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Pyrite and siderite oxidation in swamp sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differences in the processes of pyrite and siderite oxidation, in reclaimed swamp sediments of the Skjernå delta (Denmark), are described from sediment chemistry, mineralogy and pore water chemistry. Pyrite oxidation leads to extreme soil acidification, with pH dropping to about 2, the release of large amounts of weathering products to the pore water, and the precipitation ofiron oxides, jarosite and gypsum. Siderite oxidation results only in moderate soil acidification where the pH does not drop below 3.5, while part of the acidification is due to the oxidation of small amounts of sulphur compounds together with siderite. The release of weathering products to the pore water is limited and only iron oxide is precipitated. Calculations indicate that equilibrium with amorphous FeOOH, gypsum and amorphous Al(OH)3 sets an upper limit to the Fe3+, SO4 and Al concentrations in the pore water.  相似文献   

3种植物浮床对冬季富营养化水体氮磷的去除效果研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用浮床栽培黑麦草(Lolium multif)、"矮脚黄"和"苏州青"(后两者为青菜品种,Brassica rapa)研究其对冬季天然富营养化水体中N、P的去除效果。结果表明:黑麦草、"矮脚黄"、"苏州青"和对照对富营养化水体中总N的平均去除率分别为49.75%、45.77%、45.12%和28.91%,对总P的平均去除率分别为67.66%、60.19%、58.28%和42.56%,植物处理的去除效果与对照之间均达显著差异(P<0.05),它们为冬季富营养化水体的处理提供了新的植物资源。黑麦草对P的去除以吸收作用为主,植物累积的P占所去除P总量的89.53%,"矮脚黄"和"苏州青"则分别为34.64%和42.42%;但植物累积的N只占去除N总量的一小部分。  相似文献   

Chang  Yongkai  Yin  Guoyu  Hou  Lijun  Liu  Min  Zheng  Yanling  Han  Ping  Dong  Hongpo  Liang  Xia  Gao  Dengzhou  Liu  Cheng 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(10):3289-3299

Denitrification and anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) play key roles in nitrogen (N) loss, and nitrification can supply substrates of NO2 and NO3 for denitrification and anammox. Coupled nitrification-denitrification/anammox processes are thus crucial for N removal in coastal ecosystems. This study aims to examine the spatial-temporal variations of ambient, coupled, and uncoupled N removal rates in the coastal sediments off the north East China Sea, and to clarify the controlling factors and microbial mechanisms of coupled nitrification-denitrification/anammox.

Materials and methods

The rates of ambient, coupled, and uncoupled denitrification and anammox in coastal sediments off the north East China Sea were quantified using the continuous-flow experiments combined with 15N isotope pairing technique. The quantitative polymerase chain reaction method was used to determine the abundances of nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria, with the functional genes of amoA and nirS, and 16S rRNA gene, respectively.

Results and discussion

Ambient denitrification rates varied between 0.43 and 7.39 μmol N m?2 h?1, and ambient anammox rates ranged from 0.05 to 0.62 μmol N m?2 h?1. Coupled nitrification-denitrification was the dominant N removal pathway. The rates and coupling of N removal processes with nitrification varied distinctly between nearshore and offshore sites, which were driven by diverse environmental factors. Redundancy analysis suggested that nitrate and sulfide were important factors controlling the coupled and uncoupled N removal rates, and nitrate was proved to be the key factor influencing the ratio between coupled and uncoupled N removal via an integrated analysis. Abundances of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) correlated significantly with coupled denitrification rates and abundances of denitrifiers, suggesting the importance of AOB in coupled nitrification-denitrification.


This study investigated the ambient, coupled, and uncoupled denitrification and anammox rates in coastal sediments off the north East China Sea. Nitrate was proved to be the critical factor influencing the ratio between coupled and uncoupled N removal, and AOB may play important role in coupled nitrification-denitrification. These results emphasized that nitrification is crucial for N removal with important implications on N loss in coastal ecosystems.


为探究反硝化除磷-诱导结晶磷回收工艺中缺氧池污泥释磷、吸磷以及微生物特征,利用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术、电子扫描显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)观察了微生物的数量、分布和形态;通过批次试验考察了污泥在厌氧/好氧和厌氧/缺氧2种模式下的释磷和吸磷特征。结果表明:该双污泥系统缺氧池中聚磷菌占总细菌比例的69.7%,明显高于单污泥系统中富集的聚磷菌比例,污泥中的微生物多呈杆状;厌氧/好氧、厌氧/缺氧模式下单位污泥浓度(mixed liquor suspended solids,MLSS)总吸磷量(以PO43--P计)分别为22.84、18.60 mg/g,反硝化聚磷菌(denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms,DPAO)占聚磷菌(polyphosphate-accumulating organisms,PAO)的比例为81.44%,表明在长期的厌氧/缺氧运行条件下可以富集到以硝酸盐为电子受体的反硝化聚磷菌,同时还存在着仅以氧气为电子受体的聚磷菌;通过pH值和氧化还原电位(oxidation reduction potential,ORP)的实时监测可以快速地了解污水生物处理系统中各类反应的进程,对调控工艺参数有着重要的意义。综上所述,为保证污水生物处理工艺的正常稳定运行,将微生物分析与常规的化学参数分析结合起来考察将是未来发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   


Rate of superphosphate application significantly increased the Bray #2 (easily acid soluble plus adsorbed P) and “AlPO4”; fractions for 3 successive years. A single dolomitic limestone application increased “FePO4”; by an average of 36% one year after application. Crop P removal by the strawberry cv. ‘Acadia’ was approximately 2–3 ppm each year and it was not possible to relate this small amount to any of the soil P fractions determined.  相似文献   

The retention properties of acidic and non-acidic lake sediments were determined in order to assess the effects of lake acidification on the immobilization of P from solution by sediments. The adsorption of P by solids was described by the Langmuir model which was used to determine the sorption parameters, e.g. sorption maxima and equilibrium constant of adsorption. The pH of solution and the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of sediments affect mainly the magnitude of adsorption maxima. The binding strength of the adsorbed complex is similar for all the investigated sediments (Δ=?25.3 to ?28.5 kJ mol?1) and it is affected little by variation in pH or by chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments. The results indicate that the magnitude of P removal is determined more by sediment chemistry and mineralogy (amorphous Al/Fe oxy-hydroxides, carbonate content) than by pH of the water.  相似文献   

增设回流提高厌氧氨氧化反应器脱氮效能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用2套上流式反应器接种厌氧氨氧化污泥,研究了高基质浓度下增设回流对厌氧氨氧化反应器脱氮性能影响.研究结果表明,增设出水回流的反应器1经过116 d的运行,进水NH4+-N和NO2--N质量浓度由初始100、130 mg/L达到602、782 mg/L时,出水质量浓度仅增加到44、60 mg/L,氮容积去除负荷最高达到7.87 kg/(m3·d).NO2--N与NH4+-N的转化比维持在1.303,NO3--N生成量与NH4+-N转化量之比维持在0.24.无回流的反应器2经过67 d运行,进水NH4+-N和NO2--N质量浓度由最初100、130 mg/L分别增加到456和600 mg/L,相应出水质量浓度达到174和253 mg/L,氮容积去除负荷最高达到4.31 kg/(m3·d).NO2--N与NH4+-N的转化比维持在1.298左右, NO3--N生成量与NH4+-N转化量之比维持在0.21.说明回流对进入反应器的基质具有较强稀释作用,有助于避免高基质浓度对厌氧氨氧化活性的影响,同时对厌氧氨氧化反应过程中氮素转化比不产生影响.增设出水回流后的反应器1污泥粒径主要分布在1.25~2 mm之间,而反应器2污泥粒径主要分布在0.9~1.6 mm.说明在反应器运行过程中增设回流有助于反应器内液体上升流速的增加,颗粒污泥具有良好的流态,能够更好地与底物接触,有利于微生物增长.  相似文献   

供磷水平对苹果砧木氮、磷吸收和利用特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】磷能够促进植物体内NO-3的还原和同化,但过量的磷往往致使植株体内游离氨基酸和酰胺含量增加,阻碍蛋白质的合成。为此,本试验研究了不同苹果砧木在不同供磷水平下对氮、磷吸收利用差异,旨在选出不同磷水平下氮素吸收和利用效率高的砧木,确定合理的氮磷肥配比,提高果树的养分利用效率。【方法】以一年生平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)、八棱海棠(M.micromalus Makino)和富平楸子[M.prunifolia(Willd)Borkh.]为试材,设置5个供磷水平(P0~P4),分别为P2O50、50、100、150和200 kg/hm2,同时施入15N-尿素0.1 g,3次重复。整株取样后将植株分成根、茎和叶三部分,烘干,粉碎,称重,备测。用钒钼黄比色法测定各器官含磷量;全氮用凯氏定氮法,15N丰度用MAT-251质谱仪测定。【结果】3种苹果砧木的磷吸收效率在P1水平比不施磷增加,在P2以上水平时略有下降,在P3、P4水平,磷吸收效率显著低于P1处理。富平楸子根、茎、叶从肥料15N中吸收分配制的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)在P0、P1、P2处理下较高,P3处理较低;氮肥利用率在P1处理最高(6.39%),P3处理最低(3.31%)。八棱海棠各器官的Ndff不同供磷水平间波动较小,在P2处理最低;其氮肥利用率随供磷水平的增加逐渐增加,在P3~P4处理氮肥利用率最高。平邑甜茶各器官Ndff在P2处理达到最大值,此时根、茎、叶的Ndff值分别为5.21%、4.55%、5.79%,显著高于相同磷水平下富平楸子和八棱海棠各器官;其氮肥利用率P2处理最高(4.86%),继续提高供磷水平则下降。【结论】富平楸子原产于土壤含磷量较低的陕北高原,其氮肥利用率在低磷时(P2O550 kg/hm2)最高,从磷素利用角度富平楸子可作为该地区苹果砧木的重要参考;八棱海棠在高磷条件下氮肥利用率处于较高水平,可作为环渤海湾产区高磷苹果园砧木的重要参考;平邑甜茶在中等磷水平时氮肥利用率最高,且平邑甜茶具有较强的抗耐性和嫁接亲和力,因此平邑甜茶可在磷素较为充足的山丘地新建苹果园采用。  相似文献   

为了调查反硝化同步脱氮除磷-侧流磷回收新工艺的工艺效能,该试验在该工艺稳定运行条件下评价其污染物(化学需氧量、总氮、NH+4-N和PO3-4-P)去除能力和磷回收能力。结果表明:当进水中化学需氧量、总氮、NH+4-N和PO3-4-P的质量浓度为239.2~259.5、39.6~43.8、38.2~41.8和8.72~11.40 mg/L,出水中相应的质量浓度分别为15.2~21.6、8.5~9.6、3.6~4.7和0.31~0.49 mg/L,满足国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A排放标准;COD主要在厌氧池被去除,NH+4-N主要在好氧硝化池中去除;污水中磷的去除主要由诱导结晶磷回收和生物除磷两部分组成;整个工艺中,磷去除效率为95.9%,其中诱导结晶磷去除率占总去除效率的71.5%,表明该工艺具有较大磷回收潜力。此外,后置曝气池可对出水中COD、NH+4-N和PO3-4-P浓度起着把关作用,有助于提高出水水质。  相似文献   

During the Spring of 1972 through the Spring of 1973 samples of rivers tributary to Lake Ontario and streams in the Genesee River Basin (New York) were analyzed for N and P forms by chemical methods, then incubated in darkness or bioassayed with algae to estimate the percentage of total N, organic N, total P or particulate P which could eventually become available for algal growth in Lake Ontario. The total available P in the river water samples could be estimated by adding to the soluble orthophosphate 0.2 of the difference between the soluble orthophosphate and the total phosphate. The total available N can be estimated from the sum of the inorganic N (NH3 and NO3 ?) plus 0.5 times the total organic N concentration  相似文献   

Reactions of phosphorus with sediments in fresh and marine waters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. The interactions of P with soils and sediments are examined in the context of transport processes from land, through rivers to estuaries and coastal waters. In soil erosion, selective size fractionation and preferential sorption to finer solids is crucial in the transport of P to water courses. Problems in quantifying the sorption affinity and equilibrium phosphate concentration (EPC) of mixtures of different soils and sediments are identified. Riverine transport of P by suspended solids is usually very important and examples of the changes in the amount and composition of particulate P (PP) concentration during storm events are discussed. Increased P content of solids during the first autumn storms, probably reflect the resuspension of accumulated stream bed-deposits. The fate of P in estuaries and their importance as possible long-term sinks of P are discussed. The relatively high concentrations of dissolved P associated with riverine inputs are to some extent buffered by the relatively high concentrations of suspended sediments resulting from tidal flows. Phosphorus may be released during transport to the sea due to decreases in the EPC, increases in salinity and release from bottom sediments as a result of low oxygen conditions.  相似文献   



Sequential fractionation procedures have been an important tool in the study of phosphorus (P) dynamics in soils and sediments for over 50 years. Throughout this period, the various methodologies have been thoroughly reviewed, and several limitations are widely acknowledged, but there are also aspects of P fractionation that have received little or no discussion. As there are few alternatives to fractionation procedures, in order to advance the usefulness of these techniques, we need to explore the undisclosed variables that may falsely bias our interpretation.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - In many streams worldwide including those on the south coast of Western Australia (WA), sediments of the &gt;?2-mm fraction often contribute up to 50% of...  相似文献   

农业氮磷淋溶已经成为地下水污染最普遍和突出的问题。为揭示氮磷在包气带不同土层的淋溶特征,以典型褐土的5个土壤发生层(耕层、淋溶层、钙积层、黏化层和母质层)为研究对象,采用室内土柱模拟淋溶试验,在施肥量相同的条件下分析不同形态氮磷淋溶量,研究氮磷在不同土壤发生层中的迁移特征及其影响因素。结果表明:1)进行5次淋溶,耕层、淋溶层、钙积层、黏化层和母质层淋溶液中可溶性总氮总量分别为2412.63 mg·L-1、3028.94 mg·L-1、244.16 mg·L-1、3648.99 mg·L-1和3356.51 mg·L-1,淋溶层、黏化层和母质层可溶性总氮淋溶量显著高于耕层,而钙积层可溶性总氮淋溶量较耕层显著减少;耕层淋溶液中可溶性总磷总量为0.52 mg·L-1,且显著高于其他4层。2)在试验初期,耕层、淋溶层的硝态氮、可溶性总氮和正磷酸盐淋溶量显著高于黏化层和母质层,进行到第4、5次淋溶,黏化层、母质层的硝态氮和可溶性总氮淋溶量显著高于其他3层,而各发生层间正磷酸盐淋溶量无显著差异;单次淋溶黏化层和母质层铵态氮淋溶量均显著高于其他3层,而耕层可溶性总磷淋溶量始终显著高于其他各层。3)耕层和钙积层的淋溶液中硝态氮是氮素淋溶的主要形态,占可溶性总氮比例分别为69.0%和85.4%,而在淋溶层、黏化层和母质层中分别为41.3%、5.1%和4.6%;在可溶性磷中,以无机态正磷酸盐为主,最高占可溶性总磷的75.9%。4)土壤有机质含量、阳离子交换量、黏粒含量对土壤氮磷的迁移转化有明显主导作用。有机质与氮磷淋溶量呈显著正相关关系,有机质含量高,会增加淋溶初期氮磷的淋溶风险;而阳离子交换量和黏粒含量则与氮磷淋溶呈显著负相关关系,阳离子交换量大和黏粒多能减少氮磷素的淋溶风险。该试验结果说明,由于5种发生层土壤理化性质不同,各发生层氮磷淋溶特征及其淋溶形态也有差异,并且氮磷的淋溶受土壤本身阳离子交换量、黏粒和有机质含量的影响。  相似文献   

北方山区主要森林类型树木叶片氮、磷回收效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养分回收是植物养分利用策略的重要驱动力,可减少养分流失,降低其对环境的依赖性,对植物种群和群落稳定性、生态系统养分循环都具有重要的生态学意义。本文在收集北方山区(黄土高原、太行山区、京北山区)天然林、人工林等各种森林成熟叶片和凋落物氮、磷养分含量等资料的基础上,根据群落生活型和管理方式将各类森林进行归并,对其养分回收效率进行了综合评估。结果表明,各类森林植被通过成熟叶片和落叶中氮、磷含量计算得到的叶片氮、磷回收效率分别是24.5%~71.3%和18.1%~75.4%,均值分别是45.5%和47.4%。北方山区天然林和人工林成熟叶片的平均氮含量分别是11.6 g·kg~(-1)和21.6 g·kg~(-1),人工林成熟叶片氮含量显著高于天然林,养分在人工林生长过程中可能基本处于消耗状态。不同地区天然林与人工林叶片磷含量存在差异:太行山区天然林成熟叶片和枯落叶片磷含量显著高于人工林,而京北山区人工林成熟叶片磷含量较高,枯落叶片磷含量较低。灌木成熟和枯落叶片中氮含量显著高于乔木,而两者间磷含量无显著差异;灌木叶片氮回收效率高于乔木。通过3个地区的比较发现,京北山区树木叶片氮、磷回收效率分别是62.1%和67.8%,高于其他两个地区。相关分析表明,北方山区森林枯落叶片氮含量是影响叶片氮、磷回收效率的重要因子。通过对不同树种养分回收效率的比较发现,针叶树种养分回收效率大于阔叶树种,这说明在土壤养分贫瘠山区针叶树种的养分回收效率更高,更能适应这种贫瘠的土壤环境。在山区进行人工建植时,针叶树种高的养分利用效率应该被考虑进来。  相似文献   



This study addresses the feasibility of a flotation technique, using a lab-scale flotation cell, to simultaneously remove both metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from fine sediment fractions (<250 μm) that are potentially contaminated with copper (Cu).

Materials and methods

A multiple flotation process with three consecutive flotation stages was performed on three sediments (13S, 14B, and 24A) with different particle size distributions, Cu and PAH concentrations, and organic matter contents.

Results and discussion

Flotations performed under selected conditions allowed for significant removal of both Cu (61–70 %) and PAHs (75–83 %) with acceptable froth recoveries of approximately 23–29 %. Removal rates for arsenic, lead, and zinc were 48–61, 40–48, and 32–36 %, respectively. Flotation selectivity of Cu was greatly influenced by the contents of fine particles and organic matter of the sediments. The maximum flotation selectivity was obtained for the 53–125-μm size fraction. The high flotation selectivity of Cu (2.5–3.2) and PAHs (3.0–3.6) demonstrated the feasibility of flotation to treat soils or sediments containing both organic and inorganic pollutants.


Overall, the flotation results showed a high selectivity for both Cu and PAHs and demonstrated the feasibility of flotation to treat media contaminated with organic and inorganic contaminants.  相似文献   

Wild relatives of wheat may possess useful traits or genes for efficient use of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). Forty-three wheat addition lines with alien chromosomes from Leymus, Agropyron, Hordeum, Psathyrostachys, Aegilops, and Secale cereale, along with their common parent Chinese Spring (CS) were cultured by hydroponics, and their phenotypic variation, N/P uptake and utilization efficiency were investigated at seedling stage. The phenotypic variation showed that N deficiency decreased plant height, shoot dry weight, and total dry weight, while increased root length, number of leaves, SPAD value, and root to shoot ratio (R/S); while P deficiency decreased all the measured traits except root dry weight and R/S. Aegilops longissima 2S and Aegilops searsii 4SS addition lines were identified as both N- and P-efficient germplasm, of which Ae. longissima 2S addition line showed significant increased N and P uptake efficiency than CS under all treatments.  相似文献   

为对滇池流域重污染河流的治理探究出一套有效、实用污水处理方案,该试验通过中试规模的生态塘1—水平潜流人工湿地—生态塘2复合系统,在不同的水力停留时间(3 d,2 d,1 d)条件下对昆明市新运粮河水中氮的去除效果进行研究。研究表明:生态塘1和生态塘2对河水中氮的处理都能保持良好的效果,且稳定性高,抗负荷能力强,总体上要优于人工湿地。其中,生态塘1在高负荷条件下的除氮效果最好,起到了蓄洪池、沉淀池等综合作用;生态塘2的处理效果表现稳定,保证了最终出水的水质,起到了生态塘和景观池的双重功效,具有良好的处理效果和景观效益;人工湿地对氮的处理效果较差,抗负荷能力较弱。在HRT为3 d、2 d和1 d条件下,复合系统对总氮(TN)的去除率分别为39.39%、25.26%、19.62%,对NH3-N的去除率分别为51.98%、29.14%、21.18%;对TN的处理均达到了城镇污水处理厂污染物一级排放标准,对NH3-N的处理均达到了城镇污水处理厂污染物二级排放标准;1 d宜作为复合系统运行的最佳HRT参数。生态塘1-水平潜流人工湿地-生态塘2复合系统对城市河水中氮的处理效果显著,可选择作为有效治理滇池流域重污染河流的工艺之一。  相似文献   

三种类型农田排水沟渠氮磷拦截效果比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王岩  王建国  李伟  薄录吉  杨林章 《土壤》2009,41(6):902-906
为了了解太湖地区不同类犁农田排水沟渠对N、P拦截效果的影响,分别在野外构建了3种类型的农田排水沟渠,即生态沟渠、混凝土沟渠和土质沟渠.研究了不同进水N、P浓度、不同水力停留时间和不同进水流速条件下,3种类型沟渠的N、P拦截效果.结果表明:在水力停留时间分别为24 h和48 h静态试验以及在固定进水流速的动态试验中,沟渠对不同进水N、P浓度的N、P去除牢大小顺序是:生态沟渠、土质沟渠和混凝土沟渠,其中,生态沟渠明显优于其他沟渠.在固定进水浓度的条件下,沟渠在不同水力停留时间下的N、P去除率大小顺序为;生态沟渠、土质沟渠和混凝土沟渠,其中,生态沟渠明显好于其他沟渠.在高、低两种进水流速和固定进水浓度条件下.生态沟渠在低进水流速下的N、P去除率明显优于其他沟渠.在不同进水浓度条件下,生态沟渠最佳水力停留时间为48 h.  相似文献   

Abstract. A 15-year field experiment investigated crop residue management practices, with crop residue removal, burning and incorporation as the main treatments and nitrogen levels as subtreatments. The effects of crop residue management practices on rice and wheat yield were measured for 11 years. Surface soil samples were taken to study nitrogen and phosphorus immobilization/adsorption and their release under laboratory conditions. The field experiment indicated that residue burning and residue removal resulted in greater grain yields of rice (5.57 and 5.53 t/ha, respectively) and wheat (4.12 and 4.02 t/ha, respectively) than residue incorporation (4.51 t/ha rice and 3.72 t/ha wheat). Laboratory experiments indicated that by the addition of crop residues nitrogen and phosphorus were converted to unavailable forms through immobilization and adsorption, respectively.
Crop residue management practices were discontinued after 13 years and wheat and maize crops were grown in sequence. There were significantly greater yields of wheat (3.57 t/ha in 1992–93 and 3.6 t/ha in 1993–94) and of maize (2.1 t/ha in 1993) in plots where the residues had previously been incorporated than where the residues were previously either removed or burned. This is attributed to release of nitrogen and phosphorus from the incorporated residues.  相似文献   

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