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The adoption of precision farming techniques (PFTs) has been widely studied targeting specific PFT or farming systems along with the potential benefits of these PFTs in terms of yield or input use. However, few studies have examined how PFTs are adopted and used at the farm level. In this study a preliminary investigation was made of on-farm PFT uses in the Oise region (northern France). Three main PFTs were identified in the area: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) guidance, section control, and variable rate (VR) application. For each farm, the use of every PFT was defined by the technical characteristics of the equipment, the field operation(s) concerned, the targeted crop(s), the aim of the use, the PFT adoption drivers, and the perceived impacts by the farmers. These different variables were combined into a typology of PFT uses. The results show that most of the farms combined GNSS guidance for all technical operations and section control, whereas VR application was less common. Section control was largely used by farmers for liquid fertilizers and phytochemical spraying. The typology shows three to five types of use for each PFT, which differ in terms of technique adoption drivers, e.g. reducing on-farm work or adaptation to field morphology. According to literature, economic impacts were found to be the most frequent, however farmers seemed unable to quantify them. Social impacts such as reduced work time and fatigue were also frequent and are becoming the main motivation for using PFT on farms studied. Further research is needed to assess the use trajectories of PFT along with the motivations of each PFT use.


耕地细碎化是我国现代农业发展面临的突出问题,解决耕地细碎化问题是提高耕地利用效率的关键。基于农户耕地经营规模划分农户类型,利用武汉城市圈部分区县农户调查数据,采用DEA-Tobit模型分析了地块平均面积表征的耕地细碎化对耕地利用效率的影响。研究结果表明:1)小规模农户耕地经营面积平均为0.194 hm~2,利用效率为0.360;中规模农户耕地经营面积平均为0.492 hm~2,利用效率为0.446;大规模农户耕地经营面积平均为1.179 hm~2,利用效率为0.497;耕地利用效率与农户耕地经营规模呈正相关关系。2)耕地细碎化对农户耕地利用效率具有显著的影响,但对不同经营规模农户的影响存在显著差异;耕地细碎化对小规模农户的耕地利用效率具有正向作用,而对中、大规模农户的耕地利用效率具有负向作用;相对于小规模农户而言,细碎化对大规模农户的耕地利用效率的影响较大。因此,提高耕地利用效率,应鼓励耕地流转,为农户规模化经营耕地创造条件;在大力推进农业规模化经营的过程中,应将耕地整治与耕地流转有机结合起来,降低细碎化程度,以提高耕地利用效率。  相似文献   

通过调研,提出了广东耕地利用中存在的突出问题.主要是优质耕地数量持续减少、基础地力下降、土壤养分失衡、局部地区土壤污染加剧、水土流失严重等,导致全省耕地质量明显下降,农业综合生产能力降低.针对耕地资源日益紧缺与非农建设用地的矛盾,提高耕地生产能力,提出了建立耕地质量管理的法律机制、实施沃土工程提高地力、健全耕地质最监测网络、实施测土配方施肥、强化新垦耕地验收、加强科学研究等对策措施.  相似文献   

A user-centric approach for information modelling in arable farming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agriculture and farmers face a great challenge in effectively manage information both internally and externally in order to improve the economic and operational efficiency of operations, reduce environmental impact and comply with various documentation requirements. As a part of meeting this challenge, the flow of information between decisions processes defined as realizing a decision must be analyzed and modelled as a prerequisite for the subsequent design, construction and implementation of information systems.This paper defines the actors, their role and communication specifics associated with the various decision and control processes in farmers’ information management. Core-task analysis and core task demands from earlier research are utilised as premises for the modelling of information flow from the farmers’ point of view. A user-friendly generic FMIS design reference model is the primary objective for the study in which planning, execution and evaluation measures have been incorporated.A user-centric approach to model the information flows for targeted field operations is presented. The information models are centred around the farmer as the principal decision maker and involves external entities as well as mobile unit entities as the main information producers. This is a detailed approach to information modelling that will enable the generation of a Farm Management Information System in crop production.  相似文献   

原因之一 雏鸡体内的母源抗体或上次接种疫苗后机体内的残余抗体未下降到适当水平而过早接种或补种,疫苗(实际上是抗原)被抗体中和。 原因之二 剂量不足,不能产生足够的免疫力。 原因之三 免疫方法不当。如传染性喉气管炎强毒苗只能采用擦肛或滴肛的方法,若采用呼吸道或滴眼法,则会导致严重反应或发病。 原因之四 接种无效疫苗。因储存、运输不当导致疫苗失效或疫苗本身是假冒伪劣疫苗。 原因之五 接种前已感染,但尚未发病。 原因之六 不按免疫程序免疫,随意性很大,甚  相似文献   

为提高土壤肥力、改善土壤生态环境,并为提高小麦产量提供理论依据,文章分别对山西省、河南省、黑龙江省、天津市西青区、天津市武清区、宁夏回族自治区的小麦地耕层土壤微生物的类群、数量及分布进行测定并比较。结果表明,随着耕层深度的增加,土壤微生物数量先增加后减少,在第2层或第5层出现最大菌落数量,并且发现麦田土壤微生物含量与小麦产量和土壤的理化性质有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

为了解广东农垦规模化猪场寄生虫病感染情况,通过直接涂片法对垦区21个规模化猪场2 437份样品进行寄生虫感染情况调查。结果显示,垦区猪群感染的寄生虫主要有结肠小袋纤毛虫(感染率38.37%)、猪球虫(感染率4.68%)和类圆线虫(感染率1.07%),未检测到猪蛔虫、毛首线虫、食道口线虫等线虫。调查结果表明,垦区规模化猪场仍然存在寄生虫感染的危害,其中小袋纤毛虫感染普遍且感染率较高,哺乳仔猪球虫感染率不高但哺乳母猪球虫感染率偏高(10.22%),存在交叉感染风险。类圆线虫感染率不高且未检测到其他线虫,说明原有驱虫方法对肠道内线虫类寄生虫防控效果良好。应加强对小袋纤毛虫及猪球虫等原虫的驱虫工作。  相似文献   

衢州市农民远程培训的实践和探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代农业和农村经济的发展,迫切需要提高农民科技文化素质。而传统培训方式资源利用低、覆盖面小、选择性差、实施成本高,并且受时间和地域等因素影响大。传统培训方式与远程培训方式的有机融合,能较好地解决上述问题。衢州市通过引用先进的流媒体技术,建立以"网络技术为主,融合广播电视、语音为一体"的现代农民科技培训平台,通过对现有农技培训资源进行整合,构建系统的培训工作体系、辅导体系、师资体系、课件体系和科技信息服务体系,大力开展农民培训,全面促进农民素质提高和农村信息化建设。  相似文献   

Tweeten L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,219(4588):1037-1041
The role of the small farm in American agriculture has been the focus of much public discussion since Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland elevated farm structure to the national political agenda during the Carter Administration. Eight hypotheses based on common assertions concerning the alleged advantages of the small farm were tested in the light of available empirical evidence. No basis was found to accept any of the eight hypotheses. There may be reasons to preserve and even encourage small farms but they are not the reasons commonly given for political initiatives and public policies favoring small farms. Although it is questionable whether any size of farm can be viewed as optimal, the strongest case is for the typical moderate-size family farm of today rather than for small farms or large industrial-type farms.  相似文献   

呼吸道疾病是由非传染性因素 (环境因素 )和传染性因素 (疾病因素 )引起的多种疾病的统称。非传统性因素包括冷热应激、卫生条件、密度过大和通风不良等 ,而传染性因素则包括慢性呼吸道病 (CRD)、大肠杆菌病、传染性鼻炎 (IC)、传染性支气管炎(IB)、传染性喉气管炎 (ILT)、新城疫 (ND)、禽流感(AI)以及它们之间混合感染。笔者近几年来对呼吸道疾病的防制工作进行了一些研究和总结 ,现分述如下。1 做好鸡场的综合防疫工作1.1 鸡场外环境的治理1.1.1 清除杂草 ,清理垃圾 鸡场生产区、生活区的杂草应及时铲除 ,夏、秋季可刈…  相似文献   

通过对宜农荒地的概念、特点、价格类型及主要估价原则等较系统的分析论述。批出目前宜农荒地评估的首选方法是收益还原法,同时应以成本逼近法或假设开发法进行校核。  相似文献   

Black farmers are still Black farmers, yet now are considered a part of minority or small or limited resource farmers/ranchers (SLRF/R) by the Department of Agriculture. Except for a few Southern states, their numbers have fallen from a remnant to a fragment in recent years. They continue to leave agriculture at a faster rate than whites. What few programs the Department has for this category of producers (SLRF/R) show genuine promise, provided they are pursued diligently by the Congress and the Department. Also vigorous enforcement of civil rights laws and directives of the Secretary and the new initiatives by the Office of Civil Rights Enforcement (OCRE) have to be sustained.  相似文献   

四川规模化养猪生产工艺分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代状猪普遍采用分阶段饲养和全进--全出的连续流水式生产工艺.生产工艺流程通常将猪群划分为若干工艺类群,然后将它们分别置于相应的专门化猪舍内,把配种、妊娠、分娩、保育、生长肥育等各个生产环节有机地联系起来,形成一条科学合理的养猪生产线,使整个生产按固定的周期,有节律地、连续、稳定地生产出指定数量的规范化产品.  相似文献   

能源装备国产化思考与LNG装备国产化展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄鹂 《油气储运》2014,(4):343-346
目前,我国能源需求继续增长,安全保障形势严峻;能源发展不平衡,调整结构任重道远;资源环境约束增强,节能减排压力巨大;能效亟需提高,合理控制能源消费总量任务艰巨;绿色能源变革对科技进步的需求日趋强劲。大力发展天然气产业,提高天然气在能源消费中的比例,是调整我国能源结构的重要途径,其中LNG既是天然气调峰的重要手段,也是天然气远洋运输的唯一方法,因而备受关注。装备国产化是促进能源行业科学发展的重要保障,大型LNG装备已被列为国家能源局进一步推进装备国产化的重点领域,为此提出了LNG装备国产化的希望与要求:坚持国产化的目标不动摇,坚持高水平的国产化,发挥“政产学研用”合作机制的作用,依托工程建设项目,加速国产化的进程。  相似文献   

研制一种面向黄鳝养殖的自主移动投喂机器人系统,主要包括AGV搬运小车、XYZ数控电动同步带滑台直线导轨模组、投喂蠕动泵、运动控制器等组成部分。AGV搬运小车通过传感装置实时检测导向磁条确定工作路径。运动控制器对XYZ三维数控电动同步带滑台直线导轨模组的步进电机输出脉冲信号,实现机器人投喂位置的空间定位。通过控制蠕动泵驱动电机的转速,实现饵料的精准投喂和投喂过程的稳定性。针对三层立体结构黄鳝养殖池样进行9次样机性能测试,每次目标投喂量为9.5 g。结果显示,机器人空间定位精度的平均误差为(2.1,1.8,2.1) mm,标准偏差为(2.6,2.3,2.5) mm。机器人的平均投喂速度为1.85 g/s,平均投喂量为9.3 g,投喂量的误差小于5%。为评估系统的稳定性和可靠性,机器人以0.5 km/h的移动速度连续运行50 h,未发生技术故障和系统中断。综上所述,该自主移动投喂机器人运行稳定可靠、投喂精度高,投喂效果良好,具有较强的实用和推广价值。  相似文献   

A two-stage optimal motion planner for autonomous agricultural vehicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a two-stage motion planning algorithm which can compute low-cost motions for autonomous agricultural vehicles, for a given cost function defined over the entire path (e.g., shortest path, maximum clearance, etc.). In the first stage, the algorithm utilizes randomized motion planning to explore the space of possible motions and computes a feasible sub-optimal trajectory. In the second stage, the optimization of the stage-1 motion is formulated within the optimal control framework and function-space gradient descent is used to minimize the cost of the entire motion. The numerical results suggest that the two-stage motion planner can compute optimal or quasi-optimal motions in free space very quickly. In the presence of obstacles however, the execution time increases significantly. Furthermore, kino-dynamic, or dynamic motion models seem to be necessary in order to produce smooth motion trajectories.  相似文献   

Precision Agriculture - With the rapid advances in precision agriculture technology, machine vision is emerging as a means to obtain accurate spatial information for a control system at relatively...  相似文献   

自主导航农业机械避障路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】实现自主导航农业机械作业时静态障碍物避障功能。【方法】在已知工作环境条件下提出2种避障路径规划算法。以农机运动规律为基础,依据障碍物位置和尺寸信息提出单障碍物避障算法。在单障碍物避障算法基础上,依据安全行驶区域大小,参考左右双向避障策略提出双/多障碍物避障算法。【结果】单障碍物位于不同位置、农机行驶速度为0.3 m·s~(-1)时,行驶路径分别比L算法减少35%、26%,行驶路径累计误差减少53%、82%,方差减少64%、66%;行驶速度为0.5 m·s~(-1)时,行驶路径减少38%、22%,行驶路径累计误差减少66%、62%,方差减少41%、71%。多障碍物路况,农机行驶速度为0.3、0.5 m·s~(-1)时,行驶路径累积误差分别为9.99、4.13 m,方差分别为0.022 1、0.027 0 m2。【结论】本文算法在行驶路径、行驶路径累计误差、规划路径跟踪稳定性和路况适应性上均体现出一定优势。  相似文献   

猪场批次管理模式除较常用的单周节律之外,也有相邻批次间隔为多周的生产模式。相比单周节律,多周节律模式可降低疾病防控压力,提高生产效率,但同时需要考虑栏舍利用率和母猪返情的问题。本文对猪场批次管理模式的细节进行探讨。  相似文献   

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