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Effects of grazing management systems (GS) on biomass production and nutritional quality of rangeland vegetation in semiarid regions are extensively studied; however, limited information is available regarding their effects on diet digestibility and feed intake of grazing livestock. We therefore analyzed digestibility of ingested organic matter (dOM), organic matter intake (OMI), and live weight gain (LWG) of sheep in a grazing experiment established in the Inner Mongolian steppe of China, where two GS were tested for six different grazing intensities (GI) from very light to heavy grazing. For the continuous grazing system, sheep grazed the same plots each year, and for the alternating system, grazing and hay making were alternated annually between two adjacent plots. In July, August, and September 2009 and 2010, feed intake and live weight of sheep were determined. The GS did not affect dOM (P = 0.101), OMI (P = 0.381), and LWG of sheep (P = 0.701). Across both GS LWG decreased from 98 g · d-1 for GI1 to 62 g · d-1 for GI6 (P &spilt; 0.001; R2 = 0.42). There were no interactions between GS and GI for all measured parameters (P ≥ 0.061), indicating that alternating grazing did not compensate for negative effects of heavy grazing even after 4 yr of grassland use. In summary, our study showed that irrespective of GI, alternating grassland use does not improve dOM, OMI, and hence, LWG of sheep. However, it might enhance revenues and ecological sustainability in the long term when compared to the common practice of continuous grazing at very high stocking rates.  相似文献   

中国北方放牧绵羊硒的营养状况和季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对我国4省区15个牧场300只放牧绵羊血浆和粪硒含量的采集和分析发现,在全年的部分时间,甘肃省的各个牧场和新疆的巩乃斯羊场均存在着硒的供给不足。此种现象在夏季和秋季表现最为明显,而此时动物和牧草生长最快。此时若不给予适量的硒,很容易使动物产生硒缺乏。对羔羊尤其需要引起注意,即使在夏季草场放牧时,也需给羔羊补硒  相似文献   

在1990~1997年定量放牧基础上,分别就绵羊生产性能对放牧率的反应、草-畜互作关系对放牧管理方式的响应、不同放牧制度对绵羊食性的影响、放牧绵羊的食量与营养需要进行了论述.  相似文献   

内蒙古细毛羊日食量及对典型草原牧草的选食性测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
家畜对牧草的选食系数及基季节变化是草场评价和放牧决策的基础,家的采食量是评估草平衡的基本参数,在内蒙古典型草原区,对内蒙古细毛羊日食量与牧草无穷生测定表明,其日采食胆整个生长季平均为2.06kg干物质,其季节动态为春季低,夏季高,秋季居中,在所研究草场上选食羊草、扁蓿豆、双齿葱、木地肤和糙隐子草等,而避弃大针茅、寸草 和星毛委陵菜等,为合理放牧提供了依据。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究北方典型草原放牧蒙古羊瘤胃细菌菌群结构和多样性随季节变化的规律。随机选取北方典型草原上终年放牧不补饲的6只蒙古羊,在冬季(1月)、春季(4月)、夏季(6月牧草生长期和8月牧草旺盛期)和秋季(10月中旬),通过口腔采取瘤胃液,利用MiSeq测序技术分析了不同季节、不同牧草生长时期瘤胃细菌种群的结构和多样性。结果表明,放牧蒙古羊瘤胃细菌在夏季牧草生长旺盛期操作分类单元(OTU)和多样性最高,冬季最少,瘤胃细菌夏季和冬季OTU和多样性都差异显著(P<0.05)。在门水平上,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,56.93%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,21.52%)为蒙古羊瘤胃中的优势细菌种群;厚壁菌门OTU在8月达到最大值,拟杆菌门OTU在6月达到最大值,均与其他月份差异显著(P<0.05)。在科水平上,瘤胃菌科(Ruminococcaceae,19.09%)、毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,16.98%)、克里斯蒂娜科(Christensenellaceae,12.11%)、普雷沃氏菌科(Prevotellaceae,8.51%)和理研菌科(Rikenellaceae,8.27%)是蒙古羊瘤胃中的优势种群,分别在夏季(6月或8月)数量达到峰值。在属水平上,普雷沃氏菌属(Prevotella,4.79%)、丁酸弧菌属(Butyrivibrio,1.77%)和瘤胃球菌属(Ruminococcus,1.27%)含量最高。因此,北方牧区放牧蒙古羊瘤胃细菌以厚壁菌门的瘤胃菌科数量最高,是典型的消化纤维素细菌,符合以牧草为饲的放牧羊的特征。  相似文献   

选择15只甘肃高山细毛羊成年母羊,采用链烷法测定四季干物质采食量和牧草消化率,其结果为:每只成年母羊春夏秋冬四季干物质采食量分别为0.85,1.36,1.48和0.75kg·d~(-1),成年母羊每kg代谢体重四季采食量分别为61.72,93.86,93.83和47.99g·(w0.75kg)-1。每只甘肃高山细羊春夏秋冬四季代谢能食入量分别为6.11,13.30,13.99和5.08 MJ·d~(-1);粗蛋白质食入量分别为71.49,212.31,188.26和43.83g·d~(-1);钙食入量分别为2.27,8.22,9.61和2.58g·d~(-1);磷食入量分别为0.94,4.98,5.87和1.01g·d~(-1)。甘肃高山细毛羊成年母羊春夏秋冬四季牧草干物质消化率分别为44.65%,64.02%,57.73%和45.98%,四季牧草粗蛋白质消化率分别为47.40%,62.69%,59.67%和48.05%。  相似文献   

为探究放牧方式对青藏高原高寒草地家畜的采食量和植物补偿生长的影响,本试验在环青海湖流域高寒草地设置放牧方式(牦牛单独放牧、藏羊单独放牧、牦牛和藏羊1:2混牧、牦牛和藏羊1:4混牧、牦牛和藏羊1:6混牧)控制试验,以期确定草地的承载力,并为制定合理的草地管理措施提供依据。试验结果表明:在群落水平上,家畜的采食量在藏羊(Ovis aries)单独放牧以及牦牛(Bos grunniens)与藏羊1:2混牧方式下,显著高于其他方式(P<0.05);在功能群水平上,藏羊单独放牧与牦牛和藏羊1:2混牧这2种放牧方式下家畜对豆科植物的采食量较高;藏羊单独放牧与牦牛和藏羊1:2混牧植物的补偿生长能力显著高于其他放牧方式(P<0.05)。研究表明:藏羊单独放牧时,其采食量最高;牦牛和藏羊1:2混牧的放牧方式对植物补偿性生长的促进作用最明显。因此,从放牧家畜采食量与植物补偿生长两方面考虑,在青藏高原高寒草地藏羊单独放牧与牦牛和藏羊1:2混牧的放牧方式较为合理。  相似文献   

放牧绵羊牧食行为及采食量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在锡林郭勒草原对三种放牧绵羊(蒙古羊、引种羊、杂种羊)进行不同月份的牧食行为观察及采食量测定,结果表明:放牧绵羊9月份的采食时间比例均高于8月份;沙质草地放牧绵羊的采食和游走时间比例低于高平原草地;蒙古羊、引种羊和杂种羊沙质草地的平均采食量分别为1.15kg/d、1.60kg/d和1.35kg/d,高平原草地为1.56kg/d、1.82kg/d和1.71kg/d,分别相差0.41kg/d、0.22kg/d和0.36kg/d。  相似文献   

该试验在内蒙古锡林郭勒草原沙质草地放牧条件下,分别对4月龄和6月龄杂种羊、引种羊和蒙古羊的牧食行为、生产性能以及羊肉品质进行了比较研究,并探讨了年龄对绵羊生产性能与肉品质的影响。  相似文献   

甘南玛曲不同年龄欧拉型藏羊放牧采食量季节动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确立高寒地区天然草地欧拉型藏羊放牧采食量的季节动态变化,本试验采用TiO2外源指示剂法和瘤胃尼龙袋法分别测定欧拉型藏羊不同季节排粪量和牧草消化率从而计算放牧采食量。结果表明:玛曲高寒草地牧草干物质消化率(DMD)和粗蛋白(CP)含量夏季显著(P < 0.05)高于冬春季与秋季;欧拉型藏羊各年龄段排粪量3季差异显著(P < 0.05)且秋季 > 夏季 > 冬春季;随着年龄增长,欧拉型藏羊三季牧草采食量均有增大的趋势,同年龄段不同季节的藏羊采食量和代谢采食量(除4岁母羊)差异显著(P < 0.05)且秋季 > 夏季 > 冬春季;各年龄段藏羊累计牧草消耗量(AFC)差异显著(P < 0.05)分别为339.37,757.58,1185.93和1655.61 kg。由此可见,牧草干机物质消化率、排粪量和采食量夏秋季较高、冬春季较低,随着年龄增大排粪量和采食量有增高的趋势。因此,在高寒牧区应提倡草地季节性畜牧业,充分考虑牧草营养与动物营养需求之间的耦合性来提高经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

在探究荒漠草原主要植物种群及群落特征对放牧利用方式的响应规律时,不仅可以明确荒漠草原植物群落的变化规律,亦可以探讨作为荒漠草原群落重要组成部分的主要植物种群变化特征和规律,二者结合有利于掌握荒漠草原植物群落结构和功能的变化形式。试验选取内蒙古自治区苏尼特右旗短花针茅荒漠草原为研究对象,设置6个放牧处理,采用随机区组排列(3个区组,即3次重复),选取主要植物种群(短花针茅、无芒隐子草和碱韭)、植物群落的高度、盖度、密度和现存量为研究指标,运用最优母序列关联度分析方法,探讨主要植物种群、群落在放牧处理间、放牧季节间的关联序。结果表明,春季休牧+夏季重度放牧+秋季适度放牧的SA1处理区可以作为草地可持续利用的首选,其次是全年适度放牧的SA5处理区。采用最优母序列关联度评价草地具有简单便捷的特点。  相似文献   

放牧绵羊牧食习性的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本试验在短花针茅荒漠草原采用跟群放牧全日制观察法,研究了不同放牧强度和放牧制度下绵羊的牧食习性,结果表明,随着放牧强度的增大,绵羊的采集时间增加,反刍卧息时间减少,放牧强度相同时,划区轮牧绵羊的采食时间较季节连牧短,反刍卧息时间和游走时间增加,随着放牧强度的增加,绵羊采食量下降,放牧强度相同时,划区轮牧绵羊的采食量较季节连牧高。  相似文献   

侯东杰  郭柯 《草地学报》2021,29(1):141-148
为阐明典型草原生长季放牧过程中植物养分的动态变化,本研究在2017年生长季的不同放牧阶段(放牧早期、放牧中期和休牧后)对不同放牧强度影响下内蒙古典型草原主要物种克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)和糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)的碳(Carbon,...  相似文献   

Grazing plays a key role in many ecosystems worldwide and can affect the structure and composition of terrestrial plant communities. Nonetheless, how grazing management, especially grazing regime (yearlong continuous and seasonal grazing), affects the relationship between grazing and vegetation on alpine grasslands has not been extensively studied. Here, we performed a grazing experiment in Gangcha county of Qinghai province of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to test the effects of different stocking rates and grazing regimes on grassland biomass and plant structure and composition. Six stocking rates (ranging from 0 to 5.62 sheep ha? 1) were used for continuous grazing, and three grazing intensities (1.72, 2.87, and 5.62 sheep ha? 1) were used for seasonal grazing (grazed only in the growing season, from June to October) at the study sites. Plant biomass and grass functional community composition were characterized in two different yr (2011 and 2012). Additionally, species richness and plant diversity indexes were estimated to quantify the impacts of grazing on plant community composition. Our results indicated that grazing intensity best explained the plant biomass decrease in low-productivity environments, and different grazing regimes also influenced these results. The shifts in plant community structure and composition in response to increased grazing intensity differed considerably between continuous grazing and seasonal grazing. Seasonal grazing maintained greater amounts of palatable plant species, and fewer undesirable species in plant communities when compared with the composition after continuous grazing. Our results emphasize the importance of grazing regime in regulating the effects of grazing on plant communities and the importance of seasonal grazing for ecosystem maintenance, especially in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. This suggests that periodic resting of grasslands could be a good management strategy to keep palatable species, thereby minimizing undesirable species in the overall species composition.  相似文献   

以青藏高原高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸为对象,研究不同放牧强度对草甸群落植物多样性、土壤化学性状及土壤有效态微量元素的影响,旨在为高山嵩草草甸生态系统保护和恢复提供科学依据。结果表明:随着放牧牦牛强度的增加,高山嵩草草甸群落的盖度、群落物种数、物种多样性、地上生物量均显著降低,重度放牧与对照间差异显著(P<0.05),而适度放牧与对照间差异不显著;放牧对土壤化学性状的影响主要表现为,随着放牧强度增加,0~30 cm土层中有机质、速效氮、全磷和速效磷含量减少,而适度放牧全氮含量与对照间差异不显著。适度放牧下10~20 cm土层中全磷和速效磷含量显著增加,与对照和重度放牧相比差异显著(P<0.05)。不同放牧强度下土壤有效态微量元素Fe,Mn,Cu和Zn的含量差异显著(P<0.05)。不同放牧强度对高山嵩草草甸的土壤有效态微量元素含量影响不同,从高到低依次为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu。因此,适度放牧是保护高山嵩草草甸植物多样性、维护土壤养分以及提高草地生产力的有效途径。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1940s US sheep inventory has experienced dramatic declines, which has weakened the sheep industry significantly, making it increasingly important to analyze potential policy implications that could affect US sheep inventories in the future. Public grazing lands are often used in sheep production, especially within the western United States. The public grazing fee is, therefore, a cost within the production of sheep. A US sheep model applying capital stock inventory accounting methodology is developed to model both the supply and demand within the joint sheep and wool industries. The model is used to create a baseline projection for the next several years. Various public grazing fee policies are created to demonstrate the effects of the policies on the levels of sheep inventory and sheep and wool production within the country. Results indicate removing the public grazing fee (set at $0/animal unit month) may slow the rate of decline but would not be effective at reversing the declining trend. This suggests reducing the public grazing fee is not a viable policy option to help bring stability to the sheep and wool industries. However, projections indicate raising the grazing fee would have a substantial adverse effect on the industries. Consideration should be given to these results as grazing fee policy is adjusted moving forward.  相似文献   

贝加尔针茅草原植物多样性及土壤养分对放牧干扰的响应   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
以贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis Roshev.)草甸草原为研究对象,研究不同强度放牧干扰对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性、土壤理化性状及养分特征的影响。结果表明:随着放牧强度的增加,群落物种数、植物多样性和植被盖度均显著降低;放牧干扰对土壤理化性状的影响主要表现在,随着放牧强度的增加,土壤容重升高,土壤含水量减小,重度放牧草地土壤容重增加到1.35g/cm3,含水量仅为12.37%;放牧导致土壤有机碳格局发生改变,轻度放牧下表层(0-10cm)土壤有机碳含量逐渐降低,但有机碳向深层土壤的转移量增加,深层土壤(10-20cm、20-30cm)有机碳含量均显著高于其它样地,且整个剖面土壤有机碳含量较对照样地提高了7.19%。土壤全氮含量(0-10cm、10-20cm)在轻度放时有所增加,中度放牧全氮含量显著高于其它样地,全磷含量除了在重度放牧时显著降低,在其它样地间均无显著差异。研究表明植物多样性、地上地下生物量的增加及土壤有机碳格局的改变是贝加尔针茅草原对轻度放牧干扰的一种响应,而重度放牧,草地植物多样性减少、植被盖度降低、土壤物理性状发生改变、养分资源趋于匮乏,草地出现退化的迹象。  相似文献   

Traditional upland livestock grazing is declining worldwide, leading to concerns about possible impacts on biodiversity. Although monitoring of protected areas often focuses on rare species, management changes also affect currently common species and vegetation structure. “Biodiversity” is a concept rather than a simple variable, and monitoring it requires indicators that are widely applicable and appropriate to context. This paper presents a novel knowledge-driven approach to developing a selection of biodiversity indicators that can then be rapidly and objectively measured within rangeland environments. Stakeholder and professional opinion on likely changes in biodiversity following reductions in sheep grazing was elicited using a workshop-based process. Potential variables suitable for use as biodiversity indicators were developed and professional opinion on their usefulness sought. A number of indicators were then tested in a natural experiment field study on the impact of reduced sheep grazing in Scotland. In the field study, red deer abundance appeared to increase where sheep grazing was reduced. It was therefore necessary to use estimates of both sheep and deer abundance as explanatory variables. In agreement with the professionals’ predictions, dwarf shrub abundance and vegetation height were greater where sheep grazing had been reduced, after taking into account differences in deer. In contrast to the professionals’ predictions, the field results showed rough grasses and dead material were less abundant where sheep had been reduced, with deer also having an impact on dead material. The professionals were unsure of the effects of reduced sheep grazing on vegetation mosaic structure; the field results suggested that reduced sheep grazing leads to a reduction in structural heterogeneity, but that deer had the greater impact in this case. Several other predictions showed nonsignificant differences in relation to reduced sheep grazing. The participatory method and some of the field methods presented are cost effective and widely applicable.  相似文献   

为探索季节性休牧对植物群落及空间异质性的影响,本研究对内蒙古草甸草原季节性休牧样地进行网格采样,该草地设置连续放牧CG、早期休牧RE(6月15日—7月15日)、中期休牧RM(7月15日—8月15日)和晚期休牧RL (8月15日—9月15日)4种管理方式,结合统计学分析方法研究不同休牧时间处理下植物群落空间分布格局。结果表明:RM地上生物量、盖度和高度显著高于其他组;RE和RL的Shannon指数和物种丰富度显著高于CG和RM;RM增加了禾草生物量占比;CG和RM生物量分布均匀;RE表现为随机分布,RL表现为斑块分布;四种放牧方式的物种丰富度表现为斑块分布;CG和RM物种均匀度指数表现为斑块分布;RE分布均匀;RL均匀度表现为随机分布。综上所述,RM能够提高植物群落地上生物量,促进植物均匀分布、而RE和RL能够增加物种多样性。  相似文献   

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