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Analogues of (2E,4E,6E)-5-ethyl-3-methyl-2,4,6-nonatriene, the major component of the aggregation pheromone of Carpophilus freemani Dobson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), were synthesized and the potency of these compounds in suppressing the response of C. freemani to its pheromone in a wind tunnel bioassay was determined. The most potent compounds reduced behavioral response to pheromone 83-96% when the inhibitors were present in 10-fold excess. These compounds are (1Z, 3E,5E)-1-methoxy-3-ethyl-5-methyl-1,3,5-heptatriene, (1E,3E, 5E)-1-cyclopropyl-3-ethyl-5-methyl-1,3,5-heptatriene, and (1Z,3E, 5E)-1-cyclopropyl-3-ethyl-5-methyl-1,3,5-heptatriene. In the presence of fermenting bread dough (a pheromone synergist), the most potent inhibitory compound, (1Z,3E, 5E)-1-cyclopropyl-3-ethyl-5-methyl-1,3,5-heptatriene, was less effective in reducing mean landings (69% vs 99%) than when dough was absent. This inhibitory compound causes a reduction of response to pheromone but does not cause a reduction of response to fermenting food-type volatiles such as fermenting bread dough. Analogues of pheromones that strongly reduce response to pheromones by insects might be useful as biochemical probes to study the pharmacophoric (three-dimensional structure) requirements for pheromone perception.  相似文献   

Dung beetles that colonise horse and cow dung were collected using baited pitfall traps at three contrasting Salvadoran sites subject to varying degrees of livestock grazing. The sites included a lowland coastal farm, a mid-altitude farm and a high altitude pine-grass site. The quantities of cow dung buried by each of ten tunnelling species from the sites (five Coprini and five Onthophagini) were evaluated through laboratory experiments. The quantities of dung buried in the absence of competition and the amount of dung provided for each egg were related to female beetle body size across species. The quantities of dung buried by pairs of each species and the low number of beetles colonising dung at the mid-altitude site suggest that much of the dung is not buried at the site. However, sufficient colonisation occurred at the coastal farm and at the pine-grass site for dung pads at these sites to be completely buried, indicating that competition is normally intense. In the face of such competition, the opportunistic Onthophagini quickly provision and lay eggs as long as favourable conditions persist while the Coprini, which are rapid dung pre-emptors, can rarely bury sufficient dung to attain full brood production. The importance and conservation of the small number of native dung beetles adapted to Central American pastures is discussed.  相似文献   

White grubs are the root-feeding larvae of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), and they are among the most destructive pests of turfgrass, pastures and horticultural plants in many parts of the world. A two-year field experiment was conducted to control different white grub species in an organically utilised meadow with dry forage conservation. The efficacy of Beauveria brongniartii, Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, B. thuringiensis var. tenebrionis and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was tested against the white grubs in comparison with untreated control (only water suspension was used). The application of biological control agents was conducted twice (April and August). Our observations show that several biological control agents are capable of controlling the populations of the first and second instar larvae of different scarab grub species. The efficacy of most biological control agents, however, declines when larvae reach the third instar stage. The most promising combination tested in our study is that of entomopathogenic fungi and H. bacteriophora for controlling the first- and second-stage instar larvae. In addition, the summer application proved to be more suitable for control of the first-stage instar larvae than the spring application.  相似文献   

Staphylinid beetle assemblages from coniferous foothills forest in west-central Alberta, Canada were studied via pitfall trapping to examine the effects of stand age and possible edge effects. Sites included a chronosequence of stands from 1 to 27 years post-harvest, and four types of mature forest that had not been disturbed by fire for at least 80 years. In all, 19 sites were sampled between 1989 and 1991. A total of 98 species were identified, nine of which are reported for the first time in Alberta. Staphylinids were more abundant in mature forest stands but assemblages were more diverse in regenerating stands. Thirty-four rove beetle species showed significant indicator value for particular stands or groups of stands, including mature forest, young forest, and open ground specialists. After harvesting, the catch rate of many forest species decreased dramatically, and open ground species were more commonly collected. Populations of some forest species remained active on logged sites for one or 2 years before disappearing. As stands regenerated, they were colonized by species characteristic of young stands, but true forest species were found only in older unharvested stands. The beetle assemblages from regenerating stands became more similar to those from mature stands as they aged, but still differed considerably from them 27 years after harvesting. Transects across forest-clearcut edges revealed a significant beetle response to habitat edges. Staphylinids assemblages were compared to the ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblage sampled via the same pitfall trapping regime. Mature forest specialists are threatened by fragmentation and loss of habitat. In order to conserve these beetle assemblages, forest managers should retain adequate patches of older successional stages on working landscapes.  相似文献   

High African elephant stocking rates in nature reserves in southern Africa have been shown to have significant impacts on vegetation structure and diversity. However, the direct and indirect effects of elephants on fauna, particularly invertebrates, remain poorly known. The Maputaland Centre of Endemism, an area of southern Mozambique and northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, is undergoing rapid rates of habitat conversion. Sand Forest, the rarest vegetation type in the Centre, is threatened by human disturbance outside of protected areas and by elephant browsing pressure in Tembe Elephant Park, one of the few protected areas for Sand Forest. Here we examine the effects of elephant- and human-induced disturbance to Sand Forest on a functionally important component of invertebrate diversity, i.e. the dung beetle fauna. The dung beetle assemblage associated with elephant-disturbed Sand Forest was transitional between undisturbed Sand Forest and Mixed Woodland, whereas that associated with human disturbance was markedly different to either habitat type. Differences are attributed to a change in habitat structure under both disturbance types, as well as to changes in the quality and distribution of dung under human disturbance. Therefore, grazing impacts by elephant not only affect plant diversity, but also implement changes in invertebrate fauna. The maintenance of the integrity of the Sand Forest–Mixed Woodland matrix is considered critical for biodiversity conservation in the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. Management of elephant populations, as well as the protection of sufficient Sand Forest inside conservation areas must, therefore, necessarily form part of the conservation strategy for the Centre.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether microbial biomass and its residues are nutrient and energy sources for humivorous beetle larvae, we carried out feeding trials using soil supplemented with 14C-labeled fungal biomass (Penicillium chrysogenum), bacterial biomass (Bacillus megaterium), fungal or bacterial structural polysaccharide (chitin, peptidoglycan), bacterial protein, or cellulose, taking the larva of the cetoniid beetle Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) as a model of a humus-feeding beetle larva with a highly alkaline gut. The results showed that gut passage strongly stimulated the mineralization of the structural polymers. The stimulatory effect correlated positively with the recalcitrance of the preparation in the control soil, and was accompanied by a transformation of the residual radiolabel to alkali-soluble and acid-soluble products. The solubility increase was highest in the extremely alkaline midgut. High-performance gel-permeation chromatography demonstrated that the changes in solubility were accompanied by reciprocal changes in the molecular weight of the residual material and that the residual material in the fecal pellets was more humified than in the control soil. The amount of radiolabel recovered from the body and hemolymph of the larvae indicated that microbial biomass and its structural components were assimilated more efficiently than cellulose, which supports the hypothesis that microorganisms and the nitrogenous components of humus are an important dietary resource for humivorous soil macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

We report two new syntheses of (2S,3R)-2-(2Z,5Z-octadienyl)-3-nonyloxirane, the main sex pheromone component of the pink moth, Lymantria mathura. The key step in the first route was the construction of (Z,Z)-1-bromo-1,4-heptadiene (6), which was coupled in the final step with 2-iodomethyl-3-nonyloxirane 4 via a Grignard reaction. The second approach employed alkylation of 1,4-heptadiynyllithium with epoxy triflates 7 in ether/hexane and provided the pheromone in >/=37% overall yield from alcohol 2. The 4:1 ratio of pheromone enantiomers, reportedly the most attractive to pink moth males, can be directly crafted from appropriately selected Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation conditions.  相似文献   

Oligomers of l-methionine (Met) and its hydroxy analogue, 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid (d,l-HMB) were synthesized with the proteolytic enzyme papain. The Met homooligomers and HMB-Met co-oligomers obtained through the enzymatic reactions were subjected to persulfonation and separated with reverse phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). The separated oligomers were characterized with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The oligomers were also characterized with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The results showed that co-oligomers were predominantly composed of 4-8 Met residues and one HMB residue. The data also suggest that in the co-oligomers, HMB is attached at the N-terminal end of the oligopeptide chain.  相似文献   

Carabid larvae and adults were collected by pitfall trapping and soil sampling for a period of 1 year from an organic potato field in western Austria. The main results and conclusions were the following. (i) Larval catches enriched the total species spectrum (n = 49) by 6 %. Recording of pre-adult stages seems to be necessary for a complete registration of a beetle coenosis. (ii) Twenty species were caught in adult as well as in larval stages, representing apparently the autochthonous Carabidae of the investigated field. (iii) The use of soil sampling enriched the larval ground beetle spectrum and provided additional data on the life cycle of certain species. Therefore additional methods to pitfall trapping are stated to be important. (iv) Epigaeic activity of winter larvae surpassed that of adults during late autumn, winter and early spring, whereas summer larvae lived mainly hemiedaphicly. (v) Third instar larvae showed the highest pitfall catches in most species, which was probably caused by their higher epigaeic activity and greater activity radius. (vi) Life cycles of Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Calathus fuscipes, Amara aulica, Harpalus rufipes, Bembidion lampros and B. properans are presented and discussed. Data of larvae support the concept of species which reproduce a second time or show two breeding cohorts throughout the year. (vii) Carabid larvae may possess interesting predation value in the regulation of certain pests due to a phenology and habitat that differ from that of adult beetles.


Dans un champ de pommes de terre cultivé biologiquement dans l'ouest de l'Autriche, les larves et adultes de différentes espèces de carabes ont été récoltés par piégeage Barber et échantillonnage de sol pendant 1 an. Les principaux résultats et conclusions sont les suivantes. (i) La capture de larves a enrichi tout le spectre de l'espèce (n = 49) de 6 %. L'enregistrement des étapes pré-adultes semble donc être nécessaire pour obtenir une image complète d'un peuplement de coléoptères. (ii) Les vingt espèces de larves et d'adultes récoltées semblent bien représenter la composition de carabes autochtones de la zone étudiée. (iii) L'échantillonnage du sol a enrichi le spectre larvaire carabiques et a fourni des données supplémentaires sur le cycle de vie de certaines espèces. Des méthodes complémentaires au piégeage Barber semblent donc être importantes. (iv) Tandis que les larves en été sont principalement semi-édaphiques, l'activité épigée des larves en hiver a surpassé celle des adultes pendant l'automne, l'hiver et le début de printemps. (v) En raison probablement de leur activité épigée plus élevée et de leur rayon d'action plus grand, c'est dans les pièges Barber que le plus grand nombre de larves de troisième stade de la plupart des espèces a été observé. (vi) Les cycles de développement de Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Calathus fuscipes, Amara aulica, Harpalus rufipes, Bembidion lampros et B. properans sont présentés et discutés. Les données larvaires confirment l'idée que ces espèces se reproduisent deux fois par an ou que deux cohortes successives peuvent se reproduire chaque année. (vii) En raison d'une phénologie et d'un habitat qui diffèrent de celui des coléoptères adultes, les larves de carabes pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la régulation de certains parasites.  相似文献   

Proteinases in the humus-feeding larva of Pachnoda ephippiata were partially purified and characterized. Proteinase activity from the midgut was alkali-stable and its pH optimum for activity was about pH 12. Nine proteolytic bands were visible on zymogram gels containing gelatin; one band of 19 kDa was dominant. P. ephippiata mainly employed serine proteinases for digestive proteolysis. The combination of strong midgut alkalinity and midgut proteinases with pronounced alkali stability, a high proteolytic activity on model humic acids, and a large tolerance to high humic acid concentrations would enable the P. ephippiata to gain nutrients from soil by digesting the proteinaceous component of soil humic substances.  相似文献   

Efficient syntheses of (Z,E)-5,7-dodecadienol, a pheromone component of the Siberian moth, Dendrolimus superans sibiricus, and (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienol, a pheromone component of various Lepidoptera pheromones, were accomplished by cis reduction of the corresponding enynols with activated zinc. The most energetic reagent was zinc galvanized with copper and silver (Zn/Cu/Ag) that achieved rapid and high-yield reduction in methanol-water. The stereoselectivity of semi-hydrogenation was > or =98%. A process whereby zinc dust was continuously activated throughout the reduction with an acid was also satisfactory (95-98% cis). Field evaluation of the 1:1 mixture of (Z,E)-5,7-dodecadienol and (Z,E)-5,7-dodecadienal with the Siberian moth in Russia showed that the rubber septa pretreated with compound and stored at -80 degrees C were as effective as freshly treated septa. Moth responses to septa aged in open air indicated that lure effectiveness declined significantly after 2 weeks of aging. Thus, if rubber septa are used as pheromone dispensers in Siberian moth traps monitoring, they should be replaced biweekly with fresh septa for optimal trap effectiveness.  相似文献   

In order to identify the potential nutrient and energy sources of humivorous beetle larvae, we carried out feeding trials with soil supplemented with specifically 14C-labeled model humic acids synthesized by peroxidase-initiated radical polymerization, using the cetoniid beetle Pachnoda ephippiata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) as a model organism. Ingestion of soil by the larvae significantly increased the mineralization of humic acids labeled in their peptide (HA-*peptide) or polysaccharide components (HA-*peptidoglycan and HA-*chitin), whereas the mineralization of humic acids labeled in the aromatic components (HA-*catechol) did not increase significantly. Mineralization was accompanied by a reduction of residual radiolabel in the acid-soluble fraction and an increase in the humic acid and humin fractions of the fecal pellets. During the gut passage, the residual label in peptide or polysaccharide components was transformed into acid-soluble products, especially in the alkaline midgut. High-performance gel-permeation chromatography demonstrated that the changes in solubility were accompanied by large changes in the molecular weight of the residual material. The amount of radiolabel derived from the peptide and polysaccharide components recovered from the larval body and hemolymph was significantly higher than that derived from the aromatic component, which supports the hypothesis that humivorous beetle larvae selectively digest the peptide and polysaccharide components of humic substances, whereas the aromatic components of humic substances are not an important source of nutrients and energy. This is also the first experimental evidence that also chitin and peptidoglycan, the major structural polymers in fungal and bacterial biomass, can be protected from microbial degradation in soil by a copolymerization with phenols and might contribute substantially to the refractory nitrogen pool in soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Long term data to estimate population trends among species are generally lacking. However, Natural History Collections (NHCs) can provide such information, but may suffer from biases due to varying sampling effort. To analyze population trends and range-abundance dynamics of Swedish longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), we used collections of 108 species stretching over 100 years. We controlled for varying sampling effort by using the total number of database records as a reference for non-red-listed species. Because the general frequency of red-listed species increased over time, a separate estimate of sampling effort was used for that group. We observed large interspecific variation in population changes, from declines of 60% to several hundred percent increases. Most species showed stable or increasing ranges, whereas few seemed to decline in range. Among increasing species, rare species seemed to expand their range more than common species did, but this pattern was not observed in declining species. Historically, rare species did not seem to be at larger risk of local extinction, and population declines were mostly due to lower population density and not loss of sub-populations. We also evaluated the species’ declines under IUCN red-list criterion A, and four currently not red-listed species meet the suggested threshold for Near Threatened (NT). The results also suggested that species’ declines may be overlooked if estimated only from changes in species range.  相似文献   

Between 2012 and 2014, we tested the efficacy of different synthetic attractants for the purpose of massive trapping of common European cockchafer adults (Melolontha melolontha). The research took place in three different locations in Slovenia (Otlica, ?rni Vrh nad Idrijo, Cesta nad Ajdov??ino) during flight periods of adult beetles. In the period 2013–2014, we used, on the basis of the preliminary test results (2012), the following chemicals: toluquinone, cis–3–hexen–1-ol, ethyl acetate, toluquinone?+?cis–3 hexen–1-ol, and ethanol as a control. M. melolontha adults were most abundant in the location ?rni Vrh nad Idrijo; the traps in this location caught 18 times more of them than those in the first location and more than six times more than those in the third location. Male insects accounted for 73 to 87% of the trapped specimens. We confirmed the highest efficiency of cis–3–hexen–1-ol in 2013 (43.25?±?0.08 males/trap), as well as in 2014 (15.00?±?0.14 males/trap). On the basis of the trapped adult common European cockchafers and the simple economic analysis of applying different synthetic substances for attracting them, we found that independent application of cis-3-hexen-1-ol is the most efficient and cost-effective option for attracting the studied insect pest. Consequently, we recommend it as an attractant in the traps for massive trapping of adult common European cockchafers.  相似文献   

The browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhea (L.), is native to Eurasia, where periodic outbreaks result in defoliation of forest, shade, and ornamental trees. In addition to the damage caused by defoliation, human contact with larval urticating hairs often results in severe dermatitis. Hence, tools for monitoring and controlling the moth populations are desirable. The female-produced sex pheromone of the browntail moth was identified previously, but the synthesis had not been published. This paper reports the synthesis of the pheromone of the browntail moth, (7Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)-docosatetraenyl isobutyrate, using in a key step a Wittig olefination of (6Z)-13-(tetrahydo-2H-pyran-2-yloxy)tridecenal. Field trapping studies were conducted with rubber septa and string formulations of the pheromone and included dose-response, pheromone purity, and dispenser-aging trials. It was found that traps baited with 250 microg of pheromone of 91-94% isomeric purity (main impurity presumably being the 13E isomer) on rubber septa are suitable for monitoring moth populations during the entire flight season.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to show how a change in land use influences the structure of a dung beetle assemblage and affect its conservation. In the Pineto Urban Regional Park (Rome), dog dung is the sole food resource currently available for scarab dung beetles, after the recent removal of wild and domestic herbivores. A one-year sampling was conducted to study the scarab assemblage in dog scats (1999) and to compare it with the previous assemblage associated with sheep droppings (1986). Richness, evenness and similarity parameters were compared between the two allochronic assemblages. From sheep to dog dung, an impoverishment of the total richness was observed (from 19 to 9 species) together with an increase of individuals (by 7 times). Dog dung harboured 20% of the current scarab dung beetle fauna of Rome, probably as a consequence of the dog mixed diet, rich in cellulose. Both the communities showed a high percentage of tunnellers, probably because of the food shortage and, for dog scats, of the high dehydration rate. A comparison with other Roman scarab communities enhanced that: (1) the change in food resource determined a higher difference in species composition respect to other parameters (size and habitat diversity); (2) dog dung provided a temporary refuge for species that otherwise may encounter local extinction in urban environments.  相似文献   

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