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Reasons for performing study: There is a lack of objective information on the value of ancillary diagnostic techniques used to investigate equine sinus disease, and also on which sinus compartments are commonly affected in this disorder. Objectives: To record the ancillary diagnostic findings used to investigate equine sinus disease and to document which compartments are affected. Materials and methods: The clinical case records of 200 consecutive cases of sinus disease, including subacute (<2 months' duration) primary (n = 52); chronic (>2 months' duration) primary (n = 37); dental (n = 40); traumatic (n = 13); sinus cyst (n = 26); sinus neoplasia (n = 10); dental related oromaxillary fistula (n = 8); mycotic sinusitis (n = 7) and intra‐sinus progressive ethmoid haematoma (n = 7) were retrospectively examined. Results: Nasal endoscopy showed exudate draining from the sino‐nasal ostia in 88% of cases and a sino‐nasal fistula was present in 15% of cases. Sinoscopy was performed in 79% of cases and was of great diagnostic value. More recently, 22% of cases had fenestration of the ventral conchal bulla performed to allow sinoscopy of the rostral sinus compartments. Radiography was performed in 97% of cases and showed intra‐sinus fluid lines to be common (69% prevalence) in subacute primary sinusitis. Radiographic dental apical changes were not specific to dental sinusitis, e.g. 29% of chronic primary sinusitis cases had radiographic dental changes. Scintigraphy was performed in 20% of cases and was helpful in identifying dental apical changes when radiography was inconclusive. Overall, the caudal maxillary (78% involvement) and rostral maxillary (61%) sinuses were most commonly affected, with the ventral conchal sinus (VCS) (54% involvement) and conchofrontal sinuses (48%) less so. The VCS showed the greatest tendency to contain inspissated pus (present in 46% of all affected VCS). Conclusions: Nasal endoscopy, sinoscopy and skull radiography are of great value in diagnosing the presence and causes of equine sinus disease.  相似文献   

Treatment of the different types of equine sinusitis, in particular those of chronic (>2 months' duration) sinusitis can be difficult, with many such cases not responding to more conservative measures such as rest, antibiotic therapy or sinus lavage. Such refractory cases require further clinical examinations and imaging as outlined in a companion article to achieve confirmation of the cause of the sinusitis. Many sinusitis cases will then require some form of surgical treatment that may include sinusotomy, dental extraction or intrasinus growth removal, that are increasingly being performed by less invasive techniques under standing sedation.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old Thoroughbred filly with left bony facial distortion was diagnosed with a multilobar expansile mass within the caudal maxillary and frontal sinuses on computed tomography (CT). Typical findings associated with a sinus cyst, including expression of amber fluid from the mass and a thick lining that could be peeled from the sinus walls, were found on surgical exploration of the sinus under general anaesthesia. Histological examination of firm structures within the fluid-filled cyst contained all components of embryologically normal dental tissue. The filly recovered well and entered training to race as a 2-year-old, as remodelling of the bony distortion and narrowing of the nasal passage was sufficient for airflow. Previous reports of paranasal cystic lesions in horses suggest developmental abnormalities as a causative factor, especially in young horses. Furthermore, heterotopic polydontia is reported as the underlying aetiology in some human paranasal sinus cysts. While polydontia has been reported in the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages of horses, this is the first case report that finds them associated with a cystic lesion within the paranasal sinus.  相似文献   

Intrasinus neoplasia remains a rare but difficult condition to diagnose and treat in the horse, comprising approximately 8–19% of sinonasal disorders. There are, however, only a few case series upon which to base an approach to diagnosis and management ( Cotchin 1967, 1977 ; Madewell et al. 1976 ; Stunzi and Hauser 1976 ; Sundberg et al. 1977 ; Priester and McKay 1980 ; Boulton 1985 ; Hilbert et al. 1988 ; Dixon and Head 1999 ; Head and Dixon 1999 ; Tremaine and Dixon 2001a,b ). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common neoplasm observed in the equine paranasal sinuses. Evidence from other species would indicate that early recognition of SCC is crucial to the success of treatment and the ideal treatment remains complete excision with margins. Sinus involvement generally precludes this and we must often settle for surgical debulking, with or without adjunctive radio‐ or chemotherapy. In horses, as in other species, early recognition is difficult because clinical signs are nonspecific. Treatment is, therefore, often not attempted due to the extensive nature of lesions at presentation and the limited surgical access. The accompanying article by Kowalczyk et al. (2011 ) showed how 3‐dimensional (3D) imaging can identify the hallmark changes associated with aggressive neoplasia in the equine sinuses ( Kowalczyk et al. 2011 ). The value of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lies in noninvasive early diagnosis as well as lesion monitoring post intervention. Where CT can be performed with the horse in the standing position, avoidance of general anaesthesia offers further value, especially as standing surgical techniques now allow thorough, minimally invasive evaluation and biopsy of the equine sinuses. In combination, standing CT and minimally invasive sinus surgery allow accurate and early diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression, opening the door for advances in surgical and adjunctive treatments for this complex condition.  相似文献   

Equine paranasal sinus cysts: a report of 15 cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The clinical and radiographic features of 15 cases of paranasal sinus cysts are described. Breed, sex and side frequency were unremarkable but two distinct categories of age incidence emerged. Onset of signs had occurred before one year of age in three cases, while all but two of the remaining 12 animals were older than nine years. The most common clinical signs were nasal airway obstruction, facial swelling and nasal discharge, often occurring in combination. Radiographic changes were recorded in all horses. Sinus opacification was a consistent finding and in several cases the bone surrounding the sinus had increased in thickness. Increase in intra-maxillary sinus pressure was demonstrated by septal displacement on ventro-dorsal radiographs in almost half the cases. Less common signs included expansion, free fluid accumulation within the affected sinus, dental distortion and displacement and mineralisation. Two horses were destroyed without treatment but in 13 animals surgical exploration was performed. Two of these were destroyed, one at the time of surgery and one five days postoperatively. In the remaining 11 cases, all accessible parts of the cyst were removed through a facial flap and drainage to the nasal meati was established. All these horses recovered satisfactorily and were followed up for periods between three months and six years without evidence of recurrence. Thirteen cysts arose in the caudal maxillary sinus and one each in the frontal and rostral maxillary compartments. Histopathological examination of portions of the cyst walls suggests that, like ethmoidal haematomas, they may originate from episodes of haemorrhage beneath the upper respiratory tract mucosa.  相似文献   

Eighty-five cases of equine nasal cavity and/or paranasal sinus disease (NC-PNSD) at Washington State University were reviewed with respect to incidence, clinical signs, treatment regimen and outcome. Incidence was 1.06 percent of all equine admissions over an 8-year period (July 1, 1977–June 30, 1985). For purposes of review, cases were divided into 6 groups depending upon etiology: 1. traumatic disorders, 2. developmental disorders, 3. neoplasia, 4. primary bacterial sinusitis, 5. sinusitis secondary to dental disorders, and 6. miscellaneous conditions.No correlation between sex or breed with NC-PNSD was identified. Traumatic and developmental disorders were most common in horses under 6-years-of-age and neoplastic conditions were most prevalent in horses over 10-years-of-age.The most common clinical signs of NC-PNSD, regardless of etiology were bony swelling or abnormalities noted externally, nasal discharge, and rhinodyspnea, followed by signs referrable to the oral cavity, external draining tracts, and epistaxis. All clinical signs were usually of a chronic duration (more than 2 weeks). Procedures which were most helpful in establishing a diagnosis were radiography (92% of cases), endoscopy (38%) sinocentesis (21 %), and examination of the oral cavity (20%).Of 74 horses available for follow-up, 49 were treated. Treatment was either not recommended or was declined by the owner in 12 cases, and euthanasia was performed without treatment in 13. Forty-six cases were treated surgically. The outcome of 23 of the cases was judged successful. Five had reduced clinical signs following surgery, and 18 were unsuccessfully treated. Those disorders judged to be traumatic in origin responded best to treatment while those involving neoplasia were the least successfully treated.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: It has been suggested that the rate of post operative abdominal adhesions in miniature horses is higher than that for other breeds. However, few reports exist in the veterinary literature describing complications and long-term survival following surgical treatment of colic in these horses. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of surgical lesions in miniature horses with acute abdominal disease in terms of clinical signs, surgical management, post operative treatment and complications, as well as short- and long-term survival. METHODS: Medical records of 57 American Miniature Horses undergoing surgical treatment for acute abdominal pain at the Michigan State University Large Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital 1993-2006 were evaluated for clinical information. Owners and trainers were contacted to gain information regarding long-term survival. RESULTS: The most common surgical lesion was a faecalith (38/57 cases) located primarily within the descending colon and most frequently diagnosed in horses age <6 months (19/38 cases). Short-term survival to hospital discharge for horses recovered from anaesthesia was 98% (55/56) with the most common post operative complications being diarrhoea and inappetance. Intra-abdominal adhesions were identified in 2/8 horses requiring a second celiotomy. Long-term follow-up was available for 45 horses and 87% (39/45) were alive at least 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: As previously reported, faecalith obstruction is a frequent surgical lesion in the miniature horse and is most common in miniature horses age <6 months. The incidence of adhesion formation may be lower than previously reported.  相似文献   

This case series describes placement of an endotracheal tube (ETT) with an air-inflated cuff within surgically created sinonasal windows as a technique of post-operative haemostasis. A frontonasal bone flap and a sinonasal window were performed routinely in three standing horses with paranasal sinus disease. In Case 1, the fistula was initially gauze packed, which controlled haemorrhage until concerns of gauze dislodgement necessitated removal 8 h post-operatively. Severe haemorrhage ensued, requiring emergency passage of an ETT and cuff inflation for control. In Cases 2 and 3, the ETT was placed electively intraoperatively for post-operative haemostasis. The ETT was easy to use in the standing horse and no discomfort or complications were recorded. It adequately controlled haemorrhage post-operatively by application of controlled pressure to the nasal and sinus vasculature. ETT cuff placement and inflation over surgically created sinonasal windows has the potential to provide simple and reliable haemostasis following standing sinus-flap surgery without the reported complications of conventionally used methods.  相似文献   

The treatments of 277 horses with equine sinonasal disease (1984-1996), described by Tremaine and Dixon (2001), are reported here. Long-term (median duration 24 months) outcomes of treatment of the more common disorders were good, with 92% of horses with sinonasal mycosis, 84% with primary sinusitis, 82% with sinus cysts, 78% with dental sinusitis and 75% with sinonasal trauma reported to have complete remission of clinical signs. However, only 33% of horses with progressive ethmoidal haematoma (PEH) and 12% with sinonasal neoplasia reported long term remission of clinical signs.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old Warmblood filly presented for evaluation of a left sided unilateral mucopurulent discharge of 5 weeks' duration. Upper airway endoscopy revealed a large, smooth mass in the region of the ethmoturbinates. Dorso-ventral and lateral radiographs of the head revealed a large osseous mass in the left paranasal area. A biopsy was performed under general anaesthesia and an osteoma was diagnosed. A computed tomography (CT) examination was performed to guide surgical removal. Surgery was performed under general anaesthesia and a large mass was removed ~15 × 9 cm. A CT examination 3 months following surgery revealed three small areas of mineralisation. It was difficult to differentiate if these were areas of regrowth or portions of the original mass that were not entirely removed. A CT examination 8 months later revealed one of the areas had increased moderately in size. A second surgery was performed standing to remove the growth. A final CT 8 months later revealed no further evidence of a bone growth. This report describes the successful removal of an osteoma regrowth following initial surgical removal and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is the first to describe the reoccurrence of an osteoma after surgical intervention. It also describes a successful rhinotomy in the standing equine patient. This case highlights the importance of serial follow-up imaging after surgical removal as osteoma regrowth occurred in this case.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Large colon resection and anastomosis (LCRA) is the most aggressive method of surgical management of a colon with questionable viability. Currently, published studies are comprised mostly of broodmares and discuss short‐term survival. Objectives: To determine the prognosis for survival after LCRA in a diverse population of horses, report the incidence of post operative complications, and determine if associations between analysed variables and survival rate exist. Methods: The medical records of 52 horses that underwent LCRA were evaluated. Data were used to identify univariable associations with survival as well as complications related to LCRA. Chi‐square, odds ratio with 95% confidence interval, Mann‐Whitney or Kruskal‐Wallis tests were used, with significance set at P<0.05. Results: Forty‐four horses (84.6%) survived anaesthesia and recovery, 30 (57.7%) survived to be discharged from the hospital. Of the variables analysed, heart rate 24 h after recovery was significantly associated with mortality, as were endotoxaemia, ileus and peritonitis experienced post operatively. Conclusions: Heart rate 24 h after recovery may be a more reliable prognostic indicator than other analysed variables. Survival rate and complications after LCRA were similar to those previously reported. Potential relevance: By reporting on LCRA in a diverse group of horses, referral clinics with similar populations may have a better understanding of prognosis and complications associated with the procedure. When a colon with questionable viability is removed, waiting until 24 h after recovery may be advised to allow for a more informed decision regarding prognosis.  相似文献   

Background: Feline ureteral obstructions have emerged as a common problem. Ureteral strictures rarely are reported as a cause and the predisposing factors and clinical course of this condition have not been described. Objectives: Evaluate cases of feline ureteral strictures and characterize historical features, clinical signs, diagnostic imaging, surgical and endoscopic findings, histopathology, treatment modalities, and short‐ and long‐term outcomes. Animals: Ten cats diagnosed with ureteral strictures based on compatible findings from at least 2 of the following: ultrasonography, ureteropyelography, surgical exploration, or histopathology. Methods: Retrospective study. Results: Median age, serum creatinine concentration, and size of the renal pelvis were 12 years, 3.7 mg/dL, and 11.75 mm, respectively. Six of 10 cats had hyperechoic periureteral tissue on ultrasound examination at the stricture site. Four cats had evidence of a circumcaval ureter at surgery. Eight cats had an intervention including ureteral stent placement (n = 6) and traditional surgery (n = 2). Seven of 8 cats had decreases in serum creatinine concentration and renal pelvic parameters preceding discharge and 6 had persistently improved results at their last examination. All patients survived to discharge. Median survival time was >294 days (range, 14 to >858 days) with 6/10 cats still alive. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Ureteral strictures may occur in cats secondary to ureteral surgery, inflammation, a circumcaval ureter, impacted ureterolithiasis, or for unknown causes. With appropriate and timely intervention, the prognosis for long‐term survival is good. In addition to ureteral reimplantation or ureteronephrectomy, ureteral stenting or SC ureteral bypass may be considered as future therapeutic options.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Results of surgical treatment of sinonasal disease in horses have been reported previously; however, this paper describes the outcome of horses in which a specific post operative treatment protocol was used. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine: 1) short‐ and long‐term outcome; 2) complications; and 3) recurrence rates of different disease processes, when horses were treated with a specific treatment protocol. Methods: Medical records of horses presented for surgical treatment of sinonasal disease from 1996–2007 were reviewed. Results and duration of surgical exploration were recorded. Post operatively, the sinus flaps were re‐opened with the horses standing and sedated. Number of horses requiring further treatment (debridement and/or lavage), median number of post operative days when the flap was re‐opened, median number of times the flap was opened and median duration of hospitalisation were recorded. Short‐ and long‐term survival and complication rates were determined. Results: Ninety‐one horses were included in the study. The sinus flaps were re‐opened with the horses standing a median of 3 days post operatively. Thirty‐nine horses (43%) required further treatment at this time and 89 horses (97%) survived to discharge. Incision infection was the most common complication encountered (29%). No horse required a blood transfusion. Recurrence rates were 5% for paranasal sinus cysts, 12% for progressive ethmoid haematoma and 50% for neoplasia. Conclusions: Rapid removal of the primary lesion followed by packing the sinuses and re‐evaluating in the standing horse in a more controlled environment offers a safe and effective means to thoroughly assess and treat sinonasal disease. Potential relevance: Surgical time, intraoperative haemorrhage, long‐term complications and recurrence rates of paranasal sinus diseases treated via frontonasal or maxillary sinus flap may be reduced using this technique.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was conducted to characterize the diseases, clinical findings, and clinicopathologic and ultrasonographic findings associated with hypercalcemia (serum calcium concentration >11 mg/dL) in 71 cats presented to North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. The 3 most common diagnoses were neoplasia (n = 21), renal failure (n = 18), and urolithiasis (n = 11). Primary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed in 4 cats. Lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma were the most frequently diagnosed tumors. Calcium oxalate uroliths were diagnosed in 8 of 11 cats with urolithiasis. Cats with neoplasia had a higher serum calcium concentration (13.5 ± 2.5 mg/dL) than cats with renal failure or urolithiasis and renal failure (11.5 ± 0.4 mg/dL; P <.03). Serum phosphorus concentration was higher in cats with renal failure than in cats with neoplasia ( P < .004). Despite the fact that the majority of cats with uroliths were azotemic, their serum urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations and urine specific gravity differed from that of cats with renal failure. Additional studies are warranted to determine the underlying disease mechanism in the cats we identified with hypercalcemia and urolithiasis. We also identified a small number of cats with diseases that are not commonly reported with hypercalcemia. Further studies are needed to determine whether an association exists between these diseases and hypercalcemia, as well as to characterize the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism for each disease process.  相似文献   

Of 400 horses referred because of equine dental disease, 162 suffered from primary apical infections of their cheek teeth (CT), including 92 with maxillary CT infections and 70 with mandibular CT infections. Maxillary swellings and sinus tracts were more common (82 and 26% incidence, respectively) with infections of the rostral 3 maxillary CT, than with infections of the caudal 3 maxillary CT (39 and 5% incidence, respectively). Nasal discharge was more commonly present with caudal (95%) than rostral (23%) maxillary CT infections. Mandibular CT apical infections commonly had mandibular swellings (91%) and mandibular sinus tracts (59%) and these infections were closely related to eruption of the affected CT. A variety of treatments, including medical treatment, apical curettage, repulsion and oral extraction of affected teeth were utilised in these cases, with oral extraction appearing to be most satisfactory. Infections of caudal maxillary CT with a secondary paranasal sinusitis were most refractory to treatment, with a complete response to the initial treatment achieved in just 33% of these cases. Most other cases responded fully to their initial treatment. The long-term response to treatment was good in most cases.  相似文献   

Twenty-two cases of feline histoplasmosis seen at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital between 1986 and 2009 were reviewed. The median age of affected cats was 9 yr (mean, 8.8 yr). Female domestic shorthairs were more commonly affected. The clinical presentation of most cases was nonspecific. The most common presenting complaints included weakness, lymphadenopathy, weight loss, and anorexia. Less frequent clinical signs included vomiting, diarrhea, blindness, and lameness. Less than half of the cats had clinical evidence of pulmonary disease on admission. Anemia and hypoalbuminemia were common laboratory abnormalities. An interstitial pattern was the most common radiographic pattern observed with pulmonary disease. Diagnosis was based on identification of the organism on cytology or histopathology. Fifteen of the 22 cats were treated, and itraconazole was the most common antifungal agent prescribed. Median duration of the antifungal treatment was 5 mo for cats that survived to discharge. Overall survival at time of discharge for cats in this study was 55%.  相似文献   

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