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The regularities of the dynamic deformation of soils with viscoelastic properties have been studied. The methods to calculate soil rheological parameters, the stress state of deformed soils, and soil compaction upon a gradual increase in pressure loads and upon cyclic sinusoidal loads created by consecutive passage of a rolling cylinder over the soil surface are suggested. The corresponding parameters have been calculated for soddy-podzolic and chernozemic soils. The quantitative assessment of the effect of a number of factors on changes in the bulk density and in the rheological properties of the soil at different depths upon the soil deformation is given.  相似文献   

[目的]土壤紧实胁迫破坏土体理化性质,阻碍作物根系生长,降低作物产量,是限制农业生产力提高的世界性难题.根系形态结构决定了植物对土壤资源的探索能力及其对胁迫环境的适应性.讨论紧实胁迫下植物根系–土壤的相互作用,综述国内外关于根系通过形态和生理改变等根系生物学潜力的发挥提高对紧实胁迫适应性的研究进展.[主要进展]土壤紧实...  相似文献   

履带式行走机构压实作用下土壤应力分布均匀性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
履带式行走机构因具有较小的接地压力而被逐渐应用在大型农业车辆上,以减小对土壤的压实。然而由于履带下应力分布的不均匀,导致农业车辆对土壤的最大应力并未有效减小,对土壤较长的压力作用时间反而增加了土壤被压实的风险。应力分布的不均匀还会造成履带沉陷量的增大,降低车辆在软土地面的通过性能。为了研究履带式行走机构压实作用下土壤内的应力分布规律以及如何提高应力分布的均匀性,以缓解履带车辆对土壤压实作用、提高履带车辆软地通过能力,该文采用侧断面水平钻孔埋设压力传感器的方法,测得了履带式行走机构压实作用下履带中心线横截面内0.35 m深度土壤内沿履带长度方向上的垂直及水平应力分布;同时研究了履带张紧力大小对应力分布均匀性的影响。结果表明,履带式行走机构下的垂直应力在各负重轮的轴线处呈现一个应力峰值;水平应力在各负重轮轴线的前、后方分别呈现一个应力峰值,且最小应力在轴线处。各负重轮下的应力峰值大小不同。最大垂直应力出现在履带式行走机构后端的导向轮处;最大水平应力出现在后支重轮与导向轮之间。适当减小履带张紧力能够提高垂直及水平应力分布的均匀性。履带张紧力由1.8×104k Pa减小至...  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon contamination of soils under the impact of several pollution sources is discussed. The contribution of particular pollutants to the total contamination has been estimated with the help of different analytical methods. The distribution and migration of hydrocarbons in the soil profiles is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the genesis of particular pollutants is of special importance in the case of the low levels of soil pollution.  相似文献   

Field studies of the rheological properties of loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soils were performed. Within the studied ranges of the soil moistening and bulk density values, the soils behaved as viscoelastic bodies. The dynamic deformation of such soils under compressive stress was modeled by a differential equation of the first order linking the compressive stress, the rate of its changes, and the relative soil deformation in the vertical direction. Correlative relationships between the viscoelastic soil properties, the soil bulk density, the soil water content, and the angular frequency of the harmonic law of the soil deformation were obtained. The methods of calculation of the soil bulk density as dependent on the initial bulk density and the mode of the soil deformation upon cyclic loads by rigid cylinders and by elastic wheels were developed. These methods were realized in a computer program for the quantitative assessment of the effect of the major factors on the changes in the rheological properties, the indices of the soil deformation, and the soil bulk density under the impact of compressive loads. It was shown that an increase in the number of loading-unloading cycles leads to the transformation of the viscoelastic soil properties into elastic properties.  相似文献   

Soil compaction can affect the turnover of C and N (e.g. by changing soil aeration or by changing microbial community structure). In order to study this in greater detail, a laboratory experiment simulating total soil porosities representative of field conditions in cropped and pasture soils was set up. Soils were silty clay loams (Typic Endoaquepts) from a site that had been cropped with cereals continuously for 28 years, a permanent pasture and a site that had been cropped with maize continuously for 10 years. Soils from the three sites were compacted into cores to different total porosities (corresponding bulk densities ranging from 0.88 to 1.30 Mg m−3). The soil cores were equilibrated to different matric potentials (ranging from −1 to −100 kPa), yielding values for the fraction of air-filled pores of < 0.01 to 0.53 m3 m−3, and then incubated at 25°C for 21 days. C-mineralization was on average 15, 33 and 21 μg C g−1 day−1 for soils from the cropped, pasture and maize sites, respectively, and was positively correlated with soil water contents. Net N-mineralization showed a similar pattern only for well-aerated, high total porosity cores (corresponding bulk density 0.88 Mg m−3) from the pasture soil. Denitrification at < 0.20 m3 m−3 for the fraction of air-filled pores may have caused the low N-mineralization rates observed in treatments with high water content or low porosity. Microbial biomass estimates decreased significantly with increasing water contents if measured by fumigation-extraction, but were not significantly affected by water content if estimated by the substrate-induced respiration method. The degree of soil compaction did not affect the microbial biomass estimates significantly but did affect microbial activity indirectly by altering aeration status.  相似文献   

小麦/玉米套作田棵间土壤蒸发的数学模拟   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
为了探明小麦/玉米套作条件下棵间土壤蒸发规律及内在机制,该文将 Ritchie 模型和间套作群体光能传输模型结合起来模拟了小麦/玉米套作田的棵间土壤蒸发,并用2012年和2013年微型蒸渗仪的实测值对该方法进行了验证。结果表明,2 a模拟值和实测值的变化趋势都非常一致。与实测蒸发相比,该文所建模型2012年模拟结果的均方根误差为0.447 mm/d,平均绝对误差为0.331 mm/d,分别比原Ritchie模型降低16.8%和20.8%。在实测数据的88 d,累计实测蒸发量为107.2 mm,而模型的模拟值为100.5 mm,仅低估实测值6.7%。在2013年实测数据的68 d,累计实测蒸发量为83.1 mm,而模型的模拟值为73.7 mm,低估11.3%。模拟值与实测值的均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别为0.465和0.333 mm/d,略大于2012年。套作群体根系层水量平衡分析结果表明,小麦/玉米套作系统整个生育期土壤蒸发占总蒸发蒸腾的比例高达41.1%,故有必要在该套作农田实施秸秆覆盖等农艺措施,以减少棵间土壤蒸发,提高土壤水分的利用效率。该研究成果可为小麦套作种植模式下田间水分管理提供依据。  相似文献   

Crop responses to annual compaction treatments (applied to whole plots) and management treatments to ameliorate compacted soil were determined in a field experiment on a Vertisol. Initially, all treatments except a control were compacted with a 10 Mg axle load on wet soil (26% gravimetric water content compared with a plastic limit of 22%). Annually applied axle loads of 10 and 6 Mg on wet soil (25–32% soil water) tended to reduce seedling emergence, grain yield (wheat, sorghum and maize), soil water storage and crop water use efficiency (WUE). Annual applications of an axle load of 6 Mg on dry soil (<22% soil water) had little effect on crop performance. Mean reductions in the yield of five crops (three wheat, one sorghum and one maize) in comparison with the uncompacted control were 23% or 0.79 Mg ha−1 (10 Mg on wet soil), 13% or 0.44 Mg ha−1 (6 Mg on wet soil) and 1% or 0.03 Mg ha−1 (6 Mg on dry soil). Maize grown in the fifth year of treatment application was most affected by compaction of wet soil, its WUE being reduced from 14.3 to 9.7 kg ha−1 mm−1 in response to an axle load of 10 Mg. Reduced WUE was associated with delayed soil water extraction at depth. A 3-year pasture ley was the most successful amelioration treatment. A wheat and a maize crop grown after the ley outyielded the control by 0.33 and 0.90 Mg ha−1, respectively. So the pasture not only ameliorated the initial compaction damage, with respect to crop performance, but resulted in improvements in two subsequent crops.  相似文献   

One of the most significant soil parameters affecting root growth is soil compaction. It is therefore important to be able to determine the presence of compacted layers, their depth, thickness and spatial location without the necessity of digging a large number of holes in the field with either a spade or backhoe. Previous investigations have identified soil compaction by different methods such as: using ground penetrating radar, acoustic systems, vertical and horizontal penetrometers and instrumented wings mounted on the faces of tines. Linking the output from these sensors to global positioning systems would give an indication of the spatial patent variation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a soil compaction profile sensor in both controlled laboratory and field conditions. The sensor consisted of a series of instrumented flaps; a flap is defined as the sensing element which comprises one half of a pointed leading edge to the leg of a tine to which strain gauges are placed on the rear face of the flap. Studies measured the effect of compaction on the changes in the soil resistance acting upon a flap face in a soil bin laboratory and under field conditions. The results indicated that the sensor was sensitive to differences in soil strength at different depths in soils. A technique was developed to identify the soil compaction resulting from different tyre inflation pressures and loads. The soil compaction profile sensor was tested on a number of fields in south‐eastern England to determine the changes in soil strength below the wheelings of a pea harvester operating at different tyre inflation pressures.  相似文献   

一种改进的土壤压实模型及试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
土壤压实现象普遍存在于农业生态系统中。土壤的压实效应不但会给农业生产带来不良的影响,还可能增加地表径流的产生,从而加快地表水的污染。 为了更好地研究压实土壤中的水分、溶质运移以及压实效应对农业生产及生态与环境的影响,该文在原有土壤压实模型的基础上提出了一种两参数改进模型,并以4种原状土壤为例,用离心机法对改进模型进行验证。研究结果表明:改进模型能够较好地模拟土壤的压实过程,且拟合效果好于L模型;虽然改进模型的物理意义和模型精度与Assouline的三参数模型相当,但是参数少、形式简单是改进模型的优势。同时,改进模型的提出对研究土壤水分特征曲线测定过程中的容重变化特性具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Inappropriate crop management and long-term use of heavy agricultural equipment can lead to soil compaction. On the other hand, soil and water salinity causes reduction in the plant yield in addition to adverse effects on plants tolerance to the various stresses. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction between soil compaction and salinity on the macronutrients uptake and wheat yield as well as its agronomic traits. The pot experiment was carried out on the loamy soil in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of two salinity types (saline, EC = 6 dS/m and non-saline soil) and five levels of compaction; control, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The results showed that soil compaction had significant effect on the amount of N, P and K in wheat grain, so that the uptake of N, P and K by grain has been decreased by increasing the compaction level of soil. Soil salinity had significant effect on N, P and K content in grain that the content of N, P and K has been diminished in the saline treatments compared to non-saline treatments. Results on the agronomic traits and yield of wheat also revealed that soil compaction and salinity had significant effect (p < 0.01) on straw weight, number of ears, number of grain, and thousand grain weight which caused reduction in these parameters. The interaction between compaction and salinity had only significant correlation (p < 0.01) with thousand grain weight leading to the decrement of thousand grain weight with increasing compaction levels, particularly in the saline treatment.  相似文献   

Introduction of mechanized agriculture induces profound changes in soil characteristics. Soil compaction originating from mechanical land clearing, mechanized cultivation, and continuous cropping is aggravated by crusting and hard-setting phenomena of soils, and widespread occurrence of naturally compacted upland soils and subsoil gravel horizons. Natural and anthropogenically induced soil compaction has detrimental effects on growth and yields of a wide range of crops. Furthermore, compaction can persist for a long time if no adequate measures are taken to minimize or alleviate it.

In humid and subhumid regions of Africa, the no-tillage system with crop residue mulch is an important method of controlling soil compaction, followed in significance, by biological and mechanical loosening where motorized land clearing is the causative agent. Biological methods involve cover crops and alley cropping or agroforestry. Where new land areas need to be opened up, land clearing should be done by the slash-and-burn method, so that most of the nutrients in the vegetation are returned to the soil. Where mechanical land clearing is inevitable, forest removal should be done by the use of shear blade, whereby most of the roots and stumps are left in the ground intact, and the forest litter is not removed.

In semi-arid and arid regions of Africa, alleviation of soil compaction can be done by two methods. One method is to use the controlled traffic tillage system. Controlled traffic results in both a loose-rooting zone and a firmed traffic lane, thereby providing good plant growth and trafficability for timely field operations. The second method is to use mechanical loosening techniques, i.e. ploughing by animal traction or tractor power, chiseling, deep ripping, subsoiling, and tied-ride system. The effect of mechanical loosening, however, tends to be of short duration if the ensuing field traffic is not controlled.  相似文献   

Measurement, interpretation and modelling of soil compaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The analysis of some experimental field results is used to illustrate the problem of measuring and evaluating compaction treatment effects below wheel ruts of different depths. A solution to the problem is described which traces vertical soil movement to allow comparisons between treatments to be made using soil elements which derive from the same depth in the undisturbed profile, irrespective of their depths in the compacted profile.
A soil compaction model, which predicts the changes in dry bulk density resulting from the passage of wheels, is briefly described. Examples are given of its use in comparing the compaction caused by various types and arrangements of wheels and in assessing the contribution made by a particular input variable.  相似文献   

考虑到地下水浅埋对上层包气带水分分布造成一定影响,该研究结合波涌灌技术,对地下水浅埋下间歇入渗的土壤水分分布特征和运动规律进行了分析,建立了基于饱和-非饱和土壤条件下一维间歇入渗水分运动模型,根据试验实测资料采用Hydrus-1D软件反推土壤水分运动参数,并对入渗过程进行了模拟。在此基础上,确定了饱和导水率的估算模型。结果表明:所建参数估算模型较好地反映了饱和导水率与间歇周期数、循环率以及周期时间之间的相关关系,所建水分运动模型模拟值与实测值比较,累计入渗量、土壤含水率以及湿润体运移距离总体相关系数高于0.96,均方差在0.5以内,吻合度较高,能够较好地描述了地下水影响条件下波涌灌间歇入渗饱和-非饱和土壤水分运动特征。该研究为波涌灌技术进一步发展奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

传统的土壤压实风险评估方法是基于土壤的先期固结压力理论,以机械的接地压力与土壤先期固结压力间关系作为判断依据,缺少针对集约化稻作“湿耕烂种”等生产场景中由定量机械压实造成的土壤结构破坏程度的评价方法和依据。为研究适合中国稻作特色,可以定量预测机械压实危害程度的压实容重预测模型,该研究基于土壤的回弹指数和压缩指数推导出土壤压实容重预测模型,以适用于集约化生产条件下稻田土壤机械压实预测。采用调控原状土含水率的单轴压缩试验法分别构建了土壤初始容重、初始含水率与弹性压缩模量、塑性压缩模量和先期固结压力之间的传递函数,然后基于典型机型的田间原位平板下陷试验验证所建模型的可靠性和实用性。结果表明,基于单轴压缩试验法构建的各传递函数拟合决定系数大于0.95。将各传递函数模型所得的弹性压缩模量、塑性压缩模量和先期固结压力输入土壤压实容重模型预测的压实后的土壤容重与实测值的相对误差小于5%。可见,该研究设计的土壤压实预测模型能够准确量化受机械压实情况下土壤容重的变化量,而土壤传递函数法能为构建和应用区域性农业土壤的压实模型提供便利。研究可为集约化生产条件下稻作“湿耕烂种”等生产场景中由定量机械压实造成的土壤结构破坏程度评价提供可靠方法和依据。  相似文献   

土壤退化下草地演化的数值模拟及野外验证   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Both theoretical and field observations were examined to study the close relationship between soil degeneration and the evolution of grassland vegetation. A general n-species model of equal competition under different degrees of soil degradation was applied to field data in order to probe the dynamic processes and mechanisms of vegetation evolution due to the effects of the soil‘s ecological deterioration on grassland vegetation. Comparisons were made between the theoretical results and the practical surveys with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

地下渗灌土壤水分运动数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了寻找一种准确实用的土壤水分运动模拟方法用于指导田间渗灌,该文对一种橡塑渗灌管田间渗灌过程进行监测,并采用Green-Ampt积水入渗模型和一维水平吸渗模型Philip解法分别对渗灌过程中土壤水分在垂直和水平方向的运动进行模拟,通过与田间实测值对比,检验模型的适用性。结果表明,应用Green-Ampt积水入渗模型模拟田间渗灌过程垂直方向土壤水分运动具有较好的准确性,一维水平吸渗模型Philip解法在水平方向的模拟则存在一定偏差。  相似文献   

Precision agriculture techniques were employed to study the impact of the spatiotemporal variations of soil compaction on the performance of potato crop during its various growth stages. The study has been conducted on a 30 ha centre pivot irrigated potato field, located in Wadi Al-Dawasir area in Saudi Arabia. In situ soil compaction measurements were collected, in conjunction with Sentinel-2A satellite data, and correlated spatiotemporally against potato crop growth and yield parameters. The univariate and bivariate Moran's function (Moran's I), the linear regression and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques were used to analyse the data and examine the interrelationships. The spatial correlations between the measured variables revealed high clustering, producing Moran's I of 0.87, 0.79 and 0.57 for soil compaction, yield and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), respectively. Compaction-yield relationship revealed a relatively high significant negative spatial correlation (Moran's I = 0.68). While, the spatial correlation between the average values of compaction and NDVI has negatively produced a Moran's I value of 0.45 (at 0.001 significance level), when 999 permutations were tested for all relationships. A significant positive correlation was observed between high compaction and high proportion of small size tubers, with R2 and P > F values of 0.65 and .0001, respectively. In contrast, a significant negative correlation has been obtained between high compaction and high proportion of large size tubers, with R2 and P > F values of 0.57 and .0001, respectively. Understanding the causes of disparity in the productivity of agricultural fields will help decision-makers and farmers to take proactive actions towards better agricultural practices.  相似文献   

Soil compaction caused by traffic of heavy vehicles and machinery has become a problem of world-wide concern. The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the changes in bulk density, soil strength, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability during sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) harvesting on a typical Bavarian soil (Regosol) as well as to assess the most appropriate variable factors that fit with the effective controlling of subsequent compaction. The field experiments, measurements and laboratory testing were carried out in Freising, Germany. Two tillage systems (conventional plough tillage and reduced chisel tillage) were used in the experiments. The soil water contents were adjusted to 0.17 g g−1 (w1), 0.27 g g−1 (w2) and 0.35 g g−1 (w3).Taking the increase in bulk density, the decrease in air permeability and reduction of wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa) into account, it seems that CT (ploughing to a depth of 0.25 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) of plots were compacted to a depth of at least 0.25 m and at most 0.40 m in high soil water (w3) conditions. The trends were similar for “CT w1” (low soil water content) plots. However, it seems that “CT w1” plots were less affected than “CT w3” plots with regard to bulk density increases under partial load. In contrast, diminishments of wide coarse pores (−6 kPa) and narrow (tight) coarse pores (−30 kPa) were significantly higher in “CT w1” plots down to 0.4 m. Among CT plots, the best physical properties were obtained at medium soil water (w2) content. No significant increase in bulk density and no significant decrease in coarse pore size porosity and total porosity below 0.2 m were observed at medium soil water content. The soil water content seemed to be the most decisive factor.It is likely that, CS (chiselling to a depth of 0.13 m followed by two passes of rotary harrow to a depth 0.05 m) plots were less affected by traffic treatments than CT plots. Considering the proportion of coarse pore size porosity (structural porosity) and total porosity, no compaction effects below 0.3 m were found. Medium soil water content (w2) provides better soil conditions after traffic with regard to wide coarse pore size porosity (−6 kPa), air permeability (at 6 and 30 kPa water suction), total porosity and bulk density. Proportion of wide coarse pores, air permeability and bulk density seems to be suitable parameters to detect soil compaction under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

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