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Urushi (Japanese lacquer) plates were exposed to indoor air in 7 cities in East Asia from summer 1995 through winter 1997. The plates, collected every 3 months, were optically observed by using a gloss meter, a digital microscope and a microscopic infrared spectrophotometer for evaluation of a seasonal impact by acidic air pollutants. The gloss losses were high on the urushi surface in autumn, when fog frequently appeared. Numerous fine spots were observed in 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter on the surfaces of the plates exposed at Chongqing, China, Taejon, Korea and Nara, Japan, where dense fog occurred. The spots were dark and opaque at Chongqing, where heavy air pollution was observed. A dark and opaque core was observed in each semitransparent spot at Taejon and Nara, while no spots were observed at Kyoto and Ishikawa, where fog often appeared but air pollution was at a low level. Carbonyl group, identified by microscopic infrared spectrometry, was found in the spots on the urushi surfaces. The carbonyl group may be formed by oxidation of a side-chain in urushiol (a major component of urushi sap, alkyl phenol). Urushi lacquer may be damaged by high concentration of sulfate anion, included in acid fog.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - During the spring, the high concentrations of ozone (O3) and aerosols are frequently observed aloft in Japan. Such episodes supposedly are caused by the...  相似文献   

Recognizing the adverse effects of acid deposition and its transboundary nature, efforts have been made for the past six years by countries in the East Asian region to establish acid deposition monitoring network in the region by taking a step-by-step approach towards the formal establishment. The First Intergovernmental Meeting held in March 1998 agreed as the first step to implement preparatory-phase activities for two years with the aim to officially establish the EANET in the year 2000. With the successful implementation of the preparatory-phase activities, the Second Intergovernmental Meeting held in October 2000 subsequently agreed to start the activities of the EANET on a regular basis from January 2001. Thailand developed and carried out the national monitoring plan for the preparatory-phase activities through the cooperation of various agencies. Four monitoring sites were included in the preparatory-phase activities of the EANET. Monitoring capacity in Thailand has been gradually built during the preparatory-phase and Thailand is now ready to start monitoring activities of the EANET on a regular basis. Efforts should be continued to study the complex nature of acid deposition phenomena, to quantify the adverse environmental impacts of acid deposition, and to eventually reduce emissions of acid precursors. Strong supports from international and regional organizations are essential for effective implementation of the EANET activities and to address acid deposition problem in the East Asian region.  相似文献   

Participating countries of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) launched the preparatory-phase activities from April 1998. For the recognition and improvement of the analytical precision and accuracy, the Interim Network Center (INC) carried out the inter-laboratory comparison on the analysis of artificial rainwater samples and soil samples. Relevant laboratories submitted their analytical data to the INC for the evaluation. Submitted data were summarized and evaluated in terms of precision and accuracy, and were compared with the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) of EANET. These inter-laboratory comparisons made clear the present conditions of laboratories as well as the major constraints that should be solved in the future.  相似文献   

Several multilateral initiatives on acid rain control were advocated in the 1990s, and extended through multiple channels in East Asia. There is, however, little coordination between those initiatives. The geopolitical make-up of the region has also hampered further progress in regional cooperation on the issue. In this paper we first examine the major features and weaknesses of existing regional environmental cooperative schemes. Second, we review collective initiatives on the acid rain issue, and examine how further progress has been hindered by the inherent inadequacies of the schemes. Finally, we consider whether and how regional cooperation on the acid rain issue may be promoted, and try to draw some implications from the European experience that might help enhance regional cooperation.  相似文献   

To help improve the use of models in science & policy analysis in Asia it is necessary to have a better understanding of model performance and uncertainties. Towards this goal an intercomparison exercise has been initiated as a collaborative study of scientists interested in long-range transport in East Asia. An overview of this study is presented in this paper. The study consists of a set of prescribed test calculations with carefully controlled experiments. Models used the same domain, emission inventory, model parameters, meteorological conditions, etc. Two periods (January and May 1993) were selected to reflect long-range transport conditions under two distinct seasons. During these periods measurements of sulfur concentrations and deposition were made throughout the study region using identical sampling and analysis protocols. The intercomparison activity consists of four tasks (Blind Test, Fixed Parameter Test, Source Receptor test, and Tuning Test). All participants were asked to do Task A, and as many of the other tasks as possible. To date seven different models have participated in this study. Results and key findings are presented.  相似文献   

The amounts of nitrogen and sulfur deposited in the region of the Yellow Sea in both dry and wet forms were estimated focusing on the period between 1999 and 2000. Dry deposition fluxes were obtained using concentrations from ground stations on both Korean and Chinese sides and from shipboard and aircraft measurements. Wet deposition fluxes were determined at ground stations on the Korean side. The dry deposition flux over the Yellow Sea was much greater than those for other world oceans. As a whole, the amounts of wet depositions of nitrogen and sulfur were 1.9 and 1.5 times larger than the amounts of respective dry depositions. Substantial influence from China caused by high emissions in East China and westerly wind was possibly suggested. However, the influence from nitrogen emission in Korea was also confirmed.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate acid depositions and to understand their effect. Wet precipitation has been collected at twenty-four sites in Korea for one year of 1999. The ion concentrations such as H+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4 +, Ca2+, Cl?, NO3 ? and SO4 2? were chemically analyzed and determined. Precipitation had wide range of pH(3.5~8.5), and volume-weighted average was 5.2. The contribution amounts of Cl?, SO4 2? and NO3 ? in anion were shown to be 54%, 32%, and 14%, respectively and those of Na+ and NH4 + in cation were 32% and 25%. The ratios of Cl? and Mg2+ to Na+ in precipitation were similar to those of seawater, which imply that great amount of Cl? and Mg2+ in precipitation could be originated from seawater. The concentration of H+ is little related with SO4 2?, NO3 ? and Cl? ions, whereas nss?SO4 2? and NO3 ? are highly correlated with NH4 +, which could suggest that great amount of SO4 2? and NO3 ? exist in the form of ammonium associated salt. The annual wet deposition amounts (g m?2year?1) of SO4 2?, NO3 ?, Cl?, H+, NH4 +, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were estimated as 0.88~4.89, 0.49~4.37, 0.30~9.80, 0.001~0.031, 0.06~2.15, 0.27~4.27, 0.10~3.81, 0.23~1.59 and 0.03~0.63.  相似文献   

LAPAN has measured rain acidity in Bandung, the location is Cipedes since 1985, with average pH in 1985 was 6.25. The pH condition 1985–1999 as follow: The monthly average of pH in period 1985–1992 was >5.6: in the middle of 1996–1997 it had big variation and than decrease until now. The monthly average of pH in 1997 until now was <5.6. The pH has decreasing trend, the reason was increasing fuel combustion for transportation and household because the area around the observation was change from rural to be transportation and settlement area. The rain acidity comparison in Cipedes (rural site), Cicahuem (busy site), and Tanjungsari (remote site) hold in 1986–1987, the result was Tanjungsari the remote site had the lowest pH. It's suggested the reason was sulphur compound from Kamojang crater and air pollution from industrial area in south-east of Bandung were blown by the wind through this place. The influence of air pollution to acid rain was studied by measurement NO3 ? and SO4 2? in 5 places around Bandung, the results were: North of Bandung had the lowest NO3 ? concentration because the traffics were low: but had the highest SO4 2? concentration; it's caused by emission of sulphur compounds from Tangkuban Perahu Montain. South of Bandung had the highest NO3 ? concentration because the traffics were crowded and a lot of industries around it. In general Bandung had SO4 2? concentration higher than NO3 ? concentration, it's suggested due to the influence of sulphur compound from Tangkuban Perahu Montain. The observation rain acidity in Ciater at Tangkuban Perahu Montain started in 1996, the result in period 1996–1998 as follow: The pH had decreasing trend, it's due to the traffic near this observation increase, so the air pollution around this area increase, it will influence the rain acidity. The maximum monthly average of ph was 6.78 and minimum was 4.63, the pH monthly average generally < 6. In El NINO year 1997, the monthly average of pH in April and December were > 6.5.  相似文献   

The extensive use of coal as an energy carrier in China has led to high deposition of sulfur in a large part of the country. In the southern part of China large areas receive acid deposition, while in the northern part of the country the acidity of the emissions is neutralized by alkaline dust from the desert areas. In this paper we demonstrate the importance of knowing the sources and deposition patterns of base cations when assessing the effects of changes in sulfur emissions. Regional-scale data of both sulfur and calcium deposition from modeling and monitoring are combined in order to demonstrate how the acidity of deposition in China has changed historically and may change in the future. The importance of base cation deposition is also demonstrated using the dynamic acidification model MAGIC with input data from an intensive monitoring site outside Guiyang. It is not known what fraction of the deposited base cations is of natural origin and anthropogenic origin, respectively. The relative source strength varies greatly between regions. Future effects of emission changes are highly dependent on the relative reduction in sulfur and base cation emissions.  相似文献   

NMVOCs and CO Emission Inventory in East Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For analyzing acidification in East Asia, long range transportation models has been developed, which require emissions inventories of the precursors. SO2 and NOx emissions inventories were reported previously; here emissions of NMVOCs (Non methane volatile organic compounds) and CO in East Asia; China, Republic Korea, Japan and Taiwan area, are estimated. For the years 1994–95, the total emissions of NMVOC and CO in East Asia are estimated at 17.7 and 94.1Tg/y respectively. Small coal boiler and biomass use for residences are dominant sources of NMVOCs in the area, especially in China. More than half of CO emission comes from biomass use in residences in China. Regionally at east costal area in China high density emission is seen in the 1×1 degree grid emission map.  相似文献   

Air-borne measurements of air pollutants transported from northeast Asia to Japan and the Pacific Ocean were carried out three times from 1996 to 1999 over the seas between Japan and Asian Continent. Those campaigns were named PEACAMPOT II under auspices of the IGAC/APARE program. A transport pattern of a highly polluted air mass from central China was found. Such air mass was driven by the quick movement of low pressure traveling from Taiwan area to the northeast of Japan. This finding supported well the results of modeling studies for long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants from East Asia.  相似文献   

Copper plates were exposed under shelters at 13 sampling sites in East Asia and their corrosion was analyzed. The corrosion products were first dissolved in water and then oxalic acid. Sulfate, nitrate and chloride in the solutions were measured by ion chromatography. The amounts of the three anions significantly differed depending on the atmospheric environment at the sites. Sulfate was a major part of the anions at Chongqing and Shanghai in China. Especially, at the urban sites in Japan, nitrate remarkably changed with the seasons, and often became the large anionic component in the summer. The amounts of chloride at most sites were at higher concentration levels compared with those at the rural sites in Japan. The anions in the copper corrosion must mainly reflect the impact of acid deposition.  相似文献   

Acid deposition is widely recognized as one of the most serious international atmospheric pollution problems. East Asian countries are currently experiencing acid deposition and have only recently begun expanding domestic research and monitoring activities. However, acid deposition is not only a domestic but also a transboundary problem. In addressing the transboundary aspect, cooperative and collaborative action will be essential. The Environment Agency of Japan is advocating the need to establish an acid deposition monitoring network in East Asia. Therefore, it is sponsoring three Expert Meetings on Acid Precipitation Monitoring Network in East Asia between 1993 and 1995. The meetings are attended by both scientific researchers and government officials from numerous East Asian countries. At the administrative and scientific discussions of the first two meetings a consensus on the desirability of establishing a monitoring network in East Asia was obtained and a preliminary technical guideline manual for monitoring acid deposition was adopted. By the end of the third meeting it is hoped that a basic consensus can be reached on a framework for an East Asian acid deposition monitoring network. It is essential to establish such a network in order to evaluate the present state of acid deposition in the region and to reach a common scientific understanding on the acid deposition problem. This is a vital step toward promoting international cooperation on the issue.  相似文献   

Critical Loads of Acid Deposition on Soil in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Critical loads of acid deposition havebeen mapped for Chinese soils using a modifiedsemi-quantitative method, which is based on theminerals controlling weathering and soil development,and corrected by introducing an Arrhenius relationshipto describe the effect of temperature and a weightedaveraging approach to evaluate the effect of soiltexture, land use and precipitation. As a consequenceof these modifications, the method has been quantifiedand can be more widely used. Results from this studyshow that the lowest critical loads of acid depositionin China, i.e., those areas most sensitive to aciddeposition, occur in the Podzolic soils in theNortheast, followed by Latosol, Dark brown forest soiland Black soil areas. The Ferralsol areas in SouthChina are intermediate, tolerating about 0.8–1.6 g m-2 yr-1 sulfur deposition. The highestcritical loads of acid deposition are mainly locatedin the Alpine soil areas on the Plateau of Tibet andareas of Xerosol and Podocal soil in Northwest China.The reason for lower critical loads in the Northeastrelative to South China can be attributed to thedifference of temperature, soil moisture and soiltexture. Comparison of critical loads with the sulfurdeposition in 1995 identifies almost one fourth of theland area in southeast China to be subject to risk of acidification.  相似文献   

Concentrations of sulphate in precipitation in southern Norway have decreased by 50–60% from 1980–1999. This has caused a decrease in sulphate concentrations in lakes of 30–40% from 1986–1999. Nitrogen in precipitation has decreased slightly over the last 10-years. In lakewater there has also been a significant but slight decrease. Concentrations of non-marine base cations in precipitation have decreased by 40% from 1980–1999. In lakewater, non-marine base cation concentrations have been at about the same level the last 10 years. This indicates that acid deposition has decreased sufficiently such that the pool of exchangeable base cations in the soil is now being replenished. The acidification situation in lakes in Norway has thus shown a clear improvement over the last 8–10 years. pH, alkalinity and ANC (acid neutralising capacity) have all increased. Concentrations of inorganic (toxic) aluminium species have decreased. The trends in H+ and Aln+ do not follow the relation expected if Aln+ concentrations were governed solely by a single solid phase of Al(OH)3.  相似文献   

江苏句容小流域NH3和NO2干沉积数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏航  朱彬  颜晓元  杨绒 《中国农业气象》2009,30(3):335-342,369
为了进一步揭示江苏句容小流域NH3和NO2干沉积规律,本文利用当地自动气象站及L波段雷达探空资料和地面气体浓度实测资料,采用气体干沉积阻力模型,并考虑下垫面排放对NH3干沉积的补偿作用,对句容小流域NH3和NO2的干沉积速率、干沉积通量及其影响因子进行数值模拟分析.结果表明:随着稳定度、太阳辐射强度、季节和下垫面的改变,NH3和NO2的干沉积速率均有着较为明显的变化,表面阻力是影响气体干沉积速率变化的主要因子.考虑了下垫面对NH3干沉积的补偿作用后发现,下垫面越富饶的地方,其影响越显著.最后对句容小流域NH3和NO2的干沉积通量进行了估算,发现句容约4556.02hm2的小流域,NH3干沉积通量的月变化范围为13.37~66.29kg·d-1, NO2干沉积通量的月变化范围为21.43~98.92kg·d-1.  相似文献   

Soil Vulnerability and Sensitivity to Acid Deposition in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tao  Fulu  Hayashi  Yousay  Lin  Erda 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2002,140(1-4):247-260
Sensitivity, in this context, refers to `the degree to which a system will respond to acid deposition', while vulnerability is `the extent to which acid deposition may damage or harm system'.Thus, sensitivity stresses the risk of an increase in the rateof change of the soil chemistry (the acidification rate), and vulnerability stresses the risk of damage to an organism or system (the acidification state). With regard to acid depositioneffects, both vulnerable and sensitive ecosystems are of concern;however, they are usually not well distinguished. The identification of ecosystems vulnerable (at risk for damage) or sensitive (high degree of response) to acid deposition is very important if policy makers are to derive cost-effective pollutioncontrol strategies. In this paper, the relative vulnerability andsensitivity of soils in China are assessed on the basis of soil base saturation and cation exchange capacity. Vulnerable and sensitive soils, as well as the risks associated with acid deposition, are identified. The characteristics of these two types of soils and their responses to acid deposition are discussed. Finally, results obtained by using different approaches are compared. The results show that the most vulnerable areas are located mainly in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces andin the southern part of Yunnan province. On the other hand, themost sensitive areas are located mainly in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Fujian provinces and in the northern part of Yunnanprovince. Combining the distribution of vulnerability and sensitivity with the sulfur deposition shows that the areas around Chongqing City and central Guizhou province are at highrisk for damage by acid deposition; central Zhejiang province andthe boundary region between Hunan and Jiangxi provinces would be at high risk for a high rate of acidification if acid depositionwere to increase.  相似文献   

Maeda  Y.  Morioka  J.  Tsujino  Y.  Satoh  Y.  Zhang  Xiaodan  Mizoguchi  T.  Hatakeyama  S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,130(1-4):141-150
Atmospheric and laboratory corrosion tests were carried out to assess the intensity of air pollution in East Asia. Qualitative and quantitative atmospheric corrosion was estimated from the damage caused to bronze, copper, steel, marble, cedar, cypress and urushi (Japanese lacquer) plates, exposed to outdoor and indoor airs in some cities of East Asia. Brochantite and cuprite were formed on copper at sites where the sulfur dioxide concentrations were high, and basic cupric nitrate and cuprite at sites where nitrogen dioxide concentrations were high. Gypsum was formed on marble pieces exposed to indoor air at all sites but was not found on pieces exposed to outdoor air. Numerous fine spots (0.2–0.3 mm in diameter) were observed on surfaces of urushi plates exposed at foggy cities such as Chongqing, China and Taejon, Korea. The effects of atmospheric and meteorological factors on the damage to copper and marble plates in several cities in East Asia were estimated using regression analysis. The results indicate that sulfur dioxide is the most destructive of materials especially in China and South Korea. In Japan copper plates may be damaged under natural conditions and by sea salt. Copper may also be damaged by surface deposition of sulfur and chlorine. Marble may be substantially degraded by gaseous sulfur dioxide but sulfate ions in rain had no effect. The analysis of air pollution from the point of view of material damage was very useful in evaluating and visualizing the intensity of air pollution in East Asia.  相似文献   

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