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High-resolution current profiles were obtained in the Florida Straits by means of a new technique. Large temporal variations in the current profiles were observed. At times extensive southward flow, with speeds up to 30 centimeters per second, was recorded in the lower half of the water column.  相似文献   

The oceanic biological pump drives sequestration of carbon dioxide in the deep sea via sinking particles. Rapid biological consumption and remineralization of carbon in the "twilight zone" (depths between the euphotic zone and 1000 meters) reduce the efficiency of sequestration. By using neutrally buoyant sediment traps to sample this chronically understudied realm, we measured a transfer efficiency of sinking particulate organic carbon between 150 and 500 meters of 20 and 50% at two contrasting sites. This large variability in transfer efficiency is poorly represented in biogeochemical models. If applied globally, this is equivalent to a difference in carbon sequestration of more than 3 petagrams of carbon per year.  相似文献   

本文以福建农业现代化发展现状为切入点,深入分析了进入新世纪以来福建农业现代化基本成效和存在的主要问题,提出要紧紧抓住加快海峡西岸经济区建设上升为国家意志的难得机会,踩准全球经济复苏和城乡统筹发展节拍,先行先试支农强农、加强闽台农业合作、积极发展县域经济、探索改革土地制度、创新农业科技服务,进一步加快推进全省农业现代化的对策建议。  相似文献   

赵黎君 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(24):13552-13553,13555
介绍了唐朝经济重心南移原因,探讨了唐朝经济重心南移的表现。  相似文献   

共选用105头江西赣南地区地方黄牛作为受体,分3批次采用不同的发情处理方法及不同的饲养管理方法,分别在夏、秋、冬3个季节开展了一次冷冻胚胎移植工作,3次移植妊娠率分别为40%,36%,53.8%。结果表明:饲养管理及发情处理方法对移植妊娠率产生重要的影响,而黄体直径大小与移植妊娠率高低并不成正比关系,分析了在南方地区选用本地黄牛作为受体时影响胚胎移植妊娠率及移植效率的因素。  相似文献   

Twenty-nine radiocarbon-dated pack rat middens document woodland communities in the deserts of the southwestern United States less than 10,000 years ago. A synchronous change from woodland to desert or grassland occurred about 8000 years ago in the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, and Mohave deserts. A shift of the Aleutian low and the winter storm track to the north, which resulted in drastically reduced winter precipitation in these areas, is inferred. The shift to nonpluvial climates in the Southwest lagged behind the beginning of nonglacial climates in the North because the melting continental glaciers contined to affect general circulation patterns.  相似文献   

本文分析了龙岩市农村妇女劳动力转移的基本状况以及素质对妇女劳动力转移就业的制约,强调加强男女平等宣传、农村基础教育、职业教育和就业服务等对于突破素质瓶颈、加快龙岩市农村妇女富余劳动力转移的重要意义.  相似文献   

以黄河南徙泛淮史料为依据,分析了黄河南徙入淮期间徐淮流域的洪涝灾情,着重阐述了黄河南徒对徐淮区域经济、交通和生态环境的影响,并总结了该区域历史上的自然灾害。  相似文献   

黄河南徙对徐淮区域生态环境的影响(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄河南徙泛淮史料为依据,分析了黄河南徙入淮期间徐淮流域的洪涝灾情,着重阐述了黄河南徙对徐淮区域经济、交通和生态环境的影响,以期为进一步保护生态环境提供理论基础。徐淮区域地处长三角与环渤海湾经济区过渡地段,据《禹贡》记载,历史上的徐淮地区自然环境条件较为优越,植被类型和生物物种十分丰富,是九州中的上等区域。但南宋建炎二年(1128年)黄河持续夺淮入海以后,苏北成为黄河泛滥之区。每次决口之后,冲走了庄稼,吞噬了生命,淹没了农田,淤塞了河流,填平了湖泊,阻断了交通,毁灭了城镇,严重摧残徐淮区域经济,将原先经济堪称发达的徐淮区域,变成了早、涝、沙、碱的常灾区,从而陷入了灾难的深渊。  相似文献   

定位误差的分析与计算是机床夹具设计过程中的一个重要环节,它的正确与否直接影响到机床专用夹具的设计工作.本文介绍了将两点法和公差带理论相结合来解决实际工作过程中经常遇到的较复杂的定位误差计算的工程实际问题。  相似文献   

Cultural responses to climate change during the late Holocene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Modern complex societies exhibit marked resilience to interannual-to- decadal droughts, but cultural responses to multidecadal-to-multicentury droughts can only be addressed by integrating detailed archaeological and paleoclimatic records. Four case studies drawn from New and Old World civilizations document societal responses to prolonged drought, including population dislocations, urban abandonment, and state collapse. Further study of past cultural adaptations to persistent climate change may provide valuable perspective on possible responses of modern societies to future climate change.  相似文献   

Double seismic zone for deep earthquakes in the izu-bonin subduction zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A double seismic zone for deep earthquakes was found in the Izu-Bonin region. An analysis of SP-converted phases confirms that the deep seismic zone consists of two layers separated by approximately 20 kilometers. Numerical modeling of the thermal structure implies that the hypocenters are located along isotherms of 500 degrees to 550 degrees C, which is consistent with the hypothesis that deep earthquakes result from the phase transition of metastable olivine to a high-pressure phase in the subducting slab.  相似文献   

SL Bilek  T Lay 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1998,281(5380):1175-1178
The depth dependence of physical properties along the Japan subduction zone interface was explored using teleseismic recordings of earthquake signals. Broadband body waves were inverted to determine the duration of rupture and source depth for 40 interplate thrust earthquakes located offshore of Honshu between 1989 and 1995. After scaling for differences in seismic moment, there is a systematic decrease in rupture duration with increasing depth along the subducting plate interface. This indicates increases in rupture velocity or stress drop with depth, likely related to variation in rigidity of sediments on the megathrust.  相似文献   

北京农科城驱动产业融合发展实践与成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业融合是产业经济发展中的一种新范式,本文作者基于产业融合理论,构建农业产业融合发展驱动模型,并以北京农科城驱动产业融合发展实践为例,剖析农业产业融合发展的路径与成效。研究发现北京农科城建设有效驱动了农业产业融合发展,具体实践具有代表性,对我国农业产业融合发展具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

南方丘区两熟制稻田保护性耕作的稻田生态效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文针对四川省两熟制稻-麦(油)秸秆资源丰富,但处理难的现状,研究了在稻田保护性耕作技术体系下,秸秆还田种类(麦秸、油莱秸)和还田数量(全量、半量)的稻田生态效应。结果表明,麦秸、油莱秸全量还田增产效果明显,分别比对照增产4.84%、6.20%;秸秆还田节水效益不明显,麦秸水分生产效率未得到改善,油莱秸还田水稻水分生产效率增加,油全、油半处理灌溉水分生产效率、水分生产效率分别比对照高0.048、0.045、0.039、0.032;秸秆还田能有效培肥土壤,土壤全N、P、速效养分及微量元素含量显著提高,其中土壤速效氮麦全、麦半处理分别增加14.5、18.1mg/kg;此外,秸秆全量还田投入/产出值高,具有显著的经济效益。因此,稻田保护性耕作技术为秸秆的高效循环利用提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

中国农业保险发展存在明显的区域差异,弱化对农业发展的支持保护作用,加大区域农业经济发展差异,在农业保险换挡期,应聚焦于农业保险的区域差异问题。基于中国农业保险发展遵循收敛性理论假设,运用空间计量的分析方法,构建空间Moran模型,利用2004-2013年农业保险统计数据,分析农业保险密度空间收敛性,探讨农业保险发展的空间收敛性。结果表明,农业保险密度Gini系数最小值为2013年(0.459),农业保险发展区域差异显著,"二元结构"特征明显;农业保险发展区域间相互作用明显,具有相同资源禀赋且空间位置邻近的省份,农业保险密度区域集聚性较强;空间滞后模型是最适合研究农业保险空间收敛的模型,中国农业保险发展符合收敛性理论假设被证实,先发地区农业保险密度增长率低于后发地区农业保险密度增长率,收敛速度为0.941,区域农业保险发展将向一个共同的稳态收敛;中国农业保险发展在空间上聚集特征显著,区域农业保险收敛发展源于空间溢出效应。因此,制定区域农业保险政策以及设计区域性农业保险产品,将有助于缩小农业保险区域发展差异,促进区域农业保险均衡发展。  相似文献   

Radiocarbon data from 150 archaeological excavations in the now hyper-arid Eastern Sahara of Egypt, Sudan, Libya, and Chad reveal close links between climatic variations and prehistoric occupation during the past 12,000 years. Synoptic multiple-indicator views for major time slices demonstrate the transition from initial settlement after the sudden onset of humid conditions at 8500 B.C.E. to the exodus resulting from gradual desiccation since 5300 B.C.E. Southward shifting of the desert margin helped trigger the emergence of pharaonic civilization along the Nile, influenced the spread of pastoralism throughout the continent, and affects sub-Saharan Africa to the present day.  相似文献   

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