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The Currant Clearwing Moth is a serious pest of currant and other soft fruit shrubs in the Netherlands intensifying damages since conditions of cultivating have been changed about ten years ago. Studies were made on bionomy and chemical control of this pest. Bait traps proved to be useful for recording the flight as well the quota of females but not for controlling. In 1981 in glasshouses two maxima of flight took place: at 13. and 22. of May. Applying pyrethroids when larvae already live inside of brushes was uneffective. On the contrary the pyrethroids (Deltamethrin) showed best results when sprayed during the flight period ofS. tipuliformis.  相似文献   

Males of the larch bud moth developing onPicea excelsa in the SSR respond when tested by the electroantenno-grammethod or in the field much stronger to (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate (E 9–12 Ac) as to the (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E 11–14 Ac) which is maximally prefered by the larch bud moth developing onLarix decidua. Thus the spruce form exhibits a similar reaction as the males developing onPinus cembra sympatrically with the larch form in the Alps.  相似文献   

Fr. 《Journal of pest science》1942,18(11):131-132
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 4 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Observations are given on phaenology and bionomy ofP. revestita in South Tyrol last years. The larvae develop exclusively within dead stumps of branches near the living tissue. The first attack shows secondary character but later the feeding can become primary. The time of flight occurred mainly in the middle of May. The quota of females amounted to 50% in the laboratory but only to 14% in the field. Apparently the males show more activity of flight than the females. The beetles swarm in the crowns of host trees about noon.  相似文献   

Summary L. cyanella L. is known to occur in Europe, Siberia, and Japan. A map showing personal records ofL. cyanella on creeping thistle(Cirsium arvense) is given in Figure 2. Our findings suggest thatL. cyanella is more common and more evenly distributed in the western parts of Europe (western France and southern England) than in central Europe (Switzerland, Germany, Austria), where only a very small proportion of the thistle stands examined yielded the beetle. There are no personal records from southern Europe. The hibernating adults ofL. cyanella appear in late April and May on the rosettes and young shoots ofC. arvense, where they start feeding and ovipositing. The larvae which are covered with their faeces feed on the lower side of the leaves ofC. arvense. Pupation takes place in the soil. In the laboratory the whole development from egg to adult lasted about 35 days. There is only one generation per annuum. All available field observations ofL. cyanella refer toC. arvense as host plant (one record fromCirsium vulgare). “Short-term feeding tests” with adults ofL. cyanella yielded feeding responses withCarduus,Cirsium spp. andSilybum. Test plants belonging to 17 other genera of the Compositae family were not accepted. As shown in Table 1 this “Carduus-Cirsium-Silybum pattern” has also been found in feeding experiments with other highly specialized thistle insects. Within its subfamily (Criocerinae)L. cyanella appears to have developed a unique host association, since to date no related species are known to feed on thistles or other Cynareae. Because of its high degree of host specifityL. cyanella may be a potential candidate insect for the biological control of creeping thistle in North America. Further feeding tests with larvae and investigations as to the reasons for the scarcity ofL. cyanella in central Europe should be made, before a definite decision about the usefulness ofL. cyanella as a biological control agent can be taken.   相似文献   

Plusia acuta, hitherto reported as a minor pest of soybeans, now has become its a regular and serious pest in Madhya Pradesh, India. During kharif season of 1979 it infested severely about 10 hectares of soybeans in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Research was, thus, carried out to work out its biology in the laboratory in 1979. Single female moth laid 97.6 eggs in its life span on both the surface of leaves and some times on tender petiole and petiolets. The incubation, larval, prepupal and pupal periods lasted for about 4, 14, 1 and 7 days, respectively. Total life cycle completed in 24.8 days. Male and female moths lived for 5.6 and 4.8 days, respectively. The percentage emergence of adults was 73.8 in the laboratory. 26.3 percent larvae were found parasitized in fields.  相似文献   

In the period from 1986 to 1988 the synthetic sexual pheromone ofTortrix viridana L. and different types of traps were investigated in Slovakian oak forests. The dependence of male numbers per trap on the forest type groups was studied parallely as well as the attraction of pheromones for other moth species was tested, too. The pheromon TV83 (Z11-14: Ac+Z11-14: OH, 9∶1, 50 μg) and unsticky plastic trap with DDVP called “Mushroom” showed the highest effectivity. The pheromon monitoring confirmed the theory that the pest prefers the biotops with dominance ofQuercus pubescens andQ. robur. The optimum of pest was bound to forest type groups Carpineto-Quercetum und Ulmeto-Fraxinetum carpineum. The minimal number of other moth species was observed in traps with pheromons TV83 (?SFR) and Hoechst (FRG).  相似文献   

Effects of two juvenile hormone mimics on the Egyptian Cotton Leaf-Worm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae) Two analogues of insect juvenile hormone were tested for effects on eggs, 6th instars, and pupae ofSpodoptera littoralis (Boisd.). These were 3,7-dimethyl-6-epoxy-2-nonene-1-oxy (3,4-methylene-dioxybenzene), and 3,7-dimethyl-6-epoxy-2-nonene-1-oxy (4-chlorobenzene). The purpose was to observe effects of these chemical on fecundity, metamorphosis, and survival. Against 24-hour-old eggs the chloro-derivative was much more potent inhibitor of embryonic development than its methylene dioxy-analogue. Against 6th instar larvae these two compounds were equipotent in resulting intermediate forms incapable of survival. Against pupae these two analogues at 6–8 g/insect caused deformities and reduced fecundity and fertility of the survival adults to more than 90% of their normal levels.  相似文献   

Effect of some host plants on development and reproduction of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae) Investigations were performed to study the effect of some hostplants on development and reproduction capacity of the Egyptian cotton leaf-worm,Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd,), Larval and pupal weights, life span, average number of eggs laid per female and percent digestability for fifth instar larvae were measured. Cotton leafworm was able to complete its life cycle only when reared on eigher castor bean leaves, clover, sweet potato leaves, or the outer green cabbage leaves. Chlorophyl-free inner white cabbage leaves, maize, and grape vine are nutritionally insufficient to support growth and development of larvae and, in turn, cause increase in span of survived larvae and none of these larvae metamorph to pupae. It seems that there is a positive correlation between larval and pupal weights and average number of eggs laid per female; the greater the weight of larvae and pupae the higher the number of eggs laid. Castor bean leaves seem to be the most favorable host plant for rearing cotton leafworm in the laboratory. The differences and variations in the growth and development of cotton leafworm due to feeding on different host plants are discussed.  相似文献   

On the knowledge of Ips amitinus (Eichh.) The authors compile some quantitative data on the Smaller Spruce Bark BeetleIps amitinus, comparing it withIps typographus. In addition to well known values, differences were measured in diameter of entrance holes, distance between the egg niches, and size of the larvae's head capsules. Very small differences, between the two species, were found in offspring production depending upon gallery density, and in egg mortality.  相似文献   

The rare pamphiliid waspCaenolyda reticulata (L.) has lately been found in three localities of northern Germany. The subjects parthenogenesis, synanthropy, and setting up endangered species lists (Rote Listen) are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary On aetheric oils as factors of resistance of Pinus silvestris against insect pests. The aetheric oils contained in the issues ofPinus silvestris are of importance for the mechanism of resistance ofPinus against the bark-bug and the stem-worm. They represent a natural system of protection which shows differences in effectiveness adequat to the different concentrations of aetheric oils. The most important ingredients of the system are: -Pinen, -Pinen, Limonen und 3-Karen. Mathematic models of the relation between system of protection and system of attack are given. In connection with the utilization of samples (not fewer than 0,4% of the trees) they enable to evaluate the resistance of pines against the pests and to give a prediction of their outbreaks.  相似文献   

In 1975 and 1976 the leaf-rolling Microlepidoptera at birchtrees (Betula alba andB. pubescens) were investigated in the moor-land of Groebenzell western of Munich, Bavaria. Among the 14 species the GelechiidAnacampsis populella was predominant. The egg, larva and pupa, largely unknown hitherto, are described. In particular the chactotaxy of the larval stages are considered. The average number of eggs laid was 46.5, those of eggs within an egg cluster 6.5. The number of eggs remaining in the abdomen after death amounted to 9.5 per female. The larvae fed mainly on birch-trees and at a smaller scale on aspen. Willows and poplars were rejected. The first instar is living free at the underside of the leaf. Following the moulting the second instar rolls the leaf by help of spinning fibres.A. populella showed only one generation per year. The eggs overwintered. 20 species of parasitic Hymenoptera were reared: 10 larval, 4 pupal and 6 secondary parasites. The maximal quote of parasitation amounted to 59%.  相似文献   

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