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1986~1988年,在校内网室采用盆栽进行试验。初步探讨了氮磷钾对冬小麦根系营养效应;明确了冬小麦一生中,根内养分浓度因小麦不同生长时期以及施氮磷钾肥种类不同而异,根内氮和钾养分浓度变化为:播种~返青和抽穗~成熟这两段含量低;拔节~抽穗含量高。磷是前期明显地高于中期和后期。根对氮磷钾营养的吸收累积表现为播种~返青为平缓上升阶段;返青~抽穗为急剧上升阶段:抽穗~成熟为迅速下降阶段.根重的变化也表现为返青前根重较轻,返青~抽穗根重迅速增加至根重绝对量的最高点,后期根重又下降,全生育期根重变化呈抛物线型.显著性检验表明:氮磷处理对根重、养分浓度、养分吸收积累量及其强度影响最为明显.  相似文献   

Diamonds in a serpentinized garnet peridotite nodule from a diatreme in southern Wyoming are the first known occurrence in an upper mantle peridotite xenolith from a kimberlite intrusion in North America as well as the second authenticated occurrence of diamonds from kimberlite pipes in North America. The nodule is believed to have come from a section of depleted (partially melted) lherzolite at a depth of 130 to 180 kilometers.  相似文献   

In suitable cell-free media it has been possible to cultivate pleuropneumonia-like microorganisms from the following materials, first, from chorioallantoic membranes in which lesions were apparently induced by exudates from patients with rheumatic fever; second, from pneumonic lungs of mice inoculated with similar exudates or with suspensions of the abovementioned abnormal membranes; and third, directly from the arthritic exudate of a patient with rheumatic fever, and also from an erythema nodosum nodule excised from a patient with this same disease. With three different subcultures from joint fluid, iritis has been induced in rabbits; and following intranasal inoculation with the same cultures there has developed in mice a pneumonia similar to that found in mice inoculated with rheumatic exudates and with suspensions of chorioallantoic membranes infected with rheumatic exudates. Therefore it seems probable that in all instances the pathogenic agent was derived from similar sources, viz., patients with rheumatic fever. Further work will be required to demonstrate the etiologic significance of these pathogenic agents in rheumatic fever.  相似文献   

稻秆潜蝇在重庆市巳由次要害虫上升为主要害虫,该虫在重庆地区1年发生3代,以第3代幼虫越冬。越冬代.幼虫在3月下旬化蛹,4月中旬至下旬为第1代成虫期,5月上旬为产卵期。5月上旬至6月上旬为第1代幼虫期,6月上旬至下旬为蛹期。第2代成虫期为6月下旬至7月中旬,7月上、中旬为产卵期,7月中旬至8月上旬为幼虫期,8月上旬至下旬为蛹期。第3代成虫期为9月上旬至下旬,并迁至越冬寄主上产卵,10月初至11月底孵化为幼虫进入越冬期。成虫羽化后1—2h即可交配,但多数于羽化后1—3d才交配。更尾后越冬代于4—9d,第2代于3—7d后产卵,一般1叶仅产1卵,偶有数粒。单雌产卵量2—81粒不等。成虫寿命为20d左右。  相似文献   

Participatory processes are often intended to encourage inclusion of multiple perspectives in defining management means and goals. However, ideas about the legitimacy of certain uses and users of the resources can often lead to exclusion from participation. In this way, participation can be transformed from a process of inclusion of various resource users to one of exclusion. Using a case study from a marine protected area in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and drawing on work in deliberative democracy, I present a typology of how individuals and groups can be excluded from participation. External exclusion includes non-invitation and other means for keeping participation from occurring. Internal exclusion refers to exclusionary events during participatory meetings. This analysis suggests that participation needs to be recognized as a valuable but easily manipulated tool in the design of projects like natural resource management.  相似文献   

Detection of an antigen associated with acute leukemia   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Antiserums to a purified cell membrane component from a Burkitt's lymphoma tissue culture cell line were produced in rabbits. These antiserums were cytotoxic to peripheral white blood cells from 8 of 15 patients with acute leukemia and 5 of 41 relatives, but not to peripheral white blood cells from leukemia patients in clinical remission or from normal individuals. These antiserums appear to be detecting an acute leukemia associated antigen or antigens.  相似文献   

Cells cultured from young (6-day) chicken embryos differ from those of older (13-day) embryos in having a greater susceptibility to infection by certain viruses and a considerably lesser sensitivity to the action of interferon. These circumstances parallel those observed in the intact embryo. The addition of a small percentage of cells from young embryos alters the response of cells cultured from older embryos by increasing viral susceptibility sevenfold and decreasing sensitivity to interferon 25-fold. We postulate that a repressor which inhibits the expression of interferon in older embryonic cells is elaborated by cells from young embryos.  相似文献   

Mammary cancer induction by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene: relation to age   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammary glands were transplanted from donors treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene to untreated isologous recipients. Incidence of mammary tumors in mammary grafts from 56-day-old donors was significantly higher than that in grafts from 120-day-old donors, regardless of the age of the recipient hosts. Whent mammary glands were transplanted from untreated donors to isologous recipients that subsequently received 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene, a similar difference in tumor incidence in the grafts was observed. In contrast to mammary glands of older females, mammary glands of young adult female rats are highly vulnerable to the carcinogenic effect of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene.  相似文献   

Chemical zoning patterns in some iron, nickel metal grains from CH carbonaceous chondrites imply formation at temperatures from 1370 to 1270 kelvin by condensation from a solar nebular gas cooling at a rate of approximately 0.2 kelvin per hour. This cooling rate requires a large-scale thermal event in the nebula, in contrast to the localized, transient heating events inferred for chondrule formation. In our model, mass accretion through the protoplanetary disk caused large-scale evaporation of precursor dust near its midplane inside of a few astronomical units. Gas convectively moved from the midplane to cooler regions above it, and the metal grains condensed in these parcels of rising gas.  相似文献   

本文通过对兰州市和陇南市1981—2019年温度降水资料变化趋势对比分析得出:两地各时段平均气温1981-1990年为相对偏冷期,1991-2000年为正常时期,2001-2019年为相对偏暖期;两地各时段平均降水量1981-1990年和2011-2019年均为明显的上升趋势,1991-2000年兰州为明显的上升趋势,武都为明显的下降趋势,2001-2010年均为明显的下降趋势;目前,两地年平均气温和年降水量均呈现出显著的上升趋势。研究结果对指导两地科学规划、周密部署防汛抗旱及农业生产、气象防灾减灾工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Darwin hypothesized that flower constancy in insects that feed on nectar results from the need to learn how to extract nectar from a flower of a given species. In laboratory tests, Pieris rapae, the cabbage butterfly, showed flower constancy by continuing to visit flower species with which it had experience. The time required by individuals to find the source of nectar in flowers decreased with successive attempts, the performance following a learning curve. Learning to extract nectar from a second species interfered with the ability to extract nectar from the first. Insects that switch species thus experience a cost in time to learn. These results support recent suggestions on the importance of learning in animal foraging.  相似文献   

吉林省辽河流域农业面源污染特征及趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吉林省辽河流域农业面源污染现已十分严重,通过对其近十年的统计数据进行研究,结果表明:流域内农业面源污染中,COD(化学需氧量)主要来源于畜禽养殖和农村生活污染;TN(总氮)和TP(总磷)主要来源于畜禽养殖和农田化肥;近十年中COD流失量由34 093.2 t/a增至53 414.3 t/a,增长56.7%;TN流失量由30 095.2 t/a增至40 738.7t/a,增长35.4%;TP流失量由2 504.3t/a增至4 606.0t/a,增长83.9%。  相似文献   

为了更好地剖析柴达木盆地大风日数的演变特征,利用柴达木盆地9个气象观测站1961~2018年大风日数资料,采用线性倾向估计、M-K突变法对大风日数的年际变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:柴达木盆地1961~2018年平均大风日数呈显著减少趋势。大风日数年际间差异较大,最多年与最少年之差为53d。大风日数的年代际变化在20世纪60~70年代呈增加趋势,20世纪70年代至21世纪10年代呈减少趋势。四季大风日数均呈现出减少趋势,依次是:春季>夏季>冬季>秋季。月平均大风日数变化呈单峰型,1~4月逐月呈增加趋势,5~12月呈减小趋势,4月是一年中大风日数多的月份,处于波峰位置。年和春季大风日数在20世纪80年代左右开始呈下降趋势,春季发生了突变,年未发生突变。  相似文献   

在地球表面上或平直型时空中,热量总是从高温自发地流向低温,决不会自发地反流,但是在强引力场中,热量传播的方向将反过来,将由低温自发地流向高温.具体分析了在强引力场中,引力体内部热量的传导规律,从理论上阐明了在强引力场中热量自发地由低温流向高温的机理.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济占主导地位的现代化时代。社会的现代化首先是教育的现代化,而在教育现代化的进程中,必须拓展高等职业教育发展思路,使高等职业教育由学历教育向技能教育转化;由计划主导向市场经营转化;由国家主办向全民兴办转化;由“教学为本”向“以人为本”转化;由区域化向国际化转化。  相似文献   

Coastal marine sediments are shown to be a net source of nitrous oxide. The rates of nitrous oxide flux from sediments in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, ranged from 20 to more than 900 nanomoles per square meter per hour. Sediments from a eutrophic area had higher rates of net nitrous oxide production than sediments from relatively unpolluted sites. The benthic, nitrous oxide source exceeds the nitrous oxide source to the bay from sewage treatment plant effluent.  相似文献   

漳台园艺合作趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了漳台园艺合作发展的过程,并指出合作交流呈现由低级向高级、由单项向配套、由点到面、由短期向长期发展的趋势。建议利用漳州优势,把闽南花卉走廊建成漳台园艺合作的新品种、新技术示范中心。  相似文献   

Relatively unoxidized black uranium ores from sandstone deposits in the western United States show deviations in the uranium-235 to uranium-234 ratio throughout a range from 40 percent excess uranium-234 to 40 percent deficient uranium-234 with respect to a reference uranium-235 to uranium-234 ratio. The deficient uranium-234 is leached preferentially to uranium-238 and the excess uranium-234 is believed to result from deposition of uranium-234 enriched in solutions from leached deposits.  相似文献   

舍饲小尾寒羊附红细胞体病的流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年l至12月对廊坊某羊场的舍饲小尾寒羊进行了流行病学调查,结果显示,3-9月份附红细胞体呈上升趋势,10-2月份附红细胞体呈下降趋势。证实了附红细胞体的感染情况与吸血昆虫出没密切相关。  相似文献   

Rapid increases in the price of imported crude oil have accelerated a shift in the raw material base for chemical feedstocks from natural gas to crude oil to coal. Widespread use of ethylene as a feedstock has depended on the availability at attractive prices of natural gas and petroleum. As the resource base shifts from natural gas and petroleum to coal, ethylene is being replaced by synthesis gas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide of varying composition), which can be manufactured directly from any of these carbonaceous sources. This trend is expected to accelerate in the 1980's. Organics likely to be produced from synthesis gas include ethanol, ethylene glycol, and vinyl acetate.  相似文献   

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