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Serology is currently used for the diagnosis of canine sino-nasal aspergillosis (SNA). However, the accuracy of serological testing using commercially available, standardized purified antigen preparations of Aspergillus (CAPurAspAg) has only been poorly documented. The aim of the present study was to assess the diagnostic value of an agar-gel double immunodiffusion (AGDD) test and an anti-Aspergillus IgG ELISA, using CAPurAspAg and the commercially available Platelia test for the detection of serum galactomannan. Sera from 17 dogs with SNA, 18 dogs with a nasal tumour (NT), 11 dogs with lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis (LPR) and 33 control dogs were tested with the 3 methods. AGDD result was positive in 76.5% of dogs with SNA, whereas all sera from dogs with non-fungal nasal disease and control dogs were negative. A positive IgG ELISA result was obtained in 88% of dogs with SNA and in 18% of dogs with LPR. All patients with NT and control dogs had a negative IgG ELISA result. The Platelia test was positive in 24% of dogs with SNA, 11% of dogs with NT, 9% of dogs with LPR and 24% of control dogs. The results of this study suggest that (1) the detection of serum Aspergillus-specific antibodies with AGDD or ELISA, using CAPurAspAg, provides excellent specificity and good sensitivity, (2) the specificity is higher for AGDD (100%) than for ELISA (96.8%) while sensitivity is higher for ELISA (88.2%) than for AGDD (76.5%) and (3) serum galactomannan quantification with the Plateliat test is unreliable for the diagnosis of canine SNA.  相似文献   

概述了用亲水性或疏水性缓释材料制备的溶液型长效注射剂、用氢化蓖麻油或乙基纤维素等疏水性缓释材料制备的类似于胶体状态的长效注射剂和长效混悬注射剂等几种含阿维菌素类药物(AVMs)的长效注射剂.其中长效混悬注射剂包括AVMs以微粒状态或以载药微粒状态悬浮于制剂中的水悬或油悬注射剂;侧重概述了用AVMs/明胶微球制备的一种具有脉冲式释药的长效注射剂和用AVMs/氢化蓖麻油固体分散体制备的长效注射剂.同时对制剂的组成特点、缓释原理和缓释效果都作了综述和分析.  相似文献   

Pulmonary oedema is a common sign of East Coast fever (ECF, Theileria parva infection) of cattle. A trial was conducted on farms in Uganda to compare a product containing both the antitheilerial compound parvaquone and the diuretic compound frusemide with one containing only parvaquone, in the treatment of ECF. The trial involved 40 clinical cases of ECF, some of them complicated by other infections, in cattle of all ages and on several farms. Confirmed cases were treated with either parvaquone+frusemide (P+F) or parvaquone alone (P). Survival after treatment with P+F was 77% compared with 71% with P. Five of the 10 fatalities were complicated cases. The cure rate for severe but uncomplicated ECF was 89% with P+F and 40% with P. Pulmonary signs were resolved within 24-48 h after treatment with P+F and clinical recovery was noticeably more rapid than with P. The antiparasitic effect of the two treatments was similar. P+F could be particularly useful when reporting, diagnosis or laboratory confirmation of ECF is delayed, because advanced cases are more likely to be encountered under these circumstances.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to define more precisely the role of Ureaplasma organisms in the aetiology of granular vulvovaginitis and balanoposthitis (GVVBP) of cattle. To contribute to this question the frequency and degree of infection with Ureaplasmas in two main groups of cattle was taken into account: (a) in cattle with symptoms of the mentioned disease, (b) in cattle without clinical symptoms. The samples of semen from 301 sires with symptoms of GVVBP and from 43 healthy sires as also vaginal mucus swabs from 96 cows with GVVBP and from 40 cows mated by the sire infected with Ureaplasma organisms and from 50 cows inseminated with semen which contained Ureaplasma organisms were taken for bacteriological examinations. The control group in relation to the above mentioned cows constituted of 22 heifers free from symptoms of GVVBP and neither inseminated nor mated naturally. It has been shown that on an average 78.1% of sires with pathological changes in the mucosa of the penis or prepuce and only 25.6% of healthy sires were infected with Ureaplasma organisms. The concentration of Ureaplasma organisms was also significantly higher in material obtained from sires with symptoms of the disease than in that from healthy animals. Ureaplasma organisms were demonstrated more frequently (72.7%) in cows with GVVBP than in cows without these symptoms (13.3%). Similarly, as in the material obtained from sires, in the material taken from cows with symptoms of the disease the concentration of Ureaplasma organisms was significantly higher than that in the material originating from the healthy cows. The obtained findings may indicate that Ureaplasma organisms play a role in the aetiology of GVVBP.  相似文献   

红三叶种质资源农艺性状的综合评价及聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过变异系数、相关性分析和聚类分析对引进的20份红三叶种质资源进行农艺性状多样性分析。结果表明:各个性状在红三叶居群内具有较大程度的变异,其中,顶生小叶大小变异系数最大,为26.16%。各个性状间均有一定相关性,顶生小叶长度与宽度呈显著正相关,与大小呈极显著正相关,顶生小叶宽度与大小呈极显著正相关。聚类分析表明,20份材料分为3大类群,第1类包括6个居群,其特点是茎长度、顶生小叶长度、小叶宽度、小叶大小和花序直径均高于其他2个居群;第2类包括13个居群,其特点是叶形指数较高;第3类包括1个居群,其特点是植株高大、茎粗,理论牧草产量高。  相似文献   

为探究猪附红细胞体感染特性,进而优化猪附红细胞体小鼠感染模型建立的条件,本试验设计了不同小鼠处理方式感染试验(A试验)、不同病原形式感染试验(B试验)、冻存病原感染试验(C试验)和小鼠模型血液再感染小鼠试验(D试验)。通过对每个试验中各组小鼠血液感染情况、感染首现时间、临床症状和平均感染时间的综合评估,分析不同小鼠处理方式、不同病原形式、冻存病原及小鼠模型血液再感染是否对小鼠模型的建立有影响。通过PCR检测、电镜观察和特异基因片段序列测定,进一步鉴定小鼠模型感染的病原与猪附红细胞体是否一致。结果显示,A试验中,昆明小鼠切除脾脏组感染效果最优;B试验中,猪附红细胞体阳性血液样本组感染效果最优;C试验中,阳性血液未冻存组感染效果优于冻存组;D试验中,猪阳性血液样本组、小鼠模型阳性血液样本组无明显差异。PCR检测、电镜观察和特异基因片段序列测定结果显示,小鼠模型感染的病原与猪附红细胞体一致。结果表明,不同小鼠处理方式、不同病原形式和病原的冻存等条件对猪附红细胞体小鼠感染模型的感染效果均有影响,通过对比,以猪阳性血液感染切除脾脏的昆明小鼠的方式建立小鼠感染模型效果最优。  相似文献   

通过化学成分分析、体外消化率测定,研究了单纯尿素处理、2%尿素与氢氧化钙复合处理对小麦秸营养价值的影响。结果表明,秸秆中氮保留率除受尿素剂量影响外,也直接受氢氧化钙剂量的影响(P<0.01),氢氧化钙剂量大于6%时,氮保留率可达到98%。2%尿素和氢氧化钙复合处理,氢氧化钙为4%时,提高营养价值效果与单纯6%尿素处理相当;氢氧化钙为6%时,效果与4%NaOH处理相当。  相似文献   

本文通过在开花期、灌浆期、乳熟期、蜡熟期、完熟期测定不同位叶的光合速率和生物量,分析种子发育过程中各位叶的光合速率、光合贡献率、叶生物量及含水量、花穗生物量和种子千粒重的变化,研究种子产量与不同发育期不同位叶光合性能的关系。结果表明,1)种子发育过程中,不同位叶的光合速率和光合贡献率均存在显著变化,同一发育期各位叶的光合速率和光合贡献率表现出显著差异。2)不同位叶的叶生物量和含水量随种子发育均发生显著变化,同一位叶在种子发育不同时期的叶生物量和含水量表现出显著差异。3)种子产量与开花期15叶的光合速率和生物量及叶总生物量均呈正相关;与灌浆期第1,3叶光合速率和第1,2叶生物量呈显著正相关(P<0.05);与乳熟期第4,5叶的光合速率及叶生物量为负相关;与蜡熟期、完熟期第1叶光合速率为正相关,与第35叶光合速率为极显著负相关,与第1,2叶生物量呈正相关,与第35叶生物量呈显著负相关。4)种子产量与灌浆期之后的叶总生物量均为负相关,与灌浆期和乳熟期花穗生物量呈负相关,与蜡熟期和完熟期花穗生物量为显著正相关。所以,在营养生长阶段要采取合理栽培措施,促进不同位叶叶片生长和营养累积,为种子发育奠定物质基础,而灌浆期后要注意调控各位叶的生物量和光合速率,着重保护第13叶的完整性与健康度,以提高老芒麦种子产量与千粒重。  相似文献   

赤霉素浓度对苜蓿种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以公农1号紫花苜蓿和呼伦贝尔黄花苜蓿2种苜蓿品种为材料,采用培养皿纸上发芽法,研究不同浓度赤霉素处理(以蒸馏水处理作为对照)对苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:公农1号紫花苜蓿种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、发芽速度以及根长随着赤霉素浓度的增加表现出先增加后降低的趋势,赤霉素浓度为50 mg/L时效果最好;呼伦贝尔黄花苜蓿种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、发芽速度以及根长随着赤霉素浓度的增加表现出逐渐增加的趋势,赤霉素浓度为200 mg/L时效果最好。  相似文献   

本试验选择经产的梅花母鹿240头,随机分成4组,在基础饲粮中分别添加①维生素E粉加无结晶水亚硒酸钠,②维生素E粉加黄芪粉,③维生素E粉加大蒜泥,④空白对照组4处理.试验结果表明,母鹿经药物处理后,情期受胎率较对照组显著提高(P<0.01),但其中①组效果最好.①、②、③组仔鹿出生率和成活率显著提高(P<0.01),而母、子鹿患缺硒病率较对照组明显著降低(P<0.01),分别降低6.67%、11.11%.①、②、③组仔鹿患其他疾病率较对照组也显著降低(P<0.01).  相似文献   

为研究锚定蛋白基因(Ankyrin,ANK)对山羊痘病毒的影响,试验采用融合PCR和Overlap PCR技术扩增山羊痘病毒SS株5个ANK基因(ANK010、ANK138、ANK140、ANK141.2和ANK145)两端侧翼序列和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因,并将其产物连接Trans1-T 1载体构建ANK缺失的转移载体,经过菌液PCR以及质粒双酶切鉴定,阳性重组质粒用Lip 2000转染至已经感染羊痘病毒SS株的羊睾丸原代细胞,依报告基因GFP的表达情况在荧光显微镜下筛选目的基因缺失的重组病毒,同时设立不感染病毒的对照。结果表明:通过融合PCR方法成功扩增山羊痘病毒SS株ANK基因010和138的两端侧翼序列及GFP基因片段,大小约1200 bp;通过Overlap PCR方法成功得到ANK基因140、141.2和145基因的侧翼及GFP基因片段,大小约900 bp,与理论相符。研究成功构建了基因缺失转移载体,将其转染感染SS病毒的细胞中,5个ANK基因缺失的表达载体均可见绿色荧光斑点,说明得到各自基因缺失的重组羊痘病毒。  相似文献   

Background: The optimal treatment for meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown etiology (MUE) remains unknown, despite the widespread use of a variety of immunosuppressive drugs.
Objective/Hypothesis: To compare the efficacy of prednisolone combined with either vincristine and cyclophosphamide (COP group; n = 10) or with cytosine arabinoside (AraC group; n = 9).
Animals: Nineteen dogs with neurological deficits, neuroimaging, and cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities consistent with a diagnosis of MUE.
Methods: Prospective, blinded, and randomized clinical trial. Dogs fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly allocated to receive 1 drug regimen.
Results: Four of 10 dogs in the COP group and 5/9 in the AraC group survived > 12 months but neither the survival time nor the time-to-treatment failure differed between the 2 groups. Treatment with COP resulted in an unacceptable incidence of adverse effects.
Conclusions: The adverse effects of COP make it an unsuitable treatment for MUE. Although survival of animals treated with AraC was broadly similar to that reported in recently published studies describing this treatment, it remains unclear whether it confers any benefit over using prednisolone alone.  相似文献   

沟垄集雨对紫花苜蓿和裸燕麦出苗及土壤贮水量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用沟垄覆膜集雨种植紫花苜蓿和裸燕麦,测定不同沟垄比和不同垄覆盖材料对植物土壤贮水量和出苗数的影响。结果表明,沟中土壤贮水量随沟垄比增加而增加。普通地膜、可降解地膜和自然降水形成的土壤结皮具有减少土壤蒸发的作用,从而提高土壤贮水量。2012年5月7日紫花苜蓿出苗期测定结果显示,普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄种植紫花苜蓿的土壤贮水量比平作分别提高为77,61和38mm。2012年4月27日裸燕麦出苗期测定结果显示,普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄种植裸燕麦的土壤贮水量比平作分别提高102,83和61mm。普通地膜、可降解地膜和土垄处理提高了土壤含水量,从而提高裸燕麦株数;普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄的裸燕麦株数比平作分别提高47,37和11株/m2。但高强度集雨不一定利于紫花苜蓿发芽,平作土壤含水量分布均匀,更有利于紫花苜蓿发芽。  相似文献   

为提高紫花苜蓿青贮饲料的发酵品质,抑制不饱和脂肪酸的损失,以无添加剂为对照,研究了添加剂:苯甲酸钠、酪蛋白酸钠、十六烷酸、糖蜜和丙酸,对紫花苜蓿青贮饲料发酵品质和脂肪酸的影响。青贮65 d后开窖,检测发酵品质指标和各种脂肪酸的含量。结果表明:对照组的pH低于4.50,乳酸含量达到54.25 g·kg-1 DM,丁酸含量低于5.00 g·kg-1 DM,弗氏评分为64.33,具有良好的发酵品质。与青贮前相比,青贮后苜蓿青贮饲料中的亚油酸(C18:2n6)和亚麻酸(C18:3n3)的含量显著增加(P<0.05)。青贮后,与对照组相比,十六烷酸和酪蛋白酸钠添加组分别不显著(P>0.05)和显著地(P<0.05)降低了乳酸含量;酪蛋白酸钠添加组增加了丁酸含量(P<0.05);二者的弗氏评分低于50.00,降低了发酵品质。与此相反,苯甲酸钠、丙酸和糖蜜添加组不同程度地增加了乳酸含量,降低了pH,减少了氨态氮和酸性洗涤纤维的含量,弗氏评分分别为70.33、74.33和67.67,进一步提高了青贮发酵品质。与对照相比,苯甲酸钠和丙酸添加组不同程度地增加了C18:2n6或C18:3n3的含量,而糖蜜添加组降低了C18:2n6和C18:3n3的含量(P<0.05)。综上所述,丙酸和苯甲酸钠适宜于作为青贮添加剂生产优质紫花苜蓿青贮饲料。  相似文献   

Background: Hyperthyroidism complicates the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) as it increases glomerular filtration rate. No practical and reliable means for identifying those cats that will develop azotemia after treatment for hyperthyroidism has been identified. Hyperthyroidism is associated with proteinuria. Proteinuria has been correlated with decreased survival of cats with CKD and with progression of CKD. Hypothesis: Proteinuria and other clinical parameters measured at diagnosis of hyperthyroidism will be associated with the development of azotemia and survival time. Animals: Three hundred client owned hyperthyroid cats treated in first opinion practice. Methods: Retrospective, cohort study relating clinical parameters in hyperthyroid cats at diagnosis to the development of azotemia within 240 days of diagnosis and survival time (all cause mortality). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors that were predictive of the development of azotemia. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with survival. Results: Three hundred cats were eligible for survival analysis and 216 cats for analysis of factors associated with the development of azotemia. The median survival time was 417 days, and 15.3% (41/268) cats developed azotemia within 240 days of diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Plasma concentrations of urea and creatinine were positively correlated with the development of azotemia. Plasma globulin concentration was negatively correlated with the development of azotemia. Age, urine protein : creatinine ratio, and the presence of hypertension were significantly correlated with decreased survival time. Urine specific gravity and PCV were significantly correlated with increased survival time. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The proteinuria associated with hyperthyroidism is not a mediator of progression of CKD; however, it does correlate with all cause mortality.  相似文献   

本试验以甜菜渣为主要青贮原料,研究均添加20%(占鲜重)粉碎稻秸、粉碎玉米秸、豆荚和麸皮作为吸收剂对甜菜渣青贮品质的影响,甜菜渣直接青贮为对照组。结果表明,在发酵品质方面:各组pH值组间差异不显著(P0.05);所有处理组的氨态氮含量比甜菜渣组低,且与甜菜渣组均差异极显著(P0.01);各个处理组的乳酸含量和乙酸含量差异显著(P0.05);各处理组可降低丁酸的含量,尤其是稻秸组和豆荚组,未检测到丁酸含量。而在营养价值方面:各处理组可以较多的保存可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量,各处理组达到极显著(P0.01);同时各处理组还能较好的保留干物质,干物质损失率的组间差异显著(P0.01)。综合青贮品质和经济方面考虑,本试验中20%(占鲜重)的粉碎稻秸与甜菜渣青贮效果最好,其次是添加20%(占鲜重)的豆荚、麸皮和粉碎玉米秸。  相似文献   

《农学概论》课程是非农学专业学生学习和了解农业生产的基础性课程。该课程内容涵盖面广、素材丰富。如何在有限的时间内增加教学信息量和改善教学效果,是任课教师不断追求和研究的方向。以多媒体技术为辅助手段进行农学概论教学,有增加教学信息量,教学内容更加直观;调动学生积极性,提高教学质量;利于知识的交流、共享等诸多优点。但在应用的过程中也应注意教学准备和教师角色的重要性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is a common disease in cats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) have beneficial effects in humans with CRI by reducing the loss of protein in the urine and increasing life expectancy. HYPOTHESIS: The ACEI benazepril has beneficial effects on survival, clinical variables, or both as compared with placebo in cats with CRI. ANIMALS: 61 cats with naturally occurring CRI. METHODS: The cats were enrolled into a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Cats received placebo or 0.5-1 mg/kg benazepril once daily for up to 6 months. RESULTS: Urine protein/urine creatinine ratios were significantly (P < .05) lower with benazepril as compared with placebo at days 120 and 180. Three cats with placebo and 1 cat with benazepril were removed prematurely from the study because of deterioration of CRI or death. Cats were classified into 4 stages of CRI according to the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) classification scheme. Incidence rates of cats with IRIS classification stage 2 or stage 3 that remained in stage 2 or 3 without progressing to stage 4 were higher with benazepril (93 +/- 5%) as compared with placebo (73 +/- 13%). CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: These results suggest a potential for benazepril to delay the progression of disease, extend survival time, or both in cats with CRI.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Caudal descent of the larynx has been proposed to be associated with intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) as it leads to a loss of the seal between the epiglottis and soft palate but further investigation of this theory is required. Objectives: To evaluate laryngohyoid position of horses with persistent DDSP in comparison to horses with intermittent DDSP and evaluate the outcome of treatment. Hypotheses: Horses with persistent DDSP have a different laryngohyoid position compared to those with intermittent DDSP. Horses with persistent DDSP can be returned successfully to racing with a laryngeal tie‐forward procedure. Methods: Medical records of 15 racehorses presented for persistent DDSP between 2002 and 2007 were reviewed. Age, sex and breed matched horses diagnosed with intermittent DDSP were used as a comparison group. Treatment of all horses was performed by laryngeal tie‐forward, 8/15 horses with persistent DDSP had a subsequent laser staphylectomy. Preoperative laryngohyoid position was compared between the 2 groups using a radiographic reference system. Surgical effect on position was assessed by comparing pre‐ and post operative radiographic measurements. Outcome was assessed by return to racing and comparison of pre‐ and post operative race earnings ($). Results: Thirteen of 15 horses with persistent DDSP returned to racing. Seven of 15 horses were treated with laryngeal tie‐forward alone while 8/15 horses were also treated with a laser staphylectomy. Horses with persistent DDSP had a more caudal larynx (ossification of the thyroid cartilage) (13 mm, P = 0.014), a more caudal (10 mm, P = 0.044) and dorsal (7 mm, P = 0.01) basihyoid bone, and a more dorsal thyrohyoid‐thyroid articulation (10 mm, P = 0.002) than horses with intermittent DDSP. Conclusions and potential relevance: Racehorses with persistent DDSP can be treated successfully by laryngeal tie‐forward or by laryngeal tie‐forward followed by laser staphylectomy. Horses with persistent DDSP have a more caudal larynx and more caudal and dorsal basihyoid bone than horses with intermittent DDSP.  相似文献   

In order to explore the infection characteristics of Mycoplasma suis(M.suis), and optimize the establishment of infection model of M.suis,this research designed the infection test with different mice (A test), different pathogen forms (B test), frozen pathogens (C test), and studied on mice model of blood reinfection (D test). On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of each test in the blood of mice infection, the first infection time, the clinical symptoms and the average duration of infection, to analyze whether the different treatments and different pathogenic mice forms, cryopreservation of pathogen and the mouse model of blood infection had influence on the establishment of mouse model. PCR detection, electron microscope observation and specific gene fragment sequencing were used to determine whether the pathogen of mice infected with the model was consistent with that of M.suis. The results showed that the infection effect of the spleen group was the best in the A test. In the B test, the infection effect of the M.suis positive blood samples group was the best. In the C test, the infection effect of the non-frozen positive blood group was better than that of the cryopreserved group. In the D test, the positive model of pig blood samples and mice model positive blood group had no significant difference. The results of PCR detection, electron microscope observation and specific gene fragment sequencing showed that the pathogen of mouse model was identical with that of M.suis. The results showed that the infection condition of the mice infected with the mouse model was influenced by the different treatment of the mice, the different forms of pathogens and the cryopreservation of the pathogen,and the model of Kunming mice without spleen infected with M.suis positive blood samples was the best.  相似文献   

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