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A polynucleate Rhizoctonia isolate (R3) was analysed for virulence, growth characteristics, enzyme production and presence of dsRNAs. Taxonomic position was assessed morphologically and by anastomosis group (AG) testing and ITS sequence analysis. Results indicated that R3 is a hypovirulent R. solani AG 4. Mechanisms underlying biocontrol towards virulent R. solani and Botrytis cinerea were investigated and plant-mediated resistance was followed using biochemical markers of defence (PR1, laminarinase, chitinase). Control apparently relies on spatial and nutrient competition in soil, and on systemic induced resistance. This is the first report on induction of systemic resistance and of defence markers by a hypovirulent strain of R. solani.  相似文献   

UV irradiation enhanced the resistance of grapefruit against the development of green mold décay caused byPenicillium digitatum, the main postharvest pathogen of citrus fruit, and significantly inhibited the fungus’ growth at the fruit wound sites. Immunoblotting analysis using specific citrus chitinase and β-1,3-endoglucanase antibodies, showed that UV irradiation, wounding of the fruit, or a combination of these two treatments, induced the accumulation of a 25 kD chitinase protein in the fruit’s peel tissue. On the other hand, UV irradiation or wounding of the fruit alone was unable to induce the accumulation of 39 and 43 kD β-1,3-endoglucanase proteins, but the combination of the two treatments increased these protein levels. It is suggested that both chitinase and β-1,3-endoglucanase may play a role in the UV-induced resistance of grapefruit againstP. digitatum. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 403/99. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting June 3, 1999.  相似文献   

The synthetic 1-oxo-indanoyl-l-isoleucine methyl ester (Ind-Ile-Me) represents a highly active mimic of octadecanoic phytohormones, which are involved in plant defenses against pathogens and pests. Seed treatments and foliar spray with Ind-Ile-Me were tested for induced resistance against downy mildew disease caused by the phytopathogenic oomycete Sclerospora graminicola in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) under greenhouse and field conditions. Under greenhouse conditions, a 50% protection level was achieved after seed treatment. Seed treatment in combination with foliar spray resulted in 60% protection. The induction of resistance was correlated with the enhanced activities of defense-related proteins such as phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase, peroxidase, and enhanced level of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins. Under field conditions, a maximum protection of 62% was recorded upon seed treatment along with foliar spray. Hence, it infers that Ind-Ile-Me can be used as a valuable protection compound at least in downy mildew disease management.  相似文献   

When lower leaves of rice plants were inoculated with powder formulation of a saprophytic strain ofPseudomonas fluorescens, Pfl, upper leaves, in addition to the inoculated lower leaves, showed resistance to the rice bacterial blight pathogenXanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae. When the leaves were challenge-inoculated withX. oryzae pv.oryzae 4 days afterP. fluorescens application on lower leaves, the disease intensity in upper leaves decreased from 6.7 to 1.1. When rice seeds were treated with the formulation ofP. fluorescens Pfl and sown, 30-day-old seedlings showed resistance toX. oryzae pv.oryzae and the disease intensity decreased from 6.8 to 1.2. The induced resistance was transient; leaves sprayed withP. fluorescens Pfl at 30 days after treatment and leaves of 60-day-old seedlings fromP. fluorescens-treated seeds did not show resistance to the pathogen. In field trials, seed treatment followed by foliar application of the powder formulation ofP. fluorescens Pfl effectively controlled rice bacterial blight and increased the yield. In the induced resistant leaves a sharp increase in lignification and activities of peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and 4-coumarate: CoA ligase was observed when the leaves were challenge-inoculated withX. oryzae pv.oryzae. An approximately threefold increase in lignin content, peroxidase activity and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and a fivefold increase in 4-coumarate: CoA ligase activity were observed 5 days after challenge inoculation withX. oryzae pv.oryzae in rice leaves pretreated withP. fluorescens for 5 days. A similar increase in defense-related activities was not observed in susceptible interactions or inP. fluorescens-treated plants at later stages of interactions when no resistance to the pathogen was observed.  相似文献   

Plants have developed mechanisms to resist secondary infection upon inoculation with a necrotizing pathogen, chemical treatment as well as treatment with some non-pathogenic microorganisms such as rhizosphere bacteria. This phenomenon has been variously described as induced systemic resistance (ISR) or systemic acquired resistance. In the present study, the chemical benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid-S-methyl ester (BTH, acibenzolar-S-methyl), and the rhizobacteriaPseudomonas aeruginosa KMPCH andP. fluorescens WCS417 were tested for their ability to induce resistance toColletotrichum lindemuthianum in susceptible and moderately resistant bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). BTH induced local and systemic resistance when bean leaves were immersed in 10−3 to 10−7 M BTH 3 days before the challenge inoculation. At a high concentration (10−3 M), BTH induced resistance of the same order as resistance induced by the pathogenC. lindemuthianum, although at this high concentration BTH appeared to be phytotoxic. Soil and seed treatment with 1 mg kg−1 BTH protected beans against anthracnose. BTH-mediated induced resistance was effective in susceptible and moderately resistant plants.P. aeruginosa KMPCH induced resistance in bean againstC. lindemuthianum only in a moderately resistant interaction. KMPCH-567, a salicylic acid mutant of KMPCH, failed to induce resistance, indicating that salicylic acid is important for KMPCH to induce resistance in the bean—C. lindemuthianum system.P.fluorescens WCS417 could induce resistance toC. lindemuthianum in a susceptible and in moderately resistant interactions. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 16, 2002.  相似文献   

Among 153 isolates ofRhizoctonia spp. obtained from 95 soil samples collected from different fields in the USA, 42 (27.5%) isolates were hypovirulent or non-pathogenic on cabbage (tested on tap water agar plus 250 μg/ml chloramphenicol plates). Of these, 14 (33.3% of the np-R) isolates protected >60% of the cabbage seedlings againstR. solani, and the best eight isolates protected 73–95% of the cucumber seedlings. The np-R isolates RU56-8 (AG-P) and RU89-1 [AG-B(o)] induced the highest resistance against hypocotyl challenge inoculation with virulentR. solani (38.3–85.7%), whereas most of the challenged control seedlings (85–100%) collapsed. Similarly, isolates RU56-8 and RU89-1 induced the highest resistance (22.2–87.5%) against hypocotyl challenge inoculation withPythium aphanidermatum, whereas most of the challenged control seedlings collapsed (90–100%). Isolates RU56-8 and RU89-1 significantly reduced the lesion numbers and area/leaf (to 8.9–42.0% of the control) caused by challenge inoculation of the first true leaves withPseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans. No np-R isolate could be recovered from the upper hypocotyls or from the leaves, indicating that there was no contact between the inducer and the pathogen. Root colonization with some np-R increased seedling tolerance to low soil moisture levels.  相似文献   

Of the three isomers of aminobutyric acid, only the β isomer (BABA) was effective in inducing resistance against Peronospora parasitica , the causal agent of downy mildew, in cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea var. botrytis ). A single foliar spray applied to 7-day-old seedlings protected the plants against Peronospora parasitica for at least 15 days. Of the enantiomers (R and S), only the R was effective. Resistance was accompanied by a hypersensitive-like reaction (necrotic spots) which was evident before inoculation. BABA was systemically effective when applied to the roots, but failed to protect cotyledons adjacent to treated ones. Unlike other chemical inducers, BABA was effective when applied several hours postinoculation. It had no effect on P. parasitica spore germination. In cauliflower seedlings, BABA did not induce the accumulation of the pathogenesis-related protein PR-1, PR-2, PR-3, PR-5 and PR-9. Only treated and challenged seedlings accumulated PR-2.  相似文献   

The culture filtrate (CF) from the plant growth-promoting fungus Phoma sp. GS8-1 was found to induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana against the bacterial leaf speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst), and the underlying mechanism was studied. Roots of A. thaliana were treated with CF from GS8-1, and plants expressed a clear resistance to subsequent Pst infection; disease severity was reduced, and proliferation of pathogen was suppressed. Various mutants of A. thaliana were used to test whether the CF induced resistance through one of the known signaling pathways: salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET). The CF was fully protective against Pst in Arabidopsis mutants jar1 and ein2 similar to wild-type plants. However, its efficacy was reduced in plants containing transgene NahG. Examination of systemic gene expression revealed that CF modulates the expression of SA-inducible PR-1, PR-2 and PR-5 genes, the JA/ET-inducible ChitB gene, and the ET-inducible Hel gene. Moreover, the expression of these genes was further enhanced upon subsequent stimulation after attack by Pst. Our data suggest that in addition to a partial requirement for SA, the signals JA and ET may also play a role in defense signaling in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Resistance of Brassica napus (oilseed rape, canola) conferred by three different major resistance genes has been overcome by changes in virulence of Leptosphaeria maculans populations in France and Australia. In South Australia where B. napus cultivars with major gene resistance derived from Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris were grown extensively, resistance was rendered ineffective within 3 years of commercial release of the cultivar. Disease severity was higher on cultivars with sylvestris-derived resistance than cultivars with polygenic resistance. This Australian situation is compared to that in France, where resistance conferred by the Rlm1 gene was overcome nation-wide in 5 years under commercial cropping practices, and also where a source of resistance introgressed into B. napus from B. juncea was rendered inefficient in 3 years in experimental field plots near Rennes.  相似文献   

Inoculation of tomato seeds with the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense, or spraying tomato foliage with A. brasilense, streptomycin sulfate, or commercial copper bactericides, separately, before or after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, the casual agent of bacterial speck of tomato, had no lasting effect on disease severity or on plant height and dry weight. Seed inoculation with A. brasilense combined with a single streptomycin foliar treatment and two foliar bactericide applications at 5-day intervals (a third or less of the recommended commercial dose) reduced disease severity in tomato seedlings by over 90% after 4 weeks, and significantly slowed disease development under mist conditions. A. brasilense did not induce significant systemic resistance against the pathogen although the level of salicylic acid increased in inoculated plants. Treatment of tomato seeds that were artificially inoculated with P. syringae pv. tomato, with a combination of mild chemo-thermal treatment, A. brasilense seed inoculation, and later, a single foliar application of a copper bactericide, nearly eliminated bacterial leaf speck even when the plants were grown under mist for 6 weeks. This study shows that a combination of otherwise ineffective disease management tactics, when applied in concert, can reduce bacterial speck intensity in tomatoes under mist conditions.  相似文献   

为明确帚枝霉属Sarocladium内生生防真菌HND5菌株外泌激发子蛋白SbES的诱导辣椒抗病作用机理,通过构建SbES蛋白的毕赤酵母Pichia pastoris重组蛋白表达菌株,利用纯化后的SbES重组蛋白处理辣椒植株,检测辣椒对棒孢叶斑病的抗性,以及相关抗病反应与抗病基因表达的变化。结果表明,0.1 mg/mL SbES重组蛋白可有效诱导辣椒产生对棒孢叶斑病的抗性,可激发辣椒叶片活性氧爆发、微过敏反应和胼胝质积累等抗病反应;并能有效提高辣椒叶片中与活性氧爆发、过敏性反应、胼胝质合成和植保素合成等抗病反应相关基因,以及水杨酸、茉莉酸和乙烯信号传导关键基因的表达。推测帚枝霉属内生真菌激发子蛋白SbES可通过激活多种抗病信号传导途径来激发辣椒产生对棒孢叶斑病的抗性。  相似文献   

Parasitic plants are becoming a severe constraint on major agricultural crops in Mediterranean and tropical countries and the efficacy of available means of control is minimal. The problem is particularly severe in field pea, which is very sensitive to standard glyphosate treatments and in which little resistance has been identified. Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) has proven to be effective as a tool for controlling plant pathogens, including fungi, bacteria and viruses, but only recently has this phenomenon started to be evaluated as a control strategy against parasitic weeds. The present studies were conducted to evaluate the potential of SAR activation for broomrape control in pea. The effect of salicylic acid, glutathione and benzothiadiazole (BTH) in three different application methods was studied. Foliar application of 0.6–1.0 mM BTH, in the form of Bion 50 (50% a.i.), reduced broomrape infection under controlled conditions (growth chamber and greenhouse) by limiting the success in attachment and retarding the development of established tubercles. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 1, 2003.  相似文献   

Elicitin and a new protein 75 kDa elicitor were purified from the culture filtrate of Phytophthora palmivora, a pathogen of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber plant). Elicitin was obtained by using a one step of DEAE cellulose chromatography and the new elicitor was obtained by two steps of chromatography: a DEAE cellulose column followed by a hydrophobic column. Both elicitors were stable to heat and a wide range of pH values, but were sensitive to ProteaseK. Both elicitors induced scopoletin, peroxidase isozymes (with substrate o-dianisidine and scopoletin) and total phenolic compounds in cell suspension of H. brasiliensis with similar kinetics. In addition, both elicitors induced peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine), total phenolic compounds and enhanced local resistance against P. palmivora on young rubber tree seedlings. However, the increase of peroxidase enzyme and total phenolic compounds in rubber tree seedlings was different from those in cell suspension. Furthermore, during the expression of local resistance the zoospore of P. palmivora induced the peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine) more rapidly and with higher level than the control plants. H. brasiliensis is more responsive to the new elicitor than elicitin in triggering defense responses. That is the new elicitor was active at a concentration lower than those required for elicitin, about a 30-fold decrease for activation defense responses in cell suspension. For induction of peroxidase enzyme (o-dianisidine), phenolic compounds and local resistance of rubber plants against P. palmivora, the 75 kDa protein was active at about a 2-fold lower concentration when compared to elicitin.  相似文献   

Inoculation of first expanded leaves of pea seedlings with an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi , or treatment with sprays of a benzothiadiazole (20 or 100  μ g a.i. mL−1), decreased the susceptibility of subsequent leaves 7 or 14 days later to challenge inoculation with Mycosphaerella pinodes . Inoculation of first leaves with a virulent strain of P. syringae pv. pisi or with M. pinodes did not decrease the susceptibility of plants to M. pinodes . Treatments effective in decreasing susceptibility to M. pinodes were similarly active against Uromyces viciae-fabae and virulent P. syringae pv. pisi . Effective treatments also enhanced the activities of the enzymes β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in untreated upper leaves 6 days later. Ineffective treatments for decreased susceptibility had no effect on the activity of the enzymes. None of the treatments enhanced peroxidase activities. The results are discussed in relation to the reported signalling effects of the benzothiadiazole and in relation to a suggested high activity of the avirulent P. syringae pv. pisi strain and inactivity of M. pinodes in enhancing natural signalling.  相似文献   

In the strawberry crop area of Tucumán (north-west Argentina) the three species of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose disease (C. acutatum, C. fragariae and C. gloeosporioides) were detected. Among all isolates characterized, one of them identified as C. acutatum (M11) and another as C. fragariae (F7) were selected due to their conspicuous interaction with the strawberry cultivar Pájaro. Whereas isolate M11 produced a strong compatible interaction in cv. Pájaro with clear disease symptoms (DSR = 5.0), the isolate F7 brought about a typical incompatible interaction (DSR = 1.0). When plants of cv. Pájaro were inoculated with F7 prior to the inoculation with M11, the former avirulent strain prevented the growth of the latter virulent pathogen. Experimental evidence indicated that the time elapsed between the first inoculation with the avirulent pathogen and the second inoculation with the virulent one was crucial to inhibit the growth of the latter. The growth of F7 on the plant without provoking damage and the fact that there was no in vitro antagonistic effect between the pathogens, suggests that the avirulent strain triggers a plant defensive response against M11. The defense response was further confirmed by the detection of an early oxidative burst occurring within 4 h after the first inoculation and by the observation of anatomical changes associated with defense mechanisms that lasted 50 days after the inoculation with F7. Results obtained support the hypothesis that the plant resistance against the virulent strain M11 is elicited by one or more diffusible(s) compound(s) produced by the avirulent strain F7.  相似文献   

In this paper we analysed the basis of insecticide resistance in 59 Italian strains of the peach potato aphid Myzus persicae using both molecular and biochemical assays. Our data as a whole clearly indicate that most M. persicae strains (76.3%) have high or extremely high production of an esterase enzyme which sequester and detoxify insecticides with esteric group. Kdr genotypes conferring resistance towards pyrethoids are present in 57.7% of the analysed populations. Moreover, 26.5% of the kdr positive strains possess also the M918T mutation conferring super-kdr phenotype. Strains with modified AChE (MACE) are not so numerous (27.1%), although they can be found almost everywhere in Italy. Considering all the strains analysed, both MACE and kdr phenotypes are associated with high levels of esterase activity. In Central–Southern regions, kdr and MACE resistance mechanisms resulted in linkage disequilibrium. Bioassays performed in order to evaluate the efficacy of a pyrethroid insecticide against a strain possessing a F979S mutation within its para-type sodium channel gene suggests that this amino acid substitution could affect the sodium channel responsivity to pyrethroids.  相似文献   

The colonization of plant roots with certain rhizosphere bacteria promotes plant growth and induces long lasting systemic protection against a broad spectrum of plant pathogens. The role of the global regulator, GacS, in the rhizosphere colonist Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6 in stimulating growth promotion and induced resistance against Cucumber mosaic virus was examined in tobacco. Responses were compared in tobacco cvs Samsun and GX3. Root colonization of Samsun with wild-type O6 and the gacS complemented mutant-elicited reduced viral symptoms and viral titre. On GX3, there was little affect on symptoms when roots were colonized by the wild-type, gacS mutant or complemented mutant but colonization by both the wild-type and the gacS mutant lowered viral titre. Wild-type O6 and the gacS mutant caused plant growth to be maintained in both tobacco cultivars after viral infection, although the affect was stronger with GX3 than Samsun. In contrast, although a chemical inducer, benzothiadiazole, reduced symptoms and viral titre in both cultivars, plant growth was suppressed. Our results indicate rhizobacteria-elicited induced viral resistance without a negative impact on growth but there was a differential response between cultivars. Detailed knowledge regarding the mechanisms inherent to these differences between cultivars requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Pathogen development and host responses in wheat spikes of resistant and susceptible cultivars infected by Fusarium culmorum causing Fusarium head blight (FHB), were investigated by means of electron microscopy as well as immunogold labelling techniques. The studies revealed similarities in the infection process and the initial spreading of the pathogen in wheat spikes between resistant and susceptible cultivars. However, the pathogen’s development was obviously more slow in the resistant cultivars as in comparison to a susceptible one. The structural defence reactions such as the formation of thick layered appositions and large papillae were essentially more pronounced in the infected host tissues of the resistant cultivars, than in the susceptible one. β -1,3-glucan was detected in the appositions and papillae. Furthermore, immunogold labelling of lignin demonstrated that there were no differences in the lignin contents of the wheat spikes between susceptible and resistant cultivars regarding the uninoculated healthy tissue, but densities of lignin in host cell walls of the infected wheat spikes differed distinctly between resistant and susceptible cultivars. The lignin content in the cell walls of the infected tissues of the susceptible wheat cultivar increased slightly, while the lignin accumulated intensely in the host cell walls of the infected wheat spikes of the resistant cultivars. These findings indicate that lignin accumulation in the infected wheat spikes may play an important role in resistance to the spreading of the pathogen in the host tissues. Immunogold labelling of the Fusarium toxin DON in the infected lemma showed the same labelling patterns in the host tissues of resistant and susceptible cultivars. However, there were distinct differences in the toxin concentration between the tissues of the susceptible and resistant cultivars. At the early stage of infection, the labelling densities for DON in resistant cultivars were significantly lower than those in the susceptible one. The present study indicates that the FHB resistant cultivars are able to develop active defence reactions during infection and spreading of the pathogen in the host tissues. The lower accumulation of the toxin DON in the tissues of the infected spikes of resistant cultivars which results from the host’s defence mechanisms may allow more intensive defence responses to the pathogen by the host.  相似文献   

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