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Reliable induction of timed ovulation is an important managerial tool in any horse-breeding operation. Not only does breeding close to ovulation increase pregnancy rates when using cooled, frozen, or poor-quality semen, but it also reduces the number of inseminations needed per cycle, resulting in a more efficient breeding program. To better predict ovulation time in the long estrus period of the mare, one could increase the frequency of transrectal palpations and ultrasounds and/or implement hormonal therapies to induce ovulations. However, previous studies have been unclear on the exact timing of ovulation of mares treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (Chorulon, Intervet Inc, Millsboro, DE) or deslorelin acetate (Ovuplant, Pharmacia and UpJohn Co, Kalamazoo, MI). This study was designed to determine the timing of ovulation after Ovuplant or Chorulon treatment in normal cycling mares presented to the veterinary clinic. In addition, the pregnancy rates were determined for mares bred when a single insemination, using frozen or chilled semen, was performed at a fixed time (36 hours) after Ovuplant or Chorulon treatment. Thirty-two mares were given a subcutaneous injection of 7.5 mg of prostaglandin F2α (Lutlyse, Ft Dodge Animal Health, Ft Dodge, IA) 5 days after the last ovulation and were examined every 48 hours until estrus was detected based on a dominant follicle and the presence of endometrial edema as determined by ultrasonographic examination. Group 1 (N = 12) was treated intravenously with 2,500 units of Chorulon, and group 2 (N = 20) was treated subcutaneously with Ovuplant as soon as mares were determined to be in estrus. Once treated all mares were examined by rectal palpation and ultrasound at 0, 12, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, hours or until ovulation was detected. Ovulation rate in response to Chorulon was 83.3% at 48 hours, 91.6% at 72 hours, and 100% at 96 hours. All of the mares in the Ovuplant-treated group had ovulated by 48 hours. Chi-square analysis of the data showed a significant (P < .01) variation in the distribution of ovulation times between mares treated with Chorulon and mares treated with Ovuplant. This study provides enough evidence to support the hypothesis that timing of ovulation is a more reliable event in mares treated with Ovuplant compared with those treated with Chorulon.  相似文献   

Unsolicited reports of estrous behavior in mares thought to be pregnant were received from owners or caretakers of Arabian mares. Estrous behavior was confirmed and mares were examined for pregnancy. Gender of the conceptus was determined at foaling in 11 mares in which estrous behavior was confirmed while an apparently viable, ultrasonically normal-appearing conceptus was present. In 9 mares in which the day of ovulation was known (Day 0), the estrous behavior occurred on Day 12, 13 or 14 (5 mares), Day 18 or 20 (2 mares), Day 40 (1 mare) and Day 60 (1 mare). In another study, 55 pony mares were observed for estrous behavior every 3 days for 20 minutes during Days 11 to 40. Estrous behavior was observed in 1 mare (2%) on Day 24. Combined for the 2 studies, the incidence of a female conceptus (12/12) was greater (P<0.01) than the incidence of a male conceptus (0/12) in mares that exhibited estrous behavior.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of hCG dose on ovulation and pregnancy rate in Thoroughbred mares experiencing their first ovulation of the breeding season. METHODS: Over 3 successive breeding seasons, a total of 101 mares were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups (intravenous injection of either saline, 1500, 3000, or 6000 IU hCG), as they approached their first ovulation of the breeding season. Mares were bred 1 day post-injection to 1 of 11 stallions, and every other day until ovulation occurred. Data were analysed using multivariable logistic regression with correction for over-dispersion due to clustering. RESULTS: Mares treated with hCG were more likely to ovulate within 72 h of treatment than mares treated with saline (p<0.001); there was no significant difference between doses of hCG on risk of ovulation (p>0.15). Farm also had a significant impact on the risk of ovulation (p=0.027). Mares treated with hCG were more likely to be diagnosed pregnant 14 days post ovulation than saline-treated mares (p=0.081, p=0.029 and p=0.026 for the 1500, 3000 and 6000 IU doses, respectively); there was no significant difference between doses of hCG on risk of pregnancy (p>0.45). CONCLUSIONS: A single injection of hCG (1500-6000 IU) is effective at inducing ovulation in late transitional mares and increases the likelihood of pregnancy at 14 days post ovulation. This paper supports the use of hCG as an integral part of optimal broodmare management.  相似文献   

The ability of interrupted photoperiods to induce early estrus and ovulation was examined. Horse mares were exposed to long (16 h light) or short (10 h light), noninterrupted photoperiods, ambient light, or various interrupted photoperiod treatments from December 1 to April 15 (135 d). Follicular development was assessed by rectal palpation and estrous behavior was determined by teasing with a stallion. Serum concentrations of progesterone were used as an indicator of corpus luteum function. Differences among the light treatment groups were compared for the following behavioral and ovarian characteristics: days to first detectable 3-cm follicle, days to first estrous behavior, days to first ovulation, the number of mares ovulating within the treatment period, and the number of ovulations within the treatment period per mare. Compared with the ambient and 10L:14D (L = h of light and D = h of darkness) photoperiod treatments, ovulation was advanced to the greatest extent by a photoperiod of 16L:8D and the interrupted photoperiod 10L:8D:2L:4D. These two stimulatory photoperiod treatments were characterized by the presence of light 8 to 10 h after dusk. Therefore, the present data are consistent with an external coincidence model for the induction of seasonal breeding in horses, with the photoinducible phase occurring within the period 8 to 10 h after dusk.  相似文献   

In this study the use of hCG for induction of ovulation is described. Factors such as follicle diameter at the time of administration of hCG (3000 IE hCG i.v.), follicular growth after hCG and the rate of double ovulations were evaluated. A total of 168 mares presented for artificial insemination were used. In 249 estrous periods hCG was given to mares exhibiting standing estrous when a minimum follicle diameter of 30 mm and a well developed edema of the endometrium could be detected by ultrasonography. In nine estrous periods ovulation occurred within 24 hours after hCG. The majority of mares (216; 86.7%) ovulated 24 to 48 hours after hCG and in 24 cases ovulation was delayed beyond 48 hours. Follicle size at the time of hCG administration (30-34 mm, 35-39 mm, > or = 40 mm) had no influence on the percentage of mares ovulating 24 to 48 hours after hCG (89.2%, 87.9%, and 83.7%, respectively). Double ovulations could be observed in 17.7% of estrous periods. The one cycle pregnancy rate was not influenced by follicle size (small 45.9%; medium 41.6%; large 47.5%). Repeated treatments with hCG during successive estrous cycles within one year did not influence the rate of responding to hCG. Mares in standing estrous respond well to hCG if a minimum follicle size of 30 mm and a well developed endometrial folding is present.  相似文献   

Multiple pregnancies are still an important cause of noninfectious abortion, stillbirth, neonatal mortality, and significant delays in reproductive performance in mares. Despite new management techniques, reduction in multiple pregnancies is an ongoing preoccupation and challenge for the equine veterinarian. The aim of the present study was to establish a twin pregnancy experimental model in the mare to study the effectiveness of a transvaginal ultrasound-guided embryonic vesicle injection. Mares in heat were inseminated and then received an embryo at day 7 of the estrous cycle. At days 14 and 30, 53.5% (n = 23) and 23% (n = 10) of the mares, respectively, were carrying twins. Twin pregnancies were reduced at day 30 by transvaginal ultrasound-guided puncture of the embryonic vesicle (control, n = 5) or by transvaginal ultrasound-guided injection (TVUEVI) of 25 mg of amikacin into the embryonic vesicle (n = 5). The TVUEVI treatment had a 40% success rate and no significant variations in progesterone and prostaglandin metabolite were observed. Even though the technique does not seem very effective, the experimental model could be useful for clinical research in embryo reduction and early embryonic loss.  相似文献   

Sixty nonlactating light-horse mares were used to compare the efficacy of hCG, buserelin (a GnRH analog) and luprostiol (a PGF2α analog) for induction of ovulation in cycling mares. Mares were assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: 1) controls; 2) 40 μg buserelin IM at 12 hr intervals during estrus until ovulation; 3) 7.5 mg IM luprostiol; and 4) 3,300 IU hCG. Treatments were given once a mare obtained a ≥35mm follicle and had been in estrus ≥2 days. Both buserelin and hCG shortened (p<0.05) the interval from treatment to ovulation compared to controls; whereas, luprostiol failed to hasten ovulation. Number of follicles ovulated was similar among all 4 groups. Although buserelin and hCG were equal in their ability to induce ovulation, an average of 3.8 injections of buserelin was required for hastening of ovulation.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the p53 gene have been studied extensively in humans. The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of the Arg/Pro SNP in p53 in Thoroughbred mares on one stud in Brazil and to correlate p53 genotypes with reproductive performance. SNPs were detected by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in blood samples from 105 horses and confirmed by sequencing. The allele frequency in Thoroughbred mares at codon 72 in exon 4 was 73.3% Arg/Pro, 17.1% Arg/Arg and 9.6% Pro/Pro. The presence of Arg/Pro was significantly associated with abortion (P=0.02), while Pro/Pro mares had a lower probability of abortion (P<0.05). Using a logistic regression model, the dominance effect was significant (P=0.044; odds ratio 7.94) for abortion and additive effects were not significant (P=0.26). p53 may play a role in equine reproduction.  相似文献   

Alfaprostol will induce luteolysis in mares with serum progesterone concentrations greater than 1 ng/ml. Serum LH response to alfaprostol in seasonally anestrus mares is dependent on whether the mare is in true anovulatory anestrus or transitional anestrus. The greatest LH increases were in maresin transitional anestrus. No significant LH changes occurred when just the carrier vehicle (propylene glycol) was administered.  相似文献   

The findings of a retrospective survey of 1393 Thoroughbred mares visiting 22 studfarms in the Newmarket region of the UK during the 1998 mating season were compared with those of a similar study undertaken in 1983. The effects of mare age and status, stallion, month of mating, application of uterine treatments and other parameters on the rates of singleton and twin conception and subsequent pregnancy losses were analysed. Mare age and status significantly affected the per cycle pregnancy rate and the incidence of pregnancy loss. Overall, the mean number of matings per oestrus was 1.12 and the mean number of times a mare was mated until diagnosed pregnant at 15 days after ovulation was 1.88. An overall mean per cycle pregnancy rate of 59.9% at 15 days after ovulation resulted in 94.8% of the mated mares being pregnant at least once at 15 days after ovulation. This high initial pregnancy rate fell to 89.7% by Day 35 and 87.5% by the time of the October pregnancy test; 82.7% of the mares surveyed gave birth to a live foal at term, which compares favourably with the proportion of mares foaling in 1983 (77%). However, despite improvements in the foaling rates over the last 15 years, the overall rate of pregnancy failure remains high and represents a major loss to the Thoroughbred breeding industry.  相似文献   

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