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Abstract Artificially hatched and reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), from three natural populations were released into an experimental stream. Two of the populations were from lakes and the third population was from a river. Post-stocking dispersal was studied by recapturing fish in traps and by electric fishing after each of the stocking exercises. On all three occasions the first fish to be recaptured were caught in a trap about 400 m downstream from the release site, within 5–12 min of release. Proportions of stocked grayling juveniles recaptured by electric fishing in the fast-flowing section of the experimental stream (the rapids) were 9.9%, 46.7% and 16.6% after the first, second and third stocking, respectively. No significant population-specific difference was found between fish caught in the downstream trap and fish recaptured in the rapids. The uppermost part of the rapids (stretch 1) and the catch in the upstream trap was dominated by fish of riverine origin. Post-stocking migration was influenced by sex but not by body size. Females showed a greater propensity to stay in the rapids compared with males. Implications of the results for stocking grayling in natural streams and regulated rivers are discussed.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared, juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were each stocked six times into an area of a semi-natural stream. The order in which the two species were released was switched after every second experimental stocking. Temporal and spatial post-stocking dispersal, effects of previously stocked species, feeding behaviour and the influences of sex and size were studied. During each 48-h experimental release period, some fish were recaptured in a trap situated 200 m downstream from the stocking site, and fish remaining in the stream after each experimental release were caught by electric fishing. Significantly more grayling than trout moved downstream and left the semi-natural stream. Proportions of stocked grayling recaptured in the trap within 2 h and from 2 to 48 h post stocking in the stream were 36.4% and 10.0%, respectively. Corresponding recapture rates for brown trout were both 1.5%. Most of the grayling and brown trout that did not leave the stream early were recaptured in deep, slow-moving water at low velocities in the release area. The presence of grayling at the time that the brown trout were stocked resulted in significantly fewer brown trout staying in the upper part of the stream. Within 48 h of their release, 33.3% and 22.8% of the grayling and brown trout, respectively, had eaten natural food items. The mean length of brown trout recaptured in the upper part of the stocking area was significantly lower than that of fish recaptured in the lower part and in the trap. Among brown trout, males showed a significantly greater propensity to eat and to stay in the upper part of the stream near the stocking site compared with females . Brown trout with natural food items in their stomachs had significantly lower mean length than trout without such items. No sex- or size-related differences were found in the spatial distribution or feeding activity of grayling.  相似文献   

Movement and recaptures of two hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocks and landlocked salmon, Salmo salar L., released at different sites in regulated Lake Oulujärvi, were studied in relation to release site. Five groups of fish from each stock were released in approximately equal numbers. Most of the fish released in June and July were recaptured within 3 months, whereas the majority of the fish released in early winter (October and November) were caught the following spring, about 7–9 months after stocking. The release site had a significant effect on recapture rate. The results showed that fishing restrictions targeted mainly at gill net fishing are needed to preserve the stocked fish from overfishing. Significantly fewer recaptures were observed from the landlocked salmon stocking compared with brown trout. The recaptures from the landlocked salmon stocking indicated more active movement and less clumping compared with the two brown trout stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract  Koi carp is an ornamental variant of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., that was introduced to New Zealand in the 1960s and has since become a major aquatic pest. A total of 1265 wild adult koi carp were caught by boat electric fishing, dart tagged and released at multiple sites in the lower Waikato River and associated lakes and wetlands between September 2002 and February 2005. Subsequent recaptures by boat electric fishing and recreational fishing returned 76 koi carp (6% of all tagged fish). Of these, 85% were recaptured less than 5 km from their release site; only one fish moved more than 50 km. On seven occasions, pairs or small groups of koi carp (20% of all tag returns) that had previously been tagged and released at the same locations and times were subsequently recaptured together after considerable periods of time at liberty (mean 551 days ± 419 SD). Adult koi carp in the Waikato River showed a high degree of site fidelity, exhibited prolonged social groupings and females moved downstream more often than males.  相似文献   

During 1985-88, a total of 17500 under-yearling (0+) brown trout. salmo trutta L., were released in Låktabäcken Creek in Swedish Lapland. Of these, 15500 had been reared in a pond adjacent to the creek during their first summer, where they fed on natural prey. The other 2000 were conventionally reared hatchery fish fed dry food pellets. All fish were released in the autumn (size 6O-70mm) at the confluence of the pond outlet and the creek. Electrofishing revealed that the stocked fish gradually spread downstream from the point of release at the expense of the resident wild trout population. In 1989, stocked fish accounted for 70-90% and 30-50% of the trout population in the upper and lower stretches of the creek respectively. No long-term changes in total trout densities or standing crop occurred as a result of stocking. First-year survival of fish released in the creek varied between 15 and 30% over the 4 years. After 3 years, 5% of the stocked fish remained in the creek. Planted fish grew less rapidly than wild fish during the first year in the creek. Pond fish had a higher survival rate than hatchery fish and showed a greater propensity to disperse from the point of release.  相似文献   

One-year-old hatchery brown trout, Salmo trutta L., ( n  = 16 520) from a sea-run, local brood stock were marked and released (scatter-planted) into the River Laisälven in northern Sweden. Eight different groups were created using Alcian blue and Visible Implant Elastomer tags. Half the fish were kept in small enclosures in four stocking areas for 6 days before release. The other half were released just after transportation. To evaluate the effect of acclimatization on post-stocking performance, the areas were electric fished 2 months later. During the electric fishing survey, a higher number of the acclimatized hatchery fish were recaptured than those released immediately. The growth rate of stocked fish differed significantly between stocking areas and fish held in enclosures grew more than those released directly. The rate of recapture of hatchery fish varied between stocking areas (6.4–17.4%). Movements of juveniles within and between the stocking areas were low, and only 3.6% of the recaptured fish were found in an area not originally stocked. These results showed that acclimatization of fish before release increases the number and size at recapture within a stocking area.  相似文献   

Abstract  Individually tagged farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were released from fish farms in simulated escapes in Scotland ( n  =   678) and Norway ( n  =   597) to compare migratory behaviour and dispersal. Large fish (510–870 mm fork length) were released to simulate the escape of aquaculture growers. Fish were released in spring and all recaptures of tagged fish were reported during summer and autumn of the year of release. Recapture rates were respectively 7.0 and 0.6% of the salmon released in Norway and Scotland, indicating a higher mortality or a lower exploitation or reporting rate for Scottish fish. Recaptures of Norwegian fish were all from Norway and mostly within 150 km of the release site; 64% were taken by anglers in fresh water. By contrast, the three salmon recaptured from the release in Scotland were reported from Norway (Hardangerfjord and Lofoten) and western Sweden (River Göta); two detached tags were found on beaches in Scotland north of the release site. These findings establish the capacity for long distance dispersal among escapees from aquaculture facilities and suggest a net easterly bias in long distance dispersal of salmon escaping from Scottish fish farms.  相似文献   

The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch and release in eight Norwegian rivers, 10% were captured twice, while 3% were captured three times within the same fishing season. The probability that released salmon were captured again decreased with decreasing time left of the fishing season, decreased for larger‐sized fish and varied among rivers/years. Increased exploitation rates within the river, indicating an increased fishing pressure, strongly increased the probability that fish would be recaptured. However, the proportion of salmon caught a second time was much lower than the total exploitation rates in the same rivers (which was on average 46%). For fish tagged in the sea, the likelihood of being angled decreased with time since entering the river, which may explain why the recapture rates of caught and released fish were lower than the total exploitation rates.  相似文献   

Over 3 years, 32,444 age‐0 group Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr tagged with passive integrated transponder tags throughout the River Frome catchment were assigned to one of three groups, nonmigrants, autumn migrants and spring smolts, depending on the detection and the timing of detection at downstream tag readers (situated 8.6 km above the tidal limit). We examined the effect of density at the time of tagging (n·m?2), distance upstream from the tidal limit (km), fish length (mm), Fulton condition index, habitat type (divided into two types, main river and carrier), days after 1 September that each fish was tagged and year (replication) on the proportions of fish in each of the migration groups. Distance upstream from tidal limit was strongly negatively related to the proportion of autumn migrants and positively related to the proportion of spring smolts. Nonmigrants had a lower average body size than migrants, although there were no differences in the sizes of autumn migrants and spring smolts in September prior to migration. Fish density had no effect on migration strategy. A lower proportion of fish migrated as autumn migrants from the smaller carrier habitats than the main river channel. There is some evidence that those parr destined to become autumn migrants underwent a lower mortality rate during September before tagging than those destined to become spring migrants indicating possible physiological or behavioural differences between these two groups of fish at that time. More research into the factors responsible for initiating the autumn migration is required.  相似文献   

The trout fishery at Draycote Water was investigated during the 1980 fishing season. Fish stocked were batch-marked according to the date of introduction by freeze branding, and catch data were obtained by the cooperation of anglers. Population estimates were made at the end of the fishing season using gill nets and mark-recapture techniques. Of the 32,960 marked brown and rainbow trout stocked, 69.8% were caught and declared by anglers. Returns of rainbow trout were better (78.1%) than those of brown trout (44.2%). Over 90% of all fish caught were taken within 45 days of stocking. Catch per unit effort fluctuated widely but was closely associated with stockings of fish. Catchability (Q) of stocked fish was found to diminish rapidly with time after stocking. At the end of the fishing season the estimated population of marked trout was 4045 (2 × SE = 250), compared with a theoretical number (stock less total catch) of 10,802, giving a mean daily apparent natural mortality, made up of the true natural mortality plus the undeclared catch, of 1.36%.  相似文献   

The River Dalälven Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., population has been maintained by stocking reared fish since the early 1920s. Initially, all rearing was carried out at one hatchery, but since the late 1980s two have been used. Both hatcheries are situated 9–10 km from the river mouth but some 600 m apart. All broodfish were caught in a single fish trap situated some 700 m upstream of the upper hatchery. The salmon smolts were released just below the water outlets of each hatchery, respectively. About 2% of the released smolts from each hatchery were tagged annually with Carlin tags. Total recapture rates were higher for smolts from the lower hatchery. A higher proportion of recaptured fish was reported from the home river for salmon from the upper hatchery. The migration within the river to the fish trap was more precise for fish from the upper station. Strays were very late in the season and of a higher number from the lower hatchery. Observations of jumping salmon by the outlet from the lower station indicated that salmon returned to that point. The lower recaptures in the trap were considered a result of a shorter river migration of salmon from the lower hatchery.  相似文献   

Weirs and traps were used to monitor the movement of two strains of stocked brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Within 24 h of stocking, 15% ( n  = 13) of a Danish strain and 21% ( n  = 19) of a hybrid strain moved at least 100 m from their release site. In the following 5–6 days, no further movement was found for Danish fish, but hybrid fish continued to move, totaling 32% ( n  = 29) of the fish stocked. During this same period, 36 wild brown trout (≈ 3.5% of the population) were captured, moving over the weirs. Two weeks later, and one week after a flood, 70% ( n  = 59) of the Danish strain were recovered within their release sites and 89% ( n  = 76) were recovered during an electric fishing survey within the 3.5-km-long experimental area. In contrast, 43% ( n  = 31) of the hybrid strain were recaptured in their release sites and 49% ( n  = 45) within the experimental area. The total recapture of wild adult fish was only 16% ( n  = 41). The flooding event was insignificant in comparison with strain-specific behaviours in determining patterns of movement and residency.Austria, brown trout, floods, movement, stocking.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two groups of 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., one pond-reared and one hatchery-reared (fish length 32-80mm), were released in eight small streams in three different areas of Norway between 1984 and 1987. Hatchery and pond fish were reared at different sites, but releases were made both near the rearing site and in the home area of the other group. A total of 2550 fish were recaptured by electrofishing the year after stocking. We found great variations in the recapture rates of pond and hatchery fish in one stream between years, and between streams in different areas the same year. These results indicate that the rearing method is not essential to the recapture rate. Both pond and hatchery fish generally had higher recapture rates in streams near their rearing site than in the distant areas. Thus factors associated with transportation seem to influence the survival of stocked fish. The results also indicate that size at stocking may be an important factor for the recapture rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to collect information on angling procedures and the effects of hook and release on Atlantic salmon in the River Alta, northern Norway, covering both grilse and multi-sea-winter salmon in a non-artificial setting with real anglers. Information on the angling procedure, handling of the fish and the condition of the fish at release was collected for individual salmon in catch logs (n=543, mean body length 82 cm), whereas physiological stress was studied in a sub-sample (n=15, mean body length 77 cm). To study post-release behaviour, survival and recapture rates, salmon were tagged with radio transmitters (n=30, mean body length 83 cm) and anchor T-tags (n=353, mean body length 79 cm). To evaluate the effects of the hook and release programme on the salmon population, number of spawning redds were recorded from a helicopter in 6 years during 1989–2000.

The results showed that at water temperatures 10.0–14.5 °C, a high proportion of the radio tagged salmon (97%) survived hook and release and stayed in known spawning areas during the spawning period. However, the behaviour after release seemed to be affected by hook and release. Only a small proportion (4%) of the anchor T-tagged salmon was caught more than once within the same season. Increased playing time, increased number of runs during the angling event, hooking in the throat, bleeding at the hook wound, increased handling time, air exposure and water temperature were factors that affected hooked and released Atlantic salmon negatively, either indicated by a poor condition at release, increased stress levels or unnatural behaviour after release. Number of spawning redds were more than doubled after the introduction of compulsory release of all angled salmon in Sautso (the upper 16% of the watershed inhabited by salmon) in 1998, which indicates that hook and release can be an effective management tool to enhance declining Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

Abstract  Recaptures of adult, hatchery-reared, brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and fishing time from anglers were used to evaluate the benefits of stocking programmes with repeated releases of adult brown trout. The recapture rate varied between 17% and 29%. The time between stocking and capture (referred to as residence time) varied between 1 and 160 days (median 3–49 days). Between 67% and 84% of trout caught in the river were recently released fish. Fishing effort increased after stocking, thereby increasing the impact of angling on wild stocks. Stocking with adult brown trout decreases the impact of angling on wild trout only if the time spent fishing by all anglers is kept stable. Furthermore, because of the short residence time of stocked trout, long-term impacts through competition for space and food, or genetic impact through introgression, are limited.  相似文献   

Salmon from different locations in a watershed can have different life histories. It is often unclear to what extent this variation is a response to the current environmental conditions an individual experiences as opposed to local‐scale genetic adaptation or the environment experienced early in development. We used a mark–recapture transplant experiment in the Shasta River, CA, to test whether life‐history traits of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha varied among locations, and whether individuals could adopt a new life history upon encountering new habitat type. The Shasta River, a Klamath River tributary, has two Chinook salmon spawning and juvenile rearing areas, a lower basin canyon (river km 0–12) and upper basin spring complex (river km 40–56), characterised by dramatically different in‐stream habitats. In 2012 and 2013, we created three experimental groups: (i) fish caught, tagged and released in the upper basin; (ii) fish caught at the river mouth (confluence with the Klamath River, river km 0), tagged and released in the upper basin; and (iii) fish caught at the river mouth, tagged and released in the lower basin. Fish released in the upper basin outmigrated later and at a larger size than those released in the lower basin. The traits of fish transplanted to the upper basin were similar to fish originating in the upper basin. Chinook salmon juvenile life‐history traits reflected habitat conditions fish experienced rather than those where they originated, indicating that habitat modification or transportation to new habitats can rapidly alter the life‐history composition of populations.  相似文献   

In this study, 221 two‐year‐old hatchery‐reared salmon, Salmo salar, smolts were tagged with radio transmitters over a period of three consecutive years and released in the river in groups of 20–21 fish in various dates between late April and early June. Tagged smolts were tracked during their downstream migration in the lower 36‐km stretch of the regulated River Oulujoki, with the focus on the effects of release date, water temperature and river flow on migration behaviour and survival. The results indicate that release timing and river temperature have profound effects on the initiation of migration, swimming speed and survival of released S. salar smolts. Smolts released early in the spring in cold waters ceased migration after brief downstream movement and were vulnerable to predation, whereas the migration speed and survival rates increased markedly for smolts released later in the spring.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared brown trout Salmo trutta L. (length 23–26 cm) were stocked in the Afon Taf, South Wales. The effects of ‘spot-’ and ‘scatter-planting’ and of stocking at 1 and 4 weeks prior to the start of the angling season were investigated. Data on the percentage recapture and post-stocking movements of the trout were obtained from tag returns. Higher percentage recaptures were recorded for ‘spot-plantings’ (65% and 31%) than for ‘scatter-planting’ (16%). Stockings made 1 week before the start of the angling season yielded better returns (17.1%) than those made 3 weeks earlier (2.2%). Neither ‘spot-’ nor ‘scatter-planting’ resulted in stocked fish contributing to the catch for an appreciably longer period of time. The majority of trout stocked were caught in the area of stocking irrespective of the method or time of planting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of growing marketable channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, from pond-run fingerlings (15.9 g/fish) using low stocking densities (7,413 or 14,826 fish/ha) and electrified bug lights to enhance natural forage available to fish. Even at low stocking densities, fish only averaged 0.2 kg at the end of the growing season. Because marketable sizes of fish were not reached over the growing season, stocking small fingerlings at these rates would not be practical under most commercial production scenarios. Nutritionally, captured insects from electrified bug lights were near a complete diet for catfish, but bug lights did not capture sufficient quantities of insects to affect fish production in either stocking density. Stocking small fingerlings at low stocking rates does not produce market‐sized catfish during one growing season; commercially available bug lights did not provide adequate amounts of natural forage to affect production variables.  相似文献   

Abstract  Selective opening of the Patea hydroelectric dam spillway gates was examined for its potential to provide safe downstream passage for sexually mature (silver) eels in New Zealand. During autumn 2000, one of the spillway gates at the 82-m high Patea Dam was opened for 2.5 h and a large fyke net set across the river about 1.5 km below the dam. Fifty one live endemic longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii (Gray), 60 live shortfin eels Anguilla australis (Richardson), and eight dead shortfin eels were captured. All but three of the eels caught were downstream migrants, and aside from the dead eel, only a small portion (5%) had external signs of injury. It was likely that the majority of the eels captured passed over the spillway, but some may have originated from the section of river between the dam and the net or gone through the turbines. To further test the ability of eels to survive passage over the spillway, three controlled spills were made in autumn 2001 and 102 eels released immediately upstream of the partially opened spillway gates. A net stretched across the base of the concrete spillway was used to recover the eels. Most of the eels recovered from the spillway had low levels of injury. However, during the third controlled spill, 10 wild migrant eels were also caught with none showing any external signs of injury. This indicated that the damage noted on the recovered eels were the result of handling rather than passage over the spillway. It was concluded that selective opening of hydroelectric dam spillway gates can provide safe downstream passage for migrant eels.  相似文献   

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