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Investigations of the effects of controlled reproduction were conducted on carp females of Polish strain 6 and Hungarian strain W after ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH) (0.3 mg+2.7 mg kg?1 body weight), Ovopel (1/5+1 pellet kg?1 body weight) or Dagin (1 dose kg?1 body weight). In both strains, the highest percentage of spawning females was found after the Ovopel treatment. After treatments with CPH and Dagin this percentage did not differ in strain 6; however, after Dagin, it was higher in fish of strain W. After CPH or Ovopel stimulation the females of line 6 yielded eggs of higher weight compared with line W. After the Dagin treatment the weight of eggs obtained from females, both strains was similar but much lower than after the two remaining agents. The quality of eggs expressed both by the percentage of fertilization and that of living embryos after 24 and 36 h incubation was similar in the two strains only in the group treated with Ovopel. After CPH application eggs of better quality were obtained from strain 6 compared with strain W; however, after the treatment with Ovopel, eggs of much better quality were noted in strain W. In general, the best effects of reproduction were recorded in the case of Ovopel and the poorest in that of Dagin. Females of strain 6 yielded eggs of a higher weight but the percentages of spawning females were higher in strain W after each of the applied spawning agents. A new approach to this problem consisted in investigating the interaction between ovulation stimulators and origin of females of fish treated with Dagin.  相似文献   

The effects of the controlled reproduction of African catfish Heterobranchus longifilis after ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH; 4 mg kg?1; group I) or Ovopel (1/5+1 pellet kg?1; group II) were investigated. After the application of Ovopel, eggs were obtained from a higher percentage of females than after a CPH treatment (87.5% and 75.0% respectively). The statistically significant (P≤0.05) effect of ovulation stimulator was specified only in the case of the weight of eggs (expressed in grams and in percentage of female body weight), being higher in fish treated with Ovopel compared with CPH‐treated fish (176.02 g, 8.43% and 109.51 g, 5.48%). The quality of eggs expressed in percentage of live embryos after 24 h incubation was higher by 7.5% in fish treated with Ovopel. Latency period did not significantly affect the weight of eggs, fertilization percentage or percentage of living embryos after 24 h of egg incubation. However, the weight of eggs and percentage of living embryos after 24 h incubation were higher in fish spawning after 12 h latency (159.38 g and 85.30%) compared with the weight and quality of eggs obtained from females spawning after 14 h latency (126.15 g and 76.04%).  相似文献   

Ovulation was stimulated in carp females of Polish and Hungarian provenance using injections of ( d ‐Ala6) GnRH ProNHEt (Kobarelin) (20 μg kg?1) with metoclopramide (10 mg kg?1) or carp pituitary (3 mg kg?1). For estimating the effects of the substance stimulating ovulation and of the female provenance, analysis of variance was carried out using the least squares method. It was found that the stimulating substance, provenance and interaction of these factors did not significantly affect the weight of eggs obtained. On the other hand, the stimulating substance, provenance and interaction had a highly significant (P ⩽ 0.0001) effect on the percentages of fertilization and live embryos. Females of Hungarian provenance treated with Kobarelin yielded eggs of much better quality but a smaller weight than after the pituitary treatment. In the case of carp females of Polish provenance, a yield of eggs of smaller weight and very poor quality was noted compared with the weight and quality of eggs obtained after hypophysation.  相似文献   

E Brzuska 《Aquaculture Research》2003,34(14):1321-1327
Stimulation of ovulation was carried out in female carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) of Polish line 3, with carp pituitary homogenate, Ovopel (the preparation contains d ‐Ala6, Pro9NEt‐mGnRH and metoclopramide), and Ovopel and carp pituitary homogenate. The effect of the ovulation stimulators on the weight of eggs expressed in grams and as a percentage of female body weight was determined. The effect of the treatments on the quality of eggs expressed as the percentage of living embryos after 24‐ and 36‐h incubation was also determined. The best results were obtained after stimulation with Ovopel (the priming dose) and pituitary homogenate (the resolving dose). In this case all the females spawned, and the highest yield and quality of eggs were recorded. The poorest results were noted if the ovulation was stimulated with repeated injection of carp pituitary homogenate. The females treated with carp pituitary homogenate gave eggs of poorer quality than those stimulated with two doses of Ovopel or with Ovopel and pituitary homogenate. The percentage of living embryos after 24‐ and 36‐h incubation of eggs was significantly higher for the group stimulated with Ovopel and pituitary homogenate than for the other treatments.  相似文献   

The effect of reproduction was investigated on females of Hungarian strain W, French strain F, and their cross‐breed 1X whose ovulation was stimulated with carp pituitary (0.3 mg kg?1and, after 12 h, 2.7 mg kg?1) or Ovopel (one‐fifth of a pellet per kg and, after 12 h, one pellet per kg). It was found that in the case of Ovopel treatment, the percentage of spawning females of strain F and the cross‐breed 1X was higher than in the hypophysed fish compared. The applied ovulation stimulators did not significantly affect the weight of obtained eggs, whereas the significant (P ≤ 0.01) effect was recorded with respect to the quality of eggs after 12‐, 24‐, 36‐ and 48‐h of incubation. After Ovopel stimulation, the quality of eggs was better. The origin of the females had no statistically significant effect on the weight of eggs although the yield of eggs from fish of strain W was much smaller than that from females of strain F and the 1X cross‐breed. The interaction between the ovulation stimulator and the provenance of the females was significant (P ≤ 0.05) for the percentage of live embryos after 48‐h of incubation of eggs. Eggs of the best quality (and highest weight) were obtained from fish of strain F and cross‐breed 1X treated with Ovopel. In females of strain F that spawned within 6 and 10 h after the second Ovopel injection, the effect of the ovulation time on the weight of eggs was non‐significant. It was significant with respect to the percentage of egg fertilization and of live embryos after 36‐h of incubation (P ≤ 0.01 and P ≤ 0.05 respectively). The better quality of eggs (and their higher weight) was recorded when this time was shorter.  相似文献   

The effect of spawning on European catfish females with an average body weight of 5.6 kg and 11.2 kg was investigated, with carp pituitary and Ovopel being used as ovulation stimulators. Ovopel induced ovulation in a higher percentage of females of both smaller and larger body weight. The applied ovulation stimulators did not significantly affect the weight of the obtained eggs. On the other hand, the effect of the stimulators was highly significant (P≤ 0.01) with respect to the percentage of live embryos after 24‐, 48‐ and 56‐h incubation. The fish of greater body weight yielded eggs of a significantly (P≤ 0.05) greater weight, although of poorer quality. The interaction between the ovulation stimulator and female body weight was statistically significant (P≤ 0.05) for the weight of the obtained eggs and highly significant (P≤ 0.01) for the percentage of live embryos after 48‐h incubation. For the percentage of live embryos after 24‐ and 56‐h incubation, the statistical significance (P≤ 0.05) of this interaction was determined. In the case of females of smaller body weight, a statistically significant (P≤ 0.05) phenotypic correlation was found between the percentage of live embryos after 24‐h incubation and that after 48‐h incubation, and also between the percentage of live embryos after 24‐ and 56‐h incubation.  相似文献   

Ovulation stimulation was carried out in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) females of Lithuanian line B, using carp pituitary (0.3 + 2.7 mg kg?1), Aquaspawn (0.5 mL kg?1) and Aquaspawn + carp pituitary (0.3 mL kg?1 + 2.7 mg kg?1). The poorest results of reproduction (the lowest percentage of ovulating females, the lowest weight of eggs and their poorest quality) were obtained after double hypophysation. The best results were induced by the application of Aquaspawn alone. The effect of the applied stimulators was statistically non‐significant with respect to the weight of eggs, being highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) with respect to the percentage of fertilized eggs and that of living embryos after 24‐ and 36‐h incubation. The multiple‐regression equations were calculated for the three groups separately. The percentage of living embryos after 36‐h incubation constituted a dependent variable while the mass of females, the mass of eggs, the fertilization percentage and the percentage of living embryos after 24‐h incubation were independent variables. The regression was only significant (P ≤ 0.01) for the group of fish treated with Aquaspawn.  相似文献   

The investigation concerned the reproduction effects in carp females of the Hungarian strain 8, Polish strain 2 and French strain F of ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (0.3 mg kg?1 and after 12 h 2.7 mg kg?1) or [D‐Tle6, ProNHEt9]GnRH (Lecirelin) with metoclopramide (15 μg kg?1 and 10 mg kg?1 respectively). The ovulation stimulators did not affect the weight of eggs (expressed in g and as the percentage of female body weight). However, in the group treated with pituitary homogenate (I) the least‐square means estimated for these parameters were higher than in the group treated with Lecirelin (II). A statistically significant (P≤0.05) difference in the mean percentage of living embryos after 48‐h incubation was observed between groups I and II, with the eggs obtained from females of group I being of better quality. The origin of females significantly (P≤0.05) affected the weight of eggs. The weight of eggs from females of Hungarian strain 8 was higher (P≤0.05) than the weight of eggs of the other two lines. With respect to parameters for egg quality (percentage of fertilized eggs and percentage of living embryos after 24‐, 36‐ and 48‐h incubation), no effect of the origin of females was observed. The interaction between the spawning agent and the origin of the females was not statistically significant with respect to the two parameters for the weight of the eggs. The least‐square means test for the investigated interaction showed that after the application of pituitary homogenate, the weight of eggs obtained from strains 8 and F was similar (respectively 711.2 g and 665.0 g). However, after the application of Lecirelin the females of strain 8 yielded eggs of a high weight (934.3 g) and those of strain F of a very low weight (373.2 g). A statistically significant (P≤0.05) interaction between ovulation stimulator and origin of females was recorded for the percentage of living embryos after 24‐ and 36‐h incubation. A dependence was found between the latency time and the reproduction effects.  相似文献   

The results of reproduction of females from Lithuanian strain B carp after ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH; 0.3+2.7 mg kg?1; group I), Ovopel (1/5+1 pellet kg?1; group II) or [d ‐Tle6, ProNHEt9] GnRH‐a (Lecirelin) with metoclopramide (15 μg kg?1+10 mg kg?1 respectively; group III) were investigated. The lowest percentage of spawning females (71%) was recorded in the group treated with CPH. In case of Ovopel or Lecirelin induced ovulation, 86% of females spawned. No statistically significant effect of the ovulation stimulator (group) on the weight of eggs was found; however, the highest mean weight of eggs (expressed both in grams and in the percentage of female body weight) was recorded for the group treated with Ovopel (1400 g and 13%). After the treatment with CPH or Lecirelin, the weight of eggs was 1140 g (11%) and 1100 g (10%) respectively. The ovulation stimulator significantly affected the percentage of live embryos after 36 and 48 h incubation of eggs (P≤0.05; P≤0.01). After treatment with [d ‐Tle6, ProNHEt9] GnRH‐a, eggs of the best quality were obtained and after 36 and 48 h incubation the mean percentages of live embryos were significantly higher than the means calculated for the remaining two groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the percentage of living embryos after 36 and 48 h incubation of groups I and II.  相似文献   

Nucleotides from yeast RNA were evaluated for their ability to enhance the non-specific immune responses in carp, Cyprinus carpio . Oral administration of nucleotides to fish daily for 3 days resulted in enhanced responses of phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) activities in kidney phagocytic cells. This activation of kidney cells was observed for at least 10 days post-treatment. The serum complement and lysozyme activities also increased in fish treated with nucleotides. Furthermore, the number of Aeromonas hydrophila in nucleotide-treated fish significantly decreased in the blood, kidney and liver after intraperitoneal injection. Thus yeast nucleotides appear to enhance non-specific immune responses in fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. The present study was undertaken to identify female breeders, resistant or susceptible to disease, which might be used to obtain gynogenetically cloned carp lines differing in disease resistance. Experimentally induced erythrodermatitis was used as the disease model. Firstly, the effect of age on the resistance to bath challenge with atypical Aeromonas salmonicida was examined. These challenges indicated a shift from subacute to chronic infection with increasing age, as shown by a lower survival at 3 and 5 months (both 15%) compared to 10 months of age (60%). Then, to conserve and characterize breeder females, offspring of two females (nos 21 and 38), including F1, F2 and backcross (B1 and B2) progenies, were bath challenged at the age of 3 months. Comparison of the survival data showed a segregation into two groups of progenies: one resistant with nearly 100% survivors (W, F1 and B2), and one relatively susceptible group with 25% (R8 and F2) or 50% (B1) mortality. Analysis of inheritance indicated dominance of the resistant phenotype. Thus, the results identified two breeder females whose (gynogenetic) progeny might be expected to differ in resistance to bath challenge with atypical A. salmonicida.  相似文献   

氨氮胁迫对福瑞鲤幼鱼GST活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

鲤嗜水气单胞菌感染症及其病原生物学特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对一起养殖鲤(Cypr inus carp io )发生的病害进行了发病情况、临床特征、病理变化等方面的检验。以3尾病(死)鲤进行病变组织中的细菌检查及细菌分离, 对分离菌进行了形态特征、理化特性等较系统的表观分类学指征鉴定; 同时选择代表菌株进行了16S rRNA 基因的分子鉴定, 测定了16S rRNA 基因序列、分析了相关细菌相应序列的同源性、构建了系统发生树。结果表明, 分离菌为气单胞菌属(Aeromonas K luyv er and Van N iel 1936) 的嗜水气单[A.hydrophila (Chester 1901) Stan ier 1943] , 代表菌株( HC060718- 1株) 16S rRNA基因序列长度( 不包括引物结合区)为1 454 bp( GenBank登录号: EF669478)。择代表菌株做对健康鲤的人工感染试验, 表明了分离鉴定的嗜水气单胞菌在被检鲤病例的相应原发病原学意义及较强的致病作用。药敏试验结果显示, 对供试37种抗菌药物中的头孢噻肟等23种药物高度敏感, 对氨苄青霉素等5种药物敏感, 对青霉素G等9种药物耐药。  相似文献   

对一起养殖鲤(Cyprinus carpio)发生的病害进行了发病情况、临床特征、病理变化等方面的检验.以3尾病(死)鲤进行病变组织中的细菌检查及细菌分离,对分离菌进行了形态特征、理化特性等较系统的表观分类学指征鉴定;同时选择代表菌株进行了16S rRNA基因的分子鉴定,测定了16S rRNA基因序列、分析了相关细菌相应序列的同源性、构建了系统发生树.结果表明,分离菌为气单胞菌属(Aeromonas Kluyver and Van Niel 1936)的嗜水气单胞菌[A.hydrophila(Chester 1901)stanier 1943],代表菌株(HC060718-1株)16S rRNA基因序列长度(不包括引物结合区)为1 454 bp(GenBank登录号:EF669478).择代表菌株做对健康鲤的人工感染试验,表明了分离鉴定的嗜水气单胞菌在被检鲤病例的相应原发病原学意义及较强的致病作用.药敏试验结果显示,对供试37种抗菌药物中的头孢噻肟等23种药物高度敏感,对氨苄青霉素等5种药物敏感,对青霉素G等9种药物耐药.  相似文献   

应用荧光DDRT-PCR从鲤外周血白细胞克隆了鲤胸腺素β(thymosinβ,Tβ)基因cDNA全序列。序列分析表明,TβcDNA全长528bp,其完整的读码框架位于40~178bp,编码46个氨基酸,5'非编码区长39bp,3'非编码区长为348bp,且具有Poly(A)加尾信号(AATAAA),将该基因序列递呈GenBank,注册序列号为AY457946。氨基酸序列同源性分析显示,鲤Tβ氨基酸序列与鲤Tβa、斑马鱼Tβa及斑马鱼Tβ-2同源性均为84%。在系统发生树上,鲤Tβ与鲤、斑马鱼、白斑狗鱼和鲑Tβa及斑马鱼Tβ2聚类。  相似文献   

Abstract. The host-parasite relationship between O-group carp and the ciliatc Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet was investigated, with the specific aim of characterizing the fate of parasites encountering immunized fish. Carp were immunized by repeated controlled infections; immunized fish and control fish naive to I. multifiliis were then infected in the caudal fin epidermis by a single controlled exposure to theronts, which were applied in a droplet suspension to the tail surface. The number of parasites present within the caudal fin was monitored over a subsequent 5-day period by means of in situ parasite mapping. Results indicated that, contrary to previous reports, theronts penetrated the skin of immunized fish in numbers comparable to those of fish receiving a primary infection. However, the majority of parasites which penetrated immune skin did not complete normal development; 79% of the parasites which had initially penetrated the immune skin were not relocated within 2h of exposure, and since no parasite material was detected at penetration sites, it was concluded that these parasites had prematurely exited the skin rather than been killed in situ. Subsequently, these sites became populated by leucocytes, predominantly macrophages, and the infiltrations continued for up to 5 days after the initial exposure. In contrast, at sites where mature trophonts had exited the skin of fish following a primary infection, more diffuse leucocytic infiltrations were recorded, and these were predominated by neutrophils. Differences in the response to parasite exit from immunized and previously unexposed control fish skin are discussed, with particular reference to the mode of protection and the fate of parasites encountering immune fish.  相似文献   

Performance tests of Northern mirror carp (M72) and three different crossbreds were conducted in semi‐intensive pond conditions from the larval stage up to market size. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible utilization of new hybrid combinations (M72 × PL – Poho?elice mirror carp) and (M72 × Dor – Israeli mirror carp), and to compare them with a hybrid widely reared as a commercial product (M72 × M2 – Hungarian mirror carp) and with M72 purebred. The testing model was derived from similar studies carried out in the conditions of the Czech Republic, where an internal control of different scale cover is used to eliminate all non‐genetic effects. ancova revealed at market size significantly better growth in M72 × Dor (1 619±28.3 g; LS mean±SE) and M72 × PL (1475±29.8 g) compared with M72 (1278±26.3 g). Survival during the test of 3 years duration was significantly the best in the M72 × Dor hybrid as were the dressing out parameters measured at market size, even if these were significantly different only in proportion of fillets with skin (39.1±0.28%). Interestingly, the crossbred M72 × M2 commonly used by Czech fishermen showed for both, growth (1371±26.2 g) and survival, the lowest values among crossbreds and with regard to dressing out parameters mostly among all tested groups.  相似文献   

Twelve carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were grown from 30 to 120 g live mass on four diets, control (405 g kg−1 crude protein, 20.6 MJ kg−1 gross energy) and control + 200, 400 or 600 mg kg−1 L -carnitine. The diets were designated as CONT, C200, C400 and C600, respectively. Each diet was randomly assigned three fish kept in individual open-circuit respirometers. Fish that ate diets C400 and C600 grew faster than the controls, expended less energy and retained more energy per unit of food energy intake. Average energetic efficiency, expressed as energy retained per unit of energy expended, was 30% higher in the C400 group than in the controls. However, owing to the small number of fish in each group and the large variations in all these parameters, especially within the control group, none of these differences reached statistical significance at the P = 0.1 level.  相似文献   

We propose a simple method to quantify the morphology of 2–3-year-old carps (Cyprinus carpio) which is related to their fillet yield. This method is based on the automated image analysis of the lateral projection of the fish (mask). Seven morphological measurements specifically related to fillet yield of carps were defined. The comparison between this method and the conventional quantification offish shape, based on measurements of skeletal landmarks, increases the significance of this fitting. From the analysis of the morphometric data, we propose a profitable carp morphotype which is defined by four angles and two distances which quantify the shape of the head and the position of the caudal peduncle, respectively. The main characteristic of this morphotype is the absence of a large dorsal development, and the ventral position of the caudal peduncle.  相似文献   

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