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Females representing Hereford, Red Poll, F1 Hereford x Red Poll, F1 Red Poll x Hereford, F1 Angus x Hereford, F1 Angus x Charolais, F1 Brahman x Hereford, and F1 Brahman x Angus breed types were evaluated from birth until 10 yr of age. Of 308 females born alive, 35.7% died or were culled because of injury, serious illness, or reproductive failure. Breed types differed (P less than .01) in total number of mating seasons per cow and total number of progeny born and weaned. Values for lifetime total number of calves weaned were as follows: Hereford, 4.54; Red Poll, 5.45; Hereford x Red Poll, 4.45; Red Poll x Hereford, 5.49; Angus x Hereford, 5.98; Angus x Charolais, 5.57; Brahman x Hereford, 6.96; and Brahman x Angus, 6.22. Brahman crosses (P less than .01) and Angus x Charolais (P less than .10) exceeded Hereford dams in lifetime total number of calves weaned but did not differ from Angus x Herefords. Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed no evidence of heterosis in life span traits. Results indicate that breed type was a major source of variation in reproductive life span of beef-type females. F1 Bos indicus crosses and Angus x Herefords were outstanding in longevity.  相似文献   

Mature dams representing Hereford, Red Poll, F1 Hereford x Red Poll, F1 Red Poll x Hereford, F1 Angus x Hereford, F1 Angus x Charolais, F1 Brahman x Hereford and F1 Brahman x Angus breed types were evaluated. All cows were bred to Limousin sires to produce two-way or three-way-cross progeny. Mature Brahman x Hereford dams produced a higher (P less than .05) percentage of live calves than Herefords, but dam breed differences in percentage of calves weaned relative to the number of cows exposed for mating were not statistically significant. Progeny of Angus x Charolais and Red Poll dams were outstanding in weaning weight, but Hereford and Brahman-cross calves were below average. Planned comparisons showed that Angus x Charolais calves were heavier (P less than .01) at weaning than Hereford (23.0 +/- 3.8 kg) or Angus x Hereford (9.6 +/- 3.2 kg) progeny. Mature Angus x Hereford mothers weaned heavier calves than did Brahman x Herefords (7.4 +/- 3.2 kg, P less than .05) or Brahman x Angus (10.9 +/- 3.0 kg, P less than .01). Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed evidence of maternal heterosis in calf weaning weight (4.0 +/- 2.6 kg, P less than .05), but there was no difference in the percentage of calves weaned by crossbred vs straightbred dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yield, butterfat, protein, lactose and solids-not-fat of milk from mature dams (n = 128) representing eight Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus breed types were evaluated approximately 60, 105 and 150 d postpartum. Breed type was a significant source of variation in milk yield at each stage of lactation. Average 24-h milk yields (kg) were: Hereford, 7.3; Red Poll, 9.1; Hereford X Red Poll, 9.1; Red Poll X Hereford, 9.1; Angus X Hereford, 8.6; Angus X Charolais, 9.3; Brahman X Hereford, 7.3 and Brahman X Angus, 8.3. Daily yields of Brahman X Angus dams increased as lactation progressed, while production levels of other breed types remained approximately the same or declined. Hereford-Red Poll crosses showed significant heterosis in 24-h milk production and component yields at 150 d. Breed type effects also were significant for lactose yield throughout lactation. Sex of calf influenced (P less than .05) milk yield at 60 and 105 d postpartum and yield of protein and solids-not-fat at 105 d. Mastitis caused a reduction (P less than .01) in percentage of lactose but had no effect on milk yield. Residual correlations between yield traits and preweaning average daily gain were all positive and significant, with values ranging from .22 to .45. Breed type was a major source of variation in milk traits of beef-type Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus dams.  相似文献   

Induction of ovulation for timed artificial insemination (TAI) with the Ovsynch protocol was evaluated in 49 anoestrous and lactating Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows. Palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography were used on Days -30, -20, -10 and 0 (start of treatment) to confirm anoestrus but with the presence of follicles > or = 10 mm, and every other day during treatment to determine ovarian activity. Cows were randomly assigned to: (1) Ovsynch (n = 24; Day 0, 200 microg GnRH; Day 7, 150 microg PGF2alpha; Day 9, 200 microg GnRH + TAI 16 to 20 h later) and (2) control (n = 25; no treatment). Rates of ovulation for the first GnRH injection, detection of a corpus luteum (CL) at PGF2alpha injection, pregnancy and induction of cyclicity were greater (P < 0.05) with Ovsynch. There was no effect of body condition score (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the Ovsynch protocol was not effective in obtaining acceptable pregnancy rate for TAI, but it was effective for induction of cyclicity in anoestrous and lactating Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits and preweaning growth of progeny from young Hereford, Red Poll, Hereford X Red Poll, Red Poll X Hereford, Angus X Hereford, Angus X Charolais, Brahman X Hereford and Brahman X Angus dams were evaluated. First-calf heifers were mated with Red Angus bulls; Santa Gertrudis sires were used for each cow's second and third breeding season. Herefords, Red Polls and Hereford-Red Poll crosses were below average in percentage of calves weaned, whereas Angus-sired and Brahman-sired dams exceeded the overall mean. Angus X Charolais (P less than .10), Brahman X Hereford (P less than .01) and Brahman X Angus (P less than .10) dams weaned a higher percentage of calves than straightbred Herefords. None of these breed types differed from young Angus X Hereford females in reproductive performance. Angus X Charolais calves ranked highest in 180-d calf weight, exceeding progeny from both Hereford (P less than .01) and Angus X Hereford (P less than .10) dams. Brahman X Hereford dams weaned heavier (P less than .05) calves than Herefords, but their progeny did not differ at weaning from those reared by Angus X Herefords. Calves from Brahman X Angus dams weighed 12.7 kg less (P less than .01) than Angus X Hereford progeny. Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed evidence of (P less than .10) maternal heterosis in 180-d calf weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Brahman (n = 9) and 1/2 Simmental x 1/4 Brahman x 1/4 Hereford (n = 11) calves were utilized to determine the influence of exposure to cold on the physiology of the neonate. All calves were removed from their dams within 20 min of birth and prior to suckling. Calves were assigned randomly within breed to either a warm (W; 31 degrees C) or cold (C; 4 degrees C) environmental treatment group. Jugular blood samples were collected via indwelling catheters at 20-min intervals for 180 min. At 100 to 120 min of sampling, all calves were given 1.2 liters of colostrum from their dams via stomach tube. At 120 min, C calves were placed in the W environment. Calf vigor score (CVS) and rectal temperature were determined at each time blood was collected. Serum or plasma was analyzed for glucose (GLU), lactate (LAC), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), hemoglobin (HEM), triglyceride (TRG), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), insulin (INS), cortisol (CORT) and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration. Rectal temperature was lower (P less than .01) in C Brahman than in W Brahman and C or W crossbred calves. Crossbred calves had higher (P less than .01) CVS than Brahman calves. Calves in W had lower (P less than .01) GLU than C calves. Brahman calves had higher GLU, LAC, BUN, TRG, T3, T4 and CORT (P less than .05) than crossbred calves. The C Brahman calves had the highest (P less than .05) TRG, CORT, T3 and T4 of all groups. Concentration of NEFA were higher (P less than .01) in C than in W calves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A deterministic model was developed that accounted for all biological inputs and outputs for a theoretical herd of F1 females at age equilibrium mated to produce three-way terminal-cross calves and for the required proportion of straightbred cows needed to produce replacements. Two Bos indicus x Bos taurus vs two Bos taurus x Bos taurus types of crossbred cows were compared in the production environment of south-central Nebraska. The four types of F1 females were from Hereford (H) or Angus (A) dams and by H or A (HA), Pinzgauer (Pz), Brahman (Bm), or Sahiwal (Sw) sires. The crossbred females were assumed mated to Red Poll (R) sires for their first calving and to Simmental (S) sires thereafter. Two evaluations of efficiency for each of the four breeding systems were total cow and calf feed energy input 1) per unit of only weaned calf weight output (CALFEFF, Mcal/kg) and 2) per unit of weaned calf plus .55 x cull cow weight output (TVALEFF, Mcal/kg). Results for a terminal age of 7 yr in systems using HA, Pz, Bm, and Sw crossbred cows, respectively, were 64.9, 64.5, 60.9, and 59.3 Mcal/kg for CALFEFF and 45.7, 46.4, 44.1, and 43.7 Mcal/kg for TVALEFF. Changing terminal age to 11 yr reduced CALFEFF about 6% but increased TVALEFF about 7%, because total inputs increased more than output value (10 vs 3%) from 7 to 11 yr terminal ages. These results suggest differences in efficiency among these breed crosses favoring the Bos indicus crossbred cows by over 4% in this particular environment.  相似文献   

Production data were collected on mature cows produced by mating Angus and Hereford (pooled AH), Brahman (Bh) and Boran (Br), and Tuli, a tropically adapted Bos taurus, sires by AI or natural service to Angus and Hereford cows. These cows were mated to Charolais bulls for the purpose of this study. Within each sire breed of cow, cows were assigned randomly to one of three feeding rates, 49 or 76 g of DMI/ BW0.75 or ad libitum (10 to 12 cows/feeding rate group), with weekly individual animal feed consumption recorded. Lactation yields were recorded via the weigh-suckle-weigh protocol at approximately 14, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, and 196 d postpartum for each cow/calf pair. Means for milk yield at peak lactation, total milk yields, calf birth weight, age-adjusted weaning weights, preweaning daily gain, and feed efficiency were estimated. Peak yield (kg/d) for Bh (10.3 +/- 0.36) was greater (P < 0.05) than for Tuli (9.0 +/- 0.31). Total yield (kg, 212 d) for Bh (1802 +/- 68) was greater (P < 0.05) than for Tuli (1532 +/- 59). Birth weight of AH (44 +/- 0.9) was heavier than for Bh and Br (P < 0.05). Preweaning daily calf gain (g/d) and adjusted weaning weight (kg) of Bh (813 +/- 28, 212 +/- 6.1) and Br (766 +/- 24, 202 +/- 5.1) differed (P < 0.05) from AH (589 +/- 24, 169 +/- 5.2) and Tuli (634 +/- 24, 176 +/- 5.3). Efficiency estimates (grams of adjusted weaning weight/kilograms DMI of the cow) for Bh (88 +/- 2.5) and Br (85 +/- 2.1) exceeded (P < 0.05) those for Tuli (74 +/- 2.1) and AH (73 +/- 2.1). Bos indicus breed crosses exhibited greater peak and total yield, lower birth weight, greater daily gain and adjusted weaning weight, and higher feed efficiency than did Bos taurus breed crosses (P < 0.05). Total yield, daily gain, adjusted weaning weight, and feed efficiency were higher (P < 0.05) for cows sired by bulls from tropically adapted breeds, and the peak yield was less (P < 0.10). Tuli exhibited lower total yield and birth weight than did Angus/Hereford (P < 0.05). The efficiency of crossbred Tuli cows did not differ from Angus/Hereford F1 females, but neither equaled the efficiency of crossbred cows produced using Bos indicus breeds.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if percentage Bos taurus (0 or 50%) of the cow had an effect on ME requirements and milk production, and to compare cow/calf efficiency among 3 mating systems. Metabolizable energy requirements were estimated during a feeding trial that encompassed a gestation and lactation feeding trial for each of 2 groups of cows. Cows were 0 or 50% Bos taurus (100 or 50% Nellore) breed type: Nellore cows (NL; n = 10) mated to Nellore bulls, NL cows (n = 9) mated to Angus bulls, Angus x Nellore (ANL; n = 10) and Simmental x Nellore (SNL; n = 10) cows mated to Canchim (5/8 Charolais 3/8 Zebu) bulls. Cows were individually fed a total mixed diet that contained 11.3% CP and 2.23 Mcal of ME/kg of DM. At 14-d intervals, cows and calves were weighed and the amount of DM was adjusted to keep shrunk BW and BCS of cows constant. Beginning at 38 d of age, corn silage was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was measured using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique. At 190 d of age, calves were slaughtered and body composition estimated using 9-10-11th-rib section to obtain energy deposition. Regression of BW change on daily ME intake (MEI) was used to estimate MEI at zero BW change. Increase in percentage Bos taurus had a significant effect on daily ME requirements (Mcal/d) during pregnancy (P < 0.01) and lactation (P < 0.01). Percentage Bos taurus had a positive linear effect on maintenance requirements of pregnant (P = 0.07) and lactating (P < 0.01) cows; during pregnancy, the ME requirements were 91 and 86% of those in lactation (131 +/- 3.5 vs. 145 +/- 3.4 Mcal x kg(-0.75) x d(-1)) for the 0 and 50% B. taurus groups, respectively. The 50% B. taurus cows, ANL and SNL, suckling crossbred calves had greater total MEI (4,319 +/- 61 Mcal; P < 0.01) than 0% B. taurus cows suckling NL (3,484 +/- 86 Mcal) or ANL calves (3,600 +/- 91 Mcal). The 0% B. taurus cows suckling ANL calves were more efficient (45.3 +/- 1.6 g/Mcal; P = 0.03) than straightbred NL (35.1 +/- 1.5 g/Mcal) and ANL or SNL pairs (41.0 +/- 1.0 g/Mcal). Under the conditions of this study, crossbreeding improved cow/ calf efficiency and showed an advantage for cows that have lower energy requirements.  相似文献   

Nonlactating Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows were used in three herds to determine the efficacy of different PGF2alpha treatments in combination with GnRH and melengestrol acetate (MGA) for a timed artificial insemination protocol. The start of the experiment was designated as d 0, at which time cows were assigned a body condition score and received 100 microg of GnRH. Cows were fed MGA (0.5 x mg x cow(-1) x d(-1)) on d 1 to 7. On d 7, cows received either a single injection of PGF2alpha (Lutalyse sterile solution; 25 mg; n = 297), a single injection of cloprostenol sodium (Estrumate; 500 microg; n = 297), or half the recommended dose of PGF2alpha (12.5 mg; n = 275) on d 7 and 8. On d 10, all cows were artificially inseminated and received 100 microg of GnRH. Pregnancy rates to the timed artificial insemination (39%) were not affected by treatment, herd, or treatment x herd. There was an effect (P < 0.01) of artificial insemination sire on timed artificial insemination pregnancy rate for one herd, but not the other two herds. Herd influenced (P < 0.05) 30-d pregnancy rates, but there were no treatment or treatment x herd effects as 72.3% of the cows became pregnant during the first 30 d of the breeding season. Results indicate that the type of PGF2alpha treatment administered 7 d after GnRH did not influence timed artificial insemination pregnancy rates in nonlactating Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to characterize lipid profiles in the M. longissimus thoracis of commercial Brazilian beef and to assess how those profiles are influenced by finishing system, genetic group, and their interaction. Intramuscular fat (IMF) and fatty acid (FA) profiles were determined in 160 bulls of the Bos taurus (n = 75) and Bos indicus (n = 85) genetic groups, finished on pasture (n = 46) or with grain supplementation (n = 114) and slaughtered in a commercial abattoir. Finishing system had a major impact on the deposition of IMF, as well as on the concentration of SFA, PUFA, and their ratio, but genetic groups showed important differences in the ability to convert SFA into cis-9 MUFA and to convert 16:0 into 18:0. When compared with pasture-finished animals, those finished with grain had greater content of IMF and SFA (P < 0.01), similar amounts of MUFA (P > 0.05), and about one-half the amount of PUFA (P < 0.01). Except for MUFA, differences in FA profiles among finishing systems were mostly mediated through their effect on IMF, even though the relationship of IMF with groups of FA differed among finishing systems. Under grain finishing, B. taurus had less SFA and greater MUFA than B. indicus (P < 0.01), but no differences were observed in PUFA (P > 0.05). With pasture-finishing, no differences were observed among the 2 genetic groups in SFA and MUFA (P > 0.05), but PUFA were decreased in B. taurus (P < 0.01). When genetic groups were compared in grain-finishing, B. taurus had a decreased ability for elongation and B. indicus had a decreased aptitude for desaturation of FA. On the other hand, with pasture-finishing a greater deposition of intermediate FA from ruminal biohydrogenation was observed in B. indicus than in B. taurus. Overall, FA profiles were affected more by finishing system in B. indicus than in B. taurus.  相似文献   

Amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of ocular squamous cell tumors were evaluated in dams representing diverse cattle breed types. Each dam was examined twice annually during a specific stage in the life cycle (3.5 to 9.5 years old). Overall, 28.3% of dams in the herd developed at least 1 ocular squamous cell tumor. Breed groups differed (P less than 0.01) in amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of tumors. Results indicate that losses from ocular squamous cell tumors in beef herds can be sharply reduced by judicious choice of breed types.  相似文献   

Growth and carcass data on 7,154 cattle from a purebred project and 1,241 cattle from a crossbred project, comprising 916 first-crosses and 325 purebred Brahman controls, were analyzed to estimate genetic parameters, including the genetic correlations between purebred and crossbred performance (rpc). The data also allowed the estimation of sire breed means for various growth and carcass traits. Crossbred calves were produced using 9 Angus, 8 Hereford, 7 Shorthorn, 14 Belmont Red, and 8 Santa Gertrudis sires bred to Brahman dams. These same sires produced 1,568 progeny in a separate purebreeding project. Cattle in both projects were managed under two finishing regimens (pasture and feedlot) to representative market live weights of 400 (domestic), 520 (Korean), and 600 kg (Japanese). The traits studied included live weight at around 400 d of age (400W), hot carcass weight (CWT), retail beef yield percentage (RBY), intramuscular fat percentage (IMF), rump fat depth (P8), and preslaughter ultrasound scanned eye muscle area (SEMA). Estimated breeding values (EBV) of sires from their BREEDPLAN genetic evaluations were used to assess their value in predicting crossbred performance. Regressions of actual crossbred calf performance on sire EBV for each of the traits differed little from their expectation of 0.5. Angus sires produced crossbred carcasses with the highest P8 and lowest RBY but highest IMF. In contrast, crossbred progeny from Belmont Red sires had the lightest 400W and CWT, lowest P8, and highest RBY. Estimates of rpc were 0.48, 0.48, 0.83, 0.95, 1.00, and 0.78 for 400W, CWT, RBY, IMF, P8, and SEMA, respectively. Commercial breeders selecting sires for crossbreeding programs with Brahman females, based on EBV computed from purebred data, might encounter some reranking of sire's performance for weight-related traits, with little expected change in carcass traits.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits were evaluated in Bos taurus and Bos indicus crossbred heifers that were fed different diets during the postweaning period. The study was designed in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Angus x Hereford (AH; n = 148) and Brahman x Hereford (BH; n = 148) heifers were sorted after weaning by body weight into light (LW) and heavy (HW) weight blocks. Heifers in each weight block were assigned to diets calculated to reach a target weight of 55% (LE) or 65% (HE) of their projected mature weights by the start of the breeding season. Puberty was determined after a 160-d observation period and characterized by the following criteria: 1) behavioral estrus, 2) presence of a palpable corpus luteum (d 6 to 10; estrus = d 0), and 3) rise in serum progesterone above 1 ng/ml (d 6 to 10). A higher (P = .01) proportion of AH heifers than of BH heifers reached puberty by the breeding season (93% vs 67%). Interactions of breed x weight block and energy level x weight block also contributed to this difference. Weight at puberty was heavier (P = .001) among HE than among LE heifers and greater for heifers in HW than for those in LW blocks (P = .02). Differences in prebreeding weight, body condition, average daily gain, hip height, and pelvic area were influenced selectively by breed, energy level, or weight block. Pregnancy rates were higher (P = .01) among AH than among BH heifers. Incidence and severity of dystocia was influenced by the breed x energy level interaction (P = .01). Brahman x Hereford heifers had less (P = .01) dystocia than AH heifers, HE heifers had less (P less than .02) dystocia than LE heifers, and HE-AH heifers had less (P less than .01) dystocia than LE-AH contemporaries. Subsequent duration of the postpartum interval to estrus was shorter (P = .002) among AH than among BH females. Pregnancy rates at the end of the 2nd yr were higher (P = .02) among LW than among HW females and weights were heavier (P = .001) at weaning among calves weaned from BH dams.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this work was to develop empirical equations from a meta-analysis study to be used to implement initial values in a mechanistic heat balance model. The meta-analysis was conducted to 1) develop prediction equations for sweating and respiration rate (SR, g·m(-2)·h(-1) and RR, breaths·min(-1), respectively) based on skin and body temperature (T(s) and T(b), °C, respectively) for different breed types: Bos indicus, Bos taurus, and their crossbreds, and 2) evaluate the fit of existing SR equations and the SR and RR equations (from objective 1) against independent data sets. Fourteen studies were collected for the SR analysis, 12 for fitting and 2 for evaluation. The fitted SR equations (Thompson model) for the 3 breeds types were B. indicus, SR = 0.085e(0.22·T(s)); B. taurus, SR = 0.75e(0.15·T(s)); and crossbreds, SR = 0.015e(0.25·T(s)). Twenty-three studies were collected for the RR analysis, 20 for fitting and 3 for evaluation. The fitted RR equations for the 3 breed types were B. indicus, RR = -1,660 + 43.8·T(b); B. taurus, RR = -1,385 + 37·T(b); and crossbreds, RR = -2,226 + 59·T(b). Three SR equations (Maia, McArthur, and Gatenby models) from the literature were evaluated against the Thompson model using the 14 studies. The McArthur model predicted SR within the correct range, but with an increased slope bias because the equation was linear and not the correct shape. The Maia model overpredicted SR for all breed types with the greatest overprediction being for crossbreds. The Gatenby model overpredicted SR for B. taurus (root mean square error of prediction = 506 g·m(-2)·h(-1)), but was the best predictor for B. indicus. The Thompson model overpredicted SR for B. indicus (root mean square error of prediction ranged from 134 to 265 g·m(-2)·h(-1)), but was the best predictor for B. taurus and crossbreds. The Thompson model was a good predictor for RR across all breed types. The meta-analysis showed that the Thompson model outperformed previous models for both RR and SR with the exception of the SR of B. indicus, which was best predicted by the Gatenby model.  相似文献   

Twenty-six kidneys of 2–4 years old Bos indicus (zebu cattle) and twenty kidneys of 4-year old Bos taurus were examined under the light microscope. The renal tubular epithelial heights and diameters were smaller in zebu than in Bos taurus. The Bos indicus kidney had fewer vascular bundles in the outer medullary zone and a smaller number of capillaries per vascular bundle, hence a lower renal blood flow than in Bos taurus. The Bos indicus proximal tubules had broader brush borders than those of Bos taurus. The smaller renal corpuscles with smaller glomerular filtration surface and low renal blood flow are responsible for low glomerular filtration rate and urinary flow, enabling their kidneys to retain more water than those of Bos taurus.  相似文献   

Twenty kidneys of 4 years old Bos taurus cattle and 26 kidneys of 2—4 years old Bos indicus (Zebu cattle) of East African Shorthorn breen were examined lobe by lobe after fixation. The cortex and medulla with subunits were measured and compared in the two sub-species. The width of the cortex was about the same in both. The outer and inner stripes of the outer medullary zone were significantly broader in Bos taurus whereas outer inner zone was significantly broader in Bos indicus. The width of the entire medulla was greater in Bos taurus.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Heat shock proteins (HSPs) act as molecular chaperones which are preferentially transcribed in response to severe perturbations of the cellular homeostasis...  相似文献   

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