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In recent years, acid rain has been a social problem all over the world. In Japan, it is also a big problem especially in the metropolitan area. Then, we have measured major ions such as H+, Na+, NH4 +, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2? in precipitation and dry deposition samples which had been collected at 9 sampling sites at Hiyoshi, Mita, Kashiwa, Shiki, Fujisawa, Yokosuka, Mitaka, Hachiouji, and Ashikaga in Tokyo Metropolitan area for 10 years since 1990. The average pH of precipitation in their sites was 4.56 (n=1906). As the results of multiple regression analysis showed that pH of precipitation was determined by 5 ions such as NH4 +, nssCa2+(non sea salt calcium), nssCl?(non sea salt chloride), NO3 ?, nssSO4 2?(non sea salt sulfate) in the most of the sampling sites. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the behavior of these ions to understand the acidification of rain in Tokyo Metropolitan area. In this study, a long term trend of each ion concentration in precipitation and wet deposition was also investigated the base on the data we had observed at 7 sites for 10 years by the statistical method.  相似文献   

[目的]探究降雨特征对南京市低山丘陵区典型小流域水土流失的影响,为低山丘陵区尺度上产汇流分析及水土保持综合治理提供理论支撑。[方法]以南京市低山丘陵区桥头小流域为研究对象,利用2015—2018年156场降雨事件的水文泥沙数据,运用K-均值聚类法对降雨类型进行划分,采用LSD多重比较法分析不同雨型的特征,建立主要指标的多元拟合回归方程,探讨不同降雨条件下小流域产流产沙特性。[结果](1)降雨量、30 min最大雨强(I_(30)),降雨侵蚀力是桥头小流域产流产沙的重要影响因素,小流域的156场降雨事件中,主要以降雨量75 mm,I_(30)20 mm/h且径流系数0.2,含沙量1 g/L的水沙特征为主。(2)降雨类型分为Ⅰ(小雨量、小雨强),Ⅱ(大雨量、中雨强),Ⅲ(中雨量、小雨强),Ⅳ(中雨量、大雨强),Ⅴ(小雨量、中雨强)5种,Ⅰ雨型发生频率最高,Ⅳ雨型发生频次最低。(3)Ⅱ,Ⅳ雨型的产流产沙能力均高于其他雨型,Ⅲ雨型次之,Ⅰ,Ⅴ雨型最小。Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ雨型的产水产沙特性差异不显著。(4)产沙模数和洪峰流量多元回归方程拟合效果较好,拟合回归系数R~2都在0.75以上且通过显著性检验,回归方程可用于相关指标的定量计算。[结论]降雨量,I_(30),降雨侵蚀力是桥头小流域产流产沙的重要影响因素;不同雨型的降雨特征差异性显著,Ⅱ,Ⅳ雨型是区域产流产沙的主要雨型;利用多元回归方程可以进行指标定量计算。  相似文献   

For this study, characteristics and trends of the chemical constituents in bulk precipitation and streamwater were observed in a small mountainous watershed on the Shikoku Island of Japan, which covered an area of 27.4 hectares. Bulk precipitation and streamwater chemistry data spans from May 1997 to October 2004, and January 1996 to October 2004, respectively. The data were tested for two types of trends: (1) a monotonic trend to determine if concentrations of the chemical constituents were generally decreasing, increasing, or stable during the study period, and (2) a step trend to determine if a change occurred following the December 1999-January 2000 forest thinning. Both parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses were carried out in this study. Although the study area is only 35 km away from the Pacific Ocean, bulk precipitation chemistry was also influenced by terrestrial sources to a large extent. Streamwater chemistry was influenced by bedrock weathering, which was dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, and was not strongly related top recipitation chemistry.Non?parametric Seasonal Kendall Test(SKT)showedadeceasingtr end of Ca 2+ and anincreasing tr end of K + in bulk precipitation.Despite the decreasing trend of Mg 2+, an increasing trend of pH was found in the stream water.Non?paramet ric Mann?Whit ney?Wilcoxon Rank Sum test showed statistically sign if icantin creases of NO 3? and Ca 2+ in stream water followed by a moderate thinning operation.  相似文献   

We estimated the total inorganic fluxes of nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), chloride (Cl?, sodium (Na+, calcium (Ca2+, magnesium (Mg2+, potassium (K+ and hydronium (H+. The resistance deposition algorithm that is programmed as part of the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system was used to generate spatially-distributed deposition velocities, which were then combined with measurements of urban and rural concentrations of gas and particle species to obtain dry deposition rates. Wet deposition rates for each species were determined from rainfall concentrations and amounts available from the National Acid Deposition Program (NADP) monitoring network databases. The estimated total inorganic nitrogen deposition to the Tampa Bay watershed (excluding Tampa Bay) was 17 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 or 9,700 metric tons yr?1, and the ratio of dry to wet deposition rates was ~2.3 for inorganic nitrogen. The largest contributors to the total N flux were ammonia (NH3 and nitrogen oxides (NO x at 4.6 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 and 5.1 kg-N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Averaged wet deposition rates were 2.3 and 2.7 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 for NH4 + and NO3 ?, respectively.  相似文献   

Wet deposition monitoring was conducted at six rural stations in western Japan, during the period from 1987 through 1996. Long-term trends in the concentration of non-sea salt ions were analyzed on the basis of the data obtained. The monitoring results indicated that annual average concentrations of NO3 ? and NH4 + in precipitation significantly increased on the order of 45%, and that of nss-Ca2+ and nss-SO4 2?, concentrations did not change over the past 10 years. The ratio of NO3 ?/nss-SO4 2? in precipitation significantly increased, the ratio of NO3 ?/NH4 + showed no marked fluctuations, and the ratio of [nss-Ca2++NH4 +]/[nss-SO4 2?+NO3 ?] slightly increased during the period. These findings suggested that the wet deposition of NO3 ? and NH4 + in western Japan, particularly that in the winter season, was influenced by the long-range transport of nitrogen oxides and ammonia from the Asian continent.  相似文献   

李凯      侯鹰    付奇    辛儒鸿  邱明昆  黄尤优    刘宝印 《水土保持研究》2023,30(3):430-439
[目的]“三生空间”时空变化及其对生态系统服务影响的研究可以揭示人地关系及其变化规律,为区域国土空间管控提供理论依据。[方法]本研究以典型都市圈——济南都市圈为例,分析了2000—2018年“三生空间”变化趋势,刻画了三生空间协同变化类型与特征,并评价了济南都市圈生态系统服务价值及其变化,最终揭示了“三生空间”变化对区域生态系统服务的影响。[结果]总体变化特征上,生活生产空间是唯一面积增长的“三生空间”类型,且其面积相对变化速度在各类型中最快,对应动态度为2.4%;400 245.31 hm2的生产生态空间转入生活生产空间,是生活生产空间扩张的主要来源;“三生空间”协同变化可划分为5种特征明显、空间上互不重叠的类型,包括生态—生活协同变化型,生产—生活协同变化型,生态变化主导型,三生稳定型,生活变化主导型;在各协同变化类型中,生活变化主导型区县的生态系统服务价值下降最为剧烈[-3 015.89元/(hm2·a)];在各转换类型中,生产生态空间向生活生产空间的转换对区域生态系统服务价值的不利影响最明显。[结论]研究提出了“三生空间”协同变化类型...  相似文献   

四川紫色土区小流域土壤养分流失初步研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
通过对四川紫色土区小流域降雨的观测、径流养分和泥沙含量的分析,初步探讨了紫色土区养分的流失规律。多数研究认为,土壤养分大部分随泥沙携带而流失,而本文的研究结果却表明了:在研究区域,土壤养分流失的主要途径是径流的流失,而随泥沙携带的潜在土壤养分,由于产沙量较少,其流失总量并不多。  相似文献   

水分平衡基础上的小流域水土保持林配置模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就山西西南部黄土残塬沟壑与丘陵沟壑区小流域水土保持林体系配置问题进行探讨。在遵循以小流域为设计对象单元,针对水土流失影响因子因害设防,层层设防的防护林体系配置的理论基础上,提出从林地和流域的水分平衡出发,小流域防护林体系应采取合理的配置模式、促进天然植被恢复与人工造林促进植被恢复形成合理的林分结构,防护林体系应基于小流域的水分生态环境合理分布,在不同地貌部位的合理配置应遵循不同立地可承载生物量的极限值,适度造林,作到林水平衡,达到合理的植物配置模式和稳定林分结构,形成良性的水文生态环境,保证水土保持功能持续稳定。研究地区试验流域在森林覆盖率达到34%时,分布合理,侵蚀沟在封育状况好时,均可达到产流量小于允许侵蚀量。疏林地、林草间作林地、带状绿篱、未破坏的天然灌木和天然草地,稀疏林地就能够使产沙量小于允许值,并且林地具有较好的水分状况。  相似文献   

北方土石山区小流域综合治理措施及效应研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过野外坡面径流小区观测和沟道断面定点监测,对不同降雨特征条件下不同水土保持措施坡面水沙过程进行对比研究,分析了前期降雨、降雨特征与产流产沙的关系,并对林草植被的水土保持效果进行了探讨。结果表明.相同降雨和水土保持措施处理下,存在前期降雨事件的小区径流量和泥沙量明显偏大。两场降雨的降雨特征差异越大,不同处理下的径流量和产沙量的差异亦越大。水土保持措施通过改变下垫面状况可以削弱降雨特征对径流产沙的影响。水平梯田的拦沙蓄水效果最高,植物措施结合适当整地同样可以取络良好的水土保持效果,而封禁治理初期必须辅助以工程措施为植被的恢复创造条件。沟头防护措施可以减少沟道径流,有效抑制沟道土壤侵蚀。  相似文献   

川中丘陵区小流域土壤侵蚀空间分异评价研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
将地理信息系统(GIS)技术Arc/Info与通用土壤流失方程(USLE)相结合进行了小流域土壤侵蚀量的估算。以盐亭农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站内的截流村小流域(简称截流村小流域)为研究对象,依据实地调查资料及地形、土地利用、土壤和植被等数据,建立了小流域空间数据库,利用GIS的栅格数据空间分析功能,将小流域空间离散化为10 m×10 m的栅格,在栅格内根据合适的USLE因子算法进行了土壤侵蚀量估算,进而对小流域内土壤侵蚀强度空间分异和小流域内侵蚀量进行了统计分析。结果表明,截流村小流域年均输沙模数为1244.7 t/(km2.a),侵蚀强度属轻度;坡耕地占流域面积的44.17%,年均土壤侵蚀模数为2195.0 t/(km2.a),其侵蚀总量占流域总侵蚀量77.93%,表明坡耕地是该小流域水土流失的策源地,小流域水土流失治理的关键是实现流域内坡耕地的合理利用。同时对于林地和小于10°坡耕地的侵蚀模数结果与相关研究仅相差19.8%和4.4%,证实了该模型的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

涪陵区小流域综合治理状况及治理措施效益分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周璟  何丙辉 《水土保持研究》2006,13(5):316-318,321
对涪陵区水土流失和小流域综合治理状况进行总结,对治理措施效益进行分析,提出涪陵区小流域治理相应对策,为今后更为科学合理的规划治理该区水土流失提供了科学的决策依据.  相似文献   

陂溪小流域是宁化县严重的紫色土水土流失区之一,流域内水土流失面积12.16km^2,占土地总面积的60.1%。该流域推行以封先行,草、灌、乔三位一体,草-牧-沼-果生态治理模式,已取得了初步成效,并总结积累了一些经验和做法,为同类型水土流失综合治理提供了典范。  相似文献   

丹江口库区典型小流域农业非点源污染物输出特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉强  于兴修  王伟  刘航 《土壤通报》2016,(2):456-460
非点源污染是影响水源地水质的重要原因。研究以丹江口库区五龙池小流域为研究区,基于2014年相关数据,利用输出系数模型,借助地理信息技术,对该小流域农业非点源污染进行模拟,分析流域非点源污染的空间分布特征,解析其主要污染源,以深入理解丹江口水源地农业小流域的非点源输出特征。研究表明,2014年流域内农业非点源总氮污染负荷为5.674 t,流域内平均负荷强度为2.96 t km-2;农业非点源总氮负荷总量主要分布在耕地和居民地,农业用地是主要污染源,贡献率为47.9;人畜粪便农业非点源总氮负荷强度为39.2 t km-2,是流域平均负荷强度的13倍;缓坡区具有较高的非点源输出风险;改变粗放的农业管理模式,合理处理畜禽排泄物和农村生活污水是流域非点源治理的有效措施。  相似文献   

Acid deposition and its effect on Andisols were investigated in the forest experimental station, the Rolling Land Laboratory (RLL), located in the Tama Hill region of Central Japan. The annual volume-weighted mean pH value of open bulk precipitation was 4.8 in the period 1990 to 1992. Nitrate deposition at RLL was larger than for sulfate, which was obviously different from results in Japan Environment Agency (JEA) stations or in study areas of Europe and North America. Abundant nitrate deposition was ascribed to the high emissions from a non-point source, mainly cars. Although sulfate concentration in throughfall fluctuated, its concentration in soil solution was kept at a low level. This was attributed to the high sulfate adsorption capacity of the Andisols.  相似文献   

黄土丘Ⅴ区因其独特的土壤及地形和水文地质条件,使淤地坝坝控区的重力侵蚀严重,以至于毁坏耕地、道路和桥梁等,严重影响淤地坝效益的发挥。针对黄土丘Ⅴ区典型小流域坝控区在运行期间因沟岸崩塌和岸坡滑塌等产生的重力侵蚀导致淤地坝泥沙淤积量计算失真的问题,采用实测库容与3S技术生成库容资料和原设计库容曲线复核率定的三重复核分析方法,对运行期淤地坝坝控区域的重力侵蚀来源、诱发因素及预测进行分析。结果表明:(1)反映淤地坝淤积形态的形态判别系数α'为0.711~208.517,均值48.238,说明除阳山上小型坝小于临界数2.2为椎体淤积外,其他淤地坝为三角洲淤积;(2)坝控区形态参数如淤积面面积、周长、淤积体积及淤积形态判别系数等对重力侵蚀影响较大,给出了重力侵蚀量及侵蚀模数的计算关系;(3)重力侵蚀模数的范围184.79~812.80t/(km~2·a),均值360.68t/(km~2·a),坝控区淤积产沙模数的范围225~2 719t/(km~2·a),均值1 382t/(km~2·a)。重力侵蚀模数约占淤积产沙模数的26.1%,说明在黄土丘陵沟壑区第Ⅴ副区淤地坝的库区拦沙既有上游因水力侵蚀产沙又有库区自身重力侵蚀所致,淤地坝的运行管理既要防止重力侵蚀破坏现有耕地,又要防止淤地坝淤积出的土地被沟道基流苦咸水破坏,从而导致淤地坝淤地无法高效利用。  相似文献   

[目的]在生态清洁小流域建设背景下,探讨农民的环境风险意识与环境避险行为的相关性,为乡村振兴战略的顺利实施提供科学依据。[方法]以关中地区渭河三级支流小湋河小流域的垃圾焚烧发电项目为例,通过理论分析和到附近村落进行实地问卷调查,探讨在该项目建设论证中农民的环境风险意识和避险行为之间的逻辑关系是否还存在更深层的原因,或具有更复杂化的形态。[结果]结合调查资料与统计分析,发现小湋河小流域农民的环境风险认知过程呈现环境风险感知→环境风险意识→环境避险行为的演进样态。在此基础上构建环境风险意识与行为关系的理论模型。研究小流域农民环境风险意识和避险行为之间存在4组关系:有意识有行为、有意识无行为、无意识有行为、无意识无行为。[结论]意识与行为关系的理论模型在本研究实践检验中成立,农民的4类环境风险意识与相应的避险行为之间具有相关性。  相似文献   

Barghigiani  C.  Ristori  T.  Biagi  F.  De Ranieri  S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(1-2):169-176
Mercury concentrations were studied in important edible species from an area of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, near Mt. Amiata (Tuscany, Italy), affected by mercury contamination. The studied species were: Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster), Parapenaeus longirostris (pink shrimp), Merluccius merluccius(hake) and Eledone cirrhosa (horned octopus). From the results it was found that in N. norvegicus and M. merluccius the accumulation was exponential, while in the other two species it was linear. In females ofN. norvegicus, a sharper increase of Hg concentration beyond three centimetres of carapace length was observed and explained by the reduction in growth rate after sexual maturity. In M. merluccius, the metal concentration increased sharply after 40 cm of length, probably due to a reduction in growth rate over this size. In P. longirostris no statistically significant difference between the slope of the linear regressions of males and that of females was found. In Eledone cirrhosa nomercury accumulation difference between the two sexeswas found. The metal concentration was generally highin all the studied species, with a maximum of 4.2 μg g-1 of fresh weight in N. norvegicus.  相似文献   

针对黄土高原水土流失综合治理中存在的问题,在分析和总结小流域综合治理的基础上,针对黄土高原丘陵区第三副区建立小流域综合治理模式,采用模糊聚类定量分析方法和定性方法划分为4个亚区。并对各亚区土地利用结构进行了合理的调整,提出了水土保持措施的配置模式,对不同类型区综合治理有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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