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Conservation management decreases surface runoff and soil erosion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conservation management practices – including agroforestry, cover cropping, no-till, reduced tillage, and residue return – have been applied for decades to control surface runoff and soil erosion, yet results have not been integrated and evaluated across cropping systems. In this study we collected data comparing agricultural production with and without conservation management strategies. We used a bootstrap resampling analysis to explore interactions between practice type, soil texture, surface runoff, and soil erosion. We then used a correlation analysis to relate changes in surface runoff and soil erosion to 13 other soil health and agronomic indicators, including soil organic carbon, soil aggregation, infiltration, porosity, subsurface leaching, and cash crop yield. Across all conservation management practices, surface runoff and erosion had respective mean decreases of 67% and 80% compared with controls. Use of cover cropping provided the largest decreases in erosion and surface runoff, thus emphasizing the importance of maintaining continuous vegetative cover on soils. Coarse- and medium-textured soils had greater decreases in both erosion and runoff than fine-textured soils. Changes in surface runoff and soil erosion under conservation management were highly correlated with soil organic carbon, aggregation, porosity, infiltration, leaching, and yield, showing that conservation practices help drive important interactions between these different facets of soil health. This study offers the first large-scale comparison of how different conservation agriculture practices reduce surface runoff and soil erosion, and at the same time provides new insight into how these interactions influence the improvement or loss of soil health.  相似文献   

Vegetation patches in arid and semiarid areas are important in the regulation of surface hydrological processes. Canopy and ground covers developed in these fertility islands are a natural cushion against the impact energy of rainfall. Also, greater levels of organic matter improve the soil physicochemical properties, promoting infiltration and reducing runoff and soil erosion in comparison with the open spaces between them. During the 2006 rainy season, four USLE-type plots were installed around representative vegetation patches with predominant individual species of Huisache (Acacia sp), Mesquite (Prosopis sp), Prickly Pear or Nopal (Opuntia sp) and Cardon (Opuntia imbricata), to evaluate soil erosion and runoff, in semiarid Central Mexico. A comparative bare surface condition (Control) was also evaluated. Vegetative canopy and ground cover were computed using digital images. Selected soil parameters were determined. Soil erosion was different for the studied vegetation conditions, decreasing as canopy and ground cover increased. There were not significant differences in runoff and soil erosion between the Control and O.imbricata surfaces. Runoff was reduced by 87%, 87% and 98% and soil loss by 97%, 93%, and 99% for Acacia farnesiana, Prosopis laevigata and Opuntia sp, respectively, as compared to the Control. Soil surface physical conditions were different between the low vegetation cover conditions (Control and O.imbricata surfaces) and the greater vegetation cover conditions (A.farnesiana, P.laevigata and Opuntia sp), indicating a positive effect of vegetation patches on the regulation of surface hydrological processes.  相似文献   

Soil erosion from agricultural lands is a serious problem on the Chinese Loess Plateau. In total, 28 field rainfall simulations were carried on loamy soils under different management practices, namely conventional tillage (CT), no till with mulch (NTM), reduced tillage (RT), subsoiling with mulch (SSM), subsoiling without mulch (SS), and two crops per year (TC), to investigate (i) the effects of different soil management practices on runoff sediment and (ii) the temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration under different initial soil moisture conditions (i.e. initially dry soil surface, and wet surface) and rainfall intensity (85 and 170 mm h− 1) in the Chinese Loess Plateau. NTM was the best alternative in terms of soil erosion control. SSM reduced soil loss by more than 85% in 2002 compared to CT, and its effects on runoff reduction became more pronounced after 4 years consecutive implementation. SS also reduced considerably the runoff and soil loss, but not as pronounced as SSM. TC resulted in a significant runoff reduction (more than 92%) compared to CT in the initial ‘dry’ soil, but this effect was strongly reduced in the initial ‘wet’ soil. Temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration showed a large variation between the different treatments. In conclusion, NTM is the most favorable tillage practices in terms of soil and water conservation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. SSM can be regarded as a promising measure to improve soil and water conservation considering its beneficial effect on winter wheat yield.  相似文献   

Soil erosion contributes to the removal and redistribution of soil organic C from cultivated fields. The soil organic C content of wind erodible and water unstable aggregates is an important factor in determining the amount of carbon loss occurring in erosion processes. The relative distribution of organic carbon among aggregate size fractions may also affect the response of soils to erosion. Soil organic C distribution is dependent on the chosen management system. The effects of no-till, till, and grassland management systems on organic C content of erodible and non-erodible aggregates were examined in six Ustolls and two Usterts of central South Dakota. Organic C contents were related to dry- and wet-sieving to represent the potential influence of wind and water erosion on C loss in the absence of vegetative cover. Loss of aggregate stability in cultivated soils was associated with organic C loss. Most structural characteristics developed under tilled systems persisted after 6–16 years of no-till. Changes in distribution of organic C due to management systems were most evident in Ustolls where cultivation resulted in net soil C losses. Soil organic C was not significantly increased by the no-tillage practices applied in this on-farm study (in Ustolls 49 Mg ha−1 in no-till versus 41 Mg ha−1 in till, for 0–0.20 m depth). Soil properties of Usterts were less affected by land use and management practices due to the high shrink swell action and self-mixing. In both soil orders the greater concentration of organic C in the wind erodible (<1 mm) dry aggregate size fraction implies a high potential for organic C loss by erosion in addition to organic C loss from mineralization after tillage. Grassland when compared to cultivated topsoil showed the largest amounts of organic carbon stored and the minimal potential for erosion loss of soil organic C.  相似文献   

Crop production in Georgia and the Southeastern U.S. can be limited by water. Highly-weathered, drought-prone soils are susceptible to runoff and erosion. Rainfall patterns generate runoff producing storms followed by extended periods of drought during the crop growing season. Thus, supplemental irrigation is often needed to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water retention and soil conservation would efficiently improve water use and reduce irrigation amounts/costs and sedimentation, and sustain productive farm land, thus improving producer's profit margin. Soil amendments, such as flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, have been shown to retain rainfall and/or irrigation water through increased infiltration while decreasing runoff (R) and sediment (E). Objectives were to quantify rainfall partitioning and sediment delivery improvements with surface applied FGD gypsum from an Ultisol managed to conventional till (CT) and to assess the feasibility of using FGD gypsum on agricultural land in southern Georgia. A field study (Faceville loamy sand, Typic Kandiudult) was established (2006, 2007) near Dawson, GA managed to CT, irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). FGD gypsum application rates evaluated were 0, 1.1, 2.2, 4.5, and 9 Mg ha− 1. Gypsum treatments and simulated rainfall (50 mm h− 1 for 1 h) were applied to 2-m wide × 3-m long field plots (n = 3). Runoff and E were measured from each 6-m2 plot (slope = 1%). FGD gypsum plots averaged 26% more infiltration (INF), 40% less R, 58% less E, 27% lower maximum R rates (Rmax), and 2 times lower maximum E rates (Emax) than control plots. Values of INF and water for crop use increased, and R, E, Rmax, and Emax decreased as FGD gypsum application rate increased. Values of INF, R, E, Rmax, and Emax for 9 Mg ha− 1 plots were as much as 17% greater, 35% less, 1.9 times less, 35% less, and 1.9 times less than those from other FGD gypsum plots, respectively; and 40% greater, 40% less, 2.2 times less, 52% less, and 2.9 times less than those from control plots, respectively. Applying FGD gypsum to agricultural lands is a cost-effective management practice for producers in Georgia that beneficially impacts natural resource conservation, producer profit margins, and environmental quality. Agriculture in the Southeast provides a viable market for the electric power industry to convert disposal costs of FGD gypsum into a profitable commodity.  相似文献   

This study investigates potential changes in erosion rates in the Midwestern United States under climate change, including the adaptation of crop management to climate change. Previous studies of erosion under climate change have not taken into account farmer choices of crop rotations or planting dates, which will adjust to compensate for climate change. In this study, changes in management were assigned based on previous studies of crop yield, optimal planting date, and most profitable rotations under climate change in the Midwestern United States. Those studies predicted future shifts from maize and wheat to soybeans based on price and yield advantages to soybeans. In the results of our simulations, for 10 of 11 regions of the study area runoff increased from + 10% to + 310%, and soil loss increased from + 33% to + 274%, in 2040–2059 relative to 1990–1999. Soil loss changes were more variable compared to studies that did not take into account changes in management. Increased precipitation and decreasing cover from temperature-stressed maize were important factors in the results. The soil erosion model appeared to underestimate the impact of change in crop type, particularly to soybeans, meaning that erosion increases could be even higher than simulated. This research shows that future crop management changes due to climate and economics can affect the magnitude of erosional impacts beyond that which would be predicted from direct climate change alone. Prediction of future soil erosion can help in the management of valuable cropland and suggest the need for continually changing soil conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. A numerical model that incorporates the spatial variability of infiltration, surface storage and resistance to overland flow was developed, calibrated and validated for olive orchards. The model reproduced accurately amounts of runoff used in validation, and predicted runoff in olive orchards managed in different ways, in line with published results. The model was used to analyse the runoff generation in a virtual, 180 m length, 5% steep, olive grove, using 54 different scenarios which combined three different soil types, two tree canopy sizes and nine soil management techniques (four tillage scenarios: freshly or degraded tillage with and without a compacted plough layer; no-till, and four cover crops in strips differing in width and plant density). The results of the numerical experiment showed that no-till had the highest runoff coefficient, while a dense cover crop had the lowest. Recently tilled soils also exhibited some of the lowest runoff coefficients. The effects of increasing soil cover due to a greater tree canopy on runoff were significant and caused by the greater area of high infiltration beneath the canopy. Effects of tree canopy size were less important than the impact of soil management practices on runoff.  相似文献   

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