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Two experiments were carried out to examine the effects of grazing severity on the performance of January/February calved British Friesian dairy cows. In Experiment 1, three groups of cows were rotationally grazed across twenty-four one-day paddocks with high (H), medium (M) or low (L) herbage allowances. Cows on treatment M were offered a daily herbage allowance designed to achieve a residual sward height of 50 mm, assessed by a rising-plate sward stick. The daily herbage allowance (g organic matter (kg live-weight)-1 on treatments L and H were 0.30 below and above that for M, respectively, to give residual sward heights of 42 and 59 mm. In Experiment 2, three groups of cows were grazed across twenty-four one-day paddocks to obtain residual sward heights of 50 mm (severe), 60 mm (moderate) and 80 mm (lax). Average milk yields on the L, M and H treatments in Experiment 1 were 11.8, 14.6 and 14.5 kg d,-1 and in Experiment 2 they were 13.7, 16.0 and 17.0 kg d-1 on the severe, moderate and lax treatments, respectively. The results indicate that the critical herbage height below which milk production per cow declines may vary with the production potential of the animal. There were no significant treatment effects on milk composition. Milk output ha-1 and utilized metabolizable energy ha-1 were greatest with the low herbage allowance in Experiment I and the moderate treatment in Experiment 2. Net herbage accumulation on the severe treatment in Experiment 2 was 30% lower than that on the lax treatment, as a result of treading damage in early season. It is concluded that, in a rotational grazing system, a reasonable compromise between sward utilization and animal performance can be achieved by grazing January/February calved cows to a residual sward height of 60 mm as assessed by a rising-plate sward stick. This is equivalent to a sward surface height of about 80 mm.  相似文献   

Continuous stocking with sheep at high stocking rates may reduce the content of white clover (Trifolium repens) in mixed grass-clover swards. The present experiment was carried out to investigate the effects on sward production and composition of resting a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)- white clover sward from grazing and taking a cut for conservation. Swards were set-stocked with 25 and 45 yearling wethers ha?1 either throughout a grazing season, or on swards that were rested for a 6-week period and then cut in early, mid- or late season. In an additional treatment swards were cut only and not grazed. Net herbage accumulation was higher at the lower of the two stocking rates and was marginally increased by the inclusion of a rest period at the high but not the low stocking rate. Clover content was higher at the lower stocking rate and was increased by the inclusion of a rest period by 30% at 45 sheep ha?1and by 11% at 25 sheep ha?1 The effect was most marked at the end of the rest period before cutting. When rested from grazing the tiller density of ryegrass decreased although tiller length increased, and clover stolon length, petiole length and leaflet diameter increased though leaf and node number per unit length of stolon decreased; the reverse applied when the sward was returned to grazing after cutting. At the high stocking rate, rest periods in mid-season or later maintained the greatest clover content and marginally increased total net herbage accumulation. At the low stocking rate the timing of the rest period had no significant effect on total net herbage accumulation or on clover content. These results show that the combination of grazing and cutting is of benefit where the stocking rate is high enough to threaten clover survival and limit sheep performance. However, at such a stocking rate, feed reserves are at a minimum throughout the grazing season and so opportunities for resting the sward are probably low.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to study the responses of sward components (particularly white clover, Trifolium repens ) to grazing management in a natural sward dominated by smooth-stalked meadowgrass ( Poa pratensis ) syn. Kentucky bluegrass. Treatments during two grazing seasons (1989–90) were: cattle grazing alone (C); cattle grazing followed by topping (CT); cattle grazing followed by sheep grazing (CS); and sheep grazing alone (S). Mean target pre- and post-grazing herbage masses were 2200 and 1100 kg DM ha−1, estimated by single-probe electronic capacitance meter. Sward component dynamics were monitored using turf dissections, marked white clover stolons, and ring-toss white clover leaf counts. Component and sward data for the C, CT, CS and S treatments respectively, were: number of white clover leaves m−2, 1295, 1384, 1408, 900 (s.e. ± 108); number of leaves per growing point, 3·2, 3·4, 3·0, 2·8 (s.e. ± 0·2); herbage accumulation (t DM ha−1), 5·16, 5·02, 5·87, 8·28 (s.e. ±0 08); rejected herbage (% pasture area) 39·7, 7·7, 16·0, 0 (s.e. ± 75); and annual net herbage production (t DM ha−1) 3·39, 4·35, 4·99, 8·28 (s.e. ± 0.07). Swards grazed by sheep alone contained less white clover, but regrew quicker and produced more herbage than other treatments. Close topping or grazing by sheep following dairy cattle grazing decreased sward rejection by cattle. These treatments maintained more of the pasture in better condition for subsequent cattle grazing, resulting in greater net herbage production than where no post-cattle grazing treatment was used.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of predicted milk yields sustained by grazed grass (‘Milk‐from‐Grass’: LOW, MED or HIGH) and Parity (primiparous or multiparous) on the performance and concentrate requirements of grazed Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows offered concentrates on a ‘feed‐to‐yield’ basis during the grazing season. The mean Milk‐from‐Grass values assigned to cows in the LOW, MED and HIGH treatment groups (sixteen multiparous and eight primiparous cows per group) during the experiment (24 May to 2 October; 131 d) were 12·7, 15·4 and 18·1 kg cow?1 d?1, respectively. Concentrate allocations were adjusted every two weeks (approximately) based on individual cows’ milk yields, and concentrate was offered at a rate of 0·45 kg for each kg of milk produced above the assigned Milk‐from‐Grass value at that time. Increasing Milk‐from‐Grass from LOW to MED to HIGH decreased both the mean daily concentrate allocations (4·90, 3·17 and 1·79 kg cow?1 d?1, respectively) and milk yields (23·8, 21·8 and 19·0 kg cow?1 d?1) of the cows. Cows in the LOW treatment group had lower mean and final (i.e. at the end of the study) BCS and LW than those in the MED or HIGH groups. The effects of Milk‐from‐Grass were similar for both primiparous and multiparous cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between level of sward height reduction (SHR) and short-term intake of herbage by lactating dairy cows offered swards differing in initial bulk density (BD). Three experiments were carried out in which cows were presented with swards representing different levels of SHR (nominally described as ungrazed, low, moderate and high). Experiments 1 and 2 differed with respect to initial sward BD [ungrazed sward 1·7 vs. 2·5 kg dry matter (DM) m?3 respectively]. Experiment 3 investigated the interaction between BD and SHR. In each experiment, sixteen Holstein/Friesian cows (fitted with excreta collection bags) grazed for a 1-h period in 200-m2 plots that had been grazed on the previous day to predetermined sward surface heights (SSH) (= levels of SHR). Herbage intake rates were assessed from changes in live weight, with a correction for insensible weight loss (IWL). Biting rates were recorded from visual observation. High levels of SHR were associated with a significant reduction in SSH, herbage mass and leaf fraction, and a significant increase in sward BD, stem and dead fraction, and DM concentration. Herbage intake, expressed either as DM intake per bite or DM intake per hour, declined as level of SHR increased from low to high. The level of SHR generally had no effect on biting rate. Intake rates varied from 1·9 to 4·4 kg DM h?1, whereas DM intake bite?1 ranged from 0·5 to 1·3 g. Pooled regression analysis identified SSH (P < 0·001; r2 = 0·94) as the principal determinant of DM intake bite?1. The regression equation was not significantly improved by the addition of terms for leaf fraction, BD, or herbage mass. In Experiment 3, a significant interaction between level of SHR and sward BD was observed. It is concluded that the principal factor controlling intake (g DM bite?1 or kg DM h?1), as swards are progressively grazed down, is SSH, but at a high level of SHR, sward BD also influences intake bite?1.  相似文献   

Single pugging events, which involve remoulding of the soil around the hooves of livestock during treading, of moderate or severe pugging intensity were imposed in plots in a long‐term white clover‐ryegrass pasture during spring, by using dairy cows at varying stocking rates (4·5 cows 100 m?2 for 1·5 or 2·5 h respectively). Changes in the growth and morphology of white clover were investigated over the following 12 months. Defoliation at approximately 3‐week intervals was carried out by mowing. Annual herbage production was reduced following moderate and severe pugging proportionately by 0·16 and 0·34 compared with the non‐pugged control treatment. The corresponding decreases in white clover production were 0·09 and 0·52 respectively. Annual perennial ryegrass production was reduced by 0·37 under severe pugging. Pugging had an immediate adverse effect on growth of white clover which persisted for up to 156 d, and coincided with a large decrease in the proportion of white clover in herbage over the same period (e.g. 0·40 vs. 0·12, in control and severely pugged treatments, respectively, on day 112). In comparison, recovery in ryegrass growth was apparent after 50 d in severely pugged treatments, indicating that white clover is more vulnerable to severe pugging than perennial ryegrass. Analysis of individual white clover plants extracted from turves (300 mm × 300 mm) showed that direct hoof damage, fragmentation and burial of stolons were the major factors which reduced white clover production, rather than the changes in soil physical properties measured. Morphological characteristics associated with plant size (e.g. stolon length, growing points, and leaf numbers) all decreased under pugging. The situation had reversed by late summer, with larger plants dominating pugged plots, and coincided with the recovery of the proportion of white clover in herbage. Strategic pasture management practices, such as restricted grazing and the use of stand‐off pads when soils are overly wet, are suggested as means of minimizing treading damage to pasture and reducing negative impacts on the growth and productivity of white clover.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the effect of season and maturity on the in situ ruminal breakdown and intestinal protein digestion in dairy cows between intensively N-fertilized grass (whole sward) and moderately N-fertilized ryegrass and clover from a mixed sward. From May to September 1990, eight consecutive cuts were made, representing alternate harvests of late and early swards. Limited effects of fertilizer-N on chemical and ruminal degradation characteristics and intestinal digestion of grasses were observed. Clover had higher ash, crude protein (CP) and lignin and lower hemicellulose, cellulose and sugar contents than grass. Moreover, soluble fractions of organic matter (OM) and CP were higher, and rumen-undegradable OM and CP fractions were lower. Soluble fractions of grasses and clover decreased and undegradable fractions increased during the season. More mature swards showed increased undegradable fractions. Degradation rates of OM and CP in clover were, respectively, higher than or similar to those of grass. Seasonal effects on degradation rates differed between grass and clover. Effectively rumendegradable (g kg−1 DM) carbohydrates and CP, escaped protein and intestinal digestion of escaped protein were higher in clover than in grasses. Inclusion of clover in swards may result in higher post-rumen protein supply. Supplementation of clover-based diets is suggested to compensate for an increased loss of N in the rumen.  相似文献   

This study estimates the relative contributions of environment and farm management strategies in influencing soil faunal assemblages and attempts to identify the species with potential to affect sustainability of intensive grazing management systems in the north‐eastern USA. It arises because of the change from confinement feeding of dairy cattle, consequent upon concerns about negative environmental effects, the rising costs for machinery and housing, and reduced profit margins, together with the absence of data from which the consequences of such change on the soil fauna may be predicted. Macro‐invertebrates were sampled in soil from seventy‐eight grazed pastures on twenty‐one dairy farms in Pennsylvania, USA, in the spring of 1994. On five of these farms, macro‐invertebrates were sampled (four pastures per farm) in the spring, summer and autumn seasons of 1994, 1995 and 1996. In 1997, macro‐invertebrates were sampled in soil during spring, summer and autumn from (four pastures per farm) on three farms in New York, and during spring and summer on three farms in Vermont. Species richness ranged from two to twelve species (mean 6·4) per pasture site in Pennsylvania and five to eighteen species (mean 10·7) in New York and Vermont. The communities were dominated at most sites by earthworms. Earthworms were correlated with soil basal and substrate‐induced respiration/carbon ratio, and soil moisture, but were negatively correlated with cows per hectare and herbage biomass in Pennsylvania. Sitona larvae were recorded at nineteen of the twenty‐one farms during the spring of 1994 across Pennsylvania and occurred at populations >5 m?2 in 68% of the sampled pastures. Sitona larvae were less abundant in New York and Vermont. Elaterid larvae comprised a complex of seven species of which Aeolus melillus (Say) and Melanotus communis (Gyllenhal) comprised 35% and 39%, respectively, of the elaterids collected in Pennsylvania. Agriotes mancus (Say) and Ctenicera destructor (Brown) comprised 41% and 26%, respectively, of four species collected in New York and Vermont. Scarabaeid larvae, comprising a complex of eight species, were detected at only 27% of the seventy‐eight pastures sampled in spring 1994 in Pennsylvania. Five species were collected in ten of the twelve New York pastures and four species in nine of the twelve Vermont pastures. Populations of scarabaeid larvae averaged <25 m?2 in all three states, except in three Pennsylvania pastures in spring 1994. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) showed pasture standing biomass, legume diversity, pre‐winter stubble height, white clover pasture content, and soil phosphorus levels influenced numbers of invertebrate species more than climatic factors, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, latitude and seasonal water table. DCCA also showed most pastures to be close to the average of environmental factors. The extremely low density of herbivorous macro‐invertebrates in soil and the absence of pest outbreaks may indicate a stable soil ecosystem.  相似文献   

White clover ( Trifolium repens ) is a valuable pasture component that is frequently present in insufficient quantity for optimal animal nutrition. Several methods of reintroducing white clover into a permanent pasture without conventional tillage were investigated. Three seeders (Hunter, Vredo and a conventional seed drill), two white clover cultivars (Sacramento, and Sonja), two pasture pre-treatments (a hard spring grazing or grazing plus light harrowing) and two defoliation regimes (grazing or mowing) were used to determine optimal seedling establishment conditions. Defoliation treatments were used as a method of investigating pasture improvement experiments. Measurements were taken to determine proportion of white clover present and total herbage mass.
Plots renovated using a Hunter drill had the highest white clover content in the months immediately after renovation. Subsequently pre-treatment method appeared to have no significant effect on herbage mass or species composition. The proportion of white clover in plots sown with the cultivar Sacramento was frequently higher than that in plots sown with the cultivar Sonja, but, overall, herbage production of cultivars was not different.
Mowed plots had higher herbage production and tended towards a greater white clover content than grazed plots. Compaction of the surface to a depth of 10 cm in the grazed plots may have been a factor in the observed difference in herbage production. Regardless of management, within two years white clover content was similar among all treatments, including controls.  相似文献   

Nine naturalized white clover populations and two cultivars (Huia and Will) were evaluated at two soil phosphorus ( P ) levels (6 and 20 P mg kg?1) to characterize them for DM production and P efficiency, and to facilitate the selection of suitable genotypes to produce cultivars for P‐deficient marginal soils. The study was carried out in Chile during 2007–2010 under field grazing conditions using a randomized complete factorial block design with three replicates. The clover was grown with perennial ryegrass. Botanical composition and herbage DM production were recorded, phosphorus concentrations in soil and in clover and ryegrass herbage were determined, and P absorption (PAE) and P utilization (PUE) efficiency were calculated. Population 8‐1‐X yielded more DM under the low than under the high soil‐ P level and was the highest yielding clover in the low soil‐ P treatment. It also had the highest PAE (0·6 kg P ha?1 per mg kg?1 Olsen P) under low P availability. Dry‐matter yield of 9‐2‐X was statistically similar to 8‐1‐X and Huia at low P level; however, because of its lower P absorption, it had the highest PUE (455 kg DM ha?1 per kg ha?1 absorbed P). Furthermore, the highest yield of ryegrass occurred when grown with 8‐1‐X, and this combination gave the maximum total yield. These two populations have potential for inclusion in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

A model of herbage growth and nitrogen dynamics for grazed pasture was developed. Grazed herbage nitrogen is partitioned between animal growth, urine and faeces. After allowing for ammonia volatilization, the rate and area covered by urinary nitrogen is simulated. The fate of each day's urinary nitrogen deposition is followed separately through time. The mineral nitrogen remaining in the soil at the end of the growing season is assumed to be leached over winter. Leaching from fertilized grass only and unfertilized grass/clover pastures are compared at varying levels of dry matter (DM) production. Biological fixation is assumed to provide sufficient nitrogen to allow the grass/clover pasture to achieve the same seasonal distribution of production as the fertilized grass-only pasture. There was a non-linear increase in predicted leaching with increasing DM production owing to the aggregation of urinary nitrogen into urine patches. Leaching was lower from grass/clover than the grass-only pasture and the difference increased with DM production. At levels of production common in the UK, the difference in leaching between the two pasture types was small and the spatial distribution of soil mineral nitrogen was uneven, so differences in leaching may be small and difficult to detect.  相似文献   

Herbage potassium levels were measured in 1986 in a permanent pasture under continuous grazing with cattle and receiving 200 kg N ha−1. In April, before grazing started, K concentration in the herbage was relatively uniform across the pasture, with a value of 1·9 ± 0·038% K in the herbage dry matter. In July, a significantly lower concentration of herbage K was found in the grazed areas of the pasture (1·8 ± 0·10%) compared with the level (2·4 ± 0·088%) found in the rejected areas of the sward. The difference between the grazed and rejected areas was similar in September, with 1·6 ± 0·087% and 2·2 ± 0·172% K, respectively, in the herbage dry matter. This result suggests that herbage growth in the grazed areas might have been limited by K supply and highlights the need for more information on the K requirements of grazed grassland.  相似文献   

A study was made to characterize the effect of the duration of regrowth on the pattern of changes in the major physiological processes involved in the net accumulation of herbage, and so to provide a rational basis for optimizing production under rotational grazing.
During regrowth following a severe defoliation, rates of canopy photosynthesis, and so the rate of production of new leaves, increased rapidly but there was a delay before there was a corresponding increase in the rate of leaf death. Although the amount available for harvest (crop live dry weight, W ) continued to increase as the duration of regrowth was extended from 'short' (12–13 days), through 'medium' (19–23 days) to 'long' (30-34 days), there was not a continued increase in the average growth rate – the increase in the weight of the crop, ( W – Wo ), divided by the duration of regrowth, t , In this study, the average growth rate (based on changes in the weight of lamina alone) increased as the duration of regrowth was extended from 12-13 to 19-23 days but changed little as the duration of regrowth was extended from 19-23 days to 30-34 days. In spring and summer, elongating stems increased the average growth rate (of lamina plus stem) up to 30-34 days but the accumulated stem material could not reliably be harvested by sheep.
A mathematical model was used to explain why the average growth rate is characteristically insensitive to the duration of regrowth beyond a given minimum duration. For practical purposes, we suggest from the results of this study that regrowths of at least 14 days but less than 28 days will be effective in achieving not only close to the maximum average growth rate of highly digestible material, but also in sustaining a densely tillered, leafy sward which regrows rapidly from severe defoliation and is more reliably harvested (utilized) by sheep.  相似文献   

Development of white clover stolons ( Trifolium repens ) was compared when grown in rejected areas and in adjacent defoliated areas over 28 days in May - June in continuously stocked grass/white clover swards. In the cut areas more branches were borne on stolons with more but shorter internodes and shorter petioles than in the rejected areas. Red (R)/far red (FR) ratio at the base of the cut sward was significantly higher than in the rejected sward.
Five experiments were carried out in which red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) supplied supplementary irradiation at the node of the youngest fully expanded leaf on white clover stolons growing in association with dense canopies of perennial ryegrass. Axillary bud/branch length was the only significantly affected aspect of development that was measured, irradiation enrichment increasing length by about three-fold over a 2–4 week period. One of the experiments involved identification of the site of perception of the R/FR effect. Natural and supplementary light were excluded from the stolon (by covering with a 2-cm layer of black beads), petiole (by wrapping in aluminium foil), both or neither and showed that exposure of the stolon/ petiole base to supplementary light was necessary to stimulate axillary bud growth.
It is concluded that the relative content of red light, and possibly absolute level, in irradiance at the base of the canopy in rejected areas is implicated in the young branch growth and that release of the buds can be achieved by defoliation, presumably due to increasing the red light content; however, the effect of increased photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reaching stolons and young leaves cannot be discounted as an additional factor.  相似文献   

The establishment and growth of white clover (cv. Grasslands Huia) was investigated in two experiments with seeds sown in slots cut in old permanent pasture in early May 1982. In the first experiment, fully protected from pests and diseases, either 50 (low), 100 (medium) or 200 (high) seeds were sown evenly per metre length of slot; 100 seeds were also sown in a clumped pattern unevenly. In the second experiment, the effects of various combinations of molluscicide, insecticide and fungicide were investigated.
Nine weeks after sowing there were 27, 37, 34 and 62 seedlings m−1 on the low, medium even, medium uneven and high seed-rate treatments, representing percentage establishments of 54, 37, 34 and 31 respectively. By September, however, there were no significant differences between the dry weights m−l of any of the treatments. In the second experiment, damage by slugs occurred early in treatments without molluscicide and caused a mean reduction of 70% in seedling establishment. As a result significantly smaller dry weights m−1 of clover were recorded in September in these than in other treatments. Failure to protect against insects resulted in smaller seedlings.
The results indicated that variations in seed rate within the range investigated were not critical but that failure to protect against pests decreased percentage establishment and subsequent growth.  相似文献   

The effect of grazing frequency and severity on sward characteristics and preferences by sheep was investigated from April to September. Two levels of grazing severity were imposed by varying the numbers of ewes grazing 200 m2 plots for 24 h: four (S, severe) or two (L, lax) ewes. Grazing frequency was either 1 d week?1 (F, frequent) or 1 d every 2 weeks (I, infrequent). By combining frequency and severity, four treatments were obtained: SF, LF, SI and LI. The six binary combinations (SF/LF, SF/SI, SF/LI, LF/SI, LF/LI and SI/LI) were studied in preference tests. Treatments LF, SI and LI were characterized by a high sward surface height, biomass and amount of reproductive green tissues relative to treatment SF. Herbage quality was not different between the grazing treatments between April and July. In September, after a 6‐week period of regrowth, herbage quality was significantly higher for the SF treatment than the other treatments. The sheep preferred the swards grazed at a low frequency between April and July, and then changed their preference in favour of the sward with higher quality herbage (treatment SF). The relative abundance of green laminae and the relative digestibility of the swards helped to explain the preferences observed. For a low grazing pressure at the spatio‐temporal scale studied, sheep should graze swards at a relatively low frequency but at a high severity of grazing rather than the reverse.  相似文献   

The definitions of the grass growing and grazing seasons as climatic parameters are investigated using a grass growth model. Taking a mean air temperature of 6°C to define the start and end of the growing season at nine UK stations, the model indicates the following: (1) dry matter growth rates at the start are 6 to 9 times greater than those at the end; (2) growth rates at the start of the growing season are higher in those areas where it begins late (i.e. late March/ early April) than in areas where it begins earlier (i.e. late February/ early March). When defining the grazing season in terms of a delay after the start of the growing season, the model indicates that (3) growth rates at the start of the grazing season are higher in upland areas and in areas where the growing season begins late than in lowland areas and in areas where the growing season begins early.
A definition of growing season in terms of growth rates shows that 5 and 8°C are more suitable temperatures to define the start and end than 6°C.
Grazing season was more adequately described using growth rates than in terms of a delay after the start of the growing season.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of grazing a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) / white clover (Trifolium repens) sward by sheep or goats on sward composition and structure and on subsequent diet selection, herbage intake and liveweight gain by weaned lambs. From mid-May to late July (phase 1), ewes with twin lambs or yearling Scottish Cashmere goats grazed continuously swards maintained at 4- or 8-cm sward surface height. From mid-August to the end of September (phase 2), weaned lambs continuously grazed the same swards maintained at 4 cm (treatment 4–4) or at 8 cm (treatment 8–8) or which had been allowed to increase from 4 cm to 8 cm (treatment 4–8). By the end of phase 1, swards grazed by goats had higher proportions of white clover in the whole sward (0.377 vs. 0.181; s.e.d 0.0382; P < 0.001) than those grazed by sheep, irrespective of sward height treatment. This resulted in phase 2 in a higher proportion of white clover selected ( P <0.001), higher herbage intakes ( P < 0.001) and higher liveweight gains ( P < 0.001) by weaned lambs grazing swards previously grazed by goats compared with those previously grazed by sheep. There were higher proportions of clover present in the swards from treatment 4–8 at the beginning of phase 2 compared with the other sward height treatments and consequently weaned lambs had, on this treatment, a higher proportion of clover in their diet ( P <0.001), higher herbage intakes ( P <0001) and higher liveweight gains ( P <0.001). It is concluded that goats can be integrated into sequential grazing systems with sheep on grass/clover swards and this can result in an increase in the proportion of clover in swards and increased sheep performance.  相似文献   

The benefits of reducing competition from the surrounding grass sward against slot-seeded clover were measured in terms of white clover dry matter production following applications of two grass-suppressing herbicides, propyzamide and carbetamide.
Clover was slot-seeded in early June 1983 and herbicides were applied in September and October 1983. The later application was more damaging to the surrounding sward. Generally, the September spraying was more effective in encouraging white clover, especially from July of the following year. Only by September 1984 did the October applications result in higher clover yields than the September applications.
Propyzamide had the greater stimulatory effect on white clover production but it also damaged the grass more than carbetamide. Increasing the dose of each herbicide increased grass damage. However, with treatments applied in September, the loss was more than compensated for by an increase in clover and in total dry matter production at the end of the year.
The results suggest that either of these herbicides, but especially propyzamide, can be used to increase both total dry matter production from the sward and the contribution from slot-seeded white clover.  相似文献   

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