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水果采摘机器人智能移动平台的设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】基于三自由度水果采摘机械臂,设计一种轮式智能移动平台。【方法】根据农田工作环境,设计了转向机构和防撞梁机构;借助ANSYS对车架在3种工况下的变形情况进行仿真分析;使用Simulink模块对车载电机进行了基于最大转矩电流比矢量控制(MPTA)以及ID=0模式下的仿真;使用VC++语言编写了运动控制程序,开发人机交互界面;在南京市江浦农场进行样机行走试验。【结果】弯扭工况下车架变形量最大为14.1 mm,应力值小于材料屈服极限;基于MPTA控制下的电机约0.8 ms达到稳定;该平台最大爬坡角度约为10°,1.5 m·s~(-1)行进时跟踪路径的横向偏差约为0.22 m。【结论】该移动平台结构合理,强度和刚度较高,运动精度高,符合实际工作要求。  相似文献   

A system for managing and monitoring agricultural operations at farm level, was developed and tested in an agrochemical application. The system is an integration of an electronics box mounted on the tractor, and a software that acquires and analyzes data from the application task. The electronics box holds a microcontroller, a Global Positioning System (GPS), complementary sensors, a keyboard, a memory SD (Secure Disk) storage, and a Liquid Cristal Display (LCD). The device is able to store in the SD memory, the data of the position, the instantaneous speed of the tractor, the applied rate, the wind speed, the wind direction, the temperature, and the relative humidity. In addition, the system can alert of unfavorable weather conditions for the application of agro-chemicals. The interface to the user is a software that allows generating a job file, which identifies the operator name, the tractor, the spraying equipment, the pesticide, the rate, and the sector of application. The software also provides output data in graphical form, generating maps of speed, applied volume, and rate. The map of the route is also drawn on Google Earth, for a better spatial visualization. The acquired data is used to verify if the weather conditions, apt for the application of pesticide, were fulfilled, along with checking the variability of the rate, occurrence of row skipping, and indices of performance of the operator. The system was tested in two vineyards of Chile with promissory results.  相似文献   

遥控自动立木整枝机运动控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确的控制逻辑是自动立木整枝机运动控制系统的关键技术.该文根据作业要求,研制了基于复杂可编程逻辑器件的自动立木整枝机运动控制系统.该系统采用自制的新型电动机位置动态检测装置,通过复杂数字逻辑运算及相应的闭环控制驱动电路,实现对人工林自动立木整枝机控制信号的分组、实时控制.该运动控制系统设计合理、控制逻辑准确,已成功应用于BSR Z23 001A人工林自动立木整枝机,工作可靠,使用效果良好.   相似文献   

基于图像识别的无人机精准喷雾控制系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】针对传统的植保无人机喷雾作业时化肥农药浪费大,利用率低,造成环境污染的问题,研制一种基于图像识别的无人机精准喷雾控制系统。【方法】利用中值滤波算法对田间航拍图像进行去噪,采用分层K_means硬聚类算法实现对农田航拍图像的分割,提取非作物区域的颜色、纹理特征空间的22个特征参数,设计支持向量机分类器进行分类识别。根据优选的17个特征参数,利用以径向基函数作为核函数的支持向量机对非作物区域图像进行识别,并根据识别结果控制喷头,实现精准喷雾。【结果】测试样本的识别率可达为76.56%,在无干扰风场情况下,当P_阀为10%时,减施率可达32.7%。【结论】本系统为农业航空精准喷雾控制技术的应用提供了参考方向和决策支持。  相似文献   

In many processes of heat exchange, as well as in other processes of biomaterial handling, physical properties of fruit such as dimensions, shape, surface area and volume are of crucial importance. The objective of this work was to find a function which approximates pear border line, as precisely as possible, in order to calculate the surface area and volume of a pear by means of integral calculus. Previously described estimation of an average pear border line was based on the sixth order polynomial and proposed algorithm. Two new ways to calculate the Williams pear border line are the focus of this study. The first way includes spline functions as an estimation of a pear border line (i.e. four third order polynomials), while the second one uses regression function obtained by nonlinear regression method. The regression function has two independent variables, length and total length of a pear. The most precise approximation of a pear border line was obtained by nonlinear regression with R2 = 97.48. This was more obvious when total pear length was smaller or greater than average total pear length. Border lines of all tested pears were determined by one regression function with large precision. Therefore, it is safe to calculate surface area and volume of a pear based on regression function and total pear length, only. Calculated volumes of the pears were compared with volumes measured by Archimedes’ method. The smallest relative error has been obtained when the volumes were calculated using the regression function as approximation of pear border line.  相似文献   

为了降低翠冠梨分选的劳动力成本,提高分选的效率和精度,以维控LEVI777A型触摸屏为人机界面,台达DVP12SA211T可编程控制器为控制核心,构建了一套基于重量的自动分选控制系统。该系统运行稳定、操作简便、人机界面友好,实现了翠冠梨的自动化分选,有效地提高了分选的精度与效率,降低了劳动力成本,具有良好的科研和社会经济价值。  相似文献   

便携式遥控自动立木整枝机控制系统电源的使用效率是整个系统的一个重要指标及可靠工作的前提.该文在分析控制逻辑的基础上,从节能的观点出发,合理地研制了自动立木整枝机发射与接收系统电源控制电路.电源供电能力测试的结果证明:该电源控制电路可以有效地提高整个系统电源的效率,能够很好地满足自动立木整枝机的工作需要.   相似文献   

果园霜冻控灾专家决策支持系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高气象部门霜冻业务服务能力和经济林果生产单位、种植户的霜冻防御技术水平,减轻霜冻灾害的不利影响,运用C#.NET、Arc GIS Engine二次开发组件和SQL Server 2008数据库设计并实现果园霜冻控灾专家决策支持系统.该系统以果园自动站实况监测数据和数值天气预报数据为基础,具备果园基本信息管理、果园防霜专家知识库管理、自动站温度面上反演、果园小气候监测、果园霜冻预测预警等功能.同时,对发生霜冻的果园也可定制防霜方案,为果园提供防霜技术、防霜策略和霜后补救措施.  相似文献   

本研究用自适应模糊控制的方法控制机器人,使其能够在草坪划分的栅格中定位.对机械构造要求低、成本低,有利农业机器人的推广使用.  相似文献   

Monitoring livestock production processes by means of statistical control charts can provide an important support for management. The non-stationary and autocorrelated characteristics of most data originating from such processes impede the direct introduction of these data into control charts. To deal with these characteristics Engineering Process Control strategies can be applied. Stationarity was achieved by modelling and subtracting the time dependent trend using a non-linear model. Next, the autocorrelation structure in the residual data is modelled and corrected for by means of an ARMA model. The resulting corrected stationary and independent residuals are then inserted in the traditional cusum control scheme. This combined use of Engineering Process Control strategies for modelling the unconventional statistical characteristics and Statistical Process Control strategies for constructing the control chart based on the resulting pre-processed data, is referred to as a Synergistic Control strategy. The developed cusum control chart was tested on data of two layer flocks. In both cases the control chart provided alarms for important problems in production and furthermore signalled problems that remained unnoticed by the layer managers. The amount of false alarms was acceptable. With this control scheme and the scheme of the average egg weight, control procedures for two important output parameters of the production process of consumption eggs are available. Furthermore, this strategy could provide a possible solution for other process parameters that also display non-stationarity and autocorrelation.  相似文献   

苦瓜是福建省主要的瓜菜种植种类之一,苦瓜病虫害发生严重。为害福建省苦瓜生产的病虫害种类主要有白粉病、霜霉病、枯萎病、瓜实蝇、瓜绢螟、瓜蚜等,总结苦瓜主要病虫害的为害症状及防治措施。  相似文献   

为提高柑橘水分利用率和果实品质,实现柑橘果园的水分自动化灌溉和标准化生产。以沃柑为研究对象,研究两种水分管理模式对柑橘光合特性和品质的影响。结果表明:物联网水分智慧化管理提高了柑橘叶片四个时期降低了叶片的蒸腾速率,提高了叶片的瞬时水分利用率。同时,物联网水分智慧化管理显著提高了柑橘总糖、糖酸比和维生素C含量,降低了总酸含量。该水分管理模式有利于促进柑橘产业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Sunspots, dark magnetic regions occurring at low latitudes on the Sun's surface, are tracers of the magnetic field generated by the dynamo mechanism. Recent solar dynamo models, which use the helioseismically determined solar rotation, indicate that sunspots should form at high latitudes, contrary to observations. We present a dynamo model with the correct latitudinal distribution of sunspots and demonstrate that this requires a meridional flow of material that penetrates deeper than hitherto believed, into the stable layers below the convection zone. Such a deep material flow may have important implications for turbulent convection and elemental abundance in the Sun and similar stars.  相似文献   

[目的]研究梨锈病田间发病规律及发病影响因素,为梨锈病抗病性鉴定提供科学依据.[方法]以翠冠×金星杂交梨苗为试材,采用田间发病和人工接种鉴定方法,对梨锈病发病规律及抗性进行相关性分析.[结果]梨杂交实生苗对梨锈病的抗性表现出广泛的分离,不同年份梨杂交实生苗锈病病情指数概率分布差别较大;田间发病条件下,病害分布呈多峰型,人工接种呈单峰型;同一年份不同时期杂交实生苗对梨锈病的抗病性不一致;梨锈病病情指数与桧柏和梨树间的距离呈极显著负相关,相关性逐年增强.[结论]梨树杂交苗单株对梨锈病抗性年份间有差异,同一年内不同时期也不一致;对锈病人工接种鉴定,应进行多次接种,才能筛选出综合抗性较强的单株;进行田间抗性鉴定时应考虑梨树与桧柏距离对病害的影响.  相似文献   

为解决传统喷施系统农药利用率低的问题,设计基于双阀控制的精准间歇式喷施系统.针对喷施系统多能域相互耦合的特点,采用键合图方法建立系统状态方程,并基于20-sim键合图仿真平台进行仿真计算,得到不同压力工况下的喷雾压力动态特性.试验研究喷施系统在0.2、0.3和0.4 MPa压力下喷头的喷雾压力动态特性,并采用轮廓分析统...  相似文献   

进行不同浓度沼液与农药配施防治翠冠梨病害的田间药效试验,结果表明:在农药中添加浓度为25%及50%沼液处理比单纯使用药剂(对照)对翠冠梨病害的防效更好,病叶率、病果率均比对照低.说明在对农药中添加25%~50%浓度的沼液防治翠冠梨病害有增效作用.  相似文献   

基于EDA技术的自动立木整枝机无线遥控接收系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析自动立木整枝机工作过程和控制要求的基础上,该文详细阐述了自动立木整枝机无线遥控接收系统的组成及工作原理,进而采用电子设计自动化(EDA)技术设计了自动立木整枝机无线遥控接收系统的数字控制逻辑.通过优化CPLD内部逻辑电路,有效消除了逻辑竞争冒险.仿真结果表明,该系统控制可靠性较高,能有效提高自动立木整枝机的功能安全性.   相似文献   

美人酥梨是中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所1989年应用幸水梨与火把梨进行人工有性杂交,选育出的具有国际领先水平的优质梨新品种。经全国多省(市、自治区)试种结果表明,该新品种梨果实卵圆形,阳面鲜红,单果重275 g,果肉乳白,酥脆多汁,石细胞少,风味酸甜浓香可口,可溶性固形物含量15.5%;生长势强,结果早,丰产稳产,抗性强,适应性广。  相似文献   

介绍了一种测试电喷发动机传感器性能的测试仪器,该仪器可以测试、模拟各类传感器的性能信号,具有多功能、智能化、使用方便等特点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于STC89C52 单片机实现模糊PID 控制鸡舍大棚内温度控制方法;为解 决常规PID 控制算法无法适应复杂的、非线性的、时变的控制系统问题,采用热电偶传感器对鸡舍温 度进行实时监控,结合热电偶本身的非线性特点,采用单片机与模糊PID 相结合进行温度控制,从而 提高响应的速度和对温度的控制精度,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

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