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本研究旨在通过检测不同储存条件下林可霉素(LIN)、四环素(TET)、土霉素(TER)和多西环素(DOX)的残留量分析其在生鲜乳中的储存稳定性,包括储存温度和时间,复温温度、冻融次数和添加防腐剂等。试验结果显示,生鲜乳中LIN、TET、TER和DOX在相同的储存温度条件下,储存时间越长,稳定性越低;在相同的储存时间条件下,储存温度越高,稳定性越低;复温温度对这四种抗生素稳定性影响不显著;冻融次数越多,稳定性越低;LIN在添加防腐剂条件下稳定性较好;TET在添加重铬酸钾和甲醛条件下稳定性较差;TER和DOX在添加硫氰酸钠、叠氮钠、重铬酸钾、溴硝丙二醇和甲醛条件下稳定性均较差。本研究探讨了牛奶安全监测工作中LIN、TET、TER和DOX的最佳储存条件,为确保监测结果的准确性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Background: Pentoxifylline (PTX) possesses a number of vasomotor, immunomodulatory, and hemorheologic properties. Based upon the hypothesis that equine laminitis and navicular disease result from microthrombosis, the inhibitory effects of PTX on inflammatory cytokines, and its inhibitory effects on human platelet aggregation, PTX has been widely used to treat equine endotoxemia, navicular disease, and laminitis. Despite this, the effects of PTX on equine platelet aggregation have not been investigated previously. Hypothesis: PTX decreases platelet aggregation in equine whole blood at concentrations approximating those achieved in horses given clinically relevant doses of PTX. Animals: Seven healthy adult horses from a research herd. Methods: Whole blood impedance aggregometry using whole equine blood incubated with varying concentrations of PTX. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen were used to initiate aggregation. Results: The onset time of collagen‐induced equine platelet aggregation was significantly shortened by PTX. The maximum slope of resistance change (dR/dt) and total resistance change of collagen‐induced platelet aggregation were unaffected by PTX. No effects of PTX on ADP‐induced onset time of aggregation, dR/dt, or total resistance change were observed. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Our hypothesis is not supported by the results. PTX hastens the onset of collagen‐induced platelet aggregation in equine whole blood, but has no effect on the rate of collagen‐induced aggregation. PTX does not affect ADP‐dependent equine platelet aggregation. Given these findings, PTX may not be a reasonable therapeutic option to decrease platelet aggregation in horses.  相似文献   

杨超  李宛姝  黄丹  戎郁萍 《草地学报》2016,24(2):251-257
以草木樨(Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb)种子为试验材料,研究贮藏温度和含水量对种子活力指标的影响。结果表明:贮藏温度和含水量对草木樨种子发芽率、电导率、可溶性糖和丙二醛含量均有极显著性影响(P < 0.01),温度和含水量的交互作用对草木樨种子的发芽率、电导率、可溶性糖含量同样具有极显著性影响(P < 0.01)。随着草木樨种子含水量和贮藏温度的增加,发芽率均先增加后降低,含水量为10%,贮藏温度为4℃的草木樨种子发芽率最高,含水量为12%,贮藏温度为20℃时发芽率降为0;随着含水量和贮藏温度的增加,电导率和可溶性糖含量均先降低后增加,含水量为12%,贮藏温度为20℃时二者均达到最大值;丙二醛含量随着含水量增加而显著降低,随着贮藏温度的增加而显著增加。相关分析表明,草木樨种子的发芽率与电导率和可溶性糖含量均呈极显著的负线性相关(P < 0.01)。综合各项活力指标,草木樨种子的最适宜贮藏温度为4℃,最适宜含水量为10%。  相似文献   

贮藏条件对苜蓿叶蛋白功能性酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苜蓿为原料,采用酸碱法沉淀叶蛋白凝聚物。冷冻干燥后,分析叶蛋白中常规营养成分的含量和氨基酸组成,以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的含量;得到的苜蓿叶蛋白分别在常温、4℃、-20℃、-40℃条件下储藏,在2周、4周、8周、12周时取样,分析超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性在储藏过程中的变化。结果表明:苜蓿叶蛋白中常规营养成分的含量远高于日常食品,各种氨基酸种类齐全;苜蓿叶蛋白中含有丰富的SOD和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶;低温对SOD和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的酶活性保存率保存效果最好。  相似文献   

Whole-blood platelet aggregation and adenosine triphosphate secretion were measured in 15 dogs with untreated multicentric lymphoma and 10 normal control dogs to determine if dogs with lymphoma have altered platelet function. Dogs with quantitative platelet disorders (ie, thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis) or with clinical evidence of a bleeding disorder were excluded from the study. Platelets from affected dogs had significantly greater maximum aggregation than those from control dogs, suggesting that platelets from dogs with lymphoma are hyperactive. Platelet hyperactivity may play a role in the development of hemostatic disorders (eg, disseminated intravascular coagulation) or in tumor metastasis. Further investigation is needed to determine if modification of platelet function in patients with lymphoma affects disease progression or outcome.  相似文献   

Da Silva  M. Bastos  Gustin  P.  Herion  F.  Raskinet  R.  David  J.-L.  Gougnard  T.  Plomteux  G.  Desmecht  D.  Lekeux  P. 《Veterinary research communications》1997,21(7):521-531
The in vivo ability of the specific PAF-antagonist WEB 2086, a thienotriazolodiazepine, to inhibit platelet-activating factor (PAF) in cattle was investigated by in vitro determination of platelet aggregation curves. WEB 2086 was infused intravenously into a group of 5 healthy male Friesian calves in a dose of 3 mg/kg over 1 min. The resultant inhibition peaked between 30 min and 1 h after administration of WEB 2086. The inhibition was significantly reduced after 3 h and became non-significant after 6 h, but maximal pre-treatment aggregation had not been restored by 24 h after the injection of WEB 2086. These results confirm previous results obtained in vitro and suggest that WEB 2086 is a potent antagonist of PAF activity in calves. They also suggest that further clinical studies with WEB 2086 in cattle are desirable.  相似文献   

为了探究不同保鲜剂处理对火龙果保鲜的影响,以红肉火龙果为试验材料,研究了乙醇、咪鲜胺、二氧化氯处理对火龙果贮藏期生理、营养指标及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,与对照组相比,三种保鲜剂(乙醇、咪鲜胺、二氧化氯)均能显著地抑制贮藏期果实失重率、腐烂率、丙二醛、相对电导率的增加,延缓可溶性固形物、还原糖、可滴定酸、VC含量的降低,提高POD和SOD酶的活性,延缓果实的衰老的进程。综合比较,二氧化氯的保鲜效果要明显好于乙醇和咪鲜胺,能够显著延缓果实衰老,较好地保持贮藏期果实的品质。因此,二氧化氯保鲜剂对火龙果保鲜效果最好。  相似文献   

为探讨不同砧木对接穗生长的影响,以赤霞珠不同砧穗组合为试材,通过测定不同组合地上部枝条生长、营养状况,结果表明:组合CS685/110R、 CS685/140Ru砧木、接穗粗度较大;组合CS685/SO4一年生枝条的节位长度、粗度最大;组合CS685/110R一年生枝条成熟度较好;不同砧穗组合的贮藏营养以组合CS685/5BB游离氨基酸、全氮含量最高,CS685/SO4 、CS685/1103P可溶性糖含量、全磷较高, CS685/140Ru淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量较高;组合CS685/110R、CS685/SO4枝条中全钾含量较高。  相似文献   

In this study, six horses each had three subcutaneous tissue chambers. Each horse was pretreated with intravenous saline (control), cimetidine, or aminoguanidine with a 4-week washout period. On day 0, a carrageenan (NaCl inflamed) was instilled in 1 tissue chamber. Blood and all tissue chamber fluids were sampled on days -1 to 3 and measured for activity levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1, and IL-6. The Tmax for all cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6) was 0.5 and 1 day post-inflammation in tissue chamber fluid. In the tissue chamber fluid, NaCl inflamed (NaCl-I), cimetidine, and aminoguanidine groups showed significant increases in IL-1 production. In the NaCl-I and cimetidine, tissue chamber fluid IL-6 was significantly increased when compared with NaCl noninflamed (NaCl-N) for the periods of study -1 to 1, -1 to 2, and -1 to 3. The cimetidine tissue chamber fluid [TCF] appeared to have a delayed, but greater, IL-6 response than the NaCl-I treatment. Even with cimetidine and aminoguanidine pretreatment, the resulting decrease in NO production demonstrated in our previously reported results in these same animals appeared to be too late to decrease the early cytokine response. However, it may assist in preventing the subsequent NO-induced upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine production.  相似文献   

Abstract— Alopecia universalis was diagnosed in a 3-year-old brown Percheron mare. Clinical and histo-pathologic findings in this previously unreported condition in the horse are described.  相似文献   

 采集封盖野坝子蜜,分装后分设阳光照射、室温见光、室温避光、冷藏和冷冻等5种条件下贮存,并分别于第1、5、10、15、20、30、60和90 d ,采用分光光度法测定蜂蜜中淀粉酶活性。结果显示,新鲜的封盖野坝子蜜淀粉酶活性为(20.848±1.121) U/g,在不同的贮存条件下贮存三个月,,阳光照射组、室温见光组、室温避光组和冷藏组的淀粉酶活性显示出相似的变化规律,即先上升后下降;冷冻组淀粉酶活性下降不显著(P>0.05)。五种贮存条件对淀粉酶活性的影响由小到大依次为冷冻、冷藏、室温避光、室温见光和阳光照射,表明蜂蜜的最佳贮存条件为冷冻保存,冷藏保存应控制在3个月以内为宜.  相似文献   

为明确贮藏时间对饲用燕麦种子中寄藏真菌和真菌毒素的影响,本研究通过平板培养法、形态学观察和rDNA-ITS序列分析法,对3个燕麦(Avena sativa)品种种子携带的真菌进行了分离鉴定;通过高效液相色谱质谱联用法对优势菌属产生的毒性较强的3种真菌毒素细交链孢酮酸(TeA)、黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)和桔青霉素(CIT)进行了检测和分析。结果表明:饲用燕麦种子的带菌量随贮藏时间的增加总体呈降低趋势。从供试材料中共检出真菌16属34种,优势属为链格孢菌属、曲霉菌属和青霉菌属;带菌种类和分离率随贮藏年限的变化差异显著,不同品种的带菌情况也差异显著;3种真菌毒素随贮藏年限的延长基本呈先升后降的趋势,贮藏年限和品种间的互作对毒素含量的影响最大。综上,贮藏时间对饲用燕麦种子的带菌情况和真菌毒素检出量影响显著。  相似文献   

对国庆1号温州蜜柑(Citrus unshiu cv. Guoqing No. 1)果实进行常温贮藏、低温贮藏(4ºC)和留树保鲜,50 d后比较果皮和果皮中活性氧成分[过氧化氢(H2O2)和超氧阴离子自由基(O2.–)]含量、抗氧化剂[还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、还原型抗坏血酸(ASC)、可溶性蛋白]含量、抗氧化酶[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT活性)]活性以及丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果显示,低温贮藏(4ºC)和留树保鲜都提高了果肉SOD和CAT活性,果皮和果肉可溶性蛋白含量以及果皮ASC含量和果肉GSH含量,同时也降低了果肉H2O2以及果皮和果肉O2.–和MDA含量,导致果实硬度显著升高。其中,留树保鲜对果皮抗氧化性能的效应明显优于低温贮藏。  相似文献   

Shoulder injury is an uncommon cause of lameness in horses. Trauma to the shoulder region may produce bone and soft-tissue damage. The present study describes the case of a severe left shoulder injury caused by blunt trauma in a 6-year-old gelding. Clinical and ultrasonographic examination revealed fracture of the supraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula and of the lesser tubercle of the humerus with fiber disruption and hematoma of the biceps brachii, bicipital bursitis, and suprascapular nerve damage. The gelding was successfully treated with three intralesional injections of autologous platelet concentrates administered at 2-week intervals. Although all these combined injuries took a minimum of 18 to 24 months for full recovery, the gelding reached full recuperation of the affected limb in 10 months. These results suggest that injections of autologous platelet concentrate could provide a therapeutic benefit in the treatment of shoulder bone fractures and soft-tissue injuries in horses.  相似文献   

Among other factors (eg, feed), bedding material has an important effect on stable air quality with respect to airborne particle formation. This study was designed to establish which material is suited to create an improved stable environment for horses. First, the following materials were analyzed under standardized conditions in a laboratory experiment: wheat straw, dry wood shavings, hemp shives, linen shives, wheat straw pellets, paper cuttings (unprinted newspaper). The second investigation was carried out under in situ conditions in which three of these bedding materials (wheat straw, wood shavings, and straw pellets) were analyzed under practical conditions. In both experiments, airborne particle concentrations were detected online with the gravimetrically measuring analyzer TEOM 1400a (Rupprecht & Patashnick Co., Franklin, MA). In the laboratory experiment, the TEOM was equipped successively with different inlets to measure the particle fractions PM1, PM2.5, PM10, and PM20. During the in situ experiment, only the fraction PM10 was detected. In the laboratory experiment, hemp and linen had the highest generation of airborne particles in all fractions. The lowest particle generation was detected with straw pellets. Results of the in situ investigation supported results of the laboratory experiment with respect to mean particle generation of straw pellets. With an average of 111.2 ± 149.2 μg/m3, it was significantly lower than the mean particle generation of wheat straw with 227.5 ± 280.8 μg/m3. The particle generation of wood shavings had an average of 140.9 ± 141.9 μg/m3 and also was significantly lower than the generation by wheat straw. An activity-correlated variation of particle concentrations was found. In conclusion, taking both experiments into consideration, straw pellets seemed to be suitable for horse stables, to promote an improvement in the stable climate in relation to airborne particle formation.  相似文献   

Brucella preferentially infects cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. However, some epidemiological surveys have been carried out to investigate nonruminants, such as horses. Horse brucellosis has been found in clinical cases, but there are few epidemiologic patterns. Between May 2008 and April 2009, a total of 120 horses were screened for brucella infections in Mashhad, Iran, by the rose bengal test and the tube agglutination test. Sera from three horses were found positive by rose bengal test and tube agglutination test, and therefore the prevalence rate was 2.5%. In horses, the highest individual seroprevalence was in an animal kept close under the intensive system, with other animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats. The zoonotic aspects of brucellosis from the horse must, therefore, be considered because the disease is important from a public health standpoint. The present study documents the first serological evidence of Brucella spp. infection in horses in Iran.  相似文献   

This case report describes an 11-year-old Appaloosa gelding that was examined because of yellow–orange tinting of the skin of the muzzle, eyelids, sheath, anus, and perianal region without discoloration of the sclera or mucus membranes. The horse was reported to preferentially eat dandelions which were plentiful in the pasture. Physical examination was normal, except for the discolored skin. A serum chemistry panel was normal. Carotenodermia was suspected. Serum carotenoid concentrations were higher in the affected horse as compared with concentrations in two horses with depigmented skin of normal color that were on grass pasture in the same geographic area. The horse remained systemically healthy and the abnormal skin color had almost disappeared when he was examined 7 weeks later. Carotenodermia can occur in horses and can be differentiated from jaundice because the sclera remains unaffected. Veterinarians should be aware that the condition is benign and spontaneously resolves after stopping carotenoid intake.  相似文献   

Bedding material is an important factor in determining stable air quality in terms of ammonia formation. The objective of this study was to analyze different bedding materials used for horse stables under standardized conditions, to determine which material is best suited for improving the climate of a stable. The particular concern was a reduction in gaseous ammonia concentrations. Therefore, the following materials were examined: wheat straw, wood shavings, hemp shives, linen shives, wheat straw pellets, and paper cuttings. Twelve containers were constructed in an environmentally controlled room, and the same material was placed into two containers, with the amount of material used being determined by its carbon content. A defined ratio of horse manure/urine mixture was added daily to each container over a period of 14 days. The concentrations of gaseous ammonia, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and water vapor were measured continuously above the bedding within the containers. Means of gaseous ammonia were found to be 178.0 mg/m3 for wheat straw, 155.2 mg/m3 for wood shavings, 144.6 mg/m3 for hemp, 133.7 mg/m3 for linen, 60.3 mg/m3 for straw pellets, and 162.6 mg/m3 for paper cuttings. In conclusion, the results of this study have shown that straw pellets are suitable for horse stables, not only to improve air quality but also, first and foremost, in relation to ammonia binding and ammonia transformation within the bedding material, respectively. However, straw pellets may also have disadvantages. The high substrate temperatures that were measured in straw pellets could favor the growth of pathologic germs that can adversely affect animals' health.  相似文献   

本文跟踪研究了婴幼儿配方奶粉(简称“婴配粉”)中脂溶性维生素D3在贮藏过程中稳定性的变化。试验方法:将3 种婴配粉经氢氧化钾乙醇溶液皂化、提取、净化、浓缩后,用正相高效液相色谱柱制备,反相C18高效液相色谱柱分离,经紫外检测器检测,外标法定量检测。试验结果:婴配粉称样量为10.0 g,定容体积为2 mL时,方法检出限为0.303 μg/100 g,方法定量限为0.909 μg/100 g。在此范围内线性回归方程Y=3.3608X+0.0388,此时R2=0.9991。结论婴配粉中维生素D3的含量在常温和阴凉干燥环境下受到的影响较小;在低温和高温条件下随贮藏时间延长,脂溶性维生素D3因温度分解含量减少。  相似文献   

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