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茄子杂种优势明显,一般增产30%左右,特别是早期产量增加明显,且抗病性增强,能减少生产中农药的使用量。茄子目前主要采用自交系间人工杂交配制一代杂种,本所茄子课题组经过多年的实践与探索,初步总结出一套茄子高产制种的技术规程。1培育亲本1.1适期播种为生产出种性纯正的杂一代种子,必须使用原种播种育苗。在太原地区,母本应在1月份中下旬温室播种育苗,3月下旬阳畦分苗,到4月下旬或5月上旬定植时可培育出门花现蕾的健壮苗。父本播期应根据始花期迟早进行调整,使之较母本早3~5d开花。一般双亲始花期相同或相近的组合,父本应较…  相似文献   

刘玉涛 《种子科技》2011,29(4):31-31
我国棉花杂种优势的利用越来越广泛,杂交种子在棉花大田用种中已占有很大份额,这些种子主要是靠人工去雄授粉生产的。只有掌握去雄授粉的关键技术,才能保证杂交制种的产量、质量及效益。  相似文献   

目前虽然组织培养,体细胞杂交以及DNA重组等生物技术手段在植物遗传改良方面发挥了很大作用,但是它不能代替传统的育种技术,特别是杂交育种.到现在为止,作物中以传统杂交方式育成的品种占70%以上,有性杂交仍然是人工创造变异,产生新类型的主要方法之一.小麦属于自花授粉作物,通常情况下自然异交极低,为了提高育种效率,促进品种间的基因重组,进行小麦的人工有性杂交是小麦育种中最常用的方法.  相似文献   

邹辉  张丽  路一珍 《种子科技》2002,20(6):358-358
人工辅助授粉是西瓜杂交制种中最为关键的技术环节 ,正确的授粉方法不仅能提高种子的产量 ,而且能确保种子的纯度。现将其技术总结如下 :1 早播父本父本要比母本早播种 15~ 2 0 d,必要时父本可加拱棚保护 ,并增施肥水 ,促其生长 ,以便在授粉前可准确看清果型和颜色 ,以利于去杂除劣 ,并有充足的雄花供授粉使用。2 严格除杂授粉前要逐株对亲本进行认真考察 ,看其叶型、叶色、瓜蔓、茸毛、幼果形状及颜色是否符合本品种的标准 ,及时带根整棵拔除杂株、劣株。尤其是对父本瓜株更要仔细 ,须反复观察后方可采花使用 ,并且摘除将要膨大的果实 ,…  相似文献   

陈景堂  黄亚群  祝丽英  张芳 《种子》2005,24(12):82-83
本研究选用河农972小麦品种为试验材料,采用沾粉法和捻穗法进行人工杂交授粉,结果两种授粉方式的杂交结实率存在一定差异,沾粉法平均结实率为78.0%,捻穗法平均结实率为66.5%,二者差异达极显著水平.表明在小麦杂交过程中,沾粉法优于捻穗法.在小麦杂交育种实践中采用沾粉法可有效提高杂交工作效率,获得更多杂交种子.  相似文献   

棉花杂交制种应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农七师农科所一直进行杂交棉育种,选育了多个有希望的品系。杂交棉制种有多种方法,目前生产上仍以人工去雄授粉制种法应用为主,严格执行杂交棉制种技术规程,确保杂交种的纯度和质量是杂交棉制种的关键。  相似文献   

大豆的杂交方法与技巧   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于伟  李磊  李智  王敏 《作物杂志》2005,(6):51-52
人工杂交是作物育种工作者普遍采用的育种方法,不同作物的花器大小和构造各不相同,杂交方法也不一样.大豆是严格的闭花授粉作物,花小,分布零散,杂交时不仅需要掌握正确的方法,还要有一定的实践经验和技巧.  相似文献   

玉米隔行去雄、人工辅助授粉,是一项简便易行、费省效宏的增产技术。近年来,为进一步提高玉米生产水平,挖掘玉米增产潜力,我市在抓好玉米常规的高产配套技术措施的同时,积极推行玉米隔行去雄、人工辅助授粉,结合后期去雄的技术措施,获得了很好的增产效果。各地试验和生产实践证明,杂交玉米推行隔行去雄、人工辅助授粉的技术后,一般增产5.0%~8.0%,雌穗授粉花丝萎焉后再去雄增产3.0%。  相似文献   

提高杂交玉米制种产量的关键措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米杂交种产量的高低 ,不仅影响杂交种的推广速度 ,而且也直接影响制种单位的经济效益。为了提高制种产量 ,我们摸索出了一套提高制种产量的技术措施 ,取得了明显的效果。1 制种基地的选择要求制种基地周围 4 0 0 m以内不能种植其他玉米 ,隔离安全是选择基地的首要条件。所谓 4 0 0 m是指平面距离 ,如果四周是洼地 ,表面距离还应超过 4 0 0m;如果四周是丘陵地 ,则可略小于 4 0 0 m。对个别达不到隔离要求的地段 ,应采取种植父本、大豆等有效措施。2 使用优质的亲本种子亲本种子的优劣直接关系到制种质量。选用纯度好的亲本 ,既可以节省去…  相似文献   

Although maize pollination (MP) and anther culture (AC) are alternative techniques widely used for wheat doubled haploid (DH) production, there is only limited information on the attributes of the plant materials produced through both methods. This study was conducted to evaluate genetic fidelity, transmission of parental gametes, and to compare field performance of DH populations produced by the MP and AC methods from the F1s of two crosses between spring bread wheat cultivars. The DH populations were compared to single seed descent (SSD) lines created from the same crosses. In total, 76 MP and 122 AC lines of the cross between cultivars of divergent origin were subjected to RAPD and AFLP analysis. Only changes in AFLP banding patterns, at similarly low frequencies, 0.18% (MP) and 0.21% (AC), were detected. The frequency of the DH lines affected by the variation, 14.5% (MP) and 14.8% (AC), was similar in both populations. For most of the DH lines, variation in 1‐2 loci only, out of several hundreds scored, was observed. A total of 14.3% (MP) and 22.2% (AC) marker loci showed the significant segregation distortion from the expected 1 : 1 ratio, but in at least one polymorphic locus the within‐cultivar variation was responsible for the skewed segregation. The field performance of the corresponding MP and AC lines derived from two crosses confirmed the equivalency of both DH populations. In most of the traits analyzed, the MP and AC lines performed the same as the SSD populations created from the same crosses. No, or very small differences in means and ranges, were observed when the best 10% of the lines from all three methods were compared. Moreover, the best 10 % of the lines of the cross between Polish wheat cultivars adapted to the local environment performed significantly better for some traits than different groups of checks used in the study.  相似文献   

This study compared the meiotic recombination frequency between wheat doubled haploid (DH) populations obtained through two different methods, maize pollination (MP♀) and anther culture (AC♂). The comparison was based on a genetic linkage analysis, performed with DNA markers. Thirty-five polymorphic markers (15 SSR, 15 AFLP, 5 RAPD) were screened in MP♀ and AC♂ doubled haploids populations, derived from the same hybrid genotype (F1 of ‘Eta’ × ‘Darkhan 15’). Nine linkage groups, comprising 35 loci (the MP♀ lines) and 31 loci (the AC♂ lines), were constructed. The linkage groups in both DH populations showed identical orders of markers, except for one group mapping to chromosome 6B. The MP♀ and AC♂ linkage maps differed significantly in recombination frequencies for corresponding intervals. In total, the AC♂ linkage map (495.5 cM) was 40.5% longer than the MP♀ map (352.8 cM), indicating a significantly higher meiotic recombination rate in pollen mother cells. The enhancement in recombination was visible in five of nine linkage groups, and in 7 intervals between individual loci out of 19 compared. Moreover, for 6 other intervals a lack of linkage was observed in the AC♂ population, as compared to the MP♀ map.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid (DH) lines are important in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding, and haploids produced via maize pollination precede DH line development. Although maize pollination has proven reliable and broadly applicable to wheat, its success is determined by the wheat and maize genotypes employed. A wheat genotype consisting of nuclear and cytoplasm components predisposing it to parthenogenesis was compared with three other genotypes, each possessing only one or neither component necessary for parthenogenesis. In a glasshouse experiment, each genotype was pollinated with maize and subsequently treated with a2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) solution to determine if parthenogenesis affected embryo formation frequency (EFF)and haploid formation efficiency (HFE). Wheat genotypes were also treated with the2,4-D solution alone to determine if embryos and haploid plants could be produced in vivo without maize pollination. ‘Salmon(K)’, a parthenogenetic genotype consisting of a Salmon 1BL.1RS nucleus in a Ae. kotschyii cytoplasm, had a mean EFF of 32%; whereas, the non-parthenogenetic genotypes had mean EFF calculations ranging from 7 to 21%. Mean HFE for Salmon(K) was not significantly different than the mean HFE for non-parthenogenetic Salmon; however, EFF and HFE calculations for Salmon(K) and Salmon, each with a 1BL.1RS translocation, were generally higher than calculations for genotypes without the translocation. Salmon(K) was the only genotype to produce a 3% or higher EFF and HFE after treatment with 2,4-D alone. Parthenogenesis significantly affected the frequency at which embryos were produced after pollination with maize and the frequency at which embryos and haploid plants were produced after treatment with 2,4-D alone. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

High grain yield and resistance to stripe (yellow) rust are the most important traits for successful adoption of winter wheat varieties in Central and West Asia. This study was conducted to determine the stripe rust response and agronomic performance of a set of breeding lines recently developed by the International Winter Wheat Improvement Program (IWWIP). Replicated field studies were conducted in 2010 and 2011 using 38 experimental lines, one regional check (Konya) and one local check. Stripe rust scores were recorded at Karshi, Uzbekistan, and Karaj and Mashhad, Iran, in 2010. Grain yield was recorded at two sites each in Uzbekistan (Karshi and Kibray) and Iran (Karaj and Mashhad) and one site in Turkey (Eskisehir). The test lines showed variation for stripe rust severity, grain yield, 1,000-kernel weight, days to heading and plant height. Several stripe rust resistant genotypes were either higher yielding or equal to the local checks at different sites. Based on stripe rust resistance and yield performance in 2010, a set of 16 genotypes was selected and evaluated in 2011. All 16 were resistant at Almaty, Kazakhstan, and Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in 2011, whereas 9 of the 16 were resistant at Terter, Azerbaijan. The genotypes ‘TCI-02-138, ‘Solh’, ‘CMSS97M00541S’, ‘TCI -2-88(A)’ and ‘TCI-02-88(C)’ were consistently resistant to stripe across all sites in both years. Several lines showed high grain yields and superior agronomic performance across four sites in Uzbekistan and one site in Tajikistan. One genotype has been released in Uzbekistan and another in Tajikistan.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivars of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) of high wheat-rye (Secale cereale L.) crossability set more seed with pollen of other related species than did wheats of low wheat-rye crossability. This was found to be true for pollen parents from the genera Triticum, Aegilops, Secale, Agropyron and Elymus.  相似文献   

1小麦品种的新类型 矮秆型小麦是小麦矮化育种的重要亲本材料(表1),矮秆小麦在抗倒和秸秆禁烧方面,具有明显优势.矮秆小麦是小麦、玉米粮食产区完善与玉米秸秆掩青技术相配套的、小麦秸秆生态禁烧的新途径;同时也是降低小麦生产成本、由精耕细作型向简单效益型转变的理想品种.  相似文献   

通过3年的研究表明,棉花双隐性核不育系利用蜜蜂传粉技术制种,在密度2000株/667m2,父本∶母本为1∶4~1∶6,每667m2放置1~1.5桶意蜂时,种子产量可达50kg/hm2; 与人工授粉相比,昆虫传粉在铃重和每铃种子数上显著较低,而铃重与每铃种子数有很高的正相关,每铃种子数实际又是由杂交花粉量决定,所以提高昆虫传粉的杂交花粉量,从而增加每铃种子数是提高其制种产量的关键;蜜蜂传粉虽然每个工种子产量较高,但在生产实际中应用尚存在困难.在不育系少量保纯繁殖时,或者在成片的棉花制种生产中,蜜蜂传粉制种或者以蜜蜂传粉辅助人工授粉制种是非常可行的方式.  相似文献   

Summary Controlled hand pollinated pistils of rubber were observed using fluorescence microscopy to assess the efficiency of the universally-employed method for the production of progeny for plant breeding. The controlled hand pollination method conducted in the morning resulted in the deposition of a mean of 15.6 pollen grains on the stigma, with no stray pollination observed. Over 36% of the pistils had the potential to set fruit.Pollinations conducted in the afternoon at the normal time of anthesis, had double the fruit set potential of morning pollinations as measured by penetration of ovules by pollen tubes. Pollinator efficiency also varied, with excessive damage to stigmas resulting in reduced pollen germination and tube growth. There were differences between clones in both female and male fertility, in the proportion of pistils with more than three carpels and in the production of small abnormal stigmas. There was no difference in pollen tube growth following self- or cross-pollination, indicating that the self-sterility mechanism of rubber operates in the ovary. Pollen could be stored for 5 days at 5°C and 75% RH with a 22% loss of fertility.  相似文献   

Preharvest sprouting (PHS) in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (T. turgidum L. var durum) causes significant economic losses due to a reduction in grain yield, grain functionality and viability of seed for planting. Average annual estimated losses in Canada are about $100 million. Genetic resistance to PHS reduces these losses. Development of PHS resistant cultivars is complicated by the effects of factors under genetic control, such as spike morphology, seed dormancy, environment, and kernel diseases. Resistance to PHS has been a breeding priority since the late 1960s. Development of RL4137, which is the primary source of PHS resistance in the Canada Western Red Spring market class, has led to cultivar improvements. A white-seeded derivative of RL4137 is the primary source of PHS in the Canada Prairie Spring White and Canada Western Hard White Spring wheat market classes. Procedures to select for PHS resistance vary among breeding programs, market classes and by degree of inbreeding. Methods include artificial sprouting of intact spikes, germination tests, natural weathering in field trials, artificial weathering trials, and indirect assessment of sprouting by measuring Hagberg falling number. Although many genetic loci have been attributed to preharvest sprouting resistance, application of molecular markers is currently limited due to the complex inheritance of the trait. In Canada, cultivars are characterized for their relative level of PHS resistance and the information is made available to producers.  相似文献   

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