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C. A. Huijsman 《Euphytica》1960,9(2):185-190
Some local races of the potato root eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis W. show a high degree of reproduction in the roots of CPC 1673-offspring which had been provisionally found to be resistant. Therefore search has been made for new starting material with protection against such races.The foregoing sub-races are being classified in race B; the populations which are not capable of reproduction in the roots of CPC 1673 are classified in race A.Varieties of the diploid species Solanum kurtzianum have been included in the investigations. This species belongs to the series Tuberosa and has its habitat in North-Argentina. Its resistance is based on two dominant polymeric factors. The classification of seedlings of the crosses between Sol. kurtzianum and susceptible cultivated diploid species (Sol. goniocalyx and Sol. stenotomum) presents no difficulties because transitional types as concerns cyst coverage are lacking.Examinations of the behaviour of a number (42) of B-provenances of the parasite have shown that 35% of them is able to attack the resistant kurtzianum-hybrids heavily. From this it can be concluded that the race B can be divided into two subraces which provisionally are indicated as race B1 and race B2.No difficulties are encountered in including Sol. kurtzianum in the breeding work. Seeds of the first backcross generation are at our disposal.A potato variety harbouring the genes for resistance derived from CPC 1673 and Sol. kurtzianum would be resistant against approx. 90% of all the strains of the parasite in the Netherlands. This condition of a combination of the two genes is necessary because it is still unknown whether Sol. kurtzianum is resistant against all A-populations of the parasite.  相似文献   

C. Ellenby 《Euphytica》1954,3(3):195-202
Summary Tests for resistance to the potato-root eelworm have been carried out since 1941 using the South American material of the Commonwealth Potato Collection. The few resistant forms found have already been noted elsewhere (Ellenby, 1948, 1952). For the sake of completeness a list is here given of all the material tested; it comprises about 1,300 forms belonging to over 60 wild and cultivated species.

Department of Zoology, King's College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, University of Durham  相似文献   

N. G. Hogenboom 《Euphytica》1970,19(4):413-425
Summary Material derived fromLycopersicon glandulosum and resistant to corky root was released to breeding establishments in 1965. The next year an investigation was started into the inheritance of the resistance.The method used in the resistance test is described. A detailed account is given of the causes of the variation observed in infection, the consequential problems encountered in the study of the inheritance of the resistance, and the possibilities of reducing the variation.After the resistant basic lines have been found to be pure, the material is shown to carry one major gene for resistance. This gene appears to have a very low degree of dominance; when heterozygous, its expression appears to be highly influenced by the environment.  相似文献   

Summary Fruit rot disease caused by Phytophthora parasiticaDast. is a limiting factor in tomato production in Himachal Pradesh. 30 to 60 per cent fruits are damaged by this disease. Crosses were made between EC 54725 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium), a small tyuited type, resistant to fruit rot and four highly susceptible tomato commercial cultivars (Gola, Sioux, S12, and Lalmani). Studies of F1's, F2's and back crosses indicated that EC 54725 carries a dominant gene imparting resistance to fruit rot.  相似文献   

Ietje W. Boukema 《Euphytica》1982,31(3):981-989
Summary The inheritance of the resistance to Didymella lycopersici was studied on F3- and Bc1-lines from interspecific crosses of L. esculentum with L. hirsutum and with L. hirsutum glabratum. The resistance is not monogenic and is inherited in dominant fashion. The high h2 values based on line means offer possibilities to seleet efficiently for enhanced levels of resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding for resistance to Heterodera rostochiensis was started in Scotland in 1952, using certain clones of Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena as the source of resistance. Resistance was manifest by the almost complete failure of larvae to mature in the roots of resistant seedlings, particularly those derived from the clone C.P.C.1673.In 1955 an eelworm population was found which overcame this resistance and was, for this reason, designated as aggressive.Resistance was also overcome in selfed and hybrid seedlings derived from subsp. andigena C.P.C. 1685 and C.P.C.1690. Resistance in Solanum vernei was apparently maintained against the aggressive eelworm population which was studied. This aggressive eelworm population multiplied normally on commercial potato varieties.In a first survey of Potato Root eelworm infested soils in Britain about 10 per cent of the eelworm populations sampled were found to differentiate little or no resistance in a test plant which was at least simplex for a resistance factor H, derived from C.P.C. 1673.

Hiermede wordt hetzelfde bedoeld als met S. andigenum.  相似文献   

Summary Bell pepper suffers considerable losses from a strain of potato virus Y (PVYo-sbp). Crosses were attempted between two resistant lines Perennial and S41-1 and two highly susceptible bell pepper commercial cultivars California Wonder and Yolo Wonder. Studies of F1's, F2's, back crosses and F3's indicated that Perennial and S41-1 carry a recessive gene imparting resistance to potato virus Y.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of tolerance in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) to metribuzin 4-amino-6-tert- butyl-3-(methylthio)-as-triazine-5(4H)-one herbicide was investigated. A biossay using a nutrient solution culture in controlled environment growth cabinets was used to evaluate progeny from tolerant by susceptible tomato cultivar crosses for response to metribuzin. Fireball and Vision were used as tolerant cultivars and Heinz 1706 as a susceptible cultivar. Parental, F1, F2, and some backcross generations were studied. Visual phytotoxicity, seedling height, and seedling dry weight were recorded.The bioassay was effective for classification of the segregating generations. F2, and progeny variance analysis suggested that the inheritance of tolerance to metribuzin was controlled by one major gene with modifiers. Heritability values of 0.58 to 0.72 indicated a potential for cultivar improvement through plant breeding.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic basis of pH, colour and soluble solids in processing tomato is examined. In a first experiment, aimed at identifying the base populations with which to start selection, parents, F1 and F2 progenies of an 8 × 8 diallel cross without reciprocals were tested.The results indicate that additive, dominance and additive x additive epistatic effects were noticeable for the three characters. Higher order interlocus interactions were also detected.As to the soluble solids, a trait for which higher order epistatic effects were less marked, the breeding potential of the cross combinations was assessed by calculating the expected mean values at the F generation. Some cross populations having C33 or C35 as parent appeared to be superior.A second experiment was conducted to collect data on the heritability of the foregoing qualitative traits by utilizing the regressions of F3 offspring on F2 parents. The low heritability coefficients observed would suggest the ineffectiveness of individual selection in early generations.In both the F2 and F3 generations rather low correlation coefficients among the three quality traits were observed.  相似文献   

Raj Kumar  G. S. Kang  S. K. Pandey 《Euphytica》2007,155(1-2):183-191
Under epiphytotic conditions for late blight in spring seasons, data were recorded on its intensity four times at 4 days intervals from the start of the disease in the field, in 114 (19 females × 6 males) progenies and their parents planted in randomized complete block design in the years 2005 and 2006. Regression and stepwise regression analysis showed that observations during the rapidly increasing phase of disease between initial and last phase of disease are more important than the observations at initial and last phase of the disease. Combining ability analysis on a sub-set of 68 progenies showed that the additive component of genetic variance was more important than the non-additive component of variance in inheritance of quantitative resistance to late blight. The per se performance of the parents does give an idea about their general combining ability (GCA). However, selection of parents based on their GCA will be very useful for breeding for quantitative resistance to late blight. Parents JX 90, JF 4841, CP 3356, CP 1358, CP 3290, JN 1197 and CP 3125 were found to have good GCA for quantitative resistance for late blight and the best six crosses for late bilght resistance based on mean performance involved parents with good combining ability only.  相似文献   

Clamot  G.  Rivoal  R. 《Euphytica》1984,33(1):27-32
Summary Three dominant genes A, B and C are involved in the resistance of Avena sterilis I. 376 to Heterodera avenae. When associated, genes A and B are responsible for the high level of resistance in I. 376. In the absence of the first two genes, gene C confers intermediate resistance characterized by the presence of a limited number of cysts on the roots. Only the completely recessive genotype allows the nematode to develop normally.  相似文献   

W. Heijbroek 《Euphytica》1977,26(2):257-262
Summary Within Beta vulgaris and B. maritima origins some partial resistance to beet cyst eelworm was found which could be raised to a very limited extent by selection. However after the second backcross to commercial sugar beet varieties and successive selection of the inbreds this resistance was lost. It was demonstrated that in the rootsystem of resistant plants as much nematodes penetrate and develop as in susceptible ones but the ratio between males and females is different. It was therefore quite probable that this resistance is polyfactorial and merely recessive.  相似文献   

Summary Lycopersicon pimpenellifolium L3707, resistant to the late blight oomycete Phytophthora infestans was crossed with the susceptible Lycopersicon pimpenellifolium 14377 or the susceptible Lycopersicon esculentum ZH. Progeny F1 and F2 generations were scored at the 5-leaf stage for resistance against 175 field and recombinant isolates of the pathogen. F1 plants exhibited various levels of moderate resistance and F2 plants segregated 3:6:7 resistant/moderately resistant/susceptible. The data support the hypothesis that race-non-specific resistance in L3707 is controlled by two independent genes: a partially-dominant gene and a dominant epistatic gene.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to powdery mildew (Oidium lini) in each of the four linseed cultivars, viz., LC 216, LC 255, LC 256 and LC 269 was found to be conditioned by one dominant gene. Crosses between the resistant parents indicated that the same gene was present in all the cultivars and is designated as Ol.  相似文献   

J. Cotten  J. D. Hayes 《Euphytica》1972,21(3):538-542
Summary Genetic analysis of cereal cyst nematode resistance in three genotypes of oats indicates that resistance in Avena sterilis I.376 is controlled by two dominant genes and in A. sativa cv. Mortgage Lifter by two recessive genes. Resistance in A. byzantina P.I. 175021 is dominant and monogenic, and is probably at a locus distinct from the resistance loci in the other two genotypes.  相似文献   

Early blight disease, caused by Alternaria solani Sorauer, is a serious disease of potato foliage and tubers that occurs in most potato‐growing regions world‐wide. Developing new potato cultivars with resistance to early blight may reduce losses in the field and in storage, and lessen the need for fungicide applications. A total of 280 clones, derived from 72 maternal half‐sib families from a diploid random‐mated hybrid population of Solarium phureja×Solarium stenotomum were examined for resistance to early blight. The clones that were evaluated in a replicated field trial for 2 years in Pennsylvania, USA, had similar early blight intensity both years. Significant differences were found among families, within families and for the interaction of years × within families. Broad‐sense heritability for resistance, measured as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), was estimated as 0.73, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.65‐0.78, and narrow‐sense heritability was estimated as 0.61 ± 0.29 (P = 0.05). The correlation of AUDPC for early blight between years was 0.57 (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that this diploid population is worthy of use in breeding for early blight resistance.  相似文献   

Summary To study the mode of inheritance of W, RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and LWR, the growth of 15 tomato genotypes and 104 of their F1's was analyzed. The plants were grown at a 19°C day temperature and a 10°C night temperature under a light intensity of 24 Wm-2 visible radiation and a daylength of 8 hours. Combining ability analyses of variance revealed highly significant differences in GCA values between parents for all characters studied and significant SCA values for some of the characters. GCA values for NAR and LAR, and for NAR and SLA were strongly negatively correlated. A strong positive correlation existed between GCA values for LAR and SLA. The possibilities for improving growth under low energy conditions by using growth characters in breeding are discussed.Abbreviations W dry weight of the plant - RGR relative growth rate - NAR net assimilation rate - LAR leaf area ratio - SLA specific leaf area - LWR leaf weight ratio - MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance - GCA general combining ability - SCA specific combining ability  相似文献   

Summary Potato virus Y (PVY) infects most Solanaceous crops grown in Mediterranean countries in open fields and in greenhouses. Necrogenic strains, which have been isolated from diseased tomatoes in France since the 1980's, seriously cause yield and quality loss of tomato fruits. Lycopersicon hirsutum PI 247087 was found to be resistant to PVY. Virus could not be detected in inoculated leaves by ELISA and/or by back-inoculation on susceptible plants. This resistance was efficient against the 16 tested isolates or strains. Temperature and inoculum concentration did not affect its expression. All the F1 plants of (Momor × PI 247087), (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and (PI 247087 × PI 134417) had symptom scores and ELISA values similar to those of the susceptible parents. The mechanism of resistance could be immunity-like or inhibition of virus migration from cell to cell. The resistance of L. hirsutum PI 247087 appeared to be governed by two independent recessive genes. In a few F2 plants of (PI 134417 × PI 247087) and F2 (Momor × PI 247087), virus was able to multiply in the inoculated leaves but could not establish a systemic infection. This finding may suggest a mechanism which interfers with the long distance migration of the virus in the plant.  相似文献   

The genetic nature of early blight resistance in tomato was studied in three crosses at seedling and adult plant stages. A six generation mean analysis of the cross Arka Saurabh (susceptible) × IHR1939 (resistance) and its reciprocal cross revealed that the resistance to early blight was conferred by recessive polygenes at both seedling and adult plant stages. This polygenic early blight resistance revealed the importance of additive and additive × additive gene effects at seedling stage and higher magnitude of dominance and dominance× dominance gene effects at adult plant stage. Evaluation of parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of IHR1816 (resistance) × IHR1939 (resistance) revealed that the early blight resistance genes in IHR1816 (Lycopersicon esculentum NCEBR-1) and IHR1939 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium L4394) are independent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

L. Cséleny    F. Ordon  W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(1):23-26
The inheritance of durable resistance of selected spring barley varieties to Rhynchosporium secalis was investigated. Data from the F2 generation of a 4 × 4 diallel, without reciprocals and the F4 generation of three crosses selected out of this diallel, suggest that resistance in this sample of varieties tested is complex in inheritance. Significant additive effects were detected indicating that the resistance level of barley cultivars may be improved by the hybridisation of suitable varieties. However, the genes conferring resistance seem to be concealed by the expression of one completely dominant resistance gene in our set of varieties. These results are partly in conflict with previous results on the inheritance of resistance to R. secalis in the breeder's line ‘11258/228613A’ indicating that the effectiveness of this resistance gene may be greatly influenced by the genetic background of the current population of R. secalis.  相似文献   

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