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Myosin: a link between streptococci and heart   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Murine monoclonal antibodies to Streptococcus pyogenes reacted with skeletal muscle myosin. High molecular weight proteins in extracts of human heart tissue that reacted with an antibody to S. pyogenes also reacted with a monoclonal antibody to ventricular myosin. Adsorption of the antibody to streptococci with S. pyogenes simultaneously removed reactivity of the antibody for either S. pyogenes or myosin. These results indicate that myosin shares immunodeterminants with a component of S. pyogenes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed that autoantibodies, complement components, and Fc receptors each participate in the pathogenesis of erosive arthritis in K/BxN mice. However, it is not known which cellular populations are responsive to these inflammatory signals. We find that two strains of mice deficient in mast cells, W/Wv and Sl/Sld, were resistant to development of joint inflammation and that susceptibility was restored in the W/Wv strain by mast cell engraftment. Thus, mast cells may function as a cellular link between autoantibodies, soluble mediators, and other effector populations in inflammatory arthritis.  相似文献   

We sequenced and annotated the genome of the filamentous fungus Fusarium graminearum, a major pathogen of cultivated cereals. Very few repetitive sequences were detected, and the process of repeat-induced point mutation, in which duplicated sequences are subject to extensive mutation, may partially account for the reduced repeat content and apparent low number of paralogous (ancestrally duplicated) genes. A second strain of F. graminearum contained more than 10,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, which were frequently located near telomeres and within other discrete chromosomal segments. Many highly polymorphic regions contained sets of genes implicated in plant-fungus interactions and were unusually divergent, with higher rates of recombination. These regions of genome innovation may result from selection due to interactions of F. graminearum with its plant hosts.  相似文献   

Mouse somatic cells lacking thymidine kinase were mixed in culture with human diploid cells lacking hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase, and hybrid cells were isolated and maintained in a selective medium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine. The hybrid cells at the time of isolation had karyotypes consisting predominantly of mouse chromosomes but with one human chromosome, a submetacentric member of group E, apparently giving thymidine kinase to the hybrid cell. However, after long-term propagation in the selective medium this chromosome has been lost, although cells continue to show thymidine kinase activity as demonstrated by the incorporation of (3)H-thy-midine into DNA in the hybrid cell. The hybrid cells have only mouse electro-phoretic variants for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase, suggesting that the human genetic loci for these enzymes are not represented in the hybrid genome and may be unlinked to that for thymidine kinase.  相似文献   

The Hayabusa spacecraft successfully recovered dust particles from the surface of near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Synchrotron-radiation x-ray diffraction and transmission and scanning electron microscope analyses indicate that the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Itokawa dust particles are identical to those of thermally metamorphosed LL chondrites, consistent with spectroscopic observations made from Earth and by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Our results directly demonstrate that ordinary chondrites, the most abundant meteorites found on Earth, come from S-type asteroids. Mineral chemistry indicates that the majority of regolith surface particles suffered long-term thermal annealing and subsequent impact shock, suggesting that Itokawa is an asteroid made of reassembled pieces of the interior portions of a once larger asteroid.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of heptahelical receptors by heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) is a universal regulatory mechanism that leads to desensitization of G protein signaling and to the activation of alternative signaling pathways. We determined the crystallographic structure of bovine GRK2 in complex with G protein beta1gamma2 subunits. Our results show how the three domains of GRK2-the RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) homology, protein kinase, and pleckstrin homology domains-integrate their respective activities and recruit the enzyme to the cell membrane in an orientation that not only facilitates receptor phosphorylation, but also allows for the simultaneous inhibition of signaling by Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits.  相似文献   

The adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC) is mutated in familial adenomatous polyposis and in sporadic colorectal tumors. Here the APC gene product is shown to bind through its armadillo repeat domain to a Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), termed Asef. Endogenous APC colocalized with Asef in mouse colon epithelial cells and neuronal cells. Furthermore, APC enhanced the GEF activity of Asef and stimulated Asef-mediated cell flattening, membrane ruffling, and lamellipodia formation in MDCK cells. These results suggest that the APC-Asef complex may regulate the actin cytoskeletal network, cell morphology and migration, and neuronal function.  相似文献   

Three diagnostic analyses are described which strongly suggest the importance of local net surface heating in the life history of the large-scale, air-sea phenomenon centered in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, commonly called El Ni?o. These analyses rely upon monthly marine weather summaries for the period 1957 to 1976. In the first, correlations and coherence spectra were calculated which show a strong link between the net surface heat flux and sea-surface temperature variations over the eastern equatorial Pacific. The second analysis, also based upon the use of coherence spectra, indicates a sea temperature precursor in the eastern ocean near 25 degrees S which precedes sea temperature changes near the El Ni?o focus near 5 degrees S. Since the link between the two regions would require ocean advective velocities that appear to be unreasonably large, this analysis also suggests the importance of atmospheric forcing through the surface heat flux. In the third analysis a proxy variable is described that seems to be a reasonable indicator of the overall effect of ocean dynamics on the temperature of the El Ni?o core region. A composite analysis of the four El Ni?o events of 1957, 1965, 1972, and 1976 suggests that local surface heating is important during the early part of an event, whereas dynamical factors dominate later.  相似文献   

The only supernovae (SNe) to show gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) or early x-ray emission thus far are overenergetic, broad-lined type Ic SNe (hypernovae, HNe). Recently, SN 2008D has shown several unusual features: (i) weak x-ray flash (XRF), (ii) an early, narrow optical peak, (iii) disappearance of the broad lines typical of SN Ic HNe, and (iv) development of helium lines as in SNe Ib. Detailed analysis shows that SN 2008D was not a normal supernova: Its explosion energy (E approximately 6x10(51) erg) and ejected mass [ approximately 7 times the mass of the Sun (M(middle dot in circle))] are intermediate between normal SNe Ibc and HNe. We conclude that SN 2008D was originally a approximately 30 M(middle dot in circle) star. When it collapsed, a black hole formed and a weak, mildly relativistic jet was produced, which caused the XRF. SN 2008D is probably among the weakest explosions that produce relativistic jets. Inner engine activity appears to be present whenever massive stars collapse to black holes.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (mhc)-encoded molecules govern immune responses by presenting antigenic peptides to T cells. The extensive polymorphism of genes encoding these molecules is believed to enhance immune defense by broadening the array of antigenic peptides available for T cell recognition, but direct evidence supporting the importance of this mechanism in combating pathogens is limited. Here we link mhc polymorphism-driven diversification of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) repertoire to the generation of high-avidity, protective antiviral T cells and to superior antiviral defense. Thus, much of the beneficial effect of the mhc polymorphism in immune defense may be due to its critical influence on the properties of the selected CTL repertoire.  相似文献   

A mass imbalance exists in Earth for Nb, Ta, and possibly Ti: continental crust and depleted mantle both have subchondritic Nb/Ta, Nb/La, and Ti/Zr, which requires the existence of an additional reservoir with superchondritic ratios, such as refractory eclogite produced by slab melting. Trace element compositions of minerals in xenolithic eclogites derived from cratonic lithospheric mantle show that rutile dominates the budget of Nb and Ta in the eclogites and imparts a superchondritic Nb/Ta, Nb/La, and Ti/Zr to the whole rocks. About 1 to 6 percent by weight of eclogite is required to solve the mass imbalance in the silicate Earth, and this reservoir must have an Nb concentration >/= 2 parts per million, Nb/La >/= 1.2, and Nb/Ta between 19 and 37-values that overlap those of the xenolithic eclogites. As the mass of eclogite in the continental lithosphere is significantly lower than this, much of this material may reside in the lower mantle, perhaps as deep as the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to 14 amino acid residues at the COOH-terminus of a protein deduced from the human c-erbB-2 nucleotide sequence. These antibodies immunoprecipitated a 185-kilodalton glycoprotein from MKN-7 adenocarcinoma cells. Incubation of the immunoprecipitates with (gamma-32P)ATP resulted in the phosphorylation of this protein on tyrosine residues. These results indicate that the human c-erbB-2 gene product is the 185-kilodalton glycoprotein that is associated with tyrosine kinase activity. Although the c-erbB-2 protein was predicted to encode a protein very similar to epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, EGF did not stimulate this kinase activity either in vivo or in vitro.  相似文献   

The interleukin-2 T-cell system: a new cell growth model   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
Synchronized interleukin-2 receptor-positive T cells, homogeneous immunoaffinity-purified interleukin-2, and a monoclonal antibody to interleukin-2 receptors were used to show that only three factors are critical for T-cell cycle progression: interleukin-2 concentration, interleukin-2 receptor density, and the duration of the interleukin-2 receptor interaction. Since the proliferative characteristics of T cells are identical to those of both prokaryotic and all other eukaryotic cells, these findings provide a new model that accounts fully for the variables that determine cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

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