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A ventral approach to the pelvic canal by bilateral pubic and ischial osteotomy was performed in five female dogs. The entire urogenital tract could be exposed and easily manipulated through this approach. All animals were ambulatory within 24 hours. Clinical union had formed in three of the four osteotomies by the time of euthanasia (months 2-4) in all animals. Incomplete union in some osteotomies indicated that exercise should be restricted for at least 4 months after the procedure. The procedure was determined to be clinically useful when wide exposure of the entire female urogenital tract is desired.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old female cross‐breed dog was presented for a one‐month history of lethargy, poor appetite and weight loss. A hysterectomy had been performed 2 years ago. Abdominal palpation revealed a mid‐abdominal mass and haematological analysis showed leucocytosis with left shift. On abdominal radiographs, a 9 cm in diameter soft tissue opacity mass ventral to the colon and caudal to the left kidney was observed. The abdominal ultrasonography revealed a mass well circumscribed, with a hyperechoic capsule and hypoechoic center with echoic debris. The presumptive diagnosis was an abscess due to foreign body granuloma. Laparotomy was performed and a mass close to the left ovary was found. Adhesions and residues of the suture material were observed close to the right ovary and the uterine body stump. The mass, both ovaries and adhesions were removed. On cut section of the mass two cavities were observed. The small one contained three embedded silk suture residues. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a chronic abscess caused by silk suture.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Clinical and EEG findings are reported in a case of epilepsy in a dog. No patho-gnomonic lesions were found in the CNS on postmortem. The disorder was characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission of convulsive seizures. EEG recordings showed abnormal spike discharges during slow wave activity in drowsiness and in quiet sleep, but were essentially absent during wakefulness or activated (REM) sleep. Nembutal anaesthesia facilitated the recognition of spike activity as contrasted by diminution of slow spike activity in distemper encephalitis. Résumé— —L'article rend compte de constatations cliniques et électro-encéphalographiques faites à propos d'un cas d'épilcpsie chez le rien. Chez l'animal en cause, aucune lésion pathognomonique du systéme nerveux central n'a été retrouvée é l'examen nécropsique. La maladie était caractérisée par des périodes alternatives d'exacerbation et de rémission d'attaques convulsives. Le tracéélectro-encéphalographique montre des décharges de pointes se supperposant è une activité en ondes lentes visibles au début du sommeil et pendant le sommeil profond, mais qui sont absentes pendant l'activité de veille ou le sommeil activé (REM). L'anesthésie au nembutal facilite la reconnaissance de I'activité en pointes alors qu'elle entraine un amoindrissement de l'activité en ondes lentes au cours de 1'encéphalite de la Maladie de Carré. Zusammenfassung— —Es wird über die klinischen und EEG Befunde bei einem Hund mit Epilepsie berichtet. Bei der Sektion zeigte das ZNS keine pathognomonischen Schädigungen. Die Erkrankung war durch periodische Verschlimmerungen und darauffolgendes Nachlassen der Krampfanfälle gekennzeichnet. Das EEG zeigte abnorme Zackcnentladungen während der langsamen Wellen-aktivität wenn schläfrig und im Tiefschlaf. Diese wurden im groβen und ganzen nicht im wachen Zustand und aktivierten (R.E.M.) Schlaf gesehen. Die Nembutal-Markose ermöglichte es, cin klares Bild der Zackenaktivität zu erhalten, im Vergleich zur Verminderung der langsamen Zacken-aktivität bei Staupe-Enzephalitis.  相似文献   

The cutaneous innervation of the external genitalia of the female dog was studied using electrophysiologic recording of evoked afferent activity in peripheral branches of the caudal cutaneous femoral, superficial perineal, and genitofemoral nerves, and the dorsal nerve of the clitoris. The observed cutaneous distribution was comparable to that of the male dog, with expected but relatively minor variation due to differences in morphology of the external genitalia. A speculative developmental sequence for the cutaneous innervation of the external genitalia was presented incorporating the distribution of the nerves studied to homologous structures between the sexes.  相似文献   

Percutaneous nephrostomies (PN) were created with teflon fascial dilators under fluoroscopic guidance, to implant stones bilaterally into the renal pelves of five dogs weighing 7 to 35 kg. Between one and seven stones of 0.25 to 1.00 cm diameter were implanted into each renal pelvis. Two to 4 weeks later, PN tracts were recreated, and the implanted renal stones were successfully removed under fluoroscopic and endoscopic visualization. Results of gross and histopathologic evaluation of the kidneys 2, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days after stone removal showed minimal, localized renal parenchymal trauma. Complications, although infrequent, included proximal ureteral tears and hemorrhage. Difficulty was encountered in maneuvering equipment around large or numerous stones. Canine percutaneous nephrolithotomy was successful despite great variation in kidney size, as well as variations in the number, size, and shape of stones in the upper urinary tract.  相似文献   

用传统开路式牛用呼吸面具对 18 月龄母水牛绝食产热(FHP)进行研究。结果表明:①18 月龄母水牛 FHP 为328 55 kJ/(kgW0 75·d);每天排出EUN为33 19 g;单位代谢体重每天排出EUN为0 46 g;蛋白分解产热占总产热量为16 46%;尿氮(EUN)与FHP比值为1 46 mg/kJ。②18月龄母水牛维持净能需要:NEm=410 69 kJ/(kgW0 75·d)。  相似文献   

Thoracic duct embolization was created by injecting an isobutyl 2-cyanoacrylate/iophendylate (IBCA) mixture through a cannulated mesenteric lymphatic vessel in eight normal dogs. Aqueous contrast lymphangiography was repeated at minute 10 and week 6. Six dogs were euthanatized at week 6 and two dogs at month 6. Embolization with 1.5 to 3.9 ml of the mixture resulted in complete obstruction of the thoracic duct in all eight dogs. Results of lymphangiography in six dogs at week 6 showed a persistent, complete obstruction of the thoracic duct in six dogs and alternate lymphaticovenous anastomoses in four dogs. Histologically, there were a sclerosing granulomatous response surrounding the lymphatic embolus, mild congestive changes in the mesenteric lymph nodes, and mild lacteal dilatation in the jejunum. The procedure was well tolerated with only a few complications. One dog suffered partial thrombosis of the cranial vena cava by the injected material with later dislodgement and embolization of a pulmonary artery branch. Modifications have been made in the injection procedure to avoid this complication. This technique for occlusion of the thoracic duct shows potential for clinical use in the management of canine chylothorax. The obstruction appears to be complete and permanent, and surgical/anesthetic time is decreased greatly from previously described procedures.  相似文献   

An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat
Arlene Coulson with Noreen Lewis
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008, 2nd Edition, hardback, 651 pages, Price £115.00, ISBN-13: 9781405138994  相似文献   

Abstract— Thirty-one cases of achalasia of the oesophagus in the dog were diagnosed during seven years. Thirteen cases could not be operated upon, because of death before operation or refusal by the owners. In eighteen cases with cardioplasty, seven were lost for a variety of reasons, some concerned with the operation, others not. Asphyxia by aspiration or foreign body pneumonia was shown to be an important cause of death before or after operation.
Résumé— Trente-et-un cas d'achalasie de l'oesophage chez le chien ont été diagnostiqués pendant sept ans. Treize cas n'ont pas pu éCtre opérés à cause de mort avant l'opération ou à cause du refus de leurs matres. De dix-huit cas avec cardioplastie, sept ont été perdus pour une variété de raisons liées ou pas avec l'opération. Asphyxie par aspiration ou pneumonie par corps étrangers ont été des causes importantes de mort, avant ou après l'opération.
Zusammenfassung— Im Laufe von sieben Jahren wurden einunddreissig Fälle von Achalasie der Speiseröhre beim Hund festgestellt. Davon konnten dreizehn Fälle infolge Todes vor der Operation bzw. durch Verweigerung der Besitzer nicht operiert werden. Von achtzehn Fällen entfielen bei Anwendung der Kardioplastik sieben aus Operationsgruenden und anderen Ursachen. Es wurde bewiesen, dass die Todesursache vor und nach der Operation die Erstickung durch Aspirierung oder durch Fremdkörper hervorgerufene Lungenentzündung war.  相似文献   

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