus, we recommend the addition of 6 µg Se per kg BW to sheep grazed on pastures in regions with low soil Se.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a simple and inexpensive tensilimeter for measuring the tensile properties of grass leaves is described. The instrument was found to give reliable results and was used to estimate the variation in the breaking force and breaking tension along the length of leaf blades of six grass species. While the pattern varies amongst the grasses tested there was a general tendency for both leaf strength and leaf tissue strength to increase from the lip to the base of the blade of all six species.  相似文献   

Rumen fungus Neocallimastix sp. YAK11 was isolated from yak (Bos grunniens), and three consecutive 10‐day pure cultures were anaerobically performed at 39 °C in 20‐ml Hungate’s tubes to explore ferulic acid esterase (FAE) and acetyl esterase (AE) activity profiles of the fungus grown on whole hay fraction of Chinese wildrye grass (Leymus chinensis) (WHOcw, n = 4) and its neutral detergent fibre fraction (NDFcw, n = 4), respectively. An aliquot of 0.7‐ml culture was sampled daily using a sterile syringe, and 0.7‐ml fresh medium was immediately added to the tubes to compensate for the withdrawn samples. Peak esterase activity occurred for FAE on day 5 (p < 0.001) and for AE on day 6 (p < 0.001). The mean activities of FAE and AE in WHOcw were 2.07 and 1.29 times of those in NDFcw (p < 0.001). Both FAE and AE activities were positively correlated with xylanase (r > 0.65, p < 0.001) and carboxymethyl cellulase (r > 0.57, p < 0.001) activities. Total volatile fatty acid concentration was positively correlated with enzyme activities of AE (r > 0.87, p < 0.001), FAE (r > 0.82, p < 0.001) and xylanase (r > 0.56, p < 0.001). Crude enzyme solution was harvested for the fungus grown on WHOcw, and the pH optimum of FAE activity was 8.0 while the optimum for AE was 9.0. Both FAE and AE had a broad pH stability range. The optimal temperatures for FAE and AE activity were 40 and 50 °C. The Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) for FAE against methyl ferulate at pH 6.0 and 39 °C were 0.078 mm and 2.93 mU, respectively. The Km and Vmax for AE against p‐nitrophenyl acetate at pH 7.0 and 39 °C were 2.73 mm and 666.67 mU, respectively. Both FAE and AE may have prospective advantages for the enzymatic degradation of roughages in ruminant animals.  相似文献   

饲料纤维在反刍动物日粮中不仅具有化学成分的重要性,且纤维的物理性状(颗粒大小)还能够影响咀嚼活动、瘤胃发酵、乳脂肪含量及机体健康状况。作者就表征纤维的化学和物理性状的指标——物理有效中性洗涤纤维的定义、内涵、计算方法及对反刍动物进食行为、瘤胃发酵、营养物质消化率和泌乳性能等方面的营养调控功能进行了综述。  相似文献   

在温室进行盆栽试验,采用基施的方法研究腐殖酸钠(SH)单施及SH与磷肥(P)配施对紫花苜蓿营养品质的影响。结果表明:各处理中第2次刈割较第1次刈割,紫花苜蓿CP、EE、Ash含量下降,NDF、ADF含量提高。同一刈割条件下,SH单施及其与P配施对紫花苜蓿品质均有改善作用,而且SH与P配施的改善作用更为显著;同时,SH-P1和SH-P22个处理组相比,紫花苜蓿CP、EE含量及RFV值明显提高,NDF、ADF含量显著降低,Ash含量也有一定程度的提高,说明SH与P1配施能更有效改善苜蓿品质;在SH-P1处理组中,SH5-P1处理和SH4-P1处理表现较为理想,且2个理间差异不显著。综合品质性状和饲用价值,SH5-P1为试验最佳的施肥处理,即SH5为11.25g/盆,P1为3.41g/盆。  相似文献   

采用单因素试验设计,在3个密闭的房间放置自动控温电热器自动控制温度,分别设3个贮藏温度梯度(25、30和35℃),每梯度设3个重复。模拟真实环境研究不同贮藏温度下苜蓿(Medicago sativa)草捆的霉变规律以及霉变对草捆品质的影响,贮藏时间为16 d,同时隔天(即第1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15 d)采样。结果表明,贮藏温度越高、时间越长,苜蓿草捆中霉菌数量增加越快,就越容易发生霉变;不同贮藏温度苜蓿草捆中粗蛋白含量表现为各试验组每天之间差异显著(P0.05),每天中各试验组之间差异也都显著(P0.05),30℃试验组粗蛋白含量最高;各个试验组的霉菌数与粗蛋白的含量呈负相关;贮藏温度对苜蓿草捆中中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的含量均无显著影响(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为探讨滤器和不同测定方法对青贮饲料中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的影响,本试验选取内蒙古地区常见的8种青贮饲料为供试材料,选用ANKOM滤袋、CAU滤袋和P2型玻璃坩埚为热抽滤装置,以传统的范氏法为对照,分别对青贮饲料NDF的测定进行耐高温α 淀粉酶处理, ADF的测定采用连续洗涤法。结果表明,8种青贮饲料的NDF和ADF含量,经ANKOM滤袋和CAU滤袋所测结果均无显著差异;通过P2型玻璃坩埚测定的NDF值普遍高于其他2种滤器测得结果,尤其以TMR青贮饲料最为显著;经P2型玻璃坩埚测得全株玉米(Zea mays)青贮和TMR青贮饲料的ADF含量显著(P<0.05)高于其他2种滤器的测得结果;与对照相比,通过在中性洗涤剂中添加耐高温α 淀粉酶,全株玉米青贮饲料和TMR青贮饲料NDF值显著下降,其他青贮饲料NDF值无显著(P>0.05)变化;连续洗涤法对苜蓿(Medicago stiva)青贮饲料和尖叶胡枝子(Lespedeza hedysaroides)青贮饲料的ADF产生显著(P<0.05)影响,对其他青贮饲料ADF无影响。  相似文献   

为研究不同比例箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa)日粮对绵羊消化代谢和温室气体排放的影响,本试验选用12只体况良好、体重为(30±1)kg的6月龄杂交代公羊,随机分为2组,分别饲喂不同箭筈豌豆添加水平的日粮。两组饲粮中,大麦(Hordeum vulgare)∶箭筈豌豆比例分别为8∶2和6∶4。预饲期为15 d,正式饲喂实验为6 d,试验羊转入代谢笼内采用全收粪尿法进行消化代谢试验。结果表明,2组间干物质采食量及营养物质消化率差异均不显著(P<0.05);6∶4组的单位代谢体重的氧气日消耗量有高于8∶2组的趋势(P=0.083),2组间甲烷、二氧化碳排放量各指标差异不显著(P<0.05)。综上可知,箭筈豌豆添加比例为20%和40%的日粮饲喂绵羊在营养物质消化代谢和温室气体排放的效果基本相同。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of processing index (PI) of barley grain and dietary undigested neutral detergent fiber (uNDF) concentration on dry matter (DM) intake, chewing activity, ruminal pH and fermentation characteristics, total tract digestibility, gastrointestinal barrier function, and blood metabolites of finishing beef heifers. The PI was measured as the density after processing expressed as a percentage of the density before processing, and a smaller PI equates to a more extensively processed. Six ruminally cannulated heifers (average body weight, 715 ± 29 kg) were used in a 6 × 6 Latin square design with three PI (65%, 75%, and 85%) × 2 uNDF concentration (low and high; 4.6% vs. 5.6% of DM) factorial arrangement. The heifers were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration consisting of 10% barley silage (low uNDF), or 5% silage and 5% straw (high uNDF), 87% dry-rolled barley grain, and 3% mineral and vitamin supplements. Interactions (P < 0.01) of PI × uNDF were observed for DM intake, ruminating and total chewing time, and DM digestibility in the total digestive tract. Intake of DM, organic matter (OM), starch, and crude protein (CP) did not differ (P > 0.14) between low and high uNDF diets, but intakes of NDF and acid detergent fiber were greater (P = 0.01) for high uNDF diets regardless of barley PI. Heifers fed high uNDF diets had longer (P = 0.05) eating times (min/d or min/kg DM) and tended (P = 0.10) to have longer total chewing times (min/kg DM) than those fed low uNDF diets. Additionally, heifers sorted (P = 0.01) against long particles (>19 mm) for high uNDF diets but not for low uNDF diets. Altering PI of barley grain did not affect (P > 0.12) total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration, molar percentages of individual VFA, or duration of ruminal pH < 5.8 and <5.6. Total VFA concentration was less (P = 0.01), acetate percentage was greater (P = 0.01), and duration of ruminal pH < 5.8 and <5.6 was less (P = 0.05) for high compared with low uNDF diets. Digestibility of DM, OM, and CP was greater (P = 0.02) for low vs. high uNDF diets with PI of 65% and 75%, with no difference between low and high uNDF diets at PI of 85%. Blood metabolites and gastrointestinal tract barrier function were not affected (P ≥ 0.10) by the treatments. These results suggest that increasing dietary uNDF concentration is an effective strategy to improve ruminal pH status in finishing cattle, regardless of the extent of grain processing, whereas manipulating the extent of barley processing did not reduce the risk of ruminal acidosis.  相似文献   

本试验通过递增饲粮非纤维性碳水化合物与中性洗涤纤维比(NFC/NDF)方式诱导奶山羊发生亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(SARA),旨在探讨SARA诱导过程中奶山羊血浆组胺(HIS)、脂多糖(LPS)含量及生化指标的变化。选取4只体况良好、体重接近的泌乳期萨能奶山羊,依次饲喂NFC/NDF为1.40、1.79、2.31、3.23的4种饲粮,每种饲粮饲喂15 d(为1组),前12 d为适应期,后3 d为采样期。酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法检测血浆中HIS、LPS的含量,生化分析仪测定血浆生化指标。结果表明:1)当饲粮NFC/NDF由1.40递增至3.23时,成功诱导奶山羊处于SARA状态。2)在诱导SARA发生过程中,随着饲粮NFC/NDF增加,血浆HIS和LPS含量增加,NFC/NDF为3.23时显著高于NFC/NDF为1.40时(P0.05)。3)随着饲粮NFC/NDF增加,血浆免疫球蛋白M(Ig M)、免疫球蛋白A(Ig A)、免疫球蛋白G(Ig G)含量无显著变化(P0.05);血浆肌酐(CREA)、D-乳酸(LD)含量及肌酸激酶(CK)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、二胺氧化酶(DAO)活性无显著变化(P0.05);血浆γ-谷氨酰转移酶(γ-GT)活性呈升高趋势,NFC/NDF为3.23时显著高于其他各组(P0.05);血浆尿素氮(UN)含量降低,NFC/NDF为1.40时显著高于其他各组(P0.05);血浆碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性升高,NFC/NDF为3.23时极显著高于其他3组(P0.01);血浆游离脂肪酸(FFA)含量先升高后降低,且在NFC/NDF为2.31时极显著高于其他各组(P0.01);血浆β-羟丁酸(β-HB)含量降低,NFC/NDF为1.40时呈极显著高于其他各组(P0.01)。结果提示,随着饲粮NFC/NDF递增,血浆中HIS和LPS含量显著增加,引发了机体炎症反应,加重了瘤胃上皮的损伤和SARA病情,激发奶山羊免疫活化状态;诱导SARA发生过程中,血浆生化指标有不同程度的变化,提示SARA期间奶山羊处于应激状态,引发了肝功能损伤。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同物理有效纤维(peNDF)水平饲粮制粒对山羊养分表观消化率的影响。选取4只体重约为25 kg的波杂公山羊(波尔山羊×徐淮山羊),采用4×4拉丁方试验设计,4只试验山羊分别饲喂4种不同的饲粮。饲粮A、B分别为peNDF水平为22.69%的粉料、颗粒料,饲粮C、D分别为peNDF水平为31.69%的粉料、颗粒料。4种饲粮的中性洗涤纤维、粗蛋白质含量及总能等相等或接近。试验分为4期,每期15 d,其中预试期10 d,正试期5 d。结果表明:1)低peNDF水平下,与饲粮A相比,饲粮B显著提高了酸性洗涤纤维、粗蛋白质、干物质、有机物、钙、磷表观消化率及氮保留量、氮保留率与氮生物学价值(P0.05);2)高peNDF水平下,与饲粮C相比,饲粮D显著提高了中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、粗蛋白质、干物质、有机物、钙、总能表观消化率及氮保留率(P0.05);3)相同饲粮形态下,与高peNDF饲粮(饲粮C、D)相比,低peNDF水平饲粮(饲粮A、B)除钙表观消化率无显著提高(P0.05)外,其余养分表观消化率均显著提高(P0.05)。由本试验结果得出,在高和低2种peNDF水平下,饲粮经制粒均提高了山羊的养分表观消化率。  相似文献   

西藏山南地区6种野生牧草营养价值评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用6只装有瘘管的西藏澎波半细毛羊,用尼龙袋法对采于西藏山南地区的6种野生禾本科牧草的营养成分含量及其在绵羊瘤胃内的降解特性进行了测定,分析评价其营养利用价值。结果表明:6种牧草的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的瘤胃降解消失率和降解特征存在很大差异;随着样品在瘤胃内停留时间的延长,降解消失率也随之提高,在3-48 h时,增加的幅度较快,48h后,增加的速度放缓;到72 h,狗尾草(Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.)的降解消失率最大,其DM、CP和NDF的降解消失率均超过60%;蛋白质较高、纤维含量较低的狗尾草和白草(Pennisetum centrasiaticum Tzvel.),其DM、CP、NDF和ADF的快速降解部分、慢速降解部分及有效降解率均比其他4种牧草高;而白茅(Imperata cylindrical (L.) Beauv.)和沙生针茅(Stipaplareosa P.Smirn.)营养成分表现出比其他4种牧草差的降解特征。综合考虑6种牧草所含营养成分及其在绵羊体内的降解能力,狗尾草和白草利用价值较高,白茅和沙生针茅利用价值较低。  相似文献   

本试验用全收粪法,评定了中国市场上玉米干酒糟(CornDistillerDriedDrains,DDG)蛋白饲料营养价值。6头生长猪平均体重50.9±1.74kg,采用6×6拉丁方试验设计,测定不同种类玉米干酒糟消化能、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)以及粗蛋白(CP)消化率。试验结果:DDG(河北A)、DDG(河北B)、DDG(河南)和DDG(天津)猪消化能分别为3.25Mcal/kg、3.56Mcal/kg、3.18Mcal/kg和3.43Mcal/kg;NDF消化率分别为68.55%、64.82%、52.359%、67.64%;ADF消化率分别为92.83%、93.67%、80.50%、93.0%;CP消化率分别为80.0%、84.0%、77.67%、74.50%。DDG消化能与NDF消化率呈线性正相关(R2=0.58,P=0.004)。  相似文献   

In dogs, faeces quality and nutrients digestibility were affected by different types of cellulose ( Wichert et al., 2002 ). In this study, it was investigated whether there are comparable effects of cellulose type in cats. Seven adult, healthy cats were fed a moist commercial complete cat food with three different cellulose type added at a level of 4% for a 1 week period. Faeces quality was between 1 and 3 on the scale used from 1 to 5. The addition of long fibre cellulose resulted in significantly firmer faeces. Addition of cellulose decreased the digestibility of dry matter and energy, whereas the impact on protein and fat digestibility was not significant. The type of cellulose affected faecal bulk and faecal water excretion. Faecal excretion of sodium and potassium was exponentially correlated to faecal water, faecal bulk and to a lesser extent to faecal dry matter excretion. Faecal calcium, magnesium and phosphorus excretion showed an exponential correlation to faecal dry matter excretion. A weaker correlation existed in all three elements to faecal bulk, whereas the effect of faecal water excretion was small. Results suggest a remarkable likeness between cats and dogs with regard to the digestive physiology of major minerals.  相似文献   

Lambs of two Swiss mountain breeds, Engadine Sheep (ES; n=55) and Valaisian Black Nose Sheep (VS; n=55), were fattened in 2010 and 2011 on one lowland and three alpine pastures. Groups of six to seven lambs per breed were allocated to pastures of a size allowing ad libitum intake on the following four vegetation types: (i) species-poor and nutrient-rich lowland (400 m a.s.l.) ryegrass–clover ley on flat terrain (‘lowland-rich’); (ii) alpine, species-rich and nutrient-rich vegetation type on a flat terrain (1950 m; ‘alpine-rich’); (iii) alpine, species-rich vegetation type, moderate in nutrients on steep terrain (2150 m; ‘alpine-moderate’); and (iv) alpine, species-rich and nutrient-poor vegetation type on steep terrain (2150 m; ‘alpine-poor’). Lambs were slaughtered after 9 weeks of grazing in a commercial slaughterhouse. Carcasses were subjected to the Swiss CH-TAX classification grid. Meat quality was analysed on the Musculus longissimus dorsi (LD) in the segment of Musculus longissimus lumborum. Forage quality varied among vegetation types as anticipated. Across all sites, ES were superior (P<0.001) to VS in dressing percentage (43.9 vs. 38.4), carcass weight (18.4 vs. 16.4 kg), meat conformation and fat cover scores, even though daily gains had been lower (105 vs. 122 g/d; P<0.05). Meat of ES contained more dry matter, protein, total ash (P<0.001) and fat (P<0.05). Their meat was darker and more intensive red, had lower cooking losses (23.0 vs. 25.1%) but was less tender (65.6 vs. 58.1 N) compared to VS (P<0.001). Vegetation types offering good quality forage (lowland-rich and alpine-rich) enhanced average daily gains, dressing percentage, meat conformation and fat cover scores (mostly P<0.05 against alpine-moderate and -poor). Similarly, a higher vegetation quality promoted a higher intramuscular fat and lower cooking losses. Meat from lowland-rich was darkest and had the lowest shear force (P<0.05). Almost no breed×site interactions occurred in growth performance as well as carcass and meat quality. It was therefore concluded that both breeds are similarly well adapted to the extensive pasture production system in alpine regions. Still, ES seem to be the more efficient one of the two sheep breeds. The results also indicate that growth performance and meat quality clearly vary between vegetation types in animals grazing alpine pastures.  相似文献   

旨在探究一种测定牧草中中性洗涤纤维含量(NDF)的新方法。选用内蒙古地区的单一牧草、混合牧草和青贮,以传统的范氏法(Van Soest)为对照(NDF方法),在牧草中NDF含量的测定过程中加入耐高温α-淀粉酶处理,并进行灰化步骤处理(a NDFom方法),研究比较利用2种不同方法测定牧草中NDF含量的差异。结果表明:不同牧草中NDF和aNDFom的含量无显著差异(P>0.05),但aNDFom的值均小于NDF的值,且每种牧草中的灰分含量均达到1%以上。由此可见,aNDFom(淀粉酶和硫酸钠处理无灰分报告的NDF值)准确度高,更适用于牧草中NDF含量的测定。  相似文献   

早春低温及干旱是限制西北荒漠灌区苜蓿高产的主要因子。覆膜种植技术可改善土壤的生态环境及作物生长状况,已成为西北干旱半干旱地区提高作物产量和品质的重要措施。本试验以覆膜(FM)为处理,不覆膜(CK)为对照,研究FM对2龄、3龄及4龄‘三得利’紫花苜蓿(Madicago sativa L.‘Sanditi’)每茬初花期农艺性状及营养价值的影响。结果表明:与CK相比,FM提高了2龄苜蓿第1、2和第4茬草的株高(P<0.05),第2茬草的干草产量(P<0.05,340.19 kg·亩-1)和第3茬的干鲜比(P<0.05);提高了3龄苜蓿第2、3茬草的株高(P<0.05)和干草产量(P<0.05,257.18 kg·亩-1,250.68 kg·亩-1);提高了4龄苜蓿第2茬草的株高及鲜干比(P<0.05)。同时,在一定程度上FM显著增加了不同年份不同茬次苜蓿的Ca含量和P含量(P<0.05)。总体而言,FM使苜蓿年总产量比CK分别提高11.81%,17.48%及0.43%,分别达到1 053.06 kg·亩-1,946.97 kg·亩-1,1 045.50 kg·亩-1。  相似文献   

本研究以里奥(Lotus corniculatus cv.Leo)、迈瑞伯(Lotus corniculatus cv.Mirabal)、佐治亚(Lotus corniculatus cv.Georgia)作为对照,对从俄罗斯引进的61份百脉根种质材料在西北绿洲进行种植试验,依据营养指标变异分析和灰色关联度法进行营养指标分析和综合评价。结果表明,粗蛋白变异最明显,变异系数最大,为13.569%;磷含量、钙含量和相对饲喂价值的变异明显,变异系数较大,分别为13.187%、12.044%、11.537%;酸性洗涤纤维、粗脂肪和中性洗涤纤维的变异系数分别为9.763%、8.559%、8.533%,变异较明显;干物质的变异最不明显,仅为0.609%。根据灰色关联度加权分析,其中Zxy08p-4687(γi=0.748)、Zxy09p-5647(γi=0.733)、Zxy09p-6485(γi=0.713),综合营养价值高;营养价值较高的百脉根材料有10份(0.604≤γi≤0.682),分别为Zxy08p-5070、Zxy09p-5583、Zxy08p-4892、Zxy09p-5642、Zxy06p-1775、Zxy09p-5591、Zxy08p-4916、Zxy09p-5809、Zxy08p-4645、Zxy09p-5694;营养价值中等的材料有27份及对照材料佐治亚(0.505≤γi≤0.587),占44.262%,包含Zxy09p-5591、Zxy08p-4768、Zxy08p-4589、Zxy06p-2666、Zxy06p-2663等;营养价值较差的材料有21份及对照材料迈瑞伯、里奥(0.423≤γi≤0.499),占34.426%,比如Zxy06p-2376、Zxy09p-6358、Zxy08p-5393、Zxy08p-4528、Zxy09p-6300等。  相似文献   

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