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Dairy Herd Management Program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dairy Herd Management Program has served both dairymen and veterinarians very well over the past several years under a variety of conditions. A number of veterinarians have used the Dairy Herd Management Program to provide computerized dairy record service to their clients. In many of these situations, clients have decided to purchase a computer system of their own after discovering the value of having improved, computerized dairy records. The Dairy Herd Management Program is able to efficiently handle data from large dairies without disrupting daily record-keeping routines. With this data, useful reports are generated that measure actual reproductive performance against target levels or goals. Because the Dairy Herd Management Program focuses on specific time intervals and includes data from culled cows, trends or drops in reproductive performance are more quickly detected so that corrective action can be taken to minimize economic losses. The Dairy Herd Management Program's strong points include batch entry of data, an inclusive yet flexible Vet Check List of cows to be examined, and a detailed, comprehensive Reproductive Summary report. Its major weakness is the lack of a custom report generator for specific situations or conditions. This problem is being addressed in the new version. With the improvements scheduled for the new version, the Dairy Herd Management Program should be able to meet all of the needs of dairy managers and veterinarians alike, as well as become a powerful tool for conducting dairy reproductive field trials and research.  相似文献   

为了发挥DHI体系在奶牛生产管理中的作用,促进奶牛健康养殖和乳品质量的提高,本研究利用DHI技术对包头某奶牛场6个月的奶牛生产情况进行了分析。结果发现,该奶牛场奶牛的乳脂率较低,体细胞数较高,一些奶牛患有严重的临床性乳房炎或隐性乳房炎。奶牛营养状况差,泌乳高峰期到达时间晚,产奶量少,存在潜在的奶损失。针对上述问题,提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

Twenty Years of Experience with Dairy Herd Health in Ontario   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
This article expresses observations on planned herd health for dairy cattle, based on experience gained in the Ambulatory Clinic practice of the Ontario Veterinary College. The author and his colleagues, especially Dr. R.A. Curtis, have initiated and delivered a preventive medicine approach to veterinary practice in the teaching program and teaching practice for the past 20 years. In addition, herd health presentations have been made to veterinary associations in every province in Canada and to many breed associations and producer organizations. The Canadian food animal veterinarian and his clients have been informed at meetings and by the media of the need, objectives, methods and benefits of dairy herd health and many veterinary practices now offer programs to their clients. Herd health has become a household word in Canada's dairy practices and dairy farms.

A formal herd health program is an important step to achieving total health management; but maximum returns on investment can only be realized after three or four generations of cattle have been reared on the program.

In conclusion, herd health practice has been a very satisfying aspect of veterinary medicine and a profitable and valued service for our clients. Maintenance of health involves the application of all knowledge and procedures which veterinarians have to offer.


The impact of ten diseases of dairy cattle on milk production, calving interval and culling were studied in a university operated dairy herd. Cows with clinical mastitis, ketosis or displaced abomasum had lowered milk production. Cows with metritis, retained placenta, cystic graafian follicles or ovarian hypofunction had longer calving intervals. Cows with clinical mastitis, metritis, pneumonia or retained placenta had increased risks of culling.The relationship between disease and culling was based on the medical history of culled and nonculled cows using a case control approach. Therefore, it is likely that in many cases, the association between disease and culling is due to the impact of that disease on productivity.  相似文献   

规模化奶牛场牛群结构的算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
处于不同生长阶段奶牛的生理特点、生活习性、营养需求以及对饲养环境的要求都不同,根据不同生长发育阶段的特点和对饲养管理的不同要求,应将奶牛分成不同类群,采用不同的饲养管理措施.各类群中饲养的奶牛头数占总存栏牛头数的百分比称为规模化奶牛场的牛群结构.  相似文献   

奶牛群体改良(DHI),又称奶牛生产性能测定。DHI是在牛群遗传改良和牛群管理的基础上进行牛群选育、公牛后裔测定、乳房炎防治、改进饲养管理、提高产奶性能等的关键措施。1 DHI的概念与发展历史DHI是一套完整的奶牛信息记录体系,通过每月一次采集每头泌乳牛的奶样,对每头牛的奶产量、乳成分、体细胞进行测定、记录,结合每头牛的基本  相似文献   

[目的]奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)是用来管理奶牛生产的一项综合性技术,通过对DHI数据进行整理分析,可以指导牛场健康计划、改进日粮配方,加快奶牛遗传改良,提高奶牛育种水平。[方法]对广东省某奶牛场2022年1—12月14 024 条DHI数据进行统计,分析该牧场牛群结构、胎次、乳成分、体细胞数等指标,并根据数据提出改进措施。[结果]该牧场12 个月的平均胎次2.34 胎,日均产奶量为32.03 kg,高峰奶平均为39.6 kg,高峰奶日平均为80.17 天,305 天产奶量平均为9 641.55 kg,乳脂率平均为4.52%,乳蛋白率平均为3.16%,脂蛋比平均为1.44,体细胞数平均为33.3 万个/mL,尿素氮平均为10.9 mg/dL,泌乳天数平均为176.42 天。[结论]该牧场3 胎次以上牛只所占比例偏低,牛群结构不合理,体细胞数较高,尿素氮含量不稳定。应优化牛群结构,加强环境整治、乳房炎健康监测,同时调整日粮结构。  相似文献   

Mortality patterns of two Zebu cattle breeds, Sahiwal and Tharparkar, and two crossbred strains, Karan Swiss and Karan Fries, maintained at the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal were studied. Nine-year (1989--90 to 1997--98) data on mortality were analysed for year, season, age and cause effects on mortality rate. The overall mortality was 14.17%. The mortality in Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Karan Swiss and Karan Fries averaged 14.35%, 7.21%, 17.12% and 13.46%, respectively. The breed mortality rate did not vary significantly between years, seasons, age categories and causes of disease. However, the trends indicated appreciable difference in mortality rates. The mortality was highest in the year 1994--95 (19.53%) and lowest in 1991--92 (8.56%). There was very little variation in seasonal mortality rate and mortality rate averaged 4.53%, 4.81% and 4.84% in hot-dry (March-June), hot-humid (July-October) and cold (November-February) seasons, respectively. The mortality up to 2 months of age accounted for a major share (50-60% or higher) in different breed groups. Digestive problems followed by respiratory disorders together accounted for 70-80% of total deaths.  相似文献   

我国奶牛生产水平的提高在一定程度上归因于DHI技术的应用。本文主要以上海地区为例,总结了DHI技术在我国的应用现状以及未来的发展趋势,以期为奶牛行业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

An epizootic of bovine mastitis caused by a nontuberculous mycobacterial agent occurred in a large Quebec dairy herd. This mastitis problem was characterized by the occurrence of a high number of cows with severely inflamed, indurated and therapeutically incurable quarters. Routine diagnostic laboratory methods yielded negative cultural findings. Approximately 40% of the milking cows developed chronic mastitis. Poor sanitation, improper milking procedures and a faulty milking system prevailed at that time.  相似文献   

哺乳期犊牛是奶牛生命周期的开始,也是奶牛整个生命周期中最为脆弱的阶段,其健康状况可直接影响牧场的可持续发展和经营效率。在哺乳期,犊牛可面临多种疾病的挑战,但消化道疾病和呼吸道疾病是全球奶牛养殖业面临的共性问题。本文对哺乳期犊牛健康状况、初乳管理、犊牛腹泻和呼吸道疾病的管理进行了梳理,并对其防控提出了建议。初乳管理方面分析了影响初乳质量的因素、初乳储存与处理和饲喂管理;犊牛健康管理部分叙述了产圈管理、饲养环境和饲喂方式、营养及饲喂管理、疫苗免疫、通风、疾病早期诊断、应激管理和患犊管理。  相似文献   

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