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The aim of the present study was to estimate genetic correlations between time at different racing distances in Thoroughbred racehorses based on data provided by Turftotal Ltda. The traits evaluated were times in seconds for distances of 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600 m, with a total of 32,145 races and 238,890 time records being analyzed. The (co)variance components necessary to obtain the genetic correlations were estimated using the MTGSAM program in a two-trait animal model. The model used for analysis of the data involved animal and permanent environmental random effects, and race, sex, age and post position at start as fixed effects. All genetic correlations were positive and ranged from medium (0.54) to high (0.93).  相似文献   

A total of 71 522 records (from 3154 horses) with the times per kilometre (TPK), recorded in Spanish Trotter horses (individual races) from racing performances held from 1991 to 2007, were available for this study. The TPK values for the different age groups (young and adult horses) and different distances (1600–2700 m) were considered as different traits, and a bi character random regression model (RRM) was applied to estimate the (co)variance components throughout the trajectory of age groups and distances. The following effects were considered as fixed: the combination of hippodrome‐date of race (404 levels); sex of the animals (3 levels); type of start (2 levels) and a fixed regression of Legendre polynomials (order 2). Those considered as random effects were the random regression Legendre polynomial (order 1) for animals (9201 animals in the pedigree); the individual environment permanent (3154 animals with data) and the driver (n = 957 levels). The residual variance was considered as heterogeneous with two classes (ages). The heritability estimated by distance ranged from 0.12 to 0.34, with a different trajectory for the two age groups. Within each age group, the genetic correlations between adjacent distances were high (>0.90), but decreased when the differences between them were over 400 metres for both age groups. The genetic correlations for the same distance across the age groups ranged from 0.47 to 0.78. Accordingly, the analysed trait (TPK) can be considered as positive genetic correlated but as different traits along the trajectory of distance and age. Therefore, some re‐ranking should be expected in the breeding value of the horses at different characteristics of the racing. The use of RRM is recommended because it allows us to estimate the breeding value along the whole trajectory of race competition.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Genetic correlations between racing times on track type (turf and dirt), and at racing distances on turf (1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1800 m, and/or 2000 m) and dirt (1000 m, 1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1700 m, and/or 1800 m) tracks, were estimated in Thoroughbred horses. (Co)variance components were estimated using multiple-trait derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (MTDFREML). The data used were collected by the Japan Racing Association from 1992 to 1993. The generation 2 pedigree information was preferable for (co)variance estimates. The genetic correlations between racing times on turf and dirt tracks ranged from 0.69 to 0.31 (average 0.51). The genetic correlations between racing distances ranged from 0.68 to 1.00 (average 0.85) and from 0.53 to 1.00 (average 0.88) on turf and dirt tracks, respectively. These results suggest that the racing time per 100 m can be used for horse genetic evaluation within one track type. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Sch?tzung genetischer Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten von Vollblüternüber verschiednen Distanzen mittels restringierter Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen- und Erdbahnen, Renndistanzen auf Rasen- (1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 und 2000 m) und Erdbahnen (1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1700 und 2000 m) wurden für Vollblüter gesch?tzt. (Co)Varianzkomponenten wurden mittels Mehr-Merkmal Ableitungsfreier Restringierter Maximum Likelihood (MTDFREML) gesch?tzt. Die Unterlagen wurden von der Japanischen Renn Vereinigung 1992 und 1993 gesammelt. Generation 2 Abstammungsinformation war für die Co-Varianzsch?tzung günstig. Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen und auf Erdbahnen waren zwischen 0.69 und 0.31 (Durchschnitt 0.51), jene zwischen Distanzen zwischen 0.68 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.85) und zwischen 0.53 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.88) auf Rasen und Erdbahnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? Rennzeit per 100 m zur Bewertung der Pferde geeignet ist.  相似文献   

The 2 dominant processes involved in the horse hoof-to-racing surface interaction are the shock loading of the horse's leg upon impact with the racing surface and rotation of the horse's hoof into the racing surface. These processes were measured as impact resistance (ie, the peak deceleration of a moving body upon impact with the test surface) and as resistance to shear. The objective of the present study was to measure physically (under a variety of conditions) those soil and turf factors related to the 2 processes. It was concluded that thatch accumulation and mowing height of the turf did not have a significant (P less than 0.05) effect on racing surface hardness (therefore, turf management should optimize turf growth and recovery), that turf roots were responsible for an increase in impact resistance and in resistance to shear, that control over soil moisture through irrigation and drainage allowed modification of racing surface hardness, and that soil materials tend to have lower impact resistance (ie, lower shock loading of the horse's leg) and higher resistance to shear (ie, greater resistance to hoof rotation) than do sand materials.  相似文献   

The efficacy of treating carpal lesions by arthrotomy was evaluated in 210 Thoroughbred racehorses, using survival analysis to compare their racing performances and earnings with those of 840 control horses. The treated horses were significantly inferior with respect to races contested, and wins plus places (P less than 0.001) and races won (P less than 0.01). There was no difference with respect to earnings (P less than 0.1); after adjusting for other factors, arthritis, site of fracture and presence of a displaced chip had no effect on racing performance in horses with a single-site lesion involving a chip.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Considerable variation in the rates of equine fatality at different racecourses draws attention to probable risk factors at the level of course or race that might be partly responsible. Distal limb fractures are the most common cause of equine fatality on UK racecourses and identification of risk factors for such injuries and subsequent implementation of intervention strategies could significantly reduce the total number of racecourse fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To identify race- and course-level risk factors for fatal distal limb fracture in Thoroughbreds on UK racecourses. METHODS: A case-control study design was used. Case races were defined as those in which one or more horses sustained fatal fracture of the distal limb. Controls were selected in 2 different ways. Firstly, 3 races in which no fracture occurred were selected from all races of the same type held within 5 days of the case race (Analysis 1). Secondly, 3 control races were selected for each case race from all races of the same type held in the same year (Analysis 2). One hundred and nine cases were included in the study. Information about the race and the racecourses was collected from Computer Raceform. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify the relationship between a number of independent variables and the likelihood of fracture in a race. RESULTS: Longer races with a larger number of runners were more likely to contain a fracture. Firmer going and fewer days since the last race on the same course were associated with an increased risk of fracture. The going at the course at the previous race meeting was also associated with the likelihood of fracture. CONCLUSIONS: Modifications to the going on the day of a race and greater emphasis on ground maintenance between race meetings may have an impact on the risk of fatal distal limb fracture during racing. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Modification of risk factors such as the going and number of days since the last race meeting could reduce the number of equine fatalities on UK racecourses. The condition of the racecourse may be an important risk factor and future research should focus on the identification of course maintenance techniques that produce the safest possible racing surfaces.  相似文献   

Heritability and repeatability and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for trotting race records with linear and generalized linear models using 510,519 records on 17,792 Finnhorses and 513,161 records on 25,536 Standardbred trotters. Heritability and repeatability were estimated for single racing time and earnings traits with linear models, and logarithmic scale was used for racing time and fourth-root scale for earnings to correct for nonnormality. Generalized linear models with a gamma distribution were applied for single racing time and with a multinomial distribution for single earnings traits. In addition, genetic parameters for annual earnings were estimated with linear models on the observed and fourth-root scales. Racing success traits of single placings, winnings, breaking stride, and disqualifications were analyzed using generalized linear models with a binomial distribution. Estimates of heritability were greatest for racing time, which ranged from 0.32 to 0.34. Estimates of heritability were low for single earnings with all distributions, ranging from 0.01 to 0.09. Annual earnings were closer to normal distribution than single earnings. Heritability estimates were moderate for annual earnings on the fourth-root scale, 0.19 for Finnhorses and 0.27 for Standardbred trotters. Heritability estimates for binomial racing success variables ranged from 0.04 to 0.12, being greatest for winnings and least for breaking stride. Genetic correlations among racing traits were high, whereas phenotypic correlations were mainly low to moderate, except correlations between racing time and earnings were high. On the basis of a moderate heritability and moderate to high repeatability for racing time and annual earnings, selection of horses for these traits is effective when based on a few repeated records. Because of high genetic correlations, direct selection for racing time and annual earnings would also result in good genetic response in racing success.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of racing merit of thoroughbred horses in Poland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study aimed at estimating variance components of racing ability traits in thoroughbred horses as a contribution to defining the breeding objective for this breed. Data collected were 12 143 placings at finish (square root) and 8641 earnings (log) won by 1414 horses running in 1693 races over the period of 1998–2001. Age of horses ranged from 2 to 5+ years, and the distances were from 1000 to 3200 m. Horses were from 11 state stables, from private breeders (one collective group), and from foreign breeding (another collective group within the factor ‘breeder’). Variance components were estimated by the residual maximal likelihood (REML) method. Statistical analysis accounted for fixed effects of year, age, race, breeder (optional), sex, weight carried and distance, and for the random effects of rider, permanent environment, and animal additive genetics. Pedigrees were at least three generations deep. When breeder effect was excluded from the model, heritability coefficients were 0.12 and 0.18, repeatability 0.23 and 0.34 for earnings and placings at finish, respectively.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Fractures below the level of the radius or tibia (distal limb fractures) are the most common cause of equine fatality on UK racecourses; however, little is known about their epidemiology or aetiology. Identification of risk factors could enable intervention strategies to be designed to reduce the number of fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To identify horse-level risk factors for fatal distal limb fracture in Thoroughbreds on UK racecourses. METHODS: A case-control study design was used. Fractures in case horses were confirmed by post mortem examination and 3 matched uninjured controls were selected from the race in which the case horse was running. One hundred and nine cases were included and information was collected about previous racing history, horse characteristics and training schedules. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify the relationship between a number of independent variables and the likelihood of fracture. RESULTS: Horses doing no gallop work during training and those in their first year of racing were at significantly increased risk of fracture on the racecourse. Case horses were also more likely to have trained on a sand gallop, i.e. a gallop described by trainers as being primarily composed of sand. CONCLUSIONS: Modifications to training schedules, specifically within the first year of racing, may have a large impact on the risk of fatal distal limb fracture on the racecourse. Horses should do some gallop work in training and our results suggest that the minimum distance galloped should be between 805-2012 m (4-10 furlongs)/week. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The information from this study can be used to alter training schedules in an attempt to reduce the incidence of fatal distal limb fracture in Thoroughbred racehorses. Training should include some gallop work, and further studies, recording the exact level of work, will help to identify an optimum range of training speeds and distances which will reduce the liklihood of catastrophic fracture on the racecourse.  相似文献   

Data from a divergent experiment for birthweight (BrW) environmental variability were used to estimate genetic parameters for BrW trait and its environmental variability by fitting both homoscedastic (HO) and heteroscedastic (HE) models. A total of 5 475 records of BrW from animals born from inbred dams, and 7 140 pedigree records were used. The heritability of BrW using the model HO was 0.27, with the litter effect much more important, 0.43. The model HE provided a genetic correlation between the trait and its environmental variability that was very high and negative, ?0.97, and a high value for the additive genetic variance for environmental variability, suggesting an artefact in the model. The residual skewness was found to be essentially null. A model considering the genetic correlation null was also fitted, and used to obtain the breeding values for the selection process. Moreover, the trait was considered as maternal resulting in similar estimates under the model HO, but more reasonable for the genetic correlation between the trait and its environmental variability of 0.48 with a value of 0.25 for the additive genetic variance regarding environmental variability under the model HE. This led to the conclusion that environmental variability of BrW in mice must be selected via dams. Estimated parameters in a reduced dataset without inbred animals did not substantially change this conclusion.  相似文献   

The data used in the present study were recorded at the Jockey Club of Sorocaba for 5094 racing performance of 1350 Quarter Horses at the Paulista Race Track of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1997. The considered traits were time and final rank. The model used in analysis included random animal and permanent environmental effects, and race, sex, age and origin as fixed effects. The variance and covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood for an animal model, using the derivative-free process method and the MTDFREML software. For the time, heritability was 0.17 (0.05), while estimate of repeatability 0.55 (0.05). The lower heritability for the final rank, 0.13 (0.04), indicate that this trait is not the most appropriate one for inclusion in programs of Quarter horse selection in Sorocaba racetrack. The repeatability estimate for rank was 0.44 (0.04) and the genetic correlation between this trait and time was 0.99.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The influence of training on stride parameters is controversial and to date there is no information on how training influences stride parameters during high‐speed locomotion in the field. Objective: To determine the influence of training on stride variables during high‐speed locomotion in Thoroughbred racehorses. Methods: Speed, stride frequency, stance and protraction times were quantified in 8 Thoroughbreds with foot mounted accelerometers and GPS sensors during their first week of canter after the summer break and 6 months into training. Results: At a speed of 11 m/s, stride frequency was (mean ± s.d.) 2.160 ± 0.120 strides/s pre‐ and 2.167 ± 0.083 strides/s post training; mean stance time was 125.3 ± 9 ms pre‐ and 125.9 ± 7 ms post training; protraction time was 340.7 ± 20.4 ms pre‐ and 337.2 ± 14.3 ms post training. The increase in stride frequency and the decrease in protraction time after training were significant. There was no statistically significant difference in the maximum speed reached by each horse pre‐ and post training. Conclusions: Stance time stayed constant throughout the training season in the tested horses. A significant decrease in protraction time and a corresponding significant increase in stride frequency were observed after training. Potential relevance: Training of racehorses could be adapted to maximise the effect on modifiable parameters and reduce the risk of training‐induced pathologies. Further research will be conducted to investigate the effect of different training protocols on a large number of horses.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental parameters for mature weight in Angus cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic and environmental variances and covariances and associated genetic parameters were estimated for weaning weight, asymptotic mature weight, and repeated mature weights. Data consisted of a set of weight measurements of 3,044 Angus cows born between 1976 and 1990. Mature weight was predicted by individually fitting Brody growth curves (asymptotic weight) and by using weights repeatedly measured after 4 yr of age. Variance and covariance components for mature weight were estimated by REML from a single-trait animal model with asymptotic weight, a two-trait animal model with asymptotic and weaning weight, and a two-trait animal model with repeated weights and weaning weight. Weaning and cow contemporary groups were defined as fixed effects. Random effects for weaning weight included direct genetic, maternal genetic, and permanent environmental effects; and for mature weight, direct genetic and repeated measurements (if in the model). Heritability estimates for weaning weight were similar for both two-trait models (.53 and .59). Estimates of heritability for mature weight were .44, .52, and .53 for the single-trait model with asymptotic weight, two-trait model with asymptotic weight, and two-trait model with repeated measures weights, respectively. The estimate of the genetic correlation between mature and weaning weight was higher for the repeated measures model (.85 vs. .63). A lower heritability estimate for mature weight from the single-trait model was likely due to postweaning culling. Therefore, a genetic evaluation of mature weight from field data should include a trait recorded earlier in life that is less subjected to selective data reporting.  相似文献   

Comparison of the multi‐trait animal model and the traditional repeatability model was carried out using data obtained from 6,424 Landrace and 20,835 Yorkshire sows farrowed from January 2000 to April 2018 in order to estimate genetic parameters for litter traits at different parities. Specifically, records of the total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), total number of mortality (MORT), number of stillborn (NSB) and number of mummified pigs (MUM) were used. Although results showed the heterogeneity of heritability for litter traits at different parities, the mean heritability estimates from the multi‐trait model were found to be higher than those of the repeatability model for all traits in both pig breeds. In terms of genetic correlation between parities, a slight difference in genetic control in the first parity was noted for TNB and NBA in Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. The correlation between the first parity and later parities ranged from 0.48 to 0.74 for TNB and NBA in both breeds. Moreover, genetic correlation between parities for MORT and NSB was observed to be high for parities higher than 2 in Yorkshire pigs. For MUM, genetic correlation between the first and other parities was generally low in both breeds, indicating that culling pigs on the basis of MUM at the first parity could probably be unreasonable. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the multi‐trait approach for litter size traits is useful for the accurate estimation of genetic parameters.  相似文献   

Carcass measurements for weight, longissimus muscle area, 12-13th-rib fat thickness, and marbling score, as well as for live animal measurements of weight at the time of ultrasound, ultrasound longissimus muscle area, ultrasound 12-13th-rib fat thickness, and ultrasound-predicted percentage ether extract were taken on 2,855 Angus steers. The average ages for steers at the time of ultrasound and at slaughter were 391 and 443 d, respectively. Genetic and environmental parameters were estimated for all eight traits in a multivariate animal model. In addition to a random animal effect, the model included a fixed effect for contemporary group and a covariate for measurement age. Heritabilities for carcass weight, carcass longissimus muscle area, carcass fat thickness, carcass marbling score, ultrasound weight, ultrasound longissimus muscle area, ultrasound fat thickness, and ultrasound-predicted percentage ether extract were 0.48, 0.45, 0.35, 0.42, 0.55, 0.29, 0.39, and 0.51, respectively. Genetic correlations between carcass and ultrasound longissimus muscle area, carcass and ultrasound fat thickness, carcass marbling score and ultrasound-predicted percentage ether extract, and carcass and ultrasound weight were 0.69, 0.82, 0.90, and 0.96, respectively. Additional estimates were derived from a six-trait multivariate animal model, which included all traits except those pertaining to weight. This model included a random animal effect, a fixed effect for contemporary group, as well as covariates for both measurement age and weight. Heritabilities for carcass longissimus muscle area, carcass fat thickness, carcass marbling score, ultrasound longissimus muscle area, ultrasound fat thickness, and ultrasound-predicted percentage ether extract were 0.36, 0.39, 0.40, 0.17, 0.38, and 0.49, respectively. Genetic correlations between carcass and ultrasound longissimus muscle area, carcass and ultrasound fat thickness, and carcass marbling and ultrasound-predicted percentage ether extract were 0.58, 0.86, and 0.94, respectively. The high, positive genetic correlations between carcass and the corresponding real-time ultrasound traits indicate that real-time ultrasound imaging is an alternative to carcass data collection in carcass progeny testing programs.  相似文献   

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