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为了选出比较理想的犬支气管炎临床治疗方法,对我院宠物门诊上的230例支气管炎患犬分别用病毒唑超声雾化疗法和常规疗法进行治疗,观察效果。结果表明:采用超声雾化吸入疗法的临床治疗效果明显优于常规疗法,患犬症状持续时间明显缩短。此方法简便有效、安全可靠,适于在小动物临床工作中推广应用。  相似文献   

犬猫的临床输血疗法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在犬猫疾病的临床诊疗过程中,输血是常用的疗法之一,是临床治疗工作一项重要的实用技术。文章介绍了犬猫的血型,供血犬猫的选择,输血的适应症与禁忌症,配血实验,输血方法,输血反应的处理和注意事项,可供宠物临床工作者参考。  相似文献   

临床选取确诊为角膜疾病但眼压正常的犬、猫共28例,运用雾化熏蒸给药法,结合中医疗法的优势,根据病症分型,辨证施治。结果治疗犬、猫角膜疾病总有效率达85%,此结合疗法可为眼压异常的犬、猫角膜疾病治疗提供一定治疗模式。  相似文献   

<正>犬呼吸系统疾病是犬最为常见的疾病之一,也是宠物行业临床上经常碰到的疾病。超声波雾化吸入治疗是将药物或水经吸入装置分散成悬浮于气体中的雾粒或微粒,通过吸入的方式沉积于呼吸道和肺部,可以迅速减轻呼吸道黏膜水肿、稀释痰液、消除支气管痉挛,缓解患犬的喘气、呼吸困难、缺氧等临床症状[1]。试验将临床上诊断为呼吸系统疾病的犬根据症状和病情的轻重随机分为对照组和超声波雾化吸入组,使两组的症状和病情严重程度一致,对照组采用  相似文献   

随着天气逐渐变冷,犬猫呼吸道疾病呈上升趋势,加之冬季雾霾天较多,增加了治疗难度。如果单纯对其进行药物治疗,效果往往不明显。雾化吸入疗法是稀释痰液、消除炎症、改善通气的重要手段,应用压缩雾化吸入疗法,雾化颗粒细,药物极易随呼吸进入下呼吸道,达到治疗目的[1]。笔者应用压缩雾化疗法对一例严重呼吸道感染的母犬进行治疗,收到较满意的效果,现报告如下。  相似文献   

犬猫间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)具有自我更新和多向分化的潜能,在宠物疾病治疗上的应用日益广泛。为确保犬猫MSCs在宠物临床应用中的安全性及有效性,需满足干细胞的基本生物学属性、生物学安全性、生物学有效性等相关质量要求,现就犬猫MSCs细胞质量属性进行讨论,为建立宠物干细胞质量控制体系提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人们生活质量的不断提升,犬猫等宠物的饲养数量逐渐增加,疾病问题也呈上升趋势。糖尿病是犬猫疾病当中最为常见的一种,患病犬猫表现多饮、多尿、多食,甚至死亡,不利于犬猫的健康生长,应加强对犬猫糖尿病的诊断,并找出有效的治疗措施。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,城乡饲养犬、猫等宠物也越来越多,关于宠物疾病的防治工作也显得更为重要.已知犬、猫等宠物与人类有直接关系的共患病有70多种,包括病毒、细菌、衣原体、立克次体、真菌,寄生虫和舌型虫、环节动物、节肢动物等.犬、猫等宠物常成为某些人畜共患病的重要传播途径.加强宠物疾病的防治工作实属必要.  相似文献   

肝脏是犬猫机体最重要的器官之一,生理功能广泛,主疏泄、主藏血、主筋,开窍于目,血液、筋骨、脾胃、精神、双目等无一不与肝脏的生理功能密切相关。所以,犬猫的肝脏疾病非常常见,对犬猫机体的损伤和危害不可估量。因此,动物主人和宠物医生都应该重视犬猫的肝脏疾病,及早发现,及早治疗。1引起犬猫肝脏疾病的原因  相似文献   

犬、猫尿石症是宠物门诊较常见的疾病之一.尿结石是指尿中的盐类结晶析出,并逐渐增大成为颗粒状物,在临床病例中主要是膀胱结石和尿道结石.患病犬、猫常因尿石颗粒增大引起尿路损伤性炎症或阻塞,出现尿频、血尿、尿淋漓或尿闭等明显的临床症状,若不及时治疗,随着病程延长可引起犬、猫的死亡.  相似文献   

Clinically significant hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) to the chemotherapy drug L-asparaginase are reported in humans and dogs, but frequency in small animals is not well-defined. This study retrospectively evaluated the frequency of HSR to L-asparaginase given by IM injection to dogs and cats with lymphoid malignancies. The medical records of all dogs and cats treated with at least 1 dose of L-asparaginase chemotherapy over a 5-year period were reviewed. A total of 370 doses of L-asparaginase were administered to the dogs, with 88 of 142 dogs receiving multiple doses, and 6 dogs experiencing an HSR. A total of 197 doses were administered to the cats, with 33 of 68 cats receiving multiple doses, and no cats experiencing an HSR. Hypersensitivity reactions were documented in 4.2% of dogs, and in association with 1.6% of L-asparaginase doses administered. These results show that HSRs occur uncommonly among dogs and cats, even with repeated dosing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts and Hct values obtained with a point-of-care hematology analyzer with values obtained by a reference method for dogs and cats receiving chemotherapy. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS:105 dogs and 25 cats undergoing chemotherapy. PROCEDURES:Blood samples were analyzed with a point-of-care hematology analyzer and with an impedance- and laser-based analyzer with manual differential WBC counts. Results for WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts and Hct were compared. Sensitivity and specificity of the point-of-care analyzer to detect leukopenia, neutropenia, and anemia were calculated. RESULTS: 554 canine and 96 feline blood samples were evaluated. Correlation coefficients for dogs and cats, respectively, were 0.92 and 0.95 for total WBC count, 0.91 and 0.88 for neutrophil count, 0.95 and 0.92 for Hct, and 0.93 and 0.71 for platelet count. Sensitivity and specificity, respectively, of the point-of-care analyzer to detect leukopenia were 100% and 75% for dogs and 100% and 68% for cats; to detect neutropenia were 80% and 97% for dogs and 100% and 80% for cats; to detect anemia were 100% and 80% for dogs and 100% and 66% for cats; and to detect thrombocytopenia were 86% and 95% for dogs and 50% and 87% for cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE:The point-of-care analyzer was reliable for monitoring CBCs of dogs and cats receiving chemotherapy. It had good to excellent correlation for WBC and neutrophil counts and Hct and accurately detected leukopenia, neutropenia, and anemia. Sensitivity of the analyzer for detecting thrombocytopenia was lower but acceptable.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis is an inherited pruritic skin disease in dogs and cats. This pruritic skin condition is due to the animal having an allergic reaction to environmental allergens. The environmental allergens that an individual dog or cat is allergic to are specific for that individual animal. Management options for affected dogs and cats include identification of the offending environmental allergens and subsequent avoidance of that allergen, or allergen-specific immunotherapy. Several diagnostic tests are available to veterinarians to try to identify these allergens. The pros and cons of each of these diagnostic tests will be addressed.  相似文献   

This article reviews allergen-specific immunotherapy in human and veterinary medicine. Current hypotheses of possible mechanisms of actions are outlined. Indications, success rates, adverse effects and factors influencing outcome of therapy are discussed in humans, dogs, cats and horses.  相似文献   

This study aimed to review currently reported methods of assessing the effects of chemotherapy on the quality of life (QoL) of canine and feline patients and to explore novel ways to assess QoL in such patients in the light of the experience to date in human pediatric oncology. A qualitative comparative analysis of published papers on the effects of chemotherapy on QoL in dogs and cats were conducted. This was supplemented with a comparison of the parameters and domains used in veterinary QoL‐assessments with those used in the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL?) questionnaire designed to assess QoL in toddlers. Each of the identified publications including QoL‐assessment in dogs and cats receiving chemotherapy applied a different method of QoL‐assessment. In addition, the veterinary QoL‐assessments were mainly focused on physical clinical parameters, whereas the emotional (6/11), social (4/11) and role (4/11) domains were less represented. QoL‐assessment of cats and dogs receiving chemotherapy is in its infancy. The most commonly reported method to assess QoL was questionnaire based and mostly included physical and clinical parameters. Standardizing and including a complete range of potentially relevant parameters in future QoL assessments may benefit owner decision making.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine (2',2'-difluorodeoxycytidine) was given intravenously twice weekly to 10 cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma and 15 dogs with nasal carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy as a radiosensitizing agent. The average total radiation dose was 50 Gy for dogs and 54 Gy for cats given Monday-Friday (planned dose of 54 and 57 Gy, respectively). Dogs received an average of five doses of gemcitabine beginning at 50 mg/m2, and cats received an average of five doses of gemcitabine beginning at 25 mg/m2. Twelve of 15 dogs and five of 10 cats required chemotherapy dose reduction or postponement because of hematologic or normal tissue toxicity. The results herein do not support the use of gemcitabine at the studied dose and schedule, as significant hematologic and local tissue toxicity was observed in the studied patients. Pharmacokinetic data are necessary to best define the efficacy and optimal dose and schedule of gemcitabine in combination with traditional radiotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a highly metastatic and often rapidly fatal tumor of dogs. At present, adjuvant chemotherapy is the only proven effective treatment for dogs with HSA, though the benefits from chemotherapy are modest. Administration of immunotherapy together with chemotherapy has also been reported to improve survival in dogs with HSA. Therefore, we evaluated safety and immunologic responses to a novel tumor vaccine administered together with doxorubicin chemotherapy in dogs with different stages of HSA. HYPOTHESIS: That tumor vaccination could be safely and effectively combined with doxorubicin chemotherapy for treatment of dogs with HSA. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight dogs with various stages of HSA were enrolled in the study. METHODS: The HSA vaccine was prepared with lysates of allogeneic canine HSA cell lines mixed with an adjuvant composed of liposome-DNA complexes. Dogs received a series of 8 immunizations administered over a 22-week period, and most also received chemotherapy. Clinical adverse effects were noted, immune responses were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry, and survival times were calculated. RESULTS: The most common adverse effects observed in vaccinated dogs also treated with doxorubicin chemotherapy were diarrhea and anorexia. Vaccinated dogs were found to mount strong humoral immune responses against a control antigen and, most dogs also mounted antibody responses against canine HSA cells. Thirteen dogs with stage II splenic HSA that received the tumor vaccine plus doxorubicin chemotherapy had an overall median survival time of 182 days. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that an allogeneic tumor lysate vaccine is safe in dogs with HSA and can elicit humoral immune responses in dogs that are receiving concurrent doxorubicin chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Ocular manifestations of lymphoma are described in humans and dogs but rarely in cats. In this prospective study, cats with newly diagnosed and treatment‐naïve lymphoma were evaluated concerning clinical stage and ophthalmologic findings. Twenty‐six cats were included. In 12 cats (48%), ocular changes were documented. Uveitis anterior and posterior were predominant findings, being present in 58% of affected individuals. Other findings included exophthalmos, corneal surface lesions and chemosis. Eight cats received chemotherapy, two of which had ocular involvement. In these two cats, a complete remission of an anterior and a partial remission of a posterior uveitis were documented. Due to the detection of ocular involvement, a stage migration from stage IV to V occurred in four patients. In the light of these findings, an opthalmological examination may be considered as an important part of staging in feline lymphoma as well as of follow‐up examination in affected cats.  相似文献   

Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumours in dogs and cats. There are several morphological phenotypes of this extra-axial neoplasm and they show predilections for certain anatomical locations. There have been a number of attempts to apply the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification for human meningiomas to dogs and cats and to obtain a universal classification scheme for domestic animals. Recently, certain enzymes involved in tumour growth have been recognised as biological markers and have been related to degrees of malignancy. The secondary effects of meningiomas have also been investigated, and vascular endothelial growth factor and peritumoural oedema have been reported to reduce survival rate. Breed and age predisposition are recognised in both dogs and cats and the presenting clinical signs are quite consistent. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are the techniques of choice for the presumptive diagnosis of meningiomas in domestic animals but advanced imaging techniques are constantly being developed and applied. Treatment methods for meningiomas involve a combination of de-bulking surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and detailed accounts of several treatment protocols have been reported.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of tinidazole in dogs and cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pharmacokinetics of tinidazole in dogs and cats after single intravenous (15 mg/kg) and oral doses (15 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg) were studied in a randomized crossover study. Tinidazole was completely absorbed at both oral dose levels in cats and dogs. Peak tinidazole concentration in plasma was 17.8 micrograms/ml in dogs and 22.5 micrograms/ml in cats after 15 mg/kg p.o. The oral dose of 30 mg/kg resulted in peak levels of 37.9 micrograms/ml in dogs and 33.6 micrograms/ml in cats. The apparent total plasma clearance of the drug was about twofold higher in dogs than in cats, resulting in an elimination half-life that was twice as long in cats (8.4 h) as in dogs (4.4 h). The apparent volume of distribution was 663 ml/kg in dogs and 536 ml/kg in cats. Therapeutic plasma drug concentrations higher than the MIC values of most tinidazole-sensitive bacteria were achieved for 24 h in cats and for 12 h in dogs after a single oral dose of 15 mg/kg. From the pharmacokinetic standpoint tinidazole seems to be well-suited to clinical use in small animal practice.  相似文献   

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