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<正> 本书是美国饲料与草地委员会;明尼苏达州饲料与草地委员会和明尼苏达州大学于1982年2月21日至2月24日在该州联合举行的1982年饲料与草地会议的论文集。全书共收50篇论文。全文(18篇)摘要(32篇)两部分。讨论的内容主要包括下列三方面。 1.青年科学家论文(全文发表),共五篇。主要讨论了干草品质的改良;苜蓿的保存  相似文献   

There are few diseases that instill a comparable sense of doom in the mind of a treating veterinarian as laminitis. There is a feeling of cautious optimism when a horse with laminitis responds favorably to treatment. Although this optimism all too often proves false when treating laminitic patients, management of the patient afflicted with chronic laminitis can be rewarding. Through diligent and careful client communication and instruction, many geriatric patients with chronic laminitis can be maintained for years as comfortable companions, for light riding use, or as productive breeding animals.  相似文献   

Laminitis has been a recognized disease since early Greek and Roman times, but it is still bothering both practitioners and scientists. In the last decade a lot of new fundamental research has been done to elucidate the pathogenesis of laminitis. New insights into the pathogenesis, the predisposing factors (including nutritional overload, endotoxaemia, shock, management, etcetera), clinical and radiological signs, differential diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis of the disease are described. The data, however, are not always in agreement with each other, giving further proof of the complexity of the syndrome.  相似文献   

蹄病是危害奶牛业的三大疾病之一,近年来发病率越来越高,而蹄叶炎作为蹄病的一种,造成奶牛的生产性能明显下降,严重者被淘汰,给奶牛业造成严重的经济损失。牛的蹄病中95%发生存奶牛,欧洲奶牛肢蹄炳发病率为5.5%,其中88%是蹄病。在奶牛的蹄病中,41%的病例是蹄叶炎,  相似文献   

Laminitis is an inflammation of the lamina of hoofed animals. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), laminitis impacts approximately 2% of the horse population each year. Because of the severity of the inflammation and chronic pain, it is frequently necessary to euthanize these horses. Surviving horses may be left useless, with resultant economic and social impact on the industry. Current interventions for laminitis are based on supportive care and alteration of biomechanical forces on the digit. The transition from laminitis to laminar failure (founder) is believed to be caused by the “weight of the horse and the forces of locomotion driving the bone down into the hoof capsule.” We hypothesize that an important factor is the torsional forces placed on the distal phalanx (coffin bone) by the deep digital flexor muscle and tendon. The paralyzing effect of botulinum toxin will result in a decrease of these torsional forces and therefore will aid in the prevention or treatment of the sequelae of laminitis. Seven horses with varying degrees of laminitis were evaluated. Each underwent pretreatment and posttreatment radiographs as well as pretreatment and posttreatment Obel grading. Each horse received botulinum toxin type A injected into the belly of the deep digital flexor muscle. In all cases there was radiographic stabilization of pedal displacement from the dorsal hoof wall. Obel scores showed improvement of 1 to 2 grades during the time monitored.  相似文献   

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