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The isotopic composition of lead pollution in the environment provides information as to the source of emission. The 206Pb/207Pb ratio for Canadian industrial emissions (1.153±0.005) is significantly less than U.S. industrial emissions (1.213±0.008) making it possible to determine the relative contributions of emissions from both countries within Eastern North America by means of a simple isotopic mixing model. Profundal sediments in lakes chronicle contaminant inputs and are therefore useful monitors of environmental pollution. Surface sediment from 32 sediment cores across Quebec and Ontario, Canada were analyzed for 206Pb/207Pb to ascertain the relative proportions of Pb emission from Canada and the U.S.A. Data show that U.S. contributions to the total lead burden in surficial sediments across much of southern Quebec and Ontario are often in excess of 50%. Local sources were particularly important in the Eastern Township region of Quebec which lies 200 km south east of the city of Montreal. The results are discussed in relation to the major sources of industrial lead emissions in North America.  相似文献   

A total of 2454 samples were collected to evaluate the degree, extent, and distribution of Pb contaminated soil in Minnesota. Samples were collected primarily at locations where susceptible populations were concentrated. Soil Pb concentrations in chilldren's play areas, urban gardens, and at open sites were generally below 100 μg g ?1 when Pb painted structures were absent. Street side and yard soils typically had Pb concentrations between 10 to 300 μg g?1, with samples collected near major highways or Pb painted structures exhibiting greater values. The most severely contaminated soils were found in localized areas around the foundations of private residences, where concentrations up to 20 136 μg g?1 were detected. Exterior Pb based house paint is the major Pb source in these soils, and its presence greatly influences the distribution of contaminated soil in individual yards. Contamination attributable to autoemissions is less concentrated but more widespread than contamination from paint. A higher proportion of soils exceeding 1000 wg g?1 Pb was found in large cities than elsewhere. However, a sufficient number were detected in small cities and rural areas to confirm that high soil Pb levels are not exclusively an urban phenomenon. By examining the degree, extent, and distribution of Pb contaminated soils in Minnesota, this study provides information useful in guiding response actions to reduce children's exposure to Pb by this pathway.  相似文献   

The retention properties of acidic and non-acidic lake sediments were determined in order to assess the effects of lake acidification on the immobilization of P from solution by sediments. The adsorption of P by solids was described by the Langmuir model which was used to determine the sorption parameters, e.g. sorption maxima and equilibrium constant of adsorption. The pH of solution and the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of sediments affect mainly the magnitude of adsorption maxima. The binding strength of the adsorbed complex is similar for all the investigated sediments (Δ=?25.3 to ?28.5 kJ mol?1) and it is affected little by variation in pH or by chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments. The results indicate that the magnitude of P removal is determined more by sediment chemistry and mineralogy (amorphous Al/Fe oxy-hydroxides, carbonate content) than by pH of the water.  相似文献   

The role of freshwater sulphate-reducing bacteria in McHg production was examined by adding specific microbial inhibitors to anoxic lake sediments spiked with 203HgCl2 and measuring net methylation. The effect of increased sulphate (such as would arise from acid deposition in the area) on the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria both in terms of sulphate reduction rate and methylation of Hg was examined by adding sulphate to 203HgCl2 spiked sediments. Sodium molybdate (10 mM), a specific inhibitor for sulphate-reducing bacteria, reduced the amount of MeHg produced from anoxic lake sediments by 75% compared with controls over a 7 d period. In contrast, 2-bromoethane sulfonic acid (15 mM), a specific inhibitor for methanogenic bacteria, did not alter the amount of McHg produced. Additions of sulphate that were “realistic” in terms of the normal range of the area (5 to 30 mg.L?), increased the sulphate reduction rate of sediment slurries. However, in the experimental system, these additions did not stimulate McHg production. In our study, methylation of Hg in sediments was primarily due to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria. However, the methylation rate does not appear to be sensitive to the concentration of sulphate over the range typical of softwater, Precambrian Shield lakes. This could be due to reduced availability of Hg due to the formation of insoluble HgS or to the fact that the overall activity of sulphate reducers not being stimulated even if sulphate reduction rate is, or both.  相似文献   

A lake survey consisting of 987 randomly selected lakes was conducted in Finland in autumn 1987. The survey covered the whole country, and the water quality of the lakes can be considered as representative of the approximately 56 000 lakes larger than 0.01 km2 in Finland. The median TOC concentration is 12 mg L-1 and the median pH 6.3. The proportion of lakes with TOC concentrations > 5 mg L-1 in the whole country is 91 %. Organic anion is the main anion in the full data set (median 89 μeq L-1). The high organic matter concentrations in Finnish lakes are associated with catchment areas containing large proportions of peatlands and acid organic soils under coniferous forest. The survey demonstrated that organic matter strongly affects the acidity of lakes in Finland. The decreasing effect of organic matter on the pH values was demonstrated by both regression analysis and ion balances. At current deposition levels of *SO4 the pH of humic lakes in Finland is determined to a greater extent by high TOC concentrations than by *SO4 in most areas. In lakes with pH values lower than 5.5 the average organic anion contribution is 56 % and non-marine sulfate contribution 39 %. However, in the southern parts of the country, where the acidic deposition is highest, the minerogenic acidity commonly exceeds the catchment derived organic acidity.  相似文献   

It is well known that lead (Pb) is strongly immobilized in soil by adsorption or precipitation. However, the reversibility of these reactions is poorly documented. In this study, the isotopically exchangeable Pb concentration in soils (E‐value) was measured using a stable isotope (208Pb). Soils were collected at three industrialized sites where historical Pb emissions have resulted in elevated Pb concentrations in the surrounding soil. Lead concentrations ranged from background values, in the control soils collected far from the emission source, to highly elevated concentrations (5460–14440 mg Pb kg?1). The control soil of each site was amended in the laboratory with Pb(NO3)2 to the same total Pb concentrations as the field‐contaminated soils. The %E values (E‐value relative to total Pb content) were greater than 84% in the laboratory‐amended soils, and ranged from 45% to 78% (mean 58%) in the field‐contaminated soils. The relatively large labile fractions of Pb in the field‐contaminated soils show that the majority of Pb is reversibly bound despite the fact that the binding strength is large. The Pb concentrations in soil solution were up to 3500‐fold larger for the laboratory‐amended soils than for field‐contaminated soils at corresponding total Pb concentrations. These differences cannot be explained by differences in labile fractions of Pb but are attributed to the decrease in soil solution pH upon addition of Pb2+‐salt.  相似文献   

The finite element model was successfully applied to predict the Pb-210 and total extractable fatty acid concentrations at different depths in two sediment cores from Lake Ontario by using different transport parameters. The transport parameters were computed from Pb-210 data. These parameters were used to simulate the total extractable fatty acid concentrations at different depths. The computed results were compared with observed data and results were compared by statistical methods. Good agreement was achieved though improved results were observed in a two layer model accounting for bioturbation in the upper 4–6 cm of sediment. By modifying this model is useful to apply the contaminant transport in lake sediments, industrial waste disposal ponds, and fish ponds with different geological, physical, chemical and biological parameters at different depths.  相似文献   

Specific rates of Hg (203HgCl2) methylation and McHg (14CH3HgI) demethylation in aerobic and anaerobic conditions were determined in samples of surface sediments (0 to 2 cm) taken from five small headwater lakes in Southern Finland. The highest rates of methylation were measured in anaerobic conditions. However, the importance of aerobic methylation increased with increasing Fe and Mn content in sediment. There was little difference between aerobic and anaerobic demethylation. The results demonstrate that the net McHg production in lake sediments depends on the individual characteristics of the lake, particularly pH and and sediment properties. These characteristics seem to affect demethylation in anaerobic conditions and methylation in aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Preparations for neutralization of two acidic lakes in the southwest Adirondacks included determination of base neutralization capacity for sediments as well as the water column. For sediments this involved assessing vertical and horizontal gradients in sediment properties related to sediment-bound acidity. The analyses showed significant variance vertically (depth within the sediment profile) and horizontally (due mainly to depth of overlying water) in both lakes. Base requirements, equivalent to the acidity present 3in 2 cm of sediments ranged between 0.011 and 0.022 kg CaCO3 m?3 for the two lakes. Preliminary observations indicate pH3 values and Ca content increased in the surficial sediments of both lakes after treatment.  相似文献   

Copper profiles in the sediments of a mining-impacted lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The sediments of Torch Lake, located in Houghton County, MI, USA, have been impacted by copper mining activity. Remediation of the site has focused on immobilizing shoreline tailing deposits. However, a large amount of copper remains in the mining-sourced sediment, and high copper concentrations persist in surface sediments. This study analyzes sediment core and sediment trap data to determine the source of copper in the surface sediments.  相似文献   

The base neutralizing capacity (BNC), or alkalinity consumption, of acidic lake sediments may influence the amount of neutralizing agent required to neutralize a lake if the sediment BNC is large relative to the BNC of overlying waters. The extent ofin situ sediment BNC in acidic Bowland Lake (pH 5.0) was inferred by (1) measuring the loss of Ca-45 to acidic sediments from labeled lake water neutralized with CaCO3, and (2) measuring exchangeable Ca in sediments collected prior to and following neutralization of Bowland Lake with calcite (CaCO3). The sediment BNC derived from the Ca-45 radiolabeling experiment was 0.01 mg CaCO3 g?1 w wt. The mean losses of Ca-45 from the aqueous phase of neutralized and untreated sediment/water mixtures were not significantly different. The mean pH of both neutralized and untreated mixtures decreased to 4.0 during the incubation, possibly because of oxidation of reduced sediments. Sediment BNC estimates derived from literature data for several lakes may be overestimated because of the inclusion of anoxic sediments containing significant amounts of reduced Fe. There was no significant difference in exchangeable Ca between sediments from untreated Bowland Lake and sediments collected 10 m after whole-lake neutralization indicating that little of the supplied alkalinity had been lost to the sediments. Hence,in situ sediment BNC was probably small in Bowland Lake.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Oxbow lakes, reaches that were cut off from a river during river straightening works, can accumulate during flooding metal-rich suspended sediments transported by a...  相似文献   

Tang  Yazhou  Ding  Shiming  Wu  Yuexia  Chen  Musong  Li  Cai  Yi  Qitao  Ma  Xin  Zhang  Min 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(10):3415-3426
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The occurrence of harmful algae blooms has been increasing in large lakes worldwide. The mechanism of heavy metals mobilization in sediments during algae blooms is...  相似文献   

Sulfate is a major component of acid precipitation in the Northeastern United States. Transformations and fluxes of S may be important indices of the effect of acidification on limnetic systems. Sulfur constiuents and respiration rates were compared in sediments among Oneida, Deer and South Lakes in New York which exhibit a range of buffering capacity and pH from high to low, respectively. Total S in Deer and South was higher near their major inlets. Sulfide was highest in Oneida sediment, which had a lower redox potential (Eh). Ester sulfate was a major portion of the S in the three lakes. Oxygen consumption was highest in Oneida and lowest in South sediments. The low ester sulfate and an elevated C/N ratio of South sediment may indicate that acidification inhibits decomposition  相似文献   

不同水动力下湖泊沉积物重金属释放通量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨不同水动力下湖泊沉积物重金属释放通量,该文在室内可循环式水槽试验中模拟了动水条件下沉积物的运动,试验时通过控制闸门开关改变水槽内水体流速,探讨了不同水动力下沉积物的悬浮与释放规律。以鄱阳湖沉积物为水槽试验沉积物,通过分析沉积物中Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb浓度的变化,建立了当沉积物粒径为50~200μm时,沉积物中Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb释放通量与流速的关系式。结果表明:释放通量随水体流速增大呈指数增长,当流速分别为15、35、65 cm/s时,Cu释放通量分别为45.82、65.18、127.16 mg/(m~2·d);Zn为104.35、139.82、220.5 mg/(m~2·d);Cd为0.116、0.163、0.28 mg/(m~2·d);Pb为4.78、6.72、11.57 mg/(m~2·d),鄱阳湖水体重金属浓度计算值与实测值误差在5%~20%范围内。研究结果可为湖泊重金属污染控制及治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   



This study used multi-element signatures of stream sediments to assess both natural and human-induced impact on fluvial system in the River Neretva delta receiving environment over time. The river basin actually comprises several sub-catchments, and the geochemical features of major elements, trace metals radiometric and mineralogical characterisation of river bed sediments were used to assist the interpretation of the environment of deposition and its subsequent modifications caused by various anthropogenic pressures within the river basin.

Materials and methods

Five sites were chosen for sediment sampling at key locations within the study area with assumed undisturbed, continuous sedimentation process. At each of the sites, three representative cores were taken by scuba divers. Sample sites were selected in order to reflect the influence of different sub-catchments they belong to and the land-use pattern of the surrounding area. Samples were analysed for pH, redox-potential, granulometry, mineralogy, thermogravimetry, major and trace element concentrations and radionuclide activities. The univariate and multivariate statistics were applied. The geochemical normalisation of data was done using Al, the procedure based on calculation of the regression line of the metal on the normaliser followed by testing the ratios metal/normaliser on all data-points.

Results and discussion

All studied sediments are classified as silt, ranging from clayey silt to silt and sandy silt. Mineralogically, the sediments were dominated by carbonates and quartz. The chemical contaminant data are generally of good quality, mostly below guideline levels. Sedimentation rates were estimated using vertical distribution of 137Cs activities. Normalisation of TMs done by using Al shows strong R 2 adj values for the regressions of Al and V, Al and Cr, and Al and Ni. However, Al cannot fairly explain the fluctuation of the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in sediment cores from all of the sampling sites. Generally, inorganic scavengers such as clay minerals followed by Fe and Mn oxides and S (pyrite and gypsum) seem to be dominant factors controlling TMs in studied sediments.


Although the River Neretva delta occupies a rather small area, the geochemical features of major and trace elements and 137Cs activities show complex sediment provenances. Each of the sampling sites reflect exactly different effects of anthropogenic intervention that particularly refer to the changes in river morphology and ecology, along with the altered flow regimes within the catchment on sediment loads and quality.



Sedimentary aquifers are prone to anthropogenic disturbance. Measures aimed at mitigation or adaptation require sound information on the reactivity of soil/sediments towards the infiltrating water, as this determines the chemical quality of the groundwater and receiving surface waters. Here, we address the issues of relevant sediment properties, adequate analytical methods, borehole location selection, detail of stratification, and required sample size, to develop a protocol for efficient characterization of subsurface reactivity on a regional scale.  相似文献   


The major purpose of these experiments was to determine if Pb uptake by plants was significantly increased by chelating agents used in plant nutrition. The interaction of Pb with some other elements in barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. C.V. Atlas 57) and bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. C.V. Improved Tendergreen) was studied in a glasshouse with different rates of Pb in solution culture and in amended (control, S, CaCO3, MgCO3) Yolo loam soil with and without the chelating agent DTPA (diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid). In a solution culture experiment, 10‐3 M Pb significantly decreased bush bean yields in both control and DTPA treatments. The CaCO3 added to nutrient solution decreased the concentration of Pb in leaves, stems, and roots and prevented the toxicity of 10‐3 M Pb++. At high Pb levels, interactions between Pb and Mn and Pb and Fe were observed, except with CaCO3. In the soil experiment, the yields of barley and bush bean were influenced only slightly by Pb. The Pb concentration in barley shoots and bush bean leaves and stems was increased considerably in the presence of DTPA, however. In the absence of DTPA, the effect of added Pb was very small in the control and S amended soil treatments and almost negligible in the CaCO3 and MgCO3 amended soil treatments. Application of DTPA facilitated the translocation of Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn to shoots. The effect was dependent upon soil pH. Particularly, the Fe was increased by DTPA at low pH while the effect was negligible at high pH. This was opposite the effect on Pb. The DTPA resulted in considerable Pb transport to leaves and stems at high soil pH. The uptake pattern of Zn and Cu was similar to that of Pb. It can be expected that chelating agents can increase the migration of Pb to plants andincrease its uptake by plants, and hence, entry into food chains.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The study aimed to find out whether fluorescence parameters of humic acids (HA), obtained from excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra, could be used...  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were analyzed in sediment cores from five small forest lakes in Finland. The catchments of the lakes were undisturbed (2 lakes) or only very slightly disturbed by human activity (3 lakes). None of the lakes had runoff delivery of PAH from their shores. Lead-210 dating of four lakes enabled the calculation of individual PAH fluxes over the past 100 to 150 yr. The sedimentary distribution of abiotic PAH in these lakes appears to be indicative of the development of combustion-generated energy production in Finland and adjacent countries. This development is reflected in an overall increase in sedimentary PAH since about 1850. After World War II the rate of accumulation of PAH continues to increase. The large variation between the PAH fluxes of different lakes indicates different trapping efficiencies and/or different preservation of the PAH compounds due to limnological differences between the lakes.  相似文献   

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