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秦岭羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)是秦岭体型最大的食草动物,也是区域森林生态系统的关键物种之一,及时掌握其种群动态对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。大熊猫国家公园佛坪管理分局是秦岭羚牛主要分布区之一,近十年来尚未开展过资源调查。2021年冬季采用路线法对佛坪管理分局秦岭羚牛种群数量、分布及栖息地状况进行了调查。结果表明,佛坪管理分局秦岭羚牛的种群数量为(396±53)只,主要分布在1 500~2 000 m海拔区间;平均样线痕迹遇见率为每千米0.53处,痕迹遇见率较高的样线主要分布在西河黄桶粱、草坪及龙潭区域;凉风垭管护站痕迹遇见率最高(每千米0.96处),大古坪管护站痕迹遇见率最低(每千米0.33处);秦岭羚牛主要活动在温性针阔叶混交林,其次为落叶阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林,与大熊猫同域分布,种群数量较大,越冬地段树皮被羚牛啃食现象日益严重,给大熊猫栖息地保护管理造成一定压力。建议加强秦岭羚牛保护生态学研究,为该区域濒危物种及生物多样性精准保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

赵焕生 《河北林业》2012,(9):F0003-F0003
褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)属鸟纲鸡形目雉科马鸡属,是世界珍禽、我国特有种,世界濒危物种、国家一级重点保护动物。主要分布于河北省的小五台山地区以及山西省的吕梁山区、陕西省的黄龙山区。小五台山的褐马鸡数量建区前不足1000只,保护区建立后采取了保护宣传、栖息地保护、人工救护等多种措  相似文献   

2020年2月,江苏省扬州市公安局食药环侦支队会同邗江公安分局、高邮市公安局,成功打掉以马某、彭某为首的两个非法猎捕、杀害野生动物团伙。目前,抓获犯罪嫌疑人13名,现场查扣野鸭等野生保护动物60多只。  相似文献   

2008年12月13日,云南省保山市森林公安局腾冲分局荣获首届“中国边境野生生物卫士”奖。该奖项是由国际野生生物保护学会(WCS)发起,旨在促进野生生物执法工作。  相似文献   

褐马鸡属鸡形目,雉科、马鸡属。俗名褐鸡,也叫角鸡,是世界稀有、我国特有的一个数量很少的留鸟。分布于山西省的芦芽山、关帝山一带,河北省的小五台也有分布。目前处于濒危境地,国家列为一类保护动物。1982年山西省人民政府将褐马鸡定为山西省省鸟。为了更好地保...  相似文献   

2012年3月13日,内蒙古大青山国家级自然保护区工作会议在呼和浩特市召开。自治区林业厅副厅长龚家栋出席会议并讲话。自治区环境保护厅,呼和浩特、包头、乌兰察布市政府有关人员,自治区林业厅相关部门负责人,保护区管理局及分局工作人员参加了会议;各分局及森林公安分局负责人发言。  相似文献   

松鸡科(Tetraonidae)鸟类是我国传统的狩猎鸟类,属林栖动物,据史料记载,在黑龙江省共分布5种:黑嘴松鸡(Tetrao parvirostris)、黑琴鸡(Lyrurus tetrix)、花尾榛鸡(Bonasa bonasia)、镰翅鸡(Falcipennis falcipennis)与柳雷鸟(Lagopus lahopus),其中,黑嘴松鸡为国家一级保护鸟类,其余都为国家二级保护动物。目前,镰翅鸡在黑龙江省已无分布,该物种在我国已经绝迹至少30年,柳雷鸟在我国数量亦十分稀少,野外极难见到。  相似文献   

秦岭,是我省最大的山系,在茂密的林海中,栖息着我国的四大国宝:大熊猫、朱鹮、羚牛、金丝猴。今年3月,我省陕北黄龙山区,又发现一大国宝——国家一级保护动物褐马鸡。这种销声匿迹六十年雉类珍禽的发现,立即引起我省动物学家的热切关注。 马鸡属仅分布于中国,共有三种。藏马鸡和蓝马鸡分布于我国四川、西藏、青海、甘肃、宁夏等地,褐马鸡仅分布于我国山西吕梁山、  相似文献   

褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)俗称角鸡、褐鸡等。属鸡形目,雉科,马鸡属鸟类。仅分布于我国华北地区,为我国所独有,属国家一类保护动物,山西省省鸟,它在森林生态系统中处于消费者和被捕食的地位。由于该鸟地理分布狭窄,自然种群数量珍稀,又被列为《世界濒危物种红皮书》的保护对象,从而逐渐引起国内外鸟类学家和保护部门的关注。为了保护发展褐马鸡自然种群,山西省人民政府于1980年将庞泉沟和芦芽山地区批建为褐马鸡的两个自然保护区,重点保护其自然种群数量,使其得到迅速恢复。  相似文献   

正尼勒克分局实施天然林保护工程以来,始终坚持"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"五大发展理念,以生态建设为中心,以森林资源保护和培育为重点,统一思想,提高认识,加强资源管护,高起点、高标准、高质量实施好天保工程,保质保量完成生态监测任务。尼勒克分局在职职工110人,直接参与天然林保护的管护人员47人,间接管护人员63人。设置12个天保管护所、49个天保管护站,实行分局-管护所-管护站三级天然林保  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONA large number of nature resources have fosteredhuman beings in the world. However, during the lastfew decades these nature resources and biodiversitywere subjected to various anthropogenic pressuressuch as plantation, deforestation, construction ofhydro-electric project, overgrazing and exploitation andother developmental activities (He Youjun, et al, 2004b;Li Ang, et al, 2002; Swamy, et al, 2000). In order toprotect environment and biodiversity, we have to facethe challenge…  相似文献   

山西省乡土树种资源现状与发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以乡土树种为研究对象,通过全面普查和典型抽样调查,对山西省现有的乡土树种资源进行统计分析。结果显示,山西省乡土树种共有67科155属626种(含变种、亚种等);共有15种国家级保护植物,其中Ⅰ级保护植物2种,Ⅱ级6种,Ⅲ级7种;乡土树种具有水土保持、绿化观赏、荒山造林、防风固沙、药用蜜源等价值。在此基础上,分析了乡土树种保护和利用存在的问题。  相似文献   

在云南省8个地州27个县的不同生境中进行虎甲科昆虫的种类调查,共采集虎甲科昆虫标本2 218只,经鉴定,隶属2亚科13属45种,分别占中国已知虎甲科昆虫种、属的28.13%和54.17%.在13个属中,genera Neocollyris和genera Cylindera是2个优势属,genera Neocollyris拥有最多的物种数.文章从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划3个方面分析云南省虎甲科昆虫的物种多样性.在云南省已知83种虎甲科昆虫中,64种为东洋种,19种为古北和东洋两界兼有种,广布种10种.在云南省现有虎甲科昆虫的20个属中,3个属为云南特有属,特有种35种,占云南省已知的虎甲科昆虫种类的42.17%.虎甲科昆虫在7个地理小区的分布,以西双版纳小区和元江小区的物种多样性较高.相对全国而言,云南省虎甲科昆虫的物种多样性较高.  相似文献   

AHP法在区域林种、树种结构调整中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对研究区现有森林资源系统的分析,建立了五个层次的林种,树种结构层次分析调整模型,其中既有完全层次也有不完全层次,建立了不同层次的判断矩阵,用AHP法对林种,树种结构进行了优化调整。结果表明:林种,树种结构得到改善,用材林比例有了较大幅度的下降,其它林种有了不同程度的增加,针阔叶比从现有的1:5.87调整1:1.68,树种结构趋于合理。  相似文献   

Functions for the prediction of tree species composition category were estimated by means of discriminant function analysis. Five tree species composition categories were defined, and the functions were calibrated using the National Forest Inventory sample plots from two counties in eastern Norway. The independent variables were site index, altitude, and slope, which can all be derived from spatial databases. Tree species composition category was predicted for the calibration data and independent test data. The prediction was based on a deterministic and a probabilistic approach. About 30–60% of the observations were correctly classified. The deterministic approach gave large systematic errors for the individual categories. The probabilistic approach gave no such errors. Tree species composition category can be predicted within a GIS environment for production of small scale thematic maps. Although the classification accuracy was rather low, the functions might be used for map production in the absence of better alternatives.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the data set of specimen tests on 16 timber species belonging to four distinct wood categories, the specific gravity-mechanical property relationship at species level was examined, and differences in the relationship between species from distinct wood categories were discussed. The linear equation (S =a +bG) was compared with the curvilinear one (S = G) in terms of the goodness at predicting mechanical properties through specific gravity at species level. The specific gravity-mechanical property relationship, to a differing extent, varies with mechanical properties and wood categories. Among three mechanical properties studied, MOR is most closely and almost linearly related to specific gravity, followed by Cmax, whereas MOE is poorly and least linearly related to specific gravity. In general, the relationship between MOE and specific gravity in a species from the ring-porous category is stronger than in a species from the diffuse-porous category. It appears that Cmax in a species from the second softwood category and the ring-porous category is more closely related to specific gravity than in a species from the first softwood category and the diffuse-porous category, respectively. In addition, MOE in a softwood species is generally less related to specific gravity as compared to a hardwood species. Yet, Cmax in a softwood species appears more closely related to specific gravity. Overall, the curvilinear equation is better than the linear one at predicting mechanical properties (especially MOE) in a species.  相似文献   

千岛湖鸟类多样性及其季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2006年9月至2007年8月,对千岛湖的鸟类进行了调查研究,共发现鸟类6 435只,86种,隶属13目32科,其中,国家二级保护物种6种,属古北界的有36种(占41.9%),东洋界39种(占45.3%),广布种11种(占12.8%).从居留类型看,千岛湖的迁徙鸟较多(46种),留鸟较少(40种),各占总数的53.5%和46.5%.千岛湖拥有优良的自然环境条件,其中,水鸟有28种,林鸟58种,各占32.6%和67.4%.千岛湖鸟类呈周期性波动特征.在10月,丰富度和多样性指数值最高,优势度指数最低,因此,千岛湖鸟类多样性状况以10月(即候鸟迁徙的高峰期)最好,说明千岛湖是候鸟迁移途中的-个重要驿站.千岛湖全部鸟类物种平均密度为20.785只/km~2,秋季最高,达到43.40只/km~2,种数达到69种;春季最低,仅有9.30只/km~2,种数为37种.而且,优势种有5种,占总鸟类物种的5.8%;常见种有17种,占19.8%;少见种有36种,占41.9%;罕见种有28种,占32.5%.说明千岛湖鸟类中,有生存危险的物种百分比较高,需要加强保护与管理.  相似文献   

林种结构和树种组成是退耕还林工程的关键问题之一,本文分析了延安市退耕还林工程实施以来造林林种和树种组成,指出其存在林种选择上经济林面积过小,使退耕农户从退耕地中收益减少;树种单一,纯林面积过大等问题。建议要因地制宜地发展经济林,适地适树,乔灌草结合,多营造混合林。  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the relationships of wood specific gravity and selected mechanical properties (MOR, MOE and Cmax) with growth rate in 16 timber species from four distinct wood categories: 1) first softwood category (FSC); 2) second softwood category (SSC); 3) diffuse-porous wood category (DPC); and 4) ring-porous wood category (RPC). And genetic, silvicultural and environmental influence on the relationships was briefly discussed. Statistical results show that the relationships of specific gravity and the mechanical properties with growth rate vary remarkably with both the wood property and the wood category. In general, the mechanical properties in the FSC species decrease remarkably with increasing growth rate, while they appear to be less influenced in the SSC species. Compared with the softwoods studied, the physico-mechanical properties in the hardwoods studied are remarkably less influenced. In the DPC species, growth rate generally has very a little influence on both specific gravity and the mechanical properties. In the RPC species, the physico-mechanical properties appear not to decrease with increasing growth rate, and in some species they even tend to increase. Among the three mechanical properties studied, MOE is remarkably less influenced by growth rate than MOR and Cmax. Compared with specific gravity, however, the mechanical properties are generally more influenced by growth rate. Therefore, the impact of growth rate on wood mechanical properties in a species can not be estimated exactly through the relationship of wood specific gravity with growth rate. Path analysis reveals that growth rate has a large effect on the mechanical properties which can be accounted for by the affected specific gravity. In addition to this indirect effect through specific gravity, growth rate still has an additional effect on the mechanical properties which can not be explained by specific gravity. In the SFC species, such effect is significant, and this, to a lesser extent, applies to the DPC species. However, this effect is not remarkable in the SSC species and may be negligible in the RPC species.  相似文献   

采用踏查的方法对桃源洞自然保护区的观赏植物进行了系统的调查和研究,结果认为:①本区观赏植物种类繁多,有355种;②本区观赏植物类型多样,有2大类10小类,即:观赏树木和观赏草本2大类,观赏树木类又分为赏树形树木类、赏叶树木类、赏花树木类、赏果树木类、观赏木质藤本类,观赏草本类又分为观叶草本类、观花草本类、观果草本类、观赏草质藤本类和混合观赏草本类。③重点对金线兰、小果冬青等18种观赏植物进行了介绍和观赏效果评价。  相似文献   

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