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This article describes the lower limb and hoof conformation of a population of semi-feral Mongolian horses living on an open tundra/steppe environment. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 120 Mongolian horses used in the 2011 Mongolian Derby. Digital images of the hooves were obtained, and the lower limb conformation was assessed by four veterinarians involved in the screening of the horses offered for the derby. The horses were predominantly geldings (96%, 100/104), approximately 8.6 ± 2.5 years old, and 137 ± 8 cm at the withers. None of the horses were subjected to routine hoof trimming. Based on a 7-point linear score, lower limb conformation was normal, with a trend (>1 linear score deviation) slightly toward carpal valgus, mildly offset cannon (third metacarpal), and valgus at the matacarpophalangeal joint. Hoof measurements were within the norm for horses of this size. Fetlock valgus was associated with a smaller hoof width:length ratio (P = .016). None of the other hoof measurements were significantly associated with abnormal conformation scores. Overall, few conformation abnormalities were observed, and hoof shape and size was within the normal expected range for horses of this size. The hoof conformation in this population of Mongolian horses represented the natural interaction of the hoof with the environment.  相似文献   



Proximal phalanges in horses are among bones that are most prone to injuries. So far, the detailed analysis of densitometric and geometric parameters of both front legs proximal phalanges in horses has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the densitometric and geometric parameters between proximal phalanges in equine both front legs with the use of peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT).


The study material comprised isolated both front legs proximal phalanges derived from 22 horses. The structure analysis of the proximal phalanges was conducted with the pQCT. The following bone parameters were determined: bone mineral content, volumetric bone mineral density, total bone area, trabecular area, cortical area, cortical thickness, periosteal circumference, endocortical circumference, Strength Strain Index. Tomographic analysis of proximal phalanges was conducted at three levels: at 15%, 50% and 85% of the bone length.


The statistical analysis showed that both the densitometric and geometric parameters of the bone at 50% and 85% of its length, did not present any statistically significant differences for the left or right proximal phalanges of the forelimb. At the same time, all examined parameters measured at 15% of the bone length, in the vicinity of the proximal metaphysis revealed significant statistical differences between both front legs proximal phalanges.


The proximal phalanx parameters in the forelimbs are significantly different for the left and right proximal phalanx at 15% of the length and they indicate higher Strength Strain Index of the left bone in this location. The densitometric and geometric parameters of the bone at 50% and 85% of its length, did not present any statistically significant differences for the left or right proximal phalanges of the left and right forelimbs. The most serious changes caused by asymmetrical load of the thoracic limbs in horses occur near the proximal metaphysis, where the spongious substance is most abundant. This may happen because the metabolism of the spongious bone tissue is eight times faster compared to the compact bone tissue. Thus, any changes, including those caused by asymmetrical strain exerted on the right and left thoracic limbs, are the earliest to be observed.  相似文献   

A three-week-old warmblood colt was referred for a two-week history of lameness on the left thoracic limb, and a two-month-old Quarter Horse–mix filly was referred for malaligned pelvic limbs since birth. The foals were diagnosed with agenesis and dysgenesis of the navicular bone, respectively. In this report, we present clinical signs, diagnostics, and postmortem workup of the two cases.  相似文献   

Kinematic variables of the walk in adult horses have been well described in the literature, but few studies have investigated growth-associated changes in these parameters. The objective of this study was to quantify linear and temporal walk patterns in Warmblood foals during the preweaning growth period. Nine foals were videotaped at the walk at 3, 11, and 21 weeks of age. Repeated-measures analyses were used to compare trait means between age groups. No significant effects owing to gender were found. Although stride length and stride duration increased as foals aged, neither differed across age groups when adjusted for wither height or velocity. Most kinematic variables did not differ across age groups when adjusted for Froude number. Overstride distance decreased by more than 40% in a linear manner from 3 to 21 weeks, and had an inverse relationship with distance between diagonal limbs during stance phase. Diagonal stance duration was greater than lateral stance duration for all age groups, indicating foals did not achieve an even, four-beat rhythm by the end of the study period. Changes in walk kinematics over time were independent of differences in velocity and increasing height during growth, and may indicate the need to account for body length or other morphometrics when assessing gait parameters in growing animals. Further research is needed during postweaning growth to determine when kinematic variables become consistent with those of adult horses.  相似文献   

Racehorses in New Zealand predominantly train counter clockwise. This training pattern has been associated with between forelimb differences in bone mineral density profile and asymmetrical limb loading after training. At present, there is limited data on the hoof conformation of these racehorses. Distal forelimb and digital hoof conformation data were collected from 75 Thoroughbred racehorses (2–5 years old) from two training yards. Digital conformation was subjectively graded, and multiple hoof measurements were made with a modified tire gauge (sole and sulci depth) and from digital photographs. All the horses were shod by two registered master farriers within a median of 15 (interquartile range [IQR], 1–25) days before measurement. There were few distal limb conformation abnormalities scored. Most (62/75) horses presented with some deviation from normal hoof parameters, with 2 (IQR, 1–3) abnormalities reported per horse. The most common hoof abnormality was uneven sulci, which was identified in 43 horses and 59 affected hooves, followed by higher medial hoof wall height in 38 horses and 53 affected hooves. Many of the linear and hoof angle measurements and their ratios were within the bounds reported within the literature and indicative of a balanced foot. The length and width measurements increased with horse age. The dorsal hoof wall (DHW) length:heel length ratios were consistently less than 3:1, and the absolute difference between toe and heel angle was generally greater than 5°. Between limb hoof variation was identified for a number of the morphologic measurements including frog length and sole length and the ratio of sole width:sole length. Flat feet (lack of concave solar surface) were identified in 21/75 (28%) horses and in 28/150 (19%) forelimb hoofs. More horses had a flat left foot (10/75) than right foot (4/75), but seven horses had both feet classified as being flat. Flat feet had 2.4 (1.1–5.6, P = .036) greater odds of presenting with uneven sulci. These data indicate that uneven sulci depth and flatter hooves with may be a typical presentation of Thoroughbred feet. Asymmetry in measurements between limb may reflect the greater loading of the left forelimb when race training counter clockwise.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the correlation between hoof surface temperature and ultrasonographic measurements of digital blood vessels in horses and to evaluate the measurements' potential as predictors for clinical lameness. Twelve 3-year-old American Quarter Horses, 6 geldings and 6 mares, with average initial body weight of 459 ± 31 kg were used. On days 0, 30, 60, and 90 of the study, horses were weighed and subjected to clinical lameness examinations. Doppler ultrasonography was used to measure diameter of the medial palmar artery in the distal left forelimb and velocity of blood flow through that artery, starting at 60 minutes after morning feeding and repeated at 30-minute intervals. Temperature measurements on the hoof were collected at 15-minute intervals beginning 75 minutes after feeding, using a digital thermographic camera. A series of bivariate linear mixed models were fitted to estimate the correlation between Doppler and temperature measurements. The within-horse and between-horse correlations between hoof surface temperature and velocity of blood flow in the distal limb through the medial palmar artery was estimated at 0.40 (P > .50) and 0.99 (P < .001), respectively. These results indicate that at the horse level, the correlation between hoof temperature and velocity of blood flow in the distal limb was very high but that the within-horse correlation was not significantly different from 0. Velocity of blood flow at 60 minutes after feeding improved model fit to the lameness data, so it was included as a model predictor for lameness.  相似文献   

This study describes ultrasound (US) technique and reference images of the equine distal interphalangeal joint collateral ligaments (CLs), and evaluates the portion of the CLs assessable by US in a series of normal forelimbs. Transverse and longitudinal US images were obtained on five healthy horses and on 25 equine cadaver forelimbs. On six limbs, a needle was placed under US-guidance at the distal limit of visualization of each CL, and the portion of CL visible at US was evaluated on computed tomographic (CT) images. The normal CLs appear as oval structures located abaxial to the fossae of the middle phalanx in the transverse sections, obtained at the level of the coronary band. A centrodorsal hypoechoic image appears with increasing proximodistal probe inclination, demonstrating different fiber orientations within the ligament. Two main fascicles, a deep and a superficial, distally divergent, are visible on longitudinal images obtained in the central part of the ligament. The proportion of CL visible at US examination was more than 50% of the total ligament length in nine of the 12 CLs assessed by CT. Awareness of the estimated portion of distal interphalangeal joint CLs visible at US and detailed knowledge of the US technique and CLs morphology are essential to efficiently use US examination on clinical cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nonsurgical management of type II fractures of the distal phalanx in Standardbred horses. DESIGN: Retrospective study of 48 affected horses. RESULTS: Most fractures occurred on the lateral palmar process of the left forelimb or the medial palmar process of the right forelimb; 81% of horses were considered sound enough to return to training and 63% raced. Of those returning to racing, 41% competed in > 10 races, 37% in 2 to 10 races and 22% in only 1 race. There was no difference in performance before and after fracture. Twenty-four of 25 horses had a bar shoe fitted for > 50% of the treatment phase. Of those horses returning to training without a bar shoe, 89% refractured at the same site. Sixty percent of horses returning to training with a bar shoe raced successfully. The total convalescent time, the time rested in a box and the time spelled in a paddock were similar for horses returning to racing and those that did not. The age of the horse had no effect on the ability to return to racing. CONCLUSION: The prognosis for type II fractures of the distal phalanx is guarded. It is advisable to fit a bar shoe on the horse during convalescence. Horses returning to training and racing with a bar shoe appear less likely to refracture the distal phalanx. Those horses that return to racing can perform at a level similar to that prior to fracture.  相似文献   

Distal limb wounds are frequent in horses after traumatic events. The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) represents a simple method of treating wounds in equines. A case of a chronic severely contaminated distal limb wound in an 8-month-old foal is presented. The patient was managed with the combination of standard wound therapy (debridement and bandages), surgery, and PRP obtained by a manual tube protocol. No complications were observed with the PRP treatment, and the foal was fully recovered 2 months later. The results from this case report indicate that PRP and its by-products (platelet-poor plasma) could be used as an adjunctive treatment in severe distal limb wounds in horses. A clinical controlled study should be performed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in outbreaks of neuropathogenic equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in the United States and Europe. However, the presence and frequency of neuropathogenic EHV-1 in Turkish horses are not known at present. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of EHV-1 and neuropathogenic strains of EHV-1 in the Marmara Region of Turkey. Samples were analyzed for the presence of EHV-1 and neuropathogenic EHV-1 by real-time PCR TaqMan probe assays. Overall detection rate of EHV-1 was 45.5% (51 of 112). The detection rates were 70.5% (24 of 34) in aborted fetuses, 53.3% (8 of 15) in neonatal deads, 66.6% (4 of 6) in foals, 40% (2 of 5) in dead mares, and 25% (13 of 52) in living mares. Overall detection rate of neuropathogenic EHV-1 was 7.8% (4 of 51), and the real-time PCR results were confirmed by sequencing. Neuropathogenic strains of EHV-1 were detected in the brain and lung of two mares with neurological disease but without a history of abortion, in the brain of a foal that died of respiratory disorder, and in the nasal swab from a mare with a history of abortion. On histopathology, nonpurulent meningoencephalitis, hemorrhages, and vasculitis were seen in the brain. In conclusion, results of this study indicated, for the first time, that the neuropathogenic EHV-1 is circulating in the Marmara Region of Turkey. The results of this study also show that the current risk for non-neuropathogenic strains is high, whereas risk for the neuropathogenic EHV-1-G2254 strain seems to be low. As outbreaks of EHV-1 continue in the Marmara region of Turkey, surveillance for neuropathogenic EHV-1 genotype should be maintained.  相似文献   



Real‐time, quantitative PCR (qPCR) methods for detecting Rhodococcus equi in feces have been developed as a noninvasive, rapid diagnostic test for R. equi pneumonia, but have not been evaluated in a large population of foals.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical utility of fecal PCR as a diagnostic test for R. equi pneumonia in foals using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) methods.


186 foals born in 2011 at an R. equi‐endemic ranch in Texas.


Fecal samples were collected at the time of onset of clinical signs for pneumonic foals (n = 31). Foals with pneumonia were matched by age and birth date to healthy (n = 31) and subclinical (n = 124) control foals; fecal samples were collected from these controls. DNA was extracted from feces using commercial kits and concentration of virulent R. equi in feces was determined by qPCR.


Concentration of R. equi in feces differed significantly (P < .05) among groups. The area under the ROC curve for fecal qPCR for diagnosis of R. equi pneumonia was 89% (95% CI, 83–99), with a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 72%.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

qPCR of feces can be useful as an alternative to tracheobronchial aspiration for the diagnosis of R. equi in foals with clinical signs of pneumonia. Caution should be used in extrapolating results of this study to other populations because fecal concentration of R. equi might vary by geographic location or management practices.  相似文献   

No case series exists in the literature describing palmar/plantar process fractures (PPFs) of the distal phalanx in a nonracehorse population. We aim to describe the distribution of these injuries, together with their clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic features. In a retrospective case study, horses were selected based on radiographic evidence of a PPF. Data were collected relating to clinical and lameness examination, radiography, scintigraphy, management and follow‐up information. Oblique and flexed oblique radiographic views of the distal phalanx are the most sensitive in detecting PPFs of the distal phalanx and this study concluded that fractures of palmar or plantar process are likely to be missed in horses showing mild lameness if oblique radiographic views of the palmar process are not included.  相似文献   

Dual photon absorptiometry (DPA) is a valid method for bone mineral content (BMC) evaluation, but there are no reports on the use of this technology in in vivo studies in the horse. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the changes of BMC of the third metacarpal bone (MC3) in vivo in foals during their first year of life using DPA. The BMC of the MC3 of 41 Quarter Horse foals was evaluated every 4 weeks during their first year of life by DPA using a bienergetic Gadolinium-153 (153Gd) source. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of an in vivo study of BMC in foals using DPA by means of a bienergetic 153Gd source. The results demonstrated a positive correlation of age, heart girth, and withers height with BMC of the MC3 independent of gender and an exponential behavior of the BMC increment along the first year of life. There was an effect of weaning associated with change in diet and stall confinement on BMC in foals weaned at age 17 weeks, but not in foals weaned at age between 19 and 24 weeks.  相似文献   

Establishing the osteoarticular status of the horse is often performed by means of radiological screening of the animals. Widespread blood sampling could reveal to be an interesting alternative to this procedure which is time consuming and sometimes technically difficult. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the radiological status of the horses and the levels of biochemical markers of cartilage degradation and synovial inflammation. A specific radiological scoring and classification system was therefore developed and applied on 63 stallions presented for studbook admission. Additionally, groups of horses were established according to the occurrence of osteochondrosis, degenerative joint disease and distal interphalangeal joint effusion. Insulin growth factor-I, myeloperoxidases, Coll2-1 and Coll2-1NO2 were used as blood markers. The combination of the blood parameters did not seem to correlate with the used scoring system. Coll2-1NO2 levels however tended to increase with poorer radiological class and this could therefore potentially be a useful predictor of the osteoarticular status in the horse. Coll2-1 levels were significantly higher in the degenerative joint disease group. A high percentage of horses with distal interphalangeal joint effusion was present in this study and was associated with decreased IGF-I and increased Coll2-1 levels.  相似文献   

旨在评估普通T形骨板内固定治疗玩具犬桡尺骨远端骨折的临床效果及并发症。回顾了在中国农业大学动物医院采用开放式复位和普通T形骨板内固定治疗桡尺骨远端骨折的玩具犬的病历记录,并对这些病例进行回访。入选病例满足:体重不超过7 kg;骨折位置位于前臂远端(远端骨段与桡骨长度比值<0.25);回访时间>12个月;病例信息记录完整。结果表明:共纳入29只犬的29例桡尺骨远端骨折,26例(89.7%)术后无跛行,3例(10.3%)术后勉强可见跛行。未发生严重并发症,轻微并发症的发生率是20.7%(n=6)。普通T形骨板内固定能有效治疗玩具犬桡尺骨远端骨折,临床效果良好,无严重并发症。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of transportation on the serum concentrations of the cardiac biomarkers troponin I (cTnI) and creatine kinase-myocardial band (CK-MB) and on cortisol and lactate in horses. For this purpose, 10 horses were transported for 300 km. Blood samples were collected 24 hours before transport (T0), just before transport (T1), during transport at 50 km (T2), 100 km (T3), 200 km (T4), and 300 km (T5). An additional blood sample (T6) was collected 24 hours after transport. The median resting basal cTnI values in the horses were at T0, 0.000 ± 0.007 ng/mL and at T1, 0.01 ± 0.007 ng/mL. The median resting basal CK-MB values in the horses were at T0, 0.19 ± 0.05 ng/mL and at T1, 0.16 ± 0.05 ng/mL. Statistical analyses showed no significant differences of cTnI and CK-MB among the measured values (T0–T6). On the other side, the cortisol and lactate concentrations increased significantly (P < .01) at T2, T3, T3, and T4 compared with the resting values at T0. At T6, cortisol and lactate concentrations had returned to pretransport values, with no statistically significant differences compared with pretransport concentrations. In conclusion, the 300-km transportation of the horses did not influence the levels of the cardiac biomarkers, cTnI and CK-MB. The serum concentrations of cortisol and lactate, on the other side, increased significantly. The possible influence of transportation for longer distances or under more stressful conditions (higher temperature or in horses not used for transportation) on cTnI and CK-MB concentrations needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Diagnostic analgesia of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint is theoretically helpful to localize the source of pain in the foot to the joint and/or navicular bursa. However, it has been suggested that potential diffusion of local anesthetic agent to nearby distal limb nerves may anesthetize other areas of the foot. The objective of this study was to compare the results of palmar digital (PD) and abaxial sesamoid (AS) nerve blocks to intra-articular anesthesia of the DIP joint in horses with distal forelimb lameness. Palmar digital nerve block (group 1) or PD and AS nerve blocks (group 2) were used to abolish digital pain in 22 horses. The following day lameness was again evaluated in all horses before and 2, 5, and 10 minutes after DIP joint anesthesia. All lameness evaluations were performed objectively with a body-mounted inertial sensor system (Lameness locator; Equinosis LLC, Columbia, MO). In group 1 horses, overall improvement in group lameness was the same after DIP joint block, but only six showed positive response after DIP joint analgesia, five after 2 minutes, and one after 5 minutes. In group 2 horses, overall improvement in lameness was less after DIP joint block, with seven showing a positive response after DIP joint analgesia, one after 2 minutes, four after 5 minutes, and two after 10 minutes. Intra-articular analgesia of the DIP joint and perineural analgesia of the digit result in overlapping but unequal areas of analgesia. In addition, a time-dependent response was observed after DIP joint block with full effect requiring 5–10 minutes.  相似文献   

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