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A mixture of (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11–16: Ald), (E)-11-hexadecenal (E11–16: Ald), (Z)-13-octadecenal (Z13–18: Ald), and (E)-13-octadecenal (E13–18: Ald) on rubber septa (100∶10∶100∶10 μg, respectively) was superior to virgin females in attracting maleCryptoblabes gnidiella Mill. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to traps. A dichloromethane extract of 200 female ovipositors was separated into fractions by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) on OV-101 and Hi-Eff 8BP. Two fractions had significant electroantennogram (EAG) activity, and had the retention times ofZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald on each GLC column. These fractions contained insufficient material for further chemical work. SyntheticZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald had the greatest EAG activity of a series of monounsaturated 12?, 14?, 16?, and 18-carbon alcohols, acetates, and aldehydes. Various ratios ofZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald were tested in traps, and a 1∶1 mixture was the most attractive. Addition of small amounts of the correspondingE isomers significantly increased trap catches.  相似文献   

The rearing of the honeydew moth,Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mill., is described. The toxicity at 27° and 22° C of diflubenzuron against eggs ofC. gnidiella was assayed by dipping in aqueous dilutions of a 5% liquid experimental formulation and of a 25% wettable powder (w.p.). The w.p. was more active than the liquid formulation, and toxicity at 27° was higher than at 22°C, for both formulations. The LC-50s of the w.p. were 0.00025 and 0.006%, and of the liquid formulation 0.009 and 0.095 a.i., at 27° and 22°C, respectively; the LC-90s of the w.p. were 0.0033 and 0.037%, and of the liquid formulation 0.36 and 2.5% a.i., at 27° and 22° C, respectively.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted in 1971–1974 to control the honeydew moth,Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mill, withBacillus thuringiensis. Dipel, a commercial preparation containingBacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki (HD-1 strain), was highly effective (at concentrations ranging from 0.25% to 1.5%) in killing caterpillars of all developmental stages. In both the field trials and additional laboratory trials, it had no adverse effect on the mealybugPseudococcus longispinus Targ.-Tozz., or on its parasites,Hungariella peregrina Compere andAnagyrus fusciventris Girault.  相似文献   

The effects of field aging (0–28 days) and pheromone loading rate on the longevity of red rubber septa loaded with the sex pheromone blend of the oriental fruit mothGrapholita molesta (Busck), were evaluated in North Carolina apple orchards in 2002. Separate field tests examined the influence of trap height and pheromone loading rate of rubber septa on trap catches of adultG. molesta males in an abandoned orchard. The loss of the major pheromone component, (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8–12:OAc), from red rubber septa over a 4-week period exhibited a relatively constant release rate with 30, 100 and 300 μg pheromone. Trap catch was significantly higher in pheromone traps placed in the upper canopy than in those in the lower canopy. Pheromone traps baited with 100μg lures caught more moths compared with those loaded with 300 μg. There was no apparent relationship between pheromone trap catch and septa age, with trap catch appearing to be primarily a function ofG. molesta population density. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 14, 2006.  相似文献   

Field tests were carried out to determine whether pheromone traps, baited with (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9,E12-14:Ac) impregnated in rubber septa (Maavit, Israel), could provide a reliable tool for monitoring the raisin moth,Cadra figulilella (Gregson), in date palm plantations. No significant differences were detected between captures of males in traps baited with 1 or 10 mg pheromone/dispenser. However, traps baited with 1 mg pheromone captured significantly more males than those baited with 0.1 mg pheromone/dispenser. No differences were found between captures of males in traps hung at a height of 8 m (near the bunches) or 2–3 m (on palm trunks). Two peaks of male capture were detected, one in May-June and the other during September-October (ripening period). Results indicate a positive relationship between captures in traps and infestation levels by larvae. Pheromone traps baited with 1 mg Z9,E12–14:Ac impregnated in rubber septa and hung on palm trunks (at a height of 2–3 m), were very useful for monitoringC. figulilella populations and for determining the accurate timing of insecticide applications.  相似文献   

二化螟性诱剂和诱盆设置技术的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
通过对二化螟性诱剂水盆诱捕器及其设置高度比较研究,结果表明:诱捕器的口径大小以24cm为佳,绿色水盆的诱蛾量比其他颜色的要大;在越冬代诱捕中,诱盆的高度在20cm左右效果较好;性诱剂离水面的高度对二化螟雄蛾的诱捕有一定影响,其高度在0.5~1.0cm的诱蛾量最高。  相似文献   

通过林间诱蛾试验 ,研究了性信息素载体的材料、颜色以及散发面积对槐小卷蛾雄蛾诱蛾活性的影响。结果表明 ,天然橡胶诱芯、乳胶管诱芯和硅橡胶诱芯的诱蛾活性有明显差异 ,越冬代和第一代成虫发生期 ,天然橡胶诱芯的诱蛾活性明显高于乳胶管诱芯的诱蛾活性。散发面积为 8.7cm2的天然橡胶诱芯的诱蛾活性明显高于6.9cm2和4.8cm2的诱蛾活性。相同散发面积下 ,蓝颜色的天然橡胶诱芯的诱蛾活性明显高于红颜色和绿颜色的诱蛾活性。因此 ,在槐小卷蛾性信息素监测与防治系统中 ,以蓝颜色的天然橡胶作为合成性信息素的载体最为适宜  相似文献   

不同类型诱捕器对苹果蠹蛾的诱捕效果   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是为害苹果、梨、桃、杏等果树的重要检疫害虫[1],自20世纪50年代在我国新疆首次发现以来[2],已经扩散到甘肃张掖地区[3],并有进一步向东扩展的趋势,对我国果业生产构成了严重威胁.科学、合理使用性诱剂是控制害虫为害的有效手段.目前,虽然已有一些关于苹果蠹蛾诱捕器使用技术的研究[4-6],但其诱捕效率尚不理想.为了探明诱捕器的最佳使用方法和提高其诱杀效果,作者对诱捕器的不同类型、颜色和设置高度的诱捕效果进行了比较.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the synthetic sex attractant ofS. littoralis and the effect of trap size on male captures in water traps and in newly designed dry traps were investigated. The synthetic attractant was less efficient in attractiveness than virgin females in both small (17 cm) and large (60 cm) traps. Trap size did not affect male captures in traps baited with either virgin females or synthetic pheromone. The dry trap tested was as efficient as the water trap, easier to handle, and highly suitable for monitoring or for mass trapping ofS. littoralis.  相似文献   

2004-2006年连续3年应用佳多自动虫情测报灯和传统普通黑光灯对草地螟种群监测和诱杀结果表明,两种诱虫灯均可有效监测草地螟种群动态,自动虫情测报灯对高密度草地螟种群诱杀效果显著,诱蛾量明显高于普通黑光灯的,而普通黑光灯对低密度种群诱杀较为有效。两种灯光诱捕器监测的草地螟种群动态变化趋势基本一致,每天诱蛾数呈极显著相关(r2004=0.973、r2005=0.990和r2006=0.981,p<0.01),但黑光灯下草地螟种群始见期较早而终见期较晚。两种灯下诱捕的草地螟雌蛾数均大于雄蛾数,但灯光诱捕器之间诱捕的草地螟雌雄性比差别不大。  相似文献   

Kehat  M.  Gothilf  S.  Dunkelblum  E.  Mazor  Michal 《Phytoparasitica》1981,9(3):191-196

Pheromone traps were reliable for detection and estimation ofEarias insulana (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) adult populations in cotton fields. Due to the aggregated distribution in traps, estimates of moth populations were more accurate at low than at high population levels. The relationship betweenE. insulana male catch and larval density could not be assessed because of the numerous chemical treatments applied to the cotton fields. However, when chemical applications were avoided, an increase in male catch was followed by an increase in larval density. SinceE. insulana eggs are difficult to detect and the larvae penetrate the cotton bolls soon after hatching and are therefore hard to control, pheromone traps are particularly useful as a warning device for potential larval infestation.


Field-trapping experiments with synthetic 2,7-nonadiyl dibutyrate, the female-produced sex pheromone of the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), demonstrated that pheromone traps were highly attractive to males and caught very few non-target organisms. Different formulations of pheromone were tested to identify the optimum release rate and dispenser type for use in pheromone traps in the UK. Key findings were that racemic pheromone was as effective as enantiomerically pure (2S,7R)-2,7-nonadiyl dibutyrate, that release rates higher than 0.5 microg day(-1) were not necessary and that the optimal formulation was a 1 mg pheromone loading in a rubber septum. Pheromone traps gave a reliable indication of peak midge emergence, onset of flight and abundance of midges throughout the season. A strong correlation between maximum trap catch and crop infestation levels was obtained.  相似文献   

Experiments on the development of a sticky trap monitoring system for the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), were carried out in six cabbage fields (two in each of three villages) in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This region is characterized by small, closely‐situated, fields. Yellow cardboard traps with a sticky upper surface were placed 10 cm below the crop canopy, four traps per field, and were maintained throughout the 1991 growing season. Larvae were sampled weekly in quadrats centred around each trap. One village where continuous cabbage growing occurred had higher P. xylostella populations than the other two villages, where growing is discontinuous. Although the relationship between trap catches and larval populations for individual fields was weak, the relationship between catches in all fields pooled and larval populations 2 weeks later was very strong, suggesting that a region‐wide predictive system would be feasible. An increase in larval numbers as distance from the traps increased further suggests that sticky traps may have potential for use in mass trapping.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The banana moth, Opogona sacchari Bojer, is a polyphagous agricultural pest in many tropical areas of the world. The identification of an attractant for male O. sacchari could offer new methods for detection, study and control. RESULTS: A compound extracted from female O. sacchari elicited responses from antennae of male moths. This compound was identified as a 2/3,(Z)13‐octadecadienal by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. An analog, 2/3,(Z)13‐octadecadienol, was also detected in some extracts at roughly a 1:20 ratio (alcohol:aldehyde) but did not elicit responses from antennae of male moths. Electroantennograms of synthetic candidate dienals found the strongest responses from (Z, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal and (E, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal. In field trials, (E, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal attracted more male O. sacchari than (Z, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal. Attraction was not improved for either of these compounds when the corresponding stereoisomeric alcohol was added at ratios of 1:1, 1:10 or 1:100 (alcohol:aldehyde). Jackson sticky traps containing 250 µg lures of (E, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal caught as many males as did traps holding virgin females. CONCLUSION: (E, Z)‐2,13‐octadecadienal has been identified as an attractant for O. sacchari males and can be used as a monitoring lure of populations of this moth. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

膏体迷向剂对苹果园梨小、桃小食心虫的防效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年在宁夏苹果园进行了复合膏体迷向剂对梨小、桃小食心虫防效的进一步试验,试验设3个处理(涂抹高度3.5m、3.5m/4.5m交叉涂抹、交叉涂抹空白区域)、1个对照,2种膏剂附着方式(树干附着、膏剂填装塑料瓶悬挂)。通过监测全年诱蛾量、调查果实膨大期与成熟期蛀果率分析防控效果。结果显示,复合式膏体迷向剂可有效防止梨小食心虫对果实的为害,涂抹高度3.5m时,梨小食心虫诱蛾量下降76.68%;交叉涂抹时,下降70.8%;交叉涂抹空白区域下降36.8%。3个处理成熟期蛀果率分别下降84.88%、91.39%、24.19%。由于试验区桃小食心虫种群密度小,试验无法确定该迷向剂对桃小食心虫的防治效果。  相似文献   

椰子织蛾是为害棕榈科植物的重要食叶害虫之一,2013年8月在我国海南首次发现。本文报道了该害虫各发育阶段的外部形态、COⅠ/cox1测序和比对的分子鉴定结果、寄主及为害情况。序列比对显示,目标样本430bp的cox1序列与NCBI中已提交的Opisina arenosella的线粒体COⅠ条形码序列覆盖率为100%,一致性达99.8%,表明分子遗传数据支持形态鉴定结果。调查发现,椰子织蛾寄主主要为椰子、王棕和林刺葵,已在海南9个市县发生,局部地区为害严重。椰子织蛾已在海南定殖、扩散,并形成经济和景观危害,其入侵将对我国南方热带、亚热带地区棕榈科植物的安全生产和生态环境构成重大威胁,需提高警惕,加强检疫,防止其扩散蔓延,并开展防治研究。  相似文献   

Night observations on the cotton leafworm,Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were conducted in pheromone-treated and untreated plots in which males, females, mating pairs on plants, and males caught in traps were collected. Results indicated that emergence of a new population was rapid (8-9 days) and that the number of virgin females and of mating pairs on plants reached a peak 5–6 days prior to that of males captured in pheromone traps. Males responded to pheromone traps most actively when the actual virgin female popution had already declined considerably. Dispensers adsorbed with(Z,E)-9,11-tetradecadienyl acetate and located 25 m apart, effectively reduced male captures in traps. However, the number of native mating pairs observed in the treated field during the night was not reduced. Few releasers at wide spacing, even with high amounts of the major pheromonal component, were ineffective in causing mating disruption ofSpodoptera littoralis.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones may be used for the control of insect pests by causing communication disruption for long enough to decrease mating and therefore diminish subsequent larval infestations. Such an approach presents the problem of maintaining the pheromone concentration at a high enough level in the field for weeks or even months. To overcome this difficulty two systems are at present generally employed; the establishment of a relatively small number of large pheromone sources in suitable dispensers at fixed points in the treatment areas, or using a very large number of small sources by microencapsulating the pheromone which can then be applied directly to the crop by conventional methods. Recent field experiments carried out using both these methods are described, and problems and future prospects discussed.  相似文献   

许焕明 《广西植保》2010,23(2):14-16
2009年在大新县硕龙镇进行了性信息素水盆诱捕器(性诱盆)和频振式杀虫灯(频振灯)对甘蔗条螟成虫诱捕效果的对比试验。结果表明,在门村和岩应村2个监测点,每日每只性诱盆和频振灯的平均诱蛾量分别为12.54头和7.33头,性诱盆比频振灯多5.21头,差异极显著(P0.01),但两者诱到的成虫数量消长规律基本一致。综合考虑经济性、简便性和可靠性等因素,作者认为利用性诱盆对甘蔗条螟成虫的诱捕效果更好,监测灵敏度更高。  相似文献   

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