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Findings from 2 years of field experiments investigating the relationship between Globodera rostochiensis and Rhizoctonia solani on unique field sites are reported. In 2000, a field experiment was positioned on land that had previously been used for experimental work investigating integrated potato cyst nematode (PCN) management methods. This study had produced an ‘untypical’ mosaic of PCN population densities ranging from 5 to 221 eggs g−1 soil. In 2001, the field experiment was conducted on a different field site and overlaid on a focus of G. rostochiensis population densities ranging from 11 to 108 eggs g−1 soil. In each experiment, potatoes (cv. Désirée) were grown in plots with similar population densities of G. rostochiensis that were either uninoculated or inoculated with R. solani. A series of potato plant harvests were undertaken to investigate the effects of nematode infestation on the incidence and severity of R. solani diseases and the associated development of plants. In both experiments, a clear relationship was found between the density of G. rostochiensis juveniles present in potato roots and the incidence of stolons infected by R. solani, 6 weeks after planting. For the first time this interaction has been determined under field conditions. The results of the study suggest that the interaction between nematode and fungus is indirect and possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A case of heavy infestation on tubers of three potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cultivars (Nicola, Spunta and Sieglinde) by the cyst nematodeGlobodera pallida Stone, 1973 was observed in Southern Italy on early producing potato cultivars in spring. Tubers were covered by white females and cysts but no other external symptoms were detectible on their surfaces. Detailed observations were directed to study the response of phellem and secondary cortex tissues induced by the expansion of syncytia during nematode feeding activity. The micro details of histological changes observed on serially sectioned infected tissues are described and illustrated. The nematode's feeding activity was confined to the outer part of the tuber while the host-parasite relationships were similar to those induced by the same nematode in the feeder roots.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLPs of ITS-rDNA and PCR with species-specific primers were developed for identification of cysts and juveniles of the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Restrictions of PCR product by MvaI or ScrFI distinguish H. schachtii, H. betae, H. trifolii and H. medicaginis. RFLP profiles with eight restriction enzymes for these four nematode species are presented. Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer sequences of populations from several Schachtii group species, a specific primer for H. schachtii was designed, permitting amplification of the target sequence from juveniles and cysts of the beet cyst nematode. A duplex PCR protocol tested with a wide range of nematode samples is described.  相似文献   

A collection of 241 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani obtained from potato plants grown in different areas in France was characterized for anastomosis grouping, symptomatology on tubers of different cultivars and sensitivity to three fungicides. Most isolates collected belonged to (anastomosis groups (AGs)) AG 3, but 2% and 4% of the isolates were AG 5 and AG 2-1. AG 3 and AG 2-1 isolates were mostly obtained from sclerotia on tubers, but all AG 5, some AG 3 and some AG 2-1 isolates were recovered from superficial tuber alterations, like deformations, corky or scabby lesions. Sclerotia were formed on tubers produced by healthy stem cuttings grown in soil artificially infested with AG 3, but not on tubers grown in soil infested with either AG 5 or AG 2-1. No variation in susceptibility to sclerotial formation was observed among five potato cultivars. In all cases, a large proportion of tubers showed superficial corky lesions, often associated with deformations. The proportion of tubers with lesions and deformations was highest in soil infested with AG 2-1 and significantly lower on cv. Samba in all treatments. All isolates were highly sensitive to flutolanil, iprodione and pencycuron, except the AG 5 isolates, moderately sensitive to pencycuron. These results show that, although AG 3 is the most common R. solani group on potato in France, AG 5 and AG 2-1 may be present. Isolates differed for pathogenicity. In vitro sensitivity to fungicides varied among AGs.  相似文献   

Plants of four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars were grown in pots in a greenhouse at five densities ofGlobodera pallida between 0 and 300 eggs per gram of soil. Photosynthesis and transpiration of selected leaves were measured at 30, 37, 49 and 60 days after planting. Stem length was recorded at weekly intervals. Plants were harvested 70 days afteer planting and various plant variables were determined.At 30 days after planting, when second and third stage juveniles were present in roots, both photosynthesis and transpiration rates were severely reduced byG. pallida. In the course of time these effects became less pronounced. Water use efficiency was reduced byG. pallida between 30 and 49 days, but not at 60 days after planting. The results suggest independent effects ofG. pallida on stomatal opening and on photosynthesis reactions. There were no consistent differences among cultivars in the response of leaf gas exchange rates and water use efficiency to nematode infection. Reduction of photosynthesis byG. pallida appeared additive to photosynthesis reduction due to leaf senescence.Total dry weight was reduced by 60% at the highestG. pallida density. Weights of all plant organs were about proportionally affected. Shoot/root ratio was not affected and dry matter content was reduced. Stem length and leaf area were most strongly reduced during early stages of plant-nematode interaction. The number of leaves formed was only slightly reduced byG. pallida, but flowering was delayed or inhibited. Reduction of total dry weight correlated with reduction of both leaf area and photosynthesis rate. Leaf area reduction seems the main cause of reduction of dry matter production. Tolerance differences among cultivars were evident at 100 eggs per gram of soil only, where total dry weight of the intolerant partially resistant cv. Darwina was lower than that of the tolerant partially resistant cv. Elles and of the tolerant susceptible cv. Multa. The tolerance differences were not correlated with leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Apparently these processes are not part of tolerance of plants.  相似文献   

Aspartic proteases (APs) one of the main proteinase classes, have different physiological functions in animals, fungi and viruses. In plants, knowledge of the biological roles of APs is less well developed. An AP has been purified from potato tuber and leaves (Guevara et al., 1999, 2001). In this paper, the changes in the level of AP in response to infection by Phytophthora infestans (P. infestans) and wounding were studied in intercellular washing fluids (IWFs) from tuber disks of two potato cultivars differing in their susceptibility to P. infestans. A differential induction was observed between both cultivars: in the resistant cultivar, induction was higher and faster in infected tissues than in wounded ones. In the susceptible cultivar, a lower and later accumulation was observed than in the resistant cultivar. In addition, AP had a direct inhibitory effect on the germination of cysts of P. infestans and conidia of Fusarium solani. The pattern of accumulation and in vitro activity of AP suggest that this enzyme may have a role in the defense response of potato.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We studied changes in pathogenicity, virulence, and aggressiveness of Globodera pallida populations over time. As a measure for pathogenicity, the reproduction factor on a partially resistant host was used; for aggressiveness, the reproduction factor on a susceptible reference host was used; and, for virulence, the ratio pathogenicity/aggressiveness was used. The G. pallida populations were reared in a glasshouse for four generations on potato cultivars with different levels of resistance. The cultivar Elkana did not increase pathogenicity significantly, but the more resistant cultivars Karakter and Darwina did. This increase in pathogenicity was caused by an increase in virulence, whereas aggressiveness generally was not altered significantly. The increase in virulence appeared to be caused by an enhanced ability of eggs to develop into cysts, and not by an increase in egg production per new cyst. The observed changes in virulence could be predicted reasonably well by a simple numerical model. The rate of selection depended strongly on the nematode population. Rearing a mix of two different populations on a susceptible host decreased the virulence strongly, as predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, but increased the aggressiveness because of heterosis.  相似文献   

Selection for virulence of Globodera pallida on potato cultivars was studied for four generations under controlled conditions. The reproduction rate (Pf/Pi) of a mixed Pa2/3 population increased by a factor of 61 during rearing on the partially resistant potato cv. Darwina compared to rearing on the susceptible cv. Irene. This was a result of selection for virulence on cv. Darwina, and achieving the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium on cv. Irene. Increased virulence also significantly raised the reproduction rate on several other Solanum genotypes. These changes could be explained reasonably well by the monogenic inheritance of a virulence factor breaking the Grp1 locus. The virulence changes were probably mainly evoked by this gene only, inherited from S. vernei 1-3 or S. vernei 24/20. The Grp1 locus has probably provided the differential S. vernei hybrid (VTn)2 62-33-3 with its resistance to the Pa2 group and not to the Pa3 group. Alternation of cultivars did not halt selection if the cultivars highly differentiated between the Pa2 and Pa3 populations. Only when alternation was with cultivars that harboured a different resistance gene against Pa3 was selection for virulence delayed. Differences in virulence levels (i.e. reproduction rates) within the nematode population determined the rate of selection, not the resistance level itself. Selection of a Pa3 population for three generations on cv. Karakter not only increased the reproduction rate on cv. Karakter itself by a factor 4.2, but also raised the reproduction on other potato genotypes. A simple monogenic model could explain these changes in virulence.  相似文献   

A good agreement was found between drought induced water-use efficiencies and carbon isotope fractionation of potato plants of the same age. Discrimination of13Carbon isotope increased with plant age and with the rank order of the distinguished plant organs. In young plants, nematode infection (contrary to drought) reduced13C discrimination but also reduced the water-use efficiency, leading to the conclusion that nematode infection, by slowing down the plant metabolism may have reduced the extrusion of13C. Towards senescence both nematode infection and drought reduced13C discrimination and increased water-use efficiencies indicating that then nematode caused water stress in the plants.  相似文献   

为监测云南省小麦条锈菌群体毒性及小麦抗条锈基因的有效性动态,2016年采用18个抗条锈近等基因系鉴别寄主对云南省9个州市的136个小麦条锈菌株进行毒性分析,并按八进制法对小种进行命名。结果表明,云南省小麦条锈菌群体毒性丰富,共鉴定出64个小种类型,其中居于前2位的小种是550273和550073,出现频率分别为28.68%和11.76%,是本年度优势小种;其它小种出现频率均在4.41%以下,为次要小种。条锈菌群体对Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr32四个抗条锈基因的毒力频率均为0,对Yr24、Yr Tr1、Yr8、Yr17四个抗条锈基因的毒力频率在0.74%~11.76%之间,表明这8个基因是云南省当前有效的抗条锈基因;对Yr27的毒力频率为52.94%,对Yr1、Yr6、Yr7、Yr9、Yr43、Yr44、Yr SP、Yr Exp2、Yr Tye九个抗条锈基因的毒力频率为77.94%~91.91%,表明这10个抗条锈基因的抗性已减缓或丧失,说明这些基因在云南省已失效。  相似文献   

Potatoes were grown under a permanent rain shelter in mobile containers in soil with or without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). The plants were subjected to an early drought stress period starting at planting until 43 days after planting, to a late drought stress period starting at 43 days until senescence at 92 days and to a drought control. Dry matter weight and characteristics of leaves, stems, stolons and roots were determined at periodic harvests. The early drought stress and nematode infection affected many plant organ characteristics in similar ways. Numbers of leaves, specific leaf area, plant height, specific stem weight, leaf area ratio, mean tuber weight and harvest index were reduced by both stress factors at early stages of growth.Later on, interactions between both stress factors which influence the development rate of the plants led to more diverse plant reactions. Plants of all treatments rapidly senesced at about 90 days after planting. Uninfected plants had then depleted the soil nutrient supply whereas the plants grown in the inoculated soil senesced as a result of the potato cyst nematode infection.  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments factors which are involved in the stimulation of sclerotia formation byRhizoctonia solani Kühn on potato tubers after haulm destruction were investigated. Cutting off the shoot stimulated the production of sclerotia as much as chemical haulm destruction. This was also observed when potato tubers were grown away from the roots in a separate compartment filled with steamed perlite. Fewer sclerotia were produced when roots were cut in addition to haulm destruction compared to haulm destruction alone. Cutting off the roots alone often stimulated sclerotia production. The data indicate that sclerotia production was directly affected by the tuber and probably due to physiological changes in the tuber caused by elimination of the shoot.Samenvatting In kasproeven werd onderzocht welke factoren betrokken zijn bij de stimulering van de produktie van sclerotiën op aardappel doorRhizoctonia solani Kühn als gevolg van loofvernietiging. Afknippen van het loof stimuleerde de vorming van sclerotiën evenzeer als chemische vernietiging. Na afknippen van het loof trad de stimulering ook op bij knollen, die zich ruimtelijk gescheiden van de wortels in gestoomd vochtig perliet konden ontwikkelen. Doodspuiten plus doorsnijden van de wortels resulteerde in minder lakschurft dan doodspuiten alleen. Wanneer alleen de wortels werden doorgesneden resulteerde dat vaak in meer lakschurft. De vorming van sclerotiën wordt dus direct door de knol beïnvloed. Dit effect lijkt voort te komen uit fysiologische veranderingen in de knol.  相似文献   

Potato wart disease, caused by the chytridiomycete Synchytrium endobioticum, was first introduced into Europe in the late 19th century. It spread quickly, and today is reported in 15 European countries. Initially, only one pathotype was found, and the disease was efficiently controlled using resistant cultivars. In 1941, however, formerly resistant cultivars showed wart formation in the field simultaneously in Germany and South Bohemia (Czech Republic), indicating the occurrence of new pathotypes. New pathotypes have since been reported from Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Canada. Today the pathogen is present in The Netherlands (only in fields for ware and starch potatoes) but restricted to two demarcated areas and subject to official control. Outside these areas, the pathogen is absent. For pathotyping, different countries have used different sets of differential cultivars, and the usual system of numerical coding of pathotypes has not been consistently followed. In this review we propose a new standardised code to be used for the 43 pathotypes currently known and described in Europe. The code is a combination of a numerical and letter code, combining the two terminologies used by former West and East Germany, respectively. We also plead for harmonisation in the choice of differential cultivars used for pathotype identification. The set of differentials described in the international standard for diagnosis of S. endobioticum issued by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), should serve as a basis. Through close collaboration of European countries dealing with new pathotypes of potato wart disease, a final agreed upon set of differentials, combined with a set of reference isolates, should ultimately be established, allowing a clear distinction between the most important pathotypes occurring in Europe.  相似文献   

Potatoes were grown under a permanent rain shelter in mobile containers in soil with and without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). The plants were either subjected to an early drought stress period from planting until 43 days after planting, to a late drought stress period during tuber bulking or to a drought control. Leaf water potentials, stomatal diffusion resistances for water vapour, transpiration rates, dry matter accumulation and water use efficiencies of the plants were determined periodically. Both drought and nematodes decreased leaf water potential and increased stomatal resistance.Drought led to a higher water use efficiency, cyst nematode infection, however, reduced the water use efficiency at early stages of growth, and increased it at later stages. It is concluded that at least two main growth reducing mechanisms exist of which the relative importance varies with time. Firstly, reduced apparent assimilation rates, which are unrelated to a change in the water balance caused by the initial attack by the cyst nematodes. Secondly, a reduced dry matter accumulation resulting from a decrease of water uptake. Effects of drought and cyst nematode infection on plant growth and water relations were not always additive mainly because infected plants used up less water leading to less drought stress.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992, 12 potato cultivars were screened at two locations for resistance to blackleg, after vacuum infiltration of the seed withErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica orE. chrysanthemi. Cultivar differences for resistance toE.c. subsp.Atroseptica andE. chrysanthemi were found which were consistent over locations and years. Seed tubers of the same cultivars were also screened for resistance to bothErwinia spp. by using a tuber slice inoculation method. Correlation coefficients for comparisons between resistance to blackleg in the field and tuber tissue resistance under aerobic or anaerobic conditions were not significant. This could partly be explained by drastic changes in relative tuber tissue resistance of the cultivars within a 5 weeks period after planting in the field. Presprouting of seed tubers in diffuse daylight had a less pronounced effect on relative tuber tissue resistance than planting in the field. Monitoring the process of mother tuber decay during the growing season of 1993 after vacuum infiltration withE.c. subsp.atroseptica andE. chrysanthemi revealed that cultivars differed in the extent to which these bacteria enhanced the process of mother tuber decay. These differences partly explained the cultivar differences for resistance to blackleg in the field.Abbreviations Eca Erwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica - Ech Erwinia chrysanthemi - NOP Noordoostpolder - Wag Wageningen  相似文献   

Trends in weather variables and concentrations of airborne conidia ofAlternaria solani were monitored in a potato field in South Africa during three potato-growing seasons in 2001 and 2002. Distinct seasonal variation was noted, with a drop in spore numbers during winter. Peaks in spore concentration coincided with periods favorable for spore formation and dispersal; most notable was the effect of interrupted wetting periods. Diurnal periodicity of spore dispersal was also observed, with the peak of spore concentrations between 9h00 and 18h00. Few spores were sampled at night, when wind velocity and temperature are lowest and relative humidity is highest. Increased numbers of spores were sampled during days of harvesting or when other ground-operated farm equipment was used. The results obtained in this study will be useful in establishing decision support systems to control early blight on potatoes in southern Africa. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 10, 2003.  相似文献   

为明确近年来陕西省小麦白粉菌Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici群体毒性及遗传变异情况,利用32份已知抗白粉病基因小麦品种(系)对2013年和2014年陕西省小麦白粉菌群体毒性结构进行测定,并应用扩增片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)标记对2014年陕西省西安市、咸阳市、渭南市、宝鸡市及陕西省毗邻的甘肃省天水市5个小麦白粉菌地理群体共118株白粉菌菌株进行遗传多样性分析。毒性监测结果显示,供试小麦白粉菌群体对Pm1c、Pm2、Pm3d、Pm4a、Pm4b、Pm5b、Pm13、Pm21、Pm24、Pm30、Pm2+6、Pm2+Mld、Pm2+6+?、Pm4b+5b、Pm4+?、Pm5+6的平均毒性频率在0~17.23%之间,表明这些基因抗性保持较好;对Pm1a、Pm3b、Pm3c、Pm3e、Pm3f、Pm7、Pm8、Pm19、Pm1+2+9的平均毒性频率介于69.17%~99.60%之间,表明这些基因抗性已丧失。用筛选出的6对AFLP标记共扩增出831个多态性位点,多态性位点百分比为94.86%;小麦白粉菌群体遗传多样性指数和香农信息指数分别为0.1151和0.2036,遗传变异主要来源于群体内变异。群体间基因流为4.7939,表明5个小麦白粉菌群体间基因交流广泛。群体间遗传距离和地理距离两者显著正相关。  相似文献   

Suspected Dickeya sp. strains were obtained from potato plants and tubers collected from commercial plots. The disease was observed on crops of various cultivars grown from seed tubers imported from the Netherlands during the spring seasons of 2004–2006, with disease incidence of 2–30% (10% in average). In addition to typical wilting symptoms on the foliage, in cases of severe infection, progeny tubers were rotten in the soil. Six strains were characterised by biochemical, serological and PCR-amplification. All tests verified the strains as Dickeya sp. The rep-PCR and the biochemical assays showed that the strains isolated from blackleg diseased plants in Israel were very similar, if not identical to strains isolated from Dutch seed potatoes, suggesting that the infection in Israel originated from the Dutch seed. The strains were distantly related to D. dianthicola strains, typically found in potatoes in Western Europe, and were similar to biovar 3 D. dadanti or D. zeae. This is the first time that the presence of biovar 3 strains in potato in the Netherlands is described. One of the strains was used for pathogenicity assays on potato cvs Nicola and Mondial. Symptoms appeared 2 to 3 days after stem inoculation, and 7 to 10 days after soil inoculation. The control plants treated with water, or plants inoculated with Pectobacterium carotovorum, did not develop any symptoms with either method of inoculation. The identity of Dickeya sp. and P. carotovorum re-isolated from inoculated plants was confirmed by PCR and ELISA.  相似文献   

Bacterial strains with potential for biological control of bacterial ring rot of potato caused byClavibacter michiganensis subsp.sepedonicus were isolated from the surface of potato tubers. Eighty-eight potential biocontrol candidates, selected on the basis ofin vitro antibiosis toC. m. sepedonicus, produced inhibition zones with radii ranging from 0.5 to 16 mm on test plates. All antagonistic isolates were screened in the greenhouse for biocontrol activity on micropropagated potato plantlets root-inoculated withC. m. sepedonicus. Eight strains consistently prevented infection of plantlets but there was no significant correlation between the width of the inhibition zone in thein vitro assay and ring rot suppression in the plant bioassay. Three strains that showed a high level of biological control potential were identified as a saprophytic enteric bacterium (strain 7G), anArthrobacter sp. (strain 16C), and a soil coryneform bacterium (strain 18A). These were tested in a field plot by co-inoculating cut seed potato tubers withC. m. sepedonicus and antagonists. Strains 7G and 18A significantly increased plant stand whereas 16C decreased disease incidence. The relative number of ostensibly ring rot-free progeny tubers was generally greater when antagonists were present.  相似文献   

中国小麦条锈病菌CYR32和CYR33的毒性及基因型多样性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为明确我国小麦条锈病菌当前主要流行生理小种CYR32和CYR33的毒性及基因型特征,从全国11个省(区)随机选取29个CYR32菌株和39个CYR33菌株,利用近等基因系及辅助鉴别寄主对其进行毒性鉴定,利用SSR分子标记技术对其进行基因型分析,并对其进行聚类分析。结果显示,CYR32和CYR33菌系各有17种毒性表型,而且在抗病基因Yr2、Yr17、Yr27、Yr32、Yr43、Yr Sp、Yr Exp2、Yr28、Yr V23上都发生了毒性分化,CYR32和CYR33菌系的多样性指数分别为0.089、0.097;CYR32和CYR33菌系的香农信息指数均值分别为0.44和0.45;当相似性系数为0.93时,CYR32和CYR33菌系分别被聚为5个和8个毒性类群;当相似性系数为0.84时,CYR32和CYR33菌系分别被聚为10个和16个基因型类群。表明在中国鉴别寄主上具有相同毒性谱特征的CYR32和CYR33菌系在近等基因和SSR分子标记中发生了不同程度的毒性和基因型分化。  相似文献   

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