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土壤剖面的反射光谱研究   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
徐彬彬 《土壤》2000,32(6):281-287
研究表明,土壤反射光谱包含有丰富的土壤信息,可从中获取有机质含量、氧化铁含量、质地、主导粘土矿物类型等多种有用信息。本文以不同地区的土壤剖面为例,解读它们的反射光谱,以获得土壤形成特征的某些信息,为在土壤研究中进一步应用反射光谱提供有益的探索。  相似文献   

土壤含盐量与土壤电导率及水分含量关系的试验研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
刘广明  杨劲松 《土壤通报》2001,32(Z1):85-87
应用不同盐分含量土壤,进行了土壤电导率与土壤含盐量关系的试验研究,获得了不同含盐量土壤的电导率随水分含量变化的规律,并且建立了土壤含盐量与土壤电导率及水分含量的关系.本文所用方法简便可行,试验结果具有较高精度.本研究为较精确测定土壤含盐量及快 速进行较大规模盐渍土壤调查提供了一种较佳方法.  相似文献   

土壤有机质与水分反射光谱响应特征综合作用模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤有机质与水分均对土壤反射光谱特征有显著的影响,但其作用机理难以定量描述。通过对黑龙江省典型黑土区土壤野外高光谱反射率的测定,研究了该区土壤的光谱反射特征;利用BP神经网络方法,以土壤有机质与水分数据作为输入层,以土壤光谱反射率一阶微分作为输出层,建立黑土有机质与水分的高光谱预测模型,并对模型的稳定性和预测能力进行检验。结果表明:土壤有机质与土壤表层0~20 cm含水量之间具有显著的相关性,相关系数为0.59;1570 nm波段处的一阶微分为输出层的模型精度最高,RMES达到0.017,平均绝对误差为0.014,平均相对误差为0.110;模型检验结果表明建立的BP神经网络模型具有良好的稳定性;土壤有机质、含水量对土壤光谱反射率的综合作用得到较准确的描述,可以用于野外土壤有机质与水分的速测。  相似文献   

苏北滨海土壤碳酸钙含量反射光谱估算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪长桥  郑光辉  陈昌春 《土壤学报》2016,53(5):1120-1129
土壤属性的快速、精确测定是实现现代精细农业的基础。本研究分析了江苏省北部滨海土壤的属性特征以及碳酸钙的可见-近红外反射光谱特征,探讨利用可见-近红外光谱估算滨海土壤碳酸钙含量的可行性,比较不同光谱反射率数据集、不同预处理方法以及不同建模方法定量反演的优劣。结果表明:(1)苏北滨海土壤有机质含量较低、碳酸钙含量较高,其光谱曲线在2 340 nm处有较明显的碳酸钙吸收特征;(2)滨海土壤碳酸钙含量与土壤的可见-近红外波段反射率呈正相关,且碳酸钙含量高低对于土壤的近红外波段反射率的影响高于可见光波段;(3)可见-近红外反射光谱可用于估算滨海土壤碳酸钙含量。就建模结果而言,381~2 459 nm波段反射光谱数据集、log(1/R)预处理、偏最小二乘回归三者结合的效果比较理想。  相似文献   

土壤干湿交替对玉米耗水特性及水分利用的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
旱地农业与灌溉农业中作物经常面临的土壤干旱与湿润交替变化是实际田间环境[1]。作物在生长发育的不同时期可能会遇上各不相同的土壤缺水胁迫,这些不同胁迫会对作物诱导出适应性的生理反应和伤害性影响[2,3],对此进行研究和认识,可以在节水灌溉中控制作物生长发育不同阶段土壤水分来调节作物生理过程,避免伤害性变化的发生,而促进适应性变化的产生,以改善作物发育后期籽粒形成阶段根系和叶片的功能来提高作物产量、品质和水分利用效率,达到高效、优质的目的。本文主要研究玉米在土壤干湿交替过程中的耗水特性和叶水分状况的关系,探讨提高水分利用效率的机制,为节水农业提供优化供水模式。  相似文献   

华南主要土壤类型的光谱特性与土壤分类   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了华南地区主要土壤的光谱反射特性,进行了土壤光谱的主组元分析、模糊聚类及与土壤理化性状作相关性分析,土壤光谱特征分类与现行中国土壤分类系统及中国土壤系数分类进行了比较对照。其主要结果表明,华南地区主要的光谱曲线的形态特征,主要表现为平直型(玄武岩发育砖红壤类)、缓斜型(水稻土类)和陡坎型(红、黄壤类)三种类型;土壤光谱分类与按母质母岩划分高度一致;应用主组元分析对土壤光谱进行分类,结果与现  相似文献   

土壤的多角度偏振反射光谱研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
赵虎  晏磊  赵云升 《土壤学报》2004,41(3):476-479
在利用多波段、多时相、高光谱的遥感数据来提高遥感对地物的识别能力的同时[1] ,人们注意到角度信息在遥感图像识别和分类中起到的影响和贡献[2 ] ,即地物在2π空间上的三维光谱特征。在早期的遥感,主要采取垂直收集对地观测数据。根据不同的地物具有不同的吸收、反射和发射电  相似文献   

[目的] 分析九寨沟2017年"8·8"地震后崩坡积碎石土和当地沉积黏性土不同比例混合体的土壤水分特性,选出适宜研究区植物生长的最佳改良碎石土,为九寨沟地区灾后生态环境修复提供科学依据。[方法] 将九寨沟当地黏性土与九寨沟地区碎石土以不同体积比进行混合,通过土水特征曲线试验、水分常数试验、土柱试验来探究不同比例下土壤水分特性,挑选适宜于植物生长的混合土比例。[结果] ①van Genuchten模型能够很好地拟合改良碎石土的土水特征曲线,土壤进气值随着黏性土比例的增加而增加,参数α在一定程度上能够表征进气值的状态。②改良后的碎石土使吸湿系数、凋萎系数、田间持水量、饱和含水量等都随着黏性土比例的增加而增加。相较于碎石土,添加黏性土的改良碎石土可用水量增大22.26 %~50.00 %,最大有效水量增大70.96 %~131.46 %,更加有利于植物生长。③3种模型对比下,Philip模型对土壤水分入渗模拟效果最好,吸渗率S大小能够在一定程度上代表初始入渗速率的变化趋势。[结论] 综合对比不同比例改良碎石土水分特性可见,当下覆土层为储水层,可选择碎石土与黏性土比例为7:3作为改良碎石土最佳配比;当下覆土层为非储水层,无法储存水分时,可选择碎石土与黏性土比例为3:7作为改良碎石土最佳配比。  相似文献   

去除有机质对土壤光谱特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
彭杰  张杨珠  周清  刘香伶  周卫军 《土壤》2006,38(4):454-458
通过野外调查取样和室内理化分析,研究了去除有机质对湖南省几种耕作土壤高光谱特性的影响。结果表明,去除土壤有机质以后,供试土壤的光谱反射曲线形态均有一定的变化,土壤的光谱反射率不管在全波段还是在分波段都有明显的增加;此外,由于有机质是影响和干扰氧化铁光谱特性的一个重要因子,去除土壤有机质以后,几个研究波段的光谱反射率与游离氧化铁、全Fe、无定形氧化铁的相关系数都有显著的提高。  相似文献   

褐潮土的光谱特性及用土壤反射率估算有机质含量的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文通过ASDFR便携式光谱仪对132个风干土壤样品的光谱反射率进行了实验室测定。根据土样光谱反射率变化,获得了褐潮土土壤剖面的不同诊断层反射光谱特征。结果表明,在400~1200nm范围之间,土壤有机质含量与土壤光谱反射率有较好的相关性。利用导数光谱方法建立了预测土壤有机质含量的方程,提出了预测北京地区褐潮土有机质光谱的最佳波段。在波长447nm处采用反射率和A值(反射率倒数的对数)所建立的预测方程的预测精度较高。采用反射率的一阶微分建立的预测方程的最佳波段在516nm处。而A值一阶微分光谱在615nm处相关性最好。作为一项参考指标用光谱分析法评价土壤中有机质含量,以期对精准农业中土壤养分或肥力的预测具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

黑土土壤水分反射光谱特征定量分析与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择单一土类黑土作为研究对象, 并准确调配其不同含水量,实验室测定土壤高光谱反射率,利用光谱分析与统计方法,定量描述了不同含水量黑土反射光谱特征,并建立了黑土含水量反射光谱预测模型,结果表明,随土壤含水量的增加,达到一定阈值(300 g kg-1),反射率存在过饱和现象,但其倒数对数微分可以有效去除饱和问题;土壤反射率倒数对数微分对土壤含水量的响应表现出三个变化阶段,导致1 870 nm波段的倒数对数微分也表现为非线性变化,需要利用分段函数进行土壤含水量的光谱精确速测。  相似文献   

黑土土壤水分高光谱特征及反演模型   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
应用高光谱技术阐释土壤含水率光谱规律及对土壤含水率进行定量分析,为精准农业地表土壤水分的快速测定提供参考。该文以吉林省黑土土类中的黑土亚类土壤为研究对象,利用ASD FieldSpec FR便携式光谱仪在室内环境下对不同含水率的土壤样本进行光谱反射率测量和特征分析;通过对土壤样品高光谱反射率进行对数、倒数、一阶微分以及反射率倒数的一阶微分、反射率对数的一阶微分变换,运用统计分析中的相关系数计算进行了光谱反射率与土壤水分的相关分析,并提取了土壤光谱特征波段;采用逐步多元线性回归方法和指数模式分析法,进行了高光谱土壤含水率定量反演。研究结果表明,在低于田间持水率状况下,黑土土壤光谱反射率及其反射率一阶微分和反射率对数一阶微分变换的敏感波段主要集中在400~410、1 400~1 850和2 050~2 200 nm范围内,其中2 156 nm处与土壤水分相关系数最高,达0.89;在波长1 328、1 439、1 742和2 156 nm处,采用反射率对数一阶微分所建立的黑土土壤含水率预测方程的预测精度最好,决定系数为0.931。黑土土壤含水率高光谱反演模型的建立为土壤水分的快速测定提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

含水量对黑土光谱特征影响的定量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several studies have demonstrated that soil reflectance decreases with increasing soil moisture content, or increases when the soil moisture reaches a certain content; however, there are few analyses on the quantitative relationship between soil reflectance and its moisture, especially in the case of black soils in northeast China. A new moisture adjusting method was developed to obtain soil reflectance with a smaller moisture interval to describe the quantitative relationship between soil reflectance and moisture. For the soil samples with moisture contents ranging from air-dry to saturated, the changes in soil reflectance with soil moisture can be depicted using a cubic equation. Both moisture threshold (MT) and moisture inflexion (MI) of soil reflectance can also be determined by the equation. When the moisture range was smaller than MT, soil reflectance can be simulated with a linear model. However, for samples with different soil organic matter (OM), the parameters of the linear model varied regularly with the OM content. Based on their relationship, the soil moisture can be estimated from soil reflectance in the black soil region.  相似文献   

土壤含水量对反射光谱法预测红壤土壤有机质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
研究土壤含水量对有机质预测的影响,可为野外红壤有机质快速测定提供理论依据。本文在实验室条件下测量了不同含水量红壤的可见光-近红外光谱反射率,运用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)建立不同含水量的土壤有机质预测模型。结果显示,随土壤含水量的增加,有机质与一阶微分光谱的相关性先增加后下降,含水量为100~150 g/kg时相关系数最大。分380~2 400、380~1 300、1 300~2 400 nm三个波段建立不同含水量的有机质预测模型,模型预测精度均随土壤含水量增加而呈现先增加后下降的趋势。利用1 300~2 400 nm建立有机质预测模型可以有效避开氧化铁影响,建立的模型预测精度最高。本研究认为,当土壤含水量小于200 g/kg时,可以利用在室内控制条件下测定的土壤反射率,建立1 300~2 400 nm波段的PLSR模型,进行红壤土壤有机质含量预测。  相似文献   

Concentrated flow experiments using a small hydraulic flume and a constant flow discharge and bed slope have been conducted in order to investigate the effects of rock fragment cover (Rc) on sediment yield for an initially wet and an initially air-dry loamy topsoil. The experimental results indicate that Rc reduces concentrated flow erosion rates (E) in an exponential way (i.e., E=ebRc), which is similar to previously reported relations for other water erosion processes such as interrill erosion and sheet-rill erosion measured on runoff plots. The decay rate (b) of this exponential relationship increased throughout the experiments because of scour-hole development and bed armouring. The concentrated flow erosion rates and b-values also depend on the initial moisture content of the topsoil. Depending on Rc, mean concentrated flow erosion rates were 20% to 65% less on initially wet compared to initially air-dry topsoils. The mean value for b was 0.032 for the initially wet, but only 0.017 for the initially air-dry topsoil, indicating that a rock fragment cover is less efficient in reducing concentrated flow erosion rates when the topsoil is initially air-dry than when it is initially wet. The results help explain the data scatter in reported relationships between Rc and interrill–rill erosion rates. They also indicate that a given surface rock fragment cover will offer more protection to wet topsoils than to dry topsoils, which are very common in Mediterranean environments. Event-based water erosion models should incorporate effects of antecedent soil moisture content as well as those of Rc on concentrated flow erosion rates.  相似文献   

The interaction of soil microbes with their physical environment affects their abilities to respire, grow and divide. One of these environmental factors is the amount of moisture in the soil. The work we published almost 25 years ago showed that microbial respiration was linearly related to soil-water content and log-linearly related to water potential. The paper arose out of collaboration between two young researchers from different areas of soil science, physics and microbiology. The project was driven by not only our curiosity but also the freedom to operate without the constraints common to the current system of science management. The citation history shows three peaks, 1989, 1999 and from 2002 to the present day. Interestingly, the annual citation rate is as high as it has ever been. The initial peak is due to the application of the work to studies on microbial processes. The second peak is associated with the rise of simulation modelling and the third with the relevance of the findings to climate change research. In this article, our paper is re-evaluated in the light of subsequent studies that allow the principle of separation of variables to be tested. This re-evaluation lends further credence to the linear relationship proposed between soil respiration and water content. A scaled relationship for respiration and water content is presented. Lastly, further research is suggested and more recent work on the physics of gas transport discussed briefly.  相似文献   

橡胶林土壤呼吸速率及其与土壤温湿度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Li-6400光合仪研究4 a、12 a和19 a橡胶林的土壤呼吸及其各组分(微生物呼吸、根系呼吸、凋落物呼吸)呼吸速率的日变化和年变化特征,探索土壤温度和湿度对土壤呼吸速率的影响。结果表明: 不同树龄橡胶林土壤呼吸速率在全天观测期间,出现最大值和最小值的时刻有很大差异,但在9:00~11:00时刻的测定值均接近日均值;在不同树龄橡胶林中各组分呼吸速率日变化大小虽不一致,但均表现为凋落物呼吸速率最小。4 a、12 a和19 a橡胶林土壤呼吸速率均有明显的月变化,月均值分别是2.45、2.63和2.96 μmol m-2 s-1;最大值出现在7月和8月,最小值出现在2月和3月;不同树龄橡胶林土壤呼吸速率月变化相互间差异不显著;土壤微生物呼吸占土壤呼吸的比例最高(为43.6%),根系呼吸次之(为36.1%),凋落物呼吸较小(为20.4%)。土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度之间具有显著的指数函数关系,但与土壤湿度的相关性不显著,从而得知海南橡胶林土壤温度与土壤呼吸速率有着密切的关系,土壤水分与土壤呼吸速率可能没有直接的关系。  相似文献   

A soil water retention curve (SWRC) is usually measured in a laboratory (lab SWRC), and is used to analyze in-situ soil moisture conditions. However, it is rarely verified whether and how a lab SWRC is in agreement with its equivalent relation between matric potential (h) and volumetric water content (θ) in a natural field (in-situ SWRC). In addition, most SWRCs show moisture hysteresis through which the drying process gives a larger θ at a given h than the wetting process, while an in-situ SWRC must be produced through the cycles of drying and wetting in the field. Thus, it can be hypothesized that an in-situ SWRC shows a lower value of θ than a lab SWRC for any h that the soil layer ordinarily experiences. To give experimental proofs for this hypothesis, this study aimed at quantifying seasonal behaviors of in-situ SWRCs and at comparing them with their corresponding lab SWRCs. To obtain a series of in-situ SWRCs, the h and θ were coincidently monitored at four points with three depths each in a meadow for 2.5 years using tensiometers and a capacitance-type soil moisture sensing system. As the equivalent to the in-situ SWRCs, the lab SWRCs were also measured. The in-situ SWRCs tended to have roughly 10% smaller θ than the lab SWRCs for the series of h observed in the study site, suggesting that an in-situ SWRC can hardly be reproduced by a lab SWRC only. In addition, when the driest condition in the recent 3 years was exerted on the study site, some in-situ SWRCs shifted along the θ axis on the θ(h) charts, suggesting that the most dried condition had changed the soil moisture regime of these soil layers, resulting in the reduction of monthly or annual means of soil water content in the field. Since the shifts of the in-situ SWRCs were accompanied by the increases in both the gradients ‘dθ/dh’ and the variation of measured h, it was implied that an extraordinary drying of a soil layer promotes the development of soil pore structure or an increase in the fraction of plant available water.  相似文献   

在不同土壤水分条件下研究了赤松光合特征及其水分利用效率的变化。结果表明,不同土壤水分处理对赤松幼苗净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率等生理指标及其日变化均产生明显影响;中度水分胁迫时赤松幼苗的光合午休比对照提前1h且午休时间长,其净光合速率和气孔导度的下降平行进行,而且,日平均水分利用效率的下降幅度比日平均净光合速率的下降幅度小。  相似文献   

Intact soil cores from three adjacent sites (Site A: grazed, Site B: fenced for 4 years, and Site C: fenced for 24 years) were incubated in the laboratory to examine effects of temperature, soil moisture, and their interactions on net nitrification and N mineralization rates in the Inner Mongolia grassland of Northern China. Incubation temperature significantly influenced net nitrification and N mineralization rates in all the three grassland sites. There were no differences in net nitrification or N mineralization rates at lower temperatures (−10, 0, and 5 °C) whereas significant differences were found at higher temperatures (15, 25, and 35 °C). Soil moisture profoundly impacted net nitrification and N mineralization rates in all the three sites. Interactions of temperature and moisture significantly affected net nitrification and mineralization rates in Site B and C, but not in Site A. Temperature sensitivity of net nitrification and N mineralization varied with soil moisture and grassland site. Our results showed greater net N mineralization rates and lower concentrations of inorganic N in the grazed site than those in the fenced sites, suggesting negative impacts of grazing on soil N pools and net primary productivity.  相似文献   

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