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Reducing water exchange in shrimp aquaculture to minimize discharge of pollutants is a search for sustainability. In desert regions, like most of northwest Mexico, low water exchange must be complemented with artificial aeration to compensate for low levels of oxygen in warm and highly saline water. The economic yield of a low‐water‐exchange production system is compared against yield from a typical water‐exchange‐without‐aeration system for Penaeus vannamei culture. The difference between two systems is centered on pumping and aeration rates for a 100 ha semi‐intensive farm in northwest Mexico.

A bioeconomic model was built to compare the systems. Risk analysis is adopted to account for uncertainty of seed price, shrimp growth rate, survival rate, and shrimp prices.

The typical system was slightly more profitable than the low‐water‐exchange, aerated system. The latter used less electricity than the former in all of the three mortality‐rate scenarios. However, the difference in profitability is so small that for practical purposes both production systems provide similar economic yield. For a typical system, the probability of reaching a positive net present value (NPV) is high, therefore under the assumed risks, a 100 ha semi‐intensive shrimp farm in northwest Mexico is a good investment choice.  相似文献   

The direct impact of oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) on fish welfare and water quality in marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is poorly documented. In this study, the effects of the fish size (S1, S2, S3) and ORP level (normal, four successive levels) on the performance of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were investigated. Three size fish were distributed into two RAS (RAS and RAS O3). Ozone was injected into RAS O3 to increase the ORP level. The ORP was stabilized to four successive levels: 260–300, 300–320, 320–350, and 300–320 mV in fish tanks during four periods (P1–4). At the last day of each period, the hematological parameters, plasma protein and mortality of sea bass were analyzed. Two-way ANOVA revealed that several hematological parameters, including pH, hematocrit, concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose (Glu), ionized calcium, kalium, and hemoglobin, were significantly influenced by the increased ORP levels over the experimental period. The alteration in blood Glu and plasma protein concentration showed that ORP around 300–320 mV started to stress sea bass. Once the ORP exceeded 320 mV in the tanks during the P3 period, mortality occurred even when total residual oxidants/ozone-produced oxidants was only 0.03–0.05 mg L?1 in the fish tanks. At the same time, plasma protein decreased notably due to appetite depression. After the decrease in ORP during the P4 period, mortality continued. In conclusion, the results strongly suggest that for European sea bass in RAS, the ORP should not exceed 320 mV in the tanks. Once ozonation damaged fish, the effect seemed to be irreversible. However, how ORP affected related hematological parameters still need the further investigations.  相似文献   


A stochastic meta‐production frontier model is estimated to examine the inter‐country differences in levels of technical efficiency of semi‐intensive/intensive and extensive carp pond culture systems among the major carp producing countries in South Asia, namely India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal. The mean technical efficiencies for semi‐intensive/intensive farms vary from 0.68 for Nepal to 0.79 for India, with an overall average of 0.75 and those for extensive farms vary from 0.48 for Bangladesh to 0.62 for Pakistan, with an overall mean of 0.57. Differences in efficiency levels are explained in terms of various farm‐specific and country‐specific factors by estimating a model for technical inefficiency effects. The adoption of recommended fish, water, and feed management practices is found to be critical for improved performance of carp producers. For each country, the study also compares the efficiency scores based on its own production frontier with those obtained from the meta‐production frontier.  相似文献   

Bioassays were carried out with the `blue diatom' Haslea ostrearia Simonsen, which is responsible for oyster greening during the fattening period of Crassostrea gigas Thunberg in oyster ponds. Samples of seawater were taken from two oyster ponds: one without oysters and the other with 20 oysters per m[sup2 ], maximal density allowed by the French AFNOR norm for `refinement'. The aims were to clarify the nutrient requirements of this diatom, also to elucidate the eventual influence of C. gigas at this density on the seawater fertility and to envisage the mass production of this diatom by pond fertilization. Examination of cell numeric densities at the end of bioassays allows us to conclude that silicate was the first limiting nutrient, closely followed by phosphate. Chlorophyll a concentrations led to different conclusions: phosphate was the first limiting factor, but after the seawater storage period in ponds, seawater quality evolved to a deficiency of nitrogen. Silicate addition increased cell division rate, and silicate depletion increased chl a synthesis for this species. Examination of nutrient assimilation ratios confirms that H. ostrearia requires a large amount of silicon. From these results, it was possible to prepare a N + P + Si simplified medium which has been tested in laboratory and field mesocosm conditions. In both conditions, similar results were observed: a significant increase in H. ostrearia cell concentrations and consequently an evolution up to the greening stage. Applications of this work are numerous; the principal permits us to envisage the production of this species in 25-m3 ponds, with the aim of allowing constant production of the greening phenomenon.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of supplemental nutrient additives in broad bean-based diets on growth, flesh quality, and collagen gene expression of grass carp, five diets were prepared, including complete formula diet (control), soaked broad bean (SBB), and three broad bean-based diets containing 80% broad bean without (BBD1) or with the supplementation of methionine (BBD2), and methionine+vitamins+minerals (BBD3), and were fed to grass carp (171.9 ± 1.1 g), Ctenopharyngodon idellus, for 84 days. The results showed that broad bean-based diets significantly increased weight gain (WG) and reduced the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of grass carp when compared to the SBB (p < .05). The BBD3 group reached levels similar to the WG and FCR of the control group (p > .05). Grass carp fed the BBD3 diet had lower steaming loss of flesh, higher muscle fiber density, and higher collagen content in muscle and skin than the control (p < .05). The relative expressions of COL1A1 and COL1A2 mRNA in muscle and skin were significantly higher in the BBD3 and SBB groups than in other groups (p < .05). In conclusion, the combination of methionine, vitamins, and minerals in broad bean-based diets promoted the growth of “crisped” grass carp and improved flesh quality and collagen gene expression when compared to the control formula diet.  相似文献   


This study tested the Kuwaiti new indoor tilapia hatchery using the recirculating system, and compared its production costs with those in the flow‐through system. Breeders were stocked at 4 fish/m2 at 1: 3 male: female sex ratio. Seeds were harvested every two weeks for a period of 1.5 years. Seed production ranged from 45–52 seed/m2/d and 105–130 seed/kg female/d. Water quality parameters in the different components stayed below lethal concentration.

Analysis of the capital and operating expenses revealed that the new recirculating system cost 9.4 cents per fry compared with 11.0 cents in the flow‐through system. Operating expenses accounted for 67.14% of the total annual costs. Salary and wages were the major cost item (74.87%) of the operating expenses.

The cost of producing 0.5‐g fry was 6.2 cents per fry. With the use of more spawning and fry rearing tanks, production can be increased from 630,000 to 735,000 1.0‐g fry or 950,000 0.5‐g with a corresponding decrease in the costs per fry to 7.3 cents and 5.7 cents, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to measure the water flow (Qw) delivered by a vacuum airlift designed for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in fresh (<1‰ of salinity) and sea water (35‰ of salinity). The vacuum airlift consists of two concentric tubes connected at their top to a depression chamber. The water rises in the inner tube as a result of air being injected in its lower section and flows back through the external downcomer tube. The vacuum airlift was adjusted at three different lengths: 2, 4 or 6 m and water discharge could be lifted from 0 to 30 cm. Air flow rate (Qg) varied from 0 to 80 L min−1. Different types of air injectors were tested, delivering different bubble sizes (0.1–5 mm) depending on porosity and functioning at low or high injection pressure. Results show an increase in water flow when pipe length and air flow were increased and lift height reduced. Water flow also depended on the type of water and ranged from 0 to 35 m3 h−1 (0–580 L min−1) for fresh water and only from 0 to 20 m3 h−1 (0–330 L min−1) for sea water (for a 6 m high vacuum airlift). This difference was attributed to the smaller bubble diameter and higher gas holdup (ɛg) observed in sea water (0–20%) compared to fresh water (0–10%). When bubbles were present in the downcomer tube, they created a resistance to flow (counter-current airlift) that slowed down liquid velocity and thus water flow. Increasing the vacuum made it possible to use low air injection pressures and high injection depths. Vacuum also increased bubble size and airflow (20 L min−1 at atmospheric pressure to 60 L min−1 at 0.3 barA) and thus water flow rates. With RAS, the presence of fish feed in water rapidly increased water flow delivered by the airlift because of changes of water quality and gas holdup. When working with low head RAS (under 0.3 m), vacuum airlift could save up to 50% of the energy required for centrifugal pumps. An empirical predictive model was developed and calibrated. Simulation shows a good correlation between predicted values and measurements (R2 = 0.96).  相似文献   


In the present study, the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus were exposed to food deprivation for a period of 6 or 12 days and changes in the luteinizing hormone (LH) immunoreactivity in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) of the pituitary gland and the testicular activity were examined. Intensely immunoreactive LH content was noticed in the PPD of the pituitary gland in the initial controls, controls on days 6 and 12, and fasting fish on day 6, whereas the LH immunoreactivity was moderate or weak in fasting fish on day 12. In addition, although the mean gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices among different experimental groups did not show any statistically significant difference, the mean numbers of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids were significantly lower in food-deprived fish on days 6 or 12 compared to those of controls. The inhibition of the spermatogenesis was accompanied by the presence of abundant spermatozoa in the lumen of seminiferous tubules of the testis in food-deprived fish, whereas the occurrence of spermatozoa was relatively infrequent in initial controls and controls. Furthermore, refeeding to food-deprived fish on day 6 onwards resulted in occurrence of few intensely stained LH secreting cells and significantly higher numbers of spermatocytes and spermatids concomitant with sparse spermatozoa in majority of tubules compared to those of food-deprived fish. These results suggest that prolonged exposure to food-deprivation causes suppression of the LH secretory activity in the pituitary gland and disruption in the spermatogenesis in O. mossambicus.


The accumulation of particulate organic matter (POM) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has become an important issue with the intensification of finfish production. The objective of this study was to assess the foam fractionation efficiency of a vacuum airlift in different conditions (POM concentrations, airflow rates, bubble sizes, water renewal rates and feed addition). In sea water, the vacuum airlift allowed removing 20% of the initial POM concentration per hour (foam fractionation efficiency), corresponding to a 20.7-fold concentration factor between the tank and the foam. In rearing conditions, efficiency increased with decreasing water renewal rate or increasing POM concentration. An increase in airflow rate from 10 to 80 L min−1 in the vacuum airlift significantly decreased foam fractionation efficiency when feed was added to the water. The impact of feeding was only observed with high airflow rates where bubble coalescence occurred. Calculated POM production by fish ranged between 15.9 and 23.5 g h−1 and was equivalent to estimations based on feed conversion ratio (FCR). This indicated that all the POM produced was extracted by the vacuum airlift.  相似文献   

One cannot seek permission to market transgenic fish mainly because there is no field test or any basic research on technological developments for evaluating their biosafety. Infertility is a necessary adjunct to exploiting transgenic fish unless completely secure land-locked facilities are available. In this study, we report the generation of a Cre transgenic zebrafish line using a cytomegalovirus promoter. We also produced fish carrying the Bax1 and Bax2 plasmids; these genes were separated by two loxP sites under a zona pellucida C promoter or were driven by an anti-Müllerian hormone promoter. We inserted a red fluorescent protein gene between the two loxP sites. After obtaining transgenic lines with the two transgenic fish crossed with each other (Cre transgenic zebrafish x loxP transgenic zebrafish), the floxed DNA was found to be specifically eliminated from the female or male zebrafish, and apoptosis gene expressions caused ovarian and testicular growth cessation and degeneration. Overexpression of the Bax1 and Bax2 genes caused various expression levels of apoptosis-related genes. Accordingly, this transgenic zebrafish model system provides a method to produce infertile fish and may be useful for application to genetically modified fish.  相似文献   

The present study is a first step towards evaluation of the potential for line-mussel production in the Great Belt region between the Kattegat and Baltic Sea, Denmark. We present experimental results for actual growth rates of juvenile/adult mussels Mytilus edulis in suspended net bags in terms of shell length and dry weight of soft parts during extended periods (27–80 days) in the productive season in the first 6 series of field experiments, including 4 sites in Great Belt and 2 sites in Limfjorden, Denmark. Data were correlated and interpreted in terms of specific growth rate (μ, % day?1) as a function of dry weight of soft parts (W, g) by a previously developed simple bioenergetic growth model μ = aW ?0.34. Results were generally in good agreement with the model which assumes the prevailing average chlorophyll a concentration at field sites to essentially account for the nutrition. Our studies have shown that M. edulis can grow from settlement in spring to 30 mm in shell length in November. We therefore suggest line farming of 30 mm ‘mini-mussels’ during one growth season, recovering all equipment at the time of harvest and re-establishing it with a new population of settled mussel larvae at the beginning of the next season, thus protecting the equipment from the damaging weather of the Danish winter season. The growth behavior during the fall–winter season was recorded in an additional 7th series of mussel growth experiments on farm-ropes to show the disadvantage of this period.  相似文献   

The food sources of the main economic animals and trophic levels of biotic communities from an optimized culture model (RhopilemaSinonovacula constrictaParalichthys olivaceusPenaeus chinensis) in a sea water pond in Donggang, Liaoning province were studied using the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes technique. The results indicated that the values of δ13C range from (?27.28 ± 0.35) ‰ to (?16.65 ± 0.20) ‰ and the values of δ15N range from (3.68 ± 0.23) ‰ to (13.91 ± 0.26) ‰, both of which exhibited significant fluctuations. The δ13C values of P. chinensis, Macrobrachium mipponensis and P. olivaceus were comparatively higher than those of other aquaculture animals, and the δ15N values of P. olivaceus was also comparatively higher. The contribution to the food sources of aquaculture animals (Rhopilema, S. constricta, P. olivaceus and P. chinensis) was analyzed by using the IsoSource software. The results indicated that fish meat had the greatest contribution to Rhopilema, S. constricta and P. chinensis; P. chinensis had the greatest contribution to P. olivaceus, followed by the M. mipponensis. The trophic level of the biotic communities under that optimized culture model in a sea water pond was 3.54, in which P. olivaceus was in the fourth level (3.54); P. chinensis, Synechogobius hasta, Ablennes anastomella, M. mipponensis, Ditrema temmincki Bleeker, Chelon haematocheilus were in the third trophic levels; Rhopilema, Engraulis japonius, S. constricta and zooplankton (1.00) in the second trophic levels, suspended matters (0.15) including phytoplankton, bacteria, humus, etc., were in the primary trophic levels.  相似文献   

There has been a worldwide increase in consumption of fish from open waters and aquaculture during the last decades. In 2013, the Czech Republic was the sixth largest producer of fish within the EU, with annual production of 20,135 tonnes. However, during the period 2010–2015 import of fishery products to the Czech Republic increased from 39,098 to 43,399 tonnes. The monetary value of import increased by 81 % from 90.2 million EUR in 2010 to 169.9 million EUR in 2015. In 2010, the major imported fishery product was frozen fillets of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) from Vietnam (8872 tonnes). In 2015, the most imported fishery product was whole chilled salmon (Salmo salar) from Norway (6897 tonnes). During 2010–2015, the export of fishery products increased from 18,167 to 22,134 tonnes, which is an increase by 21.8 %. The value of export has increased by 80 % from 54.5 million EUR in 2010 to 98.1 million EUR in 2015. The major exported fish was live common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at volume of 7545–9075 tonnes. This study looks at changes in market, volume and value of fish imported and exported during the last 6 years.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA), a tool used to assess the environmental impacts of products and processes, has been used to evaluate a range of aquaculture systems. Eighteen LCA studies were reviewed which included assessments of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), flow-through systems, net cages, and pond systems. This review considered the potential to mitigate environmental burdens with a movement from extensive to intensive aquaculture systems. Due to the diversity in study results, specific processes (feed, energy, and infrastructure) and specific impact categories (land use, water use, and eutrophication potential) were analyzed in-depth. The comparative analysis indicated there was a possible shift from local to global impacts with a progression from extensive to intensive systems, if mitigation strategies were not performed. The shift was partially due to increased electricity requirements but also varied with electricity source. The impacts from infrastructure were less than 13 % of the environmental impact and considered negligible. For feed, the environmental impacts were typically more dependent on feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the type of system. Feed also contributed to over 50 % of the impacts on land use, second only to energy carriers. The analysis of water use indicated intensive recirculating systems efficiently reduce water use as compared to extensive systems; however, at present, studies have only considered direct water use and future work is required that incorporates indirect and consumptive water use. Alternative aquaculture systems that can improve the total nutrient uptake and production yield per material and energy based input, thereby reducing the overall emissions per unit of feed, should be further investigated to optimize the overall of aquaculture systems, considering both global and local environmental impacts. While LCA can be a valuable tool to evaluate trade-offs in system designs, the results are often location and species specific. Therefore, it is critical to consider both of these criteria in conjunction with LCA results when developing aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

Fatty-acid esters of dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1) in scallops Patinopecten yessoensis, mussels Mytilus coruscus, and toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis species, collected from Japanese seawater, were analyzed by liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Precursor ion monitoring, multiple reaction monitoring for 18 fatty-acid esters of DTX1, and full-scan MS/MS spectra obtained with a hybrid triple–quadrupole linear-ion-trap mass spectrometer showed that 14:0, 16:0, and 16:1 esters were the most abundant 7-O-acyl-DTX1 analogues in bivalves. Fatty-acids esters formed by conjugations at hydroxyl positions other than the 7-position of DTX1 were not detected in the bivalves. DTX1 and okadaic acid-16:0 fatty-acid esters have been reported as the most abundant ester in bivalves in several previous studies; however, we found that 7-O-16:1-DTX1 was the most abundant ester in some mussels in which 16:1 was more dominant than 16:0 in the free fatty-acid profile. Comparison between 7-O-acyl-DTX1 and free fatty-acid profiles in the same bivalve samples suggests that polyunsaturated fatty acids are selectively excluded in enzymatic acylation of DTX1. No 7-O-acyl-DTX1 was detected in any single-cell isolates of D. fortii, D. acuminata, D. mitra, D. norvegica, D. tripos, D. infundibulus, and D. rotundata.  相似文献   

The Japanese type of set-net, Otoshi-ami, was introduced to Thailand in 2003 with the aim of assessing its feasibility as a sustainable coastal fisheries management tool for the empowerment of coastal fishers’ communities. All preparations for constructing and installing the set-net in the coastal waters off Mae Rumpheung beach, Rayong Province, Thailand, were carried out by local fishers, with technical advice and support from national and international institutions. The gear was modified and developed to suit the conditions of the fishing ground and target species. Data on the catch and sales trends in Rayong using the set-net were collected for 7 years for statistical analysis; during this period, the gear design and marketing strategies were improved. Simulation analysis for evaluating the cost–profit bases was conducted to establish a model for set-net technology transfer in Southeast Asia, based on differing numbers of fishers and operation days. The simulation results show the required size of the average daily catch to cover the total cost according to the average unit price, where the economic return point is an average catch of 128 kg, based on a unit price of 25 Baht/kg (0.83 USD/kg), with ten fishermen and a daily operation cost of 3,200 Baht (USD 106.17).  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between ion levels (Na?, Cl?, K?, Ca2?, and Mg2?) in the fluid phase and total chyme of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract segments of freshwater and marine-estuarine teleosts collected in different salinities (0-34 ppt) in estuarine and freshwater portions of the S?o Gon?alo channel, southern Brazil. In addition, the relative contribution of feeding and osmoregulation to the ionic content of each portion of the gastrointestinal tract of fishes collected in different ambient salinities was analyzed. There was no relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of the segments of the gastrointestinal tract when considering all species together. However, there was a significant positive relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of two fish species (Micropogonias furnieri and Genidens barbus) collected in three or more different salinities. In most species, ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme changed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting absorption, but the ionoregulatory mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract seem to vary according to species.  相似文献   

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