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Three strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica were compared for their ability to assist colonisation of the nasal cavity of gnotobiotic pigs by toxigenic Pasteurella multocida. Toxigenic P multocida (counted in nasal washings) colonised the cavity in large numbers in pigs previously infected with a cytotoxic phase I strain of B bronchiseptica (B58), whereas it colonised only in small numbers in those previously infected with B65, a phenotypic phase III variant of B58. Toxigenic P multocida colonised pigs infected with a non-cytotoxic phase I strain of B bronchiseptica (PV6) in fewer numbers than were seen in pigs infected with the cytotoxic phase I strain but in greater numbers than in pigs infected with the phase III strain. The turbinates of pigs infected with the cytotoxic phase I strain of B bronchiseptica and toxigenic P multocida were most severely affected and those in pigs infected with the non-cytotoxic phase I strain and toxigenic P multocida were moderately reduced in size. The turbinates of pigs infected with the phase III strain and toxigenic P multocida were slightly reduced in size except for one piglet whose turbinates were severely affected. Pigs infected with the non-cytotoxic phase I strain of B bronchiseptica alone showed no signs of atrophy and their turbinates were used to calculate reductions (per cent) in those infected with P multocida. The reduction (per cent) in size of turbinates and total numbers of P multocida isolated from the nasal washings of each pig were linearly related.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A total of 163 pigs from nine farrow-to-finish herds representing various levels of atrophic rhinitis (AR) were selected for postslaughter examination of AR and pneumonia. Nasal swabs and lungs were cultured for detection of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida. Seventy-three pigs were examined at eight weeks of age and 90 contemporaries at six months of age. Mean AR scores were 1.21 and 1.11 for the eight week and six month old pigs, respectively (0 = normal, 3 = severe). In individual pigs increasing AR score was related to increasing pneumonia score in eight week old pigs but not in six month old hogs. In eight week old pigs, B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida were isolated more frequently from pigs with higher AR scores. From nasal swabs of six month old hogs, Bordetella was almost never recovered while Pasteurella was frequently isolated score. Toxigenic type DP. multocida was isolated from nasal cultures of only seven (4%) pigs and from lung cultures of only one pig. Pasteurella was never isolated from lungs of the eight week old pigs and Bordetella never from the six month old hogs. The isolation rate of P. multocida, predominantly type A, from lungs of six month old pigs increased from 11% in grossly normal lungs to 86% in lungs with severe pneumonia. Pigs from one herd free from lesions of AR and pneumonia were also examined; type AP. multocida was isolated from nasal cultures of one of six eight week old pigs. Somatic antigens of P. multocida were determined for 94 nasal and 20 lung isolates. Somatic serovar 3 was found in 93% of the nasal isolates and in all lung isolates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bordetella bronchiseptica and toxigenic type-D Pasteurella multocida were cultured from pigs in each of five herds diagnosed as having severe atrophic rhinitis (AR). B. bronchiseptica alone, P. multocida alone, or both organisms isolated from four herds were inoculated intranasally into 1-week-old gnotobiotic pigs which were necropsied 4 weeks post-inoculation (PI). Nasal turbinate atrophy in B. bronchiseptica-inoculated pigs was moderate to severe, while P. multocida-inoculated pigs had slight to severe atrophy. Pigs inoculated with both organisms had moderate to complete turbinate atrophy. P. multocida was reisolated at necropsy from all pigs receiving the organism except those having no turbinate damage. B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida from a fifth herd were simultaneously inoculated into six naturally farrowed 6-day-old SPF pigs. Necropsy performed 4 weeks PI revealed severe to complete turbinate atrophy. Nasal turbinates were normal for control pigs in both experiments.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida toxin was purified by affinity chromatography and inactivated by treatment with formaldehyde before use as a single component vaccine against progressive atrophic rhinitis in pigs. Twenty pregnant gilts which were vaccinated twice before farrowing with either low or high doses of the purified toxoid, developed dose-dependent positive serum and colostrum titres to the toxin and, unlike the progeny of 10 untreated control gilts, the offspring of the vaccinated gilts also had serum titres. These titres could be measured in blood samples taken for more than eight weeks from birth for most pigs born to gilts vaccinated with low doses and more than 12 weeks for pigs born to gilts vaccinated with high doses of the vaccine. All the piglets were inoculated intranasally with Bordetella bronchiseptica and toxigenic P multocida. The clinical and post mortem examinations of snouts revealed a significant reduction in the frequency and degree of conchal atrophy in the two groups of pigs from the vaccinated gilts compared with the pigs from control gilts. Clinically 90 per cent of the snouts of pigs born to vaccinated gilts appeared normal whereas only 28 per cent of the snouts of control pigs were not shortened or deviated at eight weeks of age. At slaughter 11 per cent of the pigs born to vaccinated gilts and 81 per cent of the control pigs had severe turbinate atrophy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of intranasal vaccination of piglets with live non-AR-pathogenic Bordetella bronchiseptica (BB-) against Atrophic Rhinitis (AR) was investigated in a preliminary investigation and in a field trial. In the preliminary investigation 2-day-old SPF piglets (n = 13) were vaccinated. Three weeks after vaccination, challenges were carried out by means of a spray with an AR-pathogenic B (BB+) or an AR-pathogenic Pasteurella multocida (PM+) broth-culture. Four weeks later the piglets were necropsied and examined for atrophy of the ventral conchae (AVC). In contrast with the non-vaccinated SPF piglets, the vaccinated piglets showed a strong and significant reduction of AVC, after both BB+ and PM+ challenge. In the field trial three groups were formed by drawing lots: ten litters (82 piglets) were vaccinated; ten litters (92 piglets) formed the control group and 11 litters (104 piglets) were treated with a placebo. The litters were spread over two units. In unit 1 AR and PM+ were demonstrated incidentally, in unit 2, however, persistently. BB+ was isolated equally frequently in both units. Clinical and bacteriological examinations were done in piglets of 3, 6 and 8 weeks of age. Necropsy examinations was carried out in 41 piglets of 8 weeks of age, chosen randomly by drawing lots. In spite of a second vaccination at the age of 3 weeks, BB- was not well established; this was possibly caused by maternal BB antibodies. In the control and placebo groups PM+ was isolated earlier and more frequently than BB+. It appeared that AVC was correlated more strongly with PM+ than with BB+ infection in the field trial. The percentage of piglets with Brachygnathia superior (BS) at the age of 8 weeks indicated the AR situation in the herd. Although a significant reduction of AVC was determined in unit 2, it was not sufficient to indicate that this method of intranasal vaccination is useful in the prevention of AR in practice.  相似文献   

In two groups of swine herds, herds with and without clinical AR the presence of Atrophic Rhinitis (AR) correlated with the presence of toxinogenic Pasteurella multocida (PM) and not with the Bordetella bronchiseptica (BB) infection. Six BB- and eighteen PM-strains have been investigated for AR pathogenicity. Broth cultures were injected intradermally in guinea-pigs (GPST) or intranasally in 3-week-old colostrum deprived specific pathogen free (SPF) piglets. The average atrophy of the ventral conchae (AVC) correlated with the GPST in 4 BB-and 7 PM-strains. One BB- and 2 PM-strains were qualified as doubtful, the others as non-AR pathogenic. With AR pathogenic BB-and PM-strains clinical AR could be induced in 3-and 6-week-old piglets. AVC lesions (gradation greater than 1) could be induced with BB in piglets of 6 and with pathogenic PM in 16-week-old piglets. Six of seven AR pathogenic PM-strains resembled Carter-type D and one resembled type A. No significance was found between AR pathogenicity and somatic serotypes. Intranasal instillations of cell-free broth culture filtrates of AR pathogenic PM-strains also caused AR in piglets. These filtrates also caused lethality in piglets and in mice lethalitytest (MLT) and induced a positive GPST. After heating the pathogenic effects of the filtrates disappeared. The name AR toxin has been introduced for this thermolabile, haemorrhagic dermonecrotic (HDNT) fraction of the AR inducing filtrates. The severity of the AR lesions depended on the amount of the AR toxin intranasally instilled in pigs. Cross protecting antibodies obtained in rabbits against the AR toxins of two PM strains could be demonstrated by a toxin neutralisation test in the MLT and the GPST. Broth cultures were injected intradermally in guinea-pigs (GPST) or intranasally in 3-week-old colostrum deprived specific pathogen free (SPF) piglets.  相似文献   

Experimental infections with Bordetella bronchiseptica and/or toxigenic type D Pasteurella multocida were studied in 2- and 4-month-old primary specific-pathogen-free pigs. None of the 2-month-old pigs inoculated with B. bronchiseptica or P. multocida alone developed turbinate atrophy. All the pigs inoculated with B. bronchiseptica (10(7) CFU/head) and P. multocida (10(9) CFU/head for 5 consecutive days) together, however, developed clinical and post-mortem signs of atrophic rhinitis (AR) similar to the naturally occurring disease. Slight to severe turbinate atrophy was observed in the 4-month-old pigs inoculated with B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida (at the same concentration as above) at necropsy.  相似文献   

Vaccination against progressive atrophic rhinitis using a purified recombinant derivative of the Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT), was carried out. Ten pregnant gilts were vaccinated twice with the nontoxic derivative (dO) which apart from a lack of 121 amino acids had an amino acid sequence identical to PMT, while seven gilts were vaccinated with a purified, formaldehyde treated, native PMT and ten gilts served as non-vaccinated controls. The resulting piglets were inoculated intranasally with Bordetella bronchiseptica and toxigenic P. multocida. Among piglets from the nonvaccinated gilts all except one developed clinical atrophic rhinitis and 90% developed severe turbinate atrophy while only a few pigs in the vaccinated groups developed clinical or pathological signs of disease. Gilt colostra from the two vaccinated groups had similar mean anti-PMT titers and the mean titers in the offspring's sera from these groups were nearly identical throughout the study. No pigs born from unvaccinated gilts were seropositive until 8 wk of age (7 wk post-challenge) but 23% became seropositive at slaughter. The infection rate with toxigenic P. multocida in piglets and the total number of P. multocida colonies cultured from nasal swabs were significantly reduced at 5 wk and 8 wk of age in the vaccinated groups, when compared to controls. There was a significantly improved weight gain (greater than 9%) from birth to slaughter in offspring from vaccinated gilts. No significant differences in feed conversion rate or % lean meat were observed among the groups. The study showed the excellent immunoprotective properties of the nontoxic derivative of the PMT molecule.  相似文献   

The interaction between Bordetella bronchiseptica and type D toxigenic Pasteurella multocida was studied in five groups of 4 specific-pathogen-free (SPF) piglets each. At 28 days of age, piglets of groups 3 and 4 were inoculated into both nostrils with 10(8) colony-forming-units (CFU) of a non-dermonecrotic toxin (DNT)-producing, phase I strain of B. bronchiseptica. Piglets of groups 1 and 3 were treated intranasally with a sonic extract of the non-toxic strain of B. bronchiseptica and those of groups 2 and 4 with B. bronchiseptica DNT into the left nostril. Sonic extract and DNT treatment was started at 33 days of age and lasted for 5 days. Piglets of group 5 served as controls. At the age of 37 days, piglets of all groups except group 5 were inoculated into both nostrils with 5 x 10(7) CFU of toxigenic P. multocida. At slaughter at 50 days of age, P. multocida was recovered from the left nasal cavity of 3 piglets of group 2 and all piglets of group 4. In piglets inoculated with B. bronchiseptica DNT the mucosal epithelial cells of the left nasal cavity showed loss of cilia, regressive lesions such as vacuolation, karyopycnosis and necrosis, hypertrophy of the epithelium, infiltration of the epithelium and submucosa by inflammatory cells, could also be seen. The results suggest that action of the B. bronchiseptica DNT on the nasal mucosa is a precondition of the growth of P. multocida in the nasal cavity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of dermonecrotic toxin (DNT) of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida, purified by repeated chromatography in Sephacryl S-200 gel, in the pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis (AR) of swine was studied bacteriologically, clinically and pathologically. Two-week-old specific pathogen-free (SPF) piglets were parenterally treated with 30 micrograms of DNT 3 times at 2-day interval and 7-week-old piglets were treated with 15 micrograms of DNT twice a week for 5 weeks. In 2- to 3-week-old piglets, both B. bronchiseptica DNT and P. multocida DNT produced nasal turbinate lesions with similar severity, characterized by damage of the cilia, epithelial metaplasia, intensive proliferation of osteoblasts, regressive changes, and diffuse osteocytic osteolysis. In 7- to 12-week-old piglets, treatment with B. bronchiseptica DNT failed to produce progressive changes in the nasal turbinates. Histopathological examination revealed osteogenic processes and osteoid synthesis besides the proliferation of osteoblasts and mild osteocytic osteolysis. Moreover, severe gross pathological lesions developed in the stomach, liver, kidneys, and lymphoid organs. The piglets' appetite and body weight gain gradually decreased during the DNT treatment and in the last week when the toxic signs appeared. Treatment of 7- to 12-week-old piglets with P. multocida DNT resulted in progressive AR. Histopathologically, diffuse osteocytic osteolysis was observed in the nasal turbinates. Neither clinical signs nor pathological lesions of the visceral organs developed in these piglets. The authors emphasize that the DNT of B. bronchiseptica basically differs from that of P. multocida in biological properties, though there are certain similarities between the DNTs.  相似文献   

Mild or subclinical respiratory infections caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica are widespread in pigs despite multiple control efforts. Infection with virulent B. bronchiseptica strains is a common risk factor in the establishment of toxin-producing strains of Pasteurella multocida in the nasal cavity of pigs leading to the disease, atrophic rhinitis (AR). This study was designed to explore the possibility of expressing a protective epitope of P. multocida toxin (PMT) in B. bronchiseptica to create single-component mucosal vaccine to control atrophic rhinitis in pigs. To achieve this, a P. multocida toxin fragment (PMTCE), that was non-toxic and protective against lethal challenge in mice, was cloned into a broad-host-range plasmid, PBBR1MCS2, and introduced into B. bronchiseptica by electroporation. The Pasteurella gene construct was placed under the regulatory control of a promoter region that was separately isolated from B. bronchiseptica and appears to be part of the heat shock protein gene family. B. bronchiseptica harboring the plasmid under antibiotic selection expressed the 80kDa PMTCE as determined by PAGE and Western blot with a PMT-specific monoclonal antibody. When introduced into the respiratory tracts of mice, B. bronchiseptica harboring the plasmid construct was reisolated in declining numbers for 72h post-inoculation. Antibody responses (IgM, IgA and IgG) to B. bronchiseptica were detected in serum and respiratory lavage, but PMTCE-specific antibodies were not detected. While further refinements of PMT expression in B. bronchiseptica are necessary, this study provides a basis for the development of a single-component, live-attenuated vaccine against atrophic rhinitis.  相似文献   

Blood sera of 1171 pigs, not vaccinated against PAR, were tested for antibodies against P. multocida toxin in a neutralization test with EBL cell cultures. 277 sera were from 18 herds with clinical PAR; 104 of them (37.5%) had neutralizing antibody titres from 1:2 to 1:1024. No antitoxin was detected in the sera of 866 pigs in 25 PAR nonsuspicious herds. In one nonsuspicious herd, however, 11 of 28 sera were neutralizing in the 1:2 or 1:4 dilution. 30 sows had been vaccinated with inactivated toxigenic P. multocida and/or with the P. multocida toxoid. 21 of these sows had neutralizing sera with titres between 1:8 and 1:4096. The neutralization test presented can be applied for herd diagnosis of PAR and for demonstration of vaccination effects.  相似文献   

Natural transmission of atrophic rhinitis from pigs from a herd with an endemic atrophic rhinitis problem to pigs from a herd free of atrophic rhinitis was demonstrated. Six replicates each with five pigs from the endemic atrophic rhinitis herd (Group A) and five pigs from the atrophic rhinitis-free herd (Group B) were housed together from 5 wk of age, with each replicate kept in isolation rooms maintained at optimal and controlled environmental conditions. Three replicates each with six pigs/room from the atrophic rhinitis-free herd (Group C), served as nonexposed controls. Group C pigs remained healthy and had no turbinate atrophy at either 10 or 17 wk of study (atrophic rhinitis score = 0 on a 0 to 3 scale). Group A pigs had a mean atrophic rhinitis score of 1.85 +/- 0.84, and group B pigs developed atrophic rhinitis to a mean score of 1.57 +/- 0.70. The isolation rate and quantity of Pasteurella multocida found on nasal swabs was directly related to lesions while those for Bordetella bronchiseptica were inversely related to turbinate atrophy. Of the various types of P. multocida evaluated, nontoxigenic type A and toxigenic type D were both directly related to atrophic rhinitis while nontoxigenic type D strains were not. No toxigenic type A P. multocida strains were isolated.  相似文献   

In a commercial rabbitry nasal swabs were taken from 36 animals with enzootic upper respiratory disease resembling porcine atrophic rhinitis. 35 Pasteurella multocida strains were isolated from 17 rabbits. Among 30 strains tested for dermonecrotic toxin production 3, derived from 3 animals, were positive in the guinea pig skin test. 15 Bordetella bronchiseptica strains were recovered from 14 rabbits. No toxigenic strains were found among 6 isolates tested using the same method.  相似文献   

Location of dermonecrotic toxin (DNT) in the cells of Pasteurella multocida or Bordetella bronchiseptica was investigated. After cell lysis by various procedures, various fractions prepared from bacterial cells grown in liquid culture media were assayed for dermonecrotic activity by skin testing of guinea pigs. During the death phase of the growth tested for the 2 bacterial species, little cell-free DNT was detected in the culture supernatants. Throughout the log and stationary phases of the growth, DNT activity was cell associated, but was not seen in the culture supernatants, which indicated that DNT was not secreted by actively growing P multocida or B bronchiseptica cells. Little DNT was released by subjecting whole cells to osmotic shock, a common procedure that releases proteins from the periplasmic space of many gram-negative bacteria. After sonication and centrifugation of whole cells, a substantial amount of DNT was released; results were similar when spheroplasts were used instead of whole cells. Treatment of whole cells with trypsin did not decrease the DNT activity, but trypsin treatment of sonicated cells resulted in a significant decrease in the DNT activity (P less than 0.01). The results indicated an intracellular location of the DNT of P multocida or B bronchiseptica. The DNT of P multocida or of B bronchiseptica is probably located in the cytoplasmic space.  相似文献   

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